Time to ban Viagra


Factory Bastard
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I wonder how they get so many pretty women to pose for these porn sites @Blazor.

Funny thing is I never see that many congregated in any 1 place at any given time irl, eh?
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ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
so what happens, u pop a viagra and got got a bulge in your pantaloons all day til u rub one out?
, or have sex?

I took one once. It actually gave me a panick attack lol.

No clue what I was thinking because it's actually a cardiac medication and the boner thing is just a side effect.

The old timers at the strip club used to cut their coke with it

I know. I was the stripper lol.

I was debating hitting the strip club this weekend lol. Been years. Then I realized they all prolly look like Kitana right now lol.


Stay out of strip clubs, Blazor. There is nothing there for anyone.

Did I also mention that this weekend makes 2 years since I've been with a Lady lol.

Dont worry, Im not trying to hook up there lol.

Fucking hell, I was walking around the Fair yesterday, and everyone was either too young, or fat as fuck.

It's a gross and sad place is all. I'm not concerned about your sex life.....strip clubs are unhealthy on every level. You are just another idiot to bleed as dry as possible in there.

I have to disagree.... to a degree. Hear me out.....

I'll try not to type toooooo much lol, I'll try to keep it short.....

I met my Wife when I was 16. Was with her almost 20 years. She was always was the super jealous type, and I wasnt allowed to have female friends. She HATED my forum life, because "females on there". I always behaved though. Fast forward to the end of that 20 years, she started cheating cause thats what her slut friends were doing. I'll spare all the details of that year, but there was no love that year. Then she got cancer and died right after.

So there I was. A miserable wreck. Life devastated. And then one of my best friends from growing up decided to take me to the strip club for the first time. Suddenly I was smiling again hahaha. And had nude ladies dancing on me lol. Was a game changer for me that day, as it turned my life around at a time I needed it. After that, I started hitting local dance clubs, and would occasionally hit the strip club.

I hadnt dated in 20 years, and because of my Wife, I had developed approach anxiety with females. I didnt know this, til I started researching some tips on how to get back into the dating field. I mean, I can talk with ladies just fine being around them, but approaching a Woman who I wouldnt know at all was harder. Still is to a degree. But going to the strip club really helped with that.

So I cant say that it is an unhealthy place entirely, as it helped me immensely at a time I needed it.

I know their goal is to bleed me dry lol. They are there to get as much money from Men as possible. I would be prepared though, and only take $100. Would be $20 in $1s, $20 in $2 bills, and $60 for 3 lap dances. The average ladies got the $1s, the damn good girls would get $2s (they loved those lol), and the hottest one of the night would score my lap dance money. I knew their games, and could easily swat them off lol.

The dating realm has completely changed again, since I've come out of my last relationship of 7 years. The pandemic and all the other shit going on in the world aint helping either. No matter how much it has changed, Im still gonna stay true to myself. If a gal dont like me for being Southern, then she can keep moving.

Anyway, I've spoken enough lol.

Blaze.... you just told me that your marriage was in the shitter to the degree where you found yourself smiling around women in a strip club who were entertaining you for money.

To dispute my statement that strip clubs are unhealthy on every level.

Think about this. Let me also add in that during a time where I was dealing with serious medical issues, a nasty break up, and the death of one of my best friends.....heroin really made me feel better. I was smiling and happy and super socail for the first time in a year or so.

I love ya, Blaze ♡

Yes, the marriage went into the shitter at the end, but I didnt go to the strip club til some time after being widowed. It broke me out of my depression is all, and helped me with approach anxiety. I wasnt trying to dispute you on every level.

Just because I dont condone hard drugs, doesnt mean I will scold you for using them to get you through a tough patch of life. I've had plenty of friends who do hard drugs, but they aint for me. I simply let them do their thing.

I was just saying it helped me at the time too, and all I had to do was wash perfume off my clothes hahaha.

Love ya too lol.

I'm not scolding you, Blazor.

You are talking to a woman who once peed in my seat while driving because I didnt want anyone at a gas station to know I was drunk driving.

Still feeling scolded? Lol.

I know, you dont like strip clubs and porn, and you want me to stay away from the evils of the world lol. I know you just trying to help. And I appreciate it.

But if my brother says "lets go" at some point this weekend, and he foots the bill, cant say that I will say no lol. I personally have made no plans to go anytime soon. I can watch cam girls do even freakier things for free hahaha.

No booze sucks though, but you can find some where around the building where there's no cameras to stash a bottle and vodka has no smell .Rs r full nudity also, hell Montreal they can stay open to 6am serving back in the day if they didn't "shut the doors" for "private parties"

No alcohol fully nude venues are disgusting. That's where all the sweat pants wearing, incel types go.

The kind of scrotes that will try blow on random vaginas for the smell.


Those are parking lots you wanna stay away from lol

We have those in Vancouver Dovey.

Or at least we did prior to the Pandemic.

Full nude full contact full alcohol.

Montreal the most extreme.

However given the times we lI've in & all the diseases floating around now, makes me wonder why any guy would go near them.

Latest is Monkey Pox. From what I understand mere physical contact spreads it to another person. So it could well be a stripper.

I give no fucks about no Monkey Pox!!!

I'll gladly take tits to the face!!!


It was great in the pre pandemic free n easy days @ Blazor.

But times have changed.

Dont be a lil bitch Joe lol.

Live your life! Aint that why you got jabbed?

Joe sounds like dead weight, bet his Friday nights are wide open.haha


Put your glasses on!
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so what happens, u pop a viagra and got got a bulge in your pantaloons all day til u rub one out?
, or have sex?

I took one once. It actually gave me a panick attack lol.

No clue what I was thinking because it's actually a cardiac medication and the boner thing is just a side effect.

The old timers at the strip club used to cut their coke with it

I know. I was the stripper lol.

I was debating hitting the strip club this weekend lol. Been years. Then I realized they all prolly look like Kitana right now lol.


Stay out of strip clubs, Blazor. There is nothing there for anyone.

Did I also mention that this weekend makes 2 years since I've been with a Lady lol.

Dont worry, Im not trying to hook up there lol.

Fucking hell, I was walking around the Fair yesterday, and everyone was either too young, or fat as fuck.

It's a gross and sad place is all. I'm not concerned about your sex life.....strip clubs are unhealthy on every level. You are just another idiot to bleed as dry as possible in there.

I have to disagree.... to a degree. Hear me out.....

I'll try not to type toooooo much lol, I'll try to keep it short.....

I met my Wife when I was 16. Was with her almost 20 years. She was always was the super jealous type, and I wasnt allowed to have female friends. She HATED my forum life, because "females on there". I always behaved though. Fast forward to the end of that 20 years, she started cheating cause thats what her slut friends were doing. I'll spare all the details of that year, but there was no love that year. Then she got cancer and died right after.

So there I was. A miserable wreck. Life devastated. And then one of my best friends from growing up decided to take me to the strip club for the first time. Suddenly I was smiling again hahaha. And had nude ladies dancing on me lol. Was a game changer for me that day, as it turned my life around at a time I needed it. After that, I started hitting local dance clubs, and would occasionally hit the strip club.

I hadnt dated in 20 years, and because of my Wife, I had developed approach anxiety with females. I didnt know this, til I started researching some tips on how to get back into the dating field. I mean, I can talk with ladies just fine being around them, but approaching a Woman who I wouldnt know at all was harder. Still is to a degree. But going to the strip club really helped with that.

So I cant say that it is an unhealthy place entirely, as it helped me immensely at a time I needed it.

I know their goal is to bleed me dry lol. They are there to get as much money from Men as possible. I