This thread is not about Dovey!



Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
You defend racists

You're such a beta faggot. Take your woke libtard cuckoldry to Reddit, you insufferable twat.

I guess "beta faggots" post other people's pictures and claim it's them, huh?

Get a fucking life wannabe.

That's rich coming from someone who's obsessed about a brief online fling which didn't even involve them.

Why would you post unreal photos of yourself purportedly being you?

I wouldn't, because it's pointless and stupid. You should be asking yourelf why a guy in his 50's regularly pretends to be a salty spinster spilt ass online.

I should ask why you use stolen pictures off Photobucket.

It was my photobucket account you fucking half-wit...

Sure it was. Why you use fake pictures is beyond me.

Why you're obsessed over your brother's basically non-existent love life is beyond me...

Okay. Once again. What does that have to do with you posting pictures that aren't you?

Which part of "those pics are me" does your batshit crazy ass fail to understand?

Have you been using fake pics for so long that you can't comprehend how someone could actually post genuine photos of themself?

Just because you're an insincere phony, who is stuck in butthurt troll mode, doesn't mean everybody else is.

I'm here if you need me, Scouse.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

Have you ever beat a woman, yes or no? Don't lie.
No! End of! Not once have I ever said anything like the thing but if I did ever hit a woman she'd fucking deserve it and I'd most certainly tell people here ALL about it! :Happy5:

So, in your mind there is a time and place for beating a woman?
Lokmar will choke a bitch out! You got a bitch that needs choked the fuk out?

You must be talking about your daughter again.
As if I could get confused regarding my idiot ex wife on psych meds that cries about her miserable life all the time. She might be good for you tho. Help you pry yourself away from lickin Poofs nutsack all day.

I'm sure her life was "miserable," right up until she left you. Then you had to prey on your daughter.
And I'm sure you two loons could have an even more miserable life together. Sounds like a match. Our daughter is just fine, thanks. Now go back to suckin Poof's nuts, faggit. Maybe you can help him get over Dovey if you suck just right! PWN3D!

You sound annoyed. Are you still missing your penis that you said fell off?
Its hanging out here with me. We were just having a good LOL @ what a faggit YUO're'r! PWN3D!

It's hanging out with you? No. We're not talking about your daughter sitting on your lap while you're naked.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup! Dovey claims that I can't read, yet here are comments in regard to Dovey's "Small business oligarchy" claim. Notice the comments. I guess all these posters are "illiterate" too, eh???

LotusBud said:
The confusion probably stems from the fact that she's talking about the "ogilarchy" not the "oligarchy."

Blurt said:
C'mon now, Flynn.

There's no shame in being uneducated, poor, stupid, and conservative.

You're such an elitist!

And here are Dovey's responses:

Dovey the dumbshit said:
It DOES sound like the opposite. You are QIUCK!

Dovey the Genius said:
Really Lotus?

WHERE have I claimed to be an expert in anything we have..."discussed"?

Notice that Dovey is asking where she "claimed to be an expert in anything" her and Lotus were discussing. Hmmm...that's really funny, because according to Dovester, everyone is "illiterate" and "retarded" except her. That's weird!

Notice how Dovey quickly ran out of that thread with her tail tucked between her legs. Now all of a sudden the new and dumber Dovey keeps mentioning Flea in regard to the post, but no one was even talking about Flea. What was mentioned was Dovey's made up group aptly named "The small business oligarchy."

I must have really touched a nerve to have Dovey melting down about a post she allegedly didn't write or for that matter even existed according to mega tard Dovey.

If anyone is interested, here is the link:



Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Breakfall is trying to get Big to go fuck up Poofer!!


You know what? Yeah! Big go avenge me!!! Lol. You got enough bail money and no one will care enough to help him press charges lol

Of course someone has to "avenge you," because everytime you post you slap the shit out of yourself with your own down home stupidity.

Isn't that right? Queen of the Small Business Oligarchy?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Not sure Flynn wants to line the pockets of any small business oligarchist.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Why don't you donate 10 bucks to the site? Small price to pay for entertainment that you use ALL DAY for free. Come on, you cheap fuck! :)

Why don't you shut the fuck up?

Why would I "donate" to a site that caters to stupid fuckers like yourself? That would be a waste of $10. Do you like throwing money down the proverbial toilet? You probably do, which is why you're now being a BF shill.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

Have you ever beat a woman, yes or no? Don't lie.
No! End of! Not once have I ever said anything like the thing but if I did ever hit a woman she'd fucking deserve it and I'd most certainly tell people here ALL about it! :Happy5:

So, in your mind there is a time and place for beating a woman?
Lokmar will choke a bitch out! You got a bitch that needs choked the fuk out?

You must be talking about your daughter again.
As if I could get confused regarding my idiot ex wife on psych meds that cries about her miserable life all the time. She might be good for you tho. Help you pry yourself away from lickin Poofs nutsack all day.

