This thread is not about Dovey!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.
I'm gonna end up posting muh tax returns because I really really really want some mnetally unstable crossdressing circus freak like blurt believing that I am financially successful

The importance is paramount

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.
As if you're even smart enough to figure that out Private Potatoe Head. LOL PPWWNN33DD!!

Did they teach you that women can have a penis in the navy?
Of course. It's like their number one drill


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
Income tax on welfare and maws handouts?
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.
I'm gonna end up posting muh tax returns because I really really really want some mnetally unstable crossdressing circus freak like blurt believing that I am financially successful

The importance is paramount

Income tax returns for welfare and maws handouts? Why bother Stubby?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
They don't give tax credits to child rapists who keep their underage victims tied to a stove in some costa rica hovel

just saying


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Why would I "donate
Because you use the site and BF has a monthly bill. You don't believe in donating to entertainment that you use everyday? I guess you feel entitled?...Doesn't surprise me ya cheap bitch :)

Flynn feels entitled to other peoples BODIES. No shit the stupid retard feels entitled to rage spam on a site all day that everyone else has donated too.

I feel entitled to let you know you're a stupid fuck that doesn't know the first thing about shit. It's already been proven you make up falsehoods and then cry about how EVERYONE picks on you, because you've done nothing and EVERYONE is just bullying you for no good reason.

Perhaps, the "Small business oligarchy" can give you a scholarship to your local community college and you can work towards your G.E.D.?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Breakfall is trying to get Big to go fuck up Poofer!!


You know what? Yeah! Big go avenge me!!! Lol. You got enough bail money and no one will care enough to help him press charges lol
He'd be 911ing while writing "help" in shit squirts into his tighty whiteys the second I arrived
Think outside the box. All you Americans have been getting way too soft. Is it the pansy politics?

Trust me the guy is a total hapless spazz. He already did his worst when he called my j and made me have to quit for fear of ongoing stalking at work.

We are also sure that fucknut called my husbands job. He had weird phones of someone who called up there asking who my husbands "bosses" were. :LOL3:

And they didnt use my husband whole name. It was his nick that only I and his family and friends use. WONDER who is was?! Lol.

Its VERY bizzare someone would call there, ask who my husbands "bosses" were and use his short name.

Right around the time that fuck head Flynn was melting down raging about how my husband used the computer at his work(he works at a hospital) to "track down" Poofers ex wife. So I'm sure they were gonna try to "report" my husband for using hospital info to get someones contact info.

Which isnt possible....its different states, different systems and its retarded as fuck. It wouldnt have worked at ALL.

But you see how giddy this worthless fucking psycho gets when he thinks he found a way to get me into some sort of trouble or bad situation. He gets all matter how stupid and retarded it is.
Honestly…sort him out. You have all his details.

My husband wanted to MURDER him when he started his stalky harrassy petty vengeful shit.

He really WAS gonna go over there.

It's the most pissed I've ever seen him. Kinda scared me a bit

But your "husband" wasn't "pissed" about you cheating on him??

Sounds like another bullshit story of yours.

To you, idiot. It "sounds like bullshit" to you because you are a fucking retard.

Also you are too stupid to notice you are the only one who has had the misfortune of reading this MASTER TROLL CONTENT and getting invested and not understanding what occurred.


Is that what gives that pathetic fucking moron the most narcissistic validation?

Go with it and be at peace, fucktard.

More lies.

You're a proven headcase that threw her fucked up marriage down the toilet because you'd rather put the forums ahead of your dysfunctional family. Also, you try to get validation through your many diatribes while sounding like someone who doesn't know the first thing about politics or the English language.

You make up words and organizations because YOU think it'll make you sound smarter than you really are, and your so-called forum friends are either too stupid or afraid to correct your idiot ass on your glaring mistakes when it comes to you tooting your own horn when it comes to anything scholarly.

You've been called out on your transparent crappolla, but your dipshit blinders keep getting in the way. If you actually listened to certain people, you might actually learn something, so you weren't the laughing stock of the forum.