I'm sure her life was "miserable," right up until she left you. Then you had to prey on your daughter.
And I'm sure you two loons could have an even more miserable life together. Sounds like a match. Our daughter is just fine, thanks. Now go back to suckin Poof's nuts, faggit. Maybe you can help him get over Dovey if you suck just right! PWN3D!

You sound annoyed. Are you still missing your penis that you said fell off?
Its hanging out here with me. We were just having a good LOL @ what a faggit YUO're'r! PWN3D!

It's hanging out with you? No. We're not talking about your daughter sitting on your lap while you're naked.
That doesnt even make sense, brother fuckin grammar nazi.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why would I "donate
Because you use the site and BF has a monthly bill. You don't believe in donating to entertainment that you use everyday? I guess you feel entitled?...Doesn't surprise me ya cheap bitch :)


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

Have you ever beat a woman, yes or no? Don't lie.
No! End of! Not once have I ever said anything like the thing but if I did ever hit a woman she'd fucking deserve it and I'd most certainly tell people here ALL about it! :Happy5:

So, in your mind there is a time and place for beating a woman?
Lokmar will choke a bitch out! You got a bitch that needs choked the fuk out?

You must be talking about your daughter again.
As if I could get confused regarding my idiot ex wife on psych meds that cries about her miserable life all the time. She might be good for you tho. Help you pry yourself away from lickin Poofs nutsack all day.

I'm sure her life was "miserable," right up until she left you. Then you had to prey on your daughter.
And I'm sure you two loons could have an even more miserable life together. Sounds like a match. Our daughter is just fine, thanks. Now go back to suckin Poof's nuts, faggit. Maybe you can help him get over Dovey if you suck just right! PWN3D!

You sound annoyed. Are you still missing your penis that you said fell off?
Its hanging out here with me. We were just having a good LOL @ what a faggit YUO're'r! PWN3D!

It's hanging out with you? No. We're not talking about your daughter sitting on your lap while you're naked.
That doesnt even make sense, brother fuckin grammar nazi.

Makes perfect sense, incest king.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Why would I "donate
Because you use the site and BF has a monthly bill. You don't believe in donating to entertainment you use everyday? I guess you feel entitled?...Doesn't surprise me ya cheap bitch :)
Flynn doesn't want to admit she's broke as fuck

3000.00 is like powerball money to her. That's why she cries so much about me giving that to Dovey.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

Have you ever beat a woman, yes or no? Don't lie.
No! End of! Not once have I ever said anything like the thing but if I did ever hit a woman she'd fucking deserve it and I'd most certainly tell people here ALL about it! :Happy5:

So, in your mind there is a time and place for beating a woman?
Lokmar will choke a bitch out! You got a bitch that needs choked the fuk out?

You must be talking about your daughter again.
As if I could get confused regarding my idiot ex wife on psych meds that cries about her miserable life all the time. She might be good for you tho. Help you pry yourself away from lickin Poofs nutsack all day.

I'm sure her life was "miserable," right up until she left you. Then you had to prey on your daughter.
And I'm sure you two loons could have an even more miserable life together. Sounds like a match. Our daughter is just fine, thanks. Now go back to suckin Poof's nuts, faggit. Maybe you can help him get over Dovey if you suck just right! PWN3D!

You sound annoyed. Are you still missing your penis that you said fell off?
Its hanging out here with me. We were just having a good LOL @ what a faggit YUO're'r! PWN3D!

It's hanging out with you? No. We're not talking about your daughter sitting on your lap while you're naked.
That doesnt even make sense, brother fuckin grammar nazi.

Makes perfect sense, incest king.
Makes no sense, brother humper.


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Why would I "donate
Because you use the site and BF has a monthly bill. You don't believe in donating to entertainment you use everyday? I guess you feel entitled?...Doesn't surprise me ya cheap bitch :)

What you think is fucking irrelevant. First thing I would have to do to actually take you seriously would be to consider you a human first.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
by the way, is now a bad time to brag about my 6 bedroom mansion with Olympic size swimming pool and 2 luxury cars?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

Have you ever beat a woman, yes or no? Don't lie.
No! End of! Not once have I ever said anything like the thing but if I did ever hit a woman she'd fucking deserve it and I'd most certainly tell people here ALL about it! :Happy5:

So, in your mind there is a time and place for beating a woman?
Lokmar will choke a bitch out! You got a bitch that needs choked the fuk out?

You must be talking about your daughter again.
As if I could get confused regarding my idiot ex wife on psych meds that cries about her miserable life all the time. She might be good for you tho. Help you pry yourself away from lickin Poofs nutsack all day.

I'm sure her life was "miserable," right up until she left you. Then you had to prey on your daughter.
And I'm sure you two loons could have an even more miserable life together. Sounds like a match. Our daughter is just fine, thanks. Now go back to suckin Poof's nuts, faggit. Maybe you can help him get over Dovey if you suck just right! PWN3D!