As far as "Go in peace" goes, I don't think so. I think I'll continue dropkicking you and your little cunts to the moon when I see fit. If you don't like it, maybe you can contact the "Small business oligarchy" for assistance.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Sure pal, and you also don't molest your own daughter.



Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm gonna end up posting muh tax returns because I really really really want some mnetally unstable crossdressing circus freak like blurt believing that I am financially successful

The importance is paramount

With any luck, you'll be able to stand on a pile of your tax returns to reach the cookie jar.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.

I'll handle this.

Here is a copy of how much my husband hates me


He wants to leave me so bad. What's a broke ass slut like me to do?

Anyone want a grilled cheese?

pOaSt pROoFs.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

Have you ever beat a woman, yes or no? Don't lie.
No! End of! Not once have I ever said anything like the thing but if I did ever hit a woman she'd fucking deserve it and I'd most certainly tell people here ALL about it! :Happy5:

So, in your mind there is a time and place for beating a woman?
Lokmar will choke a bitch out! You got a bitch that needs choked the fuk out?

You must be talking about your daughter again.
As if I could get confused regarding my idiot ex wife on psych meds that cries about her miserable life all the time. She might be good for you tho. Help you pry yourself away from lickin Poofs nutsack all day.

I'm sure her life was "miserable," right up until she left you. Then you had to prey on your daughter.
And I'm sure you two loons could have an even more miserable life together. Sounds like a match. Our daughter is just fine, thanks. Now go back to suckin Poof's nuts, faggit. Maybe you can help him get over Dovey if you suck just right! PWN3D!

You sound annoyed. Are you still missing your penis that you said fell off?
Its hanging out here with me. We were just having a good LOL @ what a faggit YUO're'r! PWN3D!

It's hanging out with you? No. We're not talking about your daughter sitting on your lap while you're naked.
That doesnt even make sense, brother fuckin grammar nazi.

Makes perfect sense, incest king.
Makes no sense, brother humper.

I can't hear you daughter humper.
You heard me brother fucker.

Take your face out of your daughter's crotch first.
Now my neck is 6 million feet long? Flynnbecile is an apt name for you. Now swivel your chair around and suck Poofs nut sack some more.

Well. I'm sure with your 375, 000 pennies anything is possible!

Now continue licking your daughter's anus, as you're missing a "cawk."

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm gonna end up posting muh tax returns because I really really really want some mnetally unstable crossdressing circus freak like blurt believing that I am financially successful

The importance is paramount

With any luck, you'll be able to stand on a pile of your tax returns to reach the cookie jar.
With any luck the doctor will snip off the wrong head during your gender reassignment surgery you boring mentally ill spaz


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.

So you don't REALL GAF but youve been running around like some dork bragging about your 375,00 pennies for the last 2 days? But now you don't GAF what anyone thinks???

Makes sense!!!!

Sounds like one of Dovey's fairytales.

You may now continue buttfucking your own daughter.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Breakfall is trying to get Big to go fuck up Poofer!!


You know what? Yeah! Big go avenge me!!! Lol. You got enough bail money and no one will care enough to help him press charges lol
He'd be 911ing while writing "help" in shit squirts into his tighty whiteys the second I arrived
Think outside the box. All you Americans have been getting way too soft. Is it the pansy politics?

Trust me the guy is a total hapless spazz. He already did his worst when he called my j and made me have to quit for fear of ongoing stalking at work.

We are also sure that fucknut called my husbands job. He had weird phones of someone who called up there asking who my husbands "bosses" were. :LOL3:

And they didnt use my husband whole name. It was his nick that only I and his family and friends use. WONDER who is was?! Lol.

Its VERY bizzare someone would call there, ask who my husbands "bosses" were and use his short name.

Right around the time that fuck head Flynn was melting down raging about how my husband used the computer at his work(he works at a hospital) to "track down" Poofers ex wife. So I'm sure they were gonna try to "report" my husband for using hospital info to get someones contact info.

Which isnt possible....its different states, different systems and its retarded as fuck. It wouldnt have worked at ALL.

But you see how giddy this worthless fucking psycho gets when he thinks he found a way to get me into some sort of trouble or bad situation. He gets all matter how stupid and retarded it is.
Honestly…sort him out. You have all his details.

My husband wanted to MURDER him when he started his stalky harrassy petty vengeful shit.

He really WAS gonna go over there.

It's the most pissed I've ever seen him. Kinda scared me a bit

But your "husband" wasn't "pissed" about you cheating on him??

Sounds like another bullshit story of yours.

To you, idiot. It "sounds like bullshit" to you because you are a fucking retard.

Also you are too stupid to notice you are the only one who has had the misfortune of reading this MASTER TROLL CONTENT and getting invested and not understanding what occurred.


Is that what gives that pathetic fucking moron the most narcissistic validation?

Go with it and be at peace, fucktard.

More lies.

You're a proven headcase


Omg IM a HEADCASE?! And a PROVEN one?!

Psycho fuck head Flynn posted ITS SETTLED bahahaha

So basically Flynn is gonna rage spam indefinitely because the unhinged retard feels entitled to other peoples bodies AND relationships. And will rage and rant for years thinking he is punishing you :LOL3:

Fucking stupid retard.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.
As if you're even smart enough to figure that out Private Potatoe Head. LOL PPWWNN33DD!!

Did they teach you that women can have a penis in the navy?

You probably stole admin's picture, but he's too nice to say anything.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.

So you don't REALL GAF but youve been running around like some dork bragging about your 375,00 pennies for the last 2 days? But now you don't GAF what anyone thinks???

Makes sense!!!!

Sounds like one of Dovey's fairytales.

You may now continue buttfucking your own daughter.

So what you are saying is that YOU are really emotionally and mentally invested in what you blather on a forum

And we all already know that :LOL3:


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm gonna end up posting muh tax returns because I really really really want some mnetally unstable crossdressing circus freak like blurt believing that I am financially successful

The importance is paramount

With any luck, you'll be able to stand on a pile of your tax returns to reach the cookie jar.
With any luck the doctor will snip off the wrong head during your gender reassignment surgery you boring mentally ill spaz

Spaz: someone who loses physical or emotional control.

You need to tighten your suspenders, Biggies.

Your emotional flab is jiggling all over the place.

You're like a barrel of potato salad in a straightjacket or a fidget spinner in a hurricane.



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.

I'll handle this.

Here is a copy of how much my husband hates me


He wants to leave me so bad. What's a broke ass slut like me to do?

Anyone want a grilled cheese?

pOaSt pROoFs.

That's from another dude off another forum. Like you can actually fool anyone anymore. Your kids hate you, your husband hates you and so does the English language.

Thank you for proving me right on how the forums really are your life.

Now. Can anyone join the "Small business oligarchy" or is it only open to those woth a 5th grade education only?


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.

I'll handle this.

Here is a copy of how much my husband hates me


He wants to leave me so bad. What's a broke ass slut like me to do?

Anyone want a grilled cheese?

pOaSt pROoFs.

I can’t unsee this now :LOL3:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I'm gonna end up posting muh tax returns because I really really really want some mnetally unstable crossdressing circus freak like blurt believing that I am financially successful

The importance is paramount

With any luck, you'll be able to stand on a pile of your tax returns to reach the cookie jar.
With any luck the doctor will snip off the wrong head during your gender reassignment surgery you boring mentally ill spaz

Spaz: someone who loses physical or emotional control.

You need to tighten your suspenders, Biggies.

Your emotional flab is jiggling all over the place.

You're like a barrel of potato salad in a straightjacket or a fidget spinner in a hurricane.

you mad, circus freak?


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.

I'll handle this.

Here is a copy of how much my husband hates me


He wants to leave me so bad. What's a broke ass slut like me to do?

Anyone want a grilled cheese?

pOaSt pROoFs.