You sound annoyed. Are you still missing your penis that you said fell off?
Its hanging out here with me. We were just having a good LOL @ what a faggit YUO're'r! PWN3D!

It's hanging out with you? No. We're not talking about your daughter sitting on your lap while you're naked.
That doesnt even make sense, brother fuckin grammar nazi.

Makes perfect sense, incest king.
Makes no sense, brother humper.

I can't hear you daughter humper.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

Have you ever beat a woman, yes or no? Don't lie.
No! End of! Not once have I ever said anything like the thing but if I did ever hit a woman she'd fucking deserve it and I'd most certainly tell people here ALL about it! :Happy5:

So, in your mind there is a time and place for beating a woman?
Lokmar will choke a bitch out! You got a bitch that needs choked the fuk out?

You must be talking about your daughter again.
As if I could get confused regarding my idiot ex wife on psych meds that cries about her miserable life all the time. She might be good for you tho. Help you pry yourself away from lickin Poofs nutsack all day.

I'm sure her life was "miserable," right up until she left you. Then you had to prey on your daughter.
And I'm sure you two loons could have an even more miserable life together. Sounds like a match. Our daughter is just fine, thanks. Now go back to suckin Poof's nuts, faggit. Maybe you can help him get over Dovey if you suck just right! PWN3D!

You sound annoyed. Are you still missing your penis that you said fell off?
Its hanging out here with me. We were just having a good LOL @ what a faggit YUO're'r! PWN3D!

It's hanging out with you? No. We're not talking about your daughter sitting on your lap while you're naked.
That doesnt even make sense, brother fuckin grammar nazi.

Makes perfect sense, incest king.
Makes no sense, brother humper.

I can't hear you daughter humper.
You heard me brother fucker.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
dman... who plopped that big squishy load of diarehia all over Flynn's face?

She looks like carrie covered in pigs blood, only, it's brown :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
I now forever own your fucking skank ass, DOVEY.
Ya gonna wrap it up as a gift to your lover, faggit?

Maybe. At least my "lover" isn't my own daughter.
Most likely, more like it. Congrats, faggit, my daughter isnt either. This brother fukin situation you got going on tho......

Just like your daughter, right? No wonder your wife left you. That and you think 375,000 pennies is a whole lot of money.
Wut? I think you better spend 375,000 on some reading comprehension, douche.

You mean 375,000 pennies?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Jfc....She can't fork over 1O bucks and has the nerve to call other people broke?....ooooookay
10 bucks is like a month's worth of meals on wheels for her. you know how many ramen noodles she could get with that?


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!

Ignorant people unfortunately are often too ignorant to know they're ignorant. I need to go post that on the "Things that Annoy You" thread...

Because you'll be the only sane one posting, I'm sure some idiot will call you a "stupid retard" for posting way over their pointy heads and complaining there aren't enough pictures.
YOUR drivel Vs Pictures?? Not a hard choice :LOL3:

Of course you would have a woman being assaulted in your pictures.
Dance puppet I knew you'd post that before you did!!! :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

Have you ever beat a woman, yes or no? Don't lie.
No! End of! Not once have I ever said anything like the thing but if I did ever hit a woman she'd fucking deserve it and I'd most certainly tell people here ALL about it! :Happy5:

So, in your mind there is a time and place for beating a woman?
Lokmar will choke a bitch out! You got a bitch that needs choked the fuk out?

You must be talking about your daughter again.
As if I could get confused regarding my idiot ex wife on psych meds that cries about her miserable life all the time. She might be good for you tho. Help you pry yourself away from lickin Poofs nutsack all day.

I'm sure her life was "miserable," right up until she left you. Then you had to prey on your daughter.
And I'm sure you two loons could have an even more miserable life together. Sounds like a match. Our daughter is just fine, thanks. Now go back to suckin Poof's nuts, faggit. Maybe you can help him get over Dovey if you suck just right! PWN3D!

You sound annoyed. Are you still missing your penis that you said fell off?
Its hanging out here with me. We were just having a good LOL @ what a faggit YUO're'r! PWN3D!

It's hanging out with you? No. We're not talking about your daughter sitting on your lap while you're naked.
That doesnt even make sense, brother fuckin grammar nazi.

Makes perfect sense, incest king.
Makes no sense, brother humper.

I can't hear you daughter humper.
You heard me brother fucker.

Take your face out of your daughter's crotch first.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
Jfc....She can't fork over 1O bucks and has the nerve to call other people broke?....ooooookay

Why. Yes. I can call others "broke." That has nothing to do with $10. If Bastard Factory really needs my $10, then he can personally ask me. Not get some wingnut to do his bidding for him.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Jfc....She can't fork over 1O bucks and has the nerve to call other people broke?....ooooookay

Why. Yes. I can call others "broke." That has nothing to do with $10. If Bastard Factory really needs my $10, then he can personally ask me. Not get some wingnut to do his bidding for him.
Whatever, broke bitch.....stop making excuses.