I can’t unsee this now :LOL3:

I live with this :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Breakfall is trying to get Big to go fuck up Poofer!!


You know what? Yeah! Big go avenge me!!! Lol. You got enough bail money and no one will care enough to help him press charges lol
He'd be 911ing while writing "help" in shit squirts into his tighty whiteys the second I arrived
Think outside the box. All you Americans have been getting way too soft. Is it the pansy politics?

Trust me the guy is a total hapless spazz. He already did his worst when he called my j and made me have to quit for fear of ongoing stalking at work.

We are also sure that fucknut called my husbands job. He had weird phones of someone who called up there asking who my husbands "bosses" were. :LOL3:

And they didnt use my husband whole name. It was his nick that only I and his family and friends use. WONDER who is was?! Lol.

Its VERY bizzare someone would call there, ask who my husbands "bosses" were and use his short name.

Right around the time that fuck head Flynn was melting down raging about how my husband used the computer at his work(he works at a hospital) to "track down" Poofers ex wife. So I'm sure they were gonna try to "report" my husband for using hospital info to get someones contact info.

Which isnt possible....its different states, different systems and its retarded as fuck. It wouldnt have worked at ALL.

But you see how giddy this worthless fucking psycho gets when he thinks he found a way to get me into some sort of trouble or bad situation. He gets all matter how stupid and retarded it is.
Honestly…sort him out. You have all his details.

My husband wanted to MURDER him when he started his stalky harrassy petty vengeful shit.

He really WAS gonna go over there.

It's the most pissed I've ever seen him. Kinda scared me a bit

But your "husband" wasn't "pissed" about you cheating on him??

Sounds like another bullshit story of yours.

To you, idiot. It "sounds like bullshit" to you because you are a fucking retard.

Also you are too stupid to notice you are the only one who has had the misfortune of reading this MASTER TROLL CONTENT and getting invested and not understanding what occurred.


Is that what gives that pathetic fucking moron the most narcissistic validation?

Go with it and be at peace, fucktard.

More lies.

You're a proven headcase


Omg IM a HEADCASE?! And a PROVEN one?!

Psycho fuck head Flynn posted ITS SETTLED bahahaha

So basically Flynn is gonna rage spam indefinitely because the unhinged retard feels entitled to other peoples bodies AND relationships. And will rage and rant for years thinking he is punishing you :LOL3:

Fucking stupid retard.

Maybe you can post more screenshots that you got from some moron off Tinder?

I have a question slut. Can you tell me more about how you run away from your own post about the "Small business oligarchy?" I mean you still haven't fully admitted to posting the post in question.

Let me guess. It's Poofer's fault because he made you post something so incredibly stupid that he's actually the author in regard to your many retarded posts?

When was the "Small business oligarchy" first founded???



Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
You can always tell when Biggies is posting from a place of turmoil.

His punctuation disappears.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?
$375,000 U.S. Dollars, dumb ass. I dont think a brother fukin moron such as yourself is gonna get much of a return on that tho!

Some guy on the internet says he be rollin' in dollah bills.

Never seen that one before.
Well golly gee then. I suppose I'll have to post a copy of my last paycheck for the year showing I made damn near $200K.

Seriously tho, I dont REALLY GAF what you tards believe.

So you don't REALL GAF but youve been running around like some dork bragging about your 375,00 pennies for the last 2 days? But now you don't GAF what anyone thinks???

Makes sense!!!!

Sounds like one of Dovey's fairytales.

You may now continue buttfucking your own daughter.

So what you are saying is that YOU are really emotionally and mentally invested in what you blather on a forum

And we all already know that :LOL3:

What I'm saying is you wouldn't know intelligence if it came up and handed you $3.5K after inseminating your anus with a shot of bleach.

So. How much does it cost to be a member of the "Small business oligarchy??"


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
So far Dovey posted a picture of a grilled cheese sandwich and now doctored pm's. Gee. Who doesn't take the forums seriously???

Hey. Dovey. Does the "Small business oligarchy" throw a Christmas gala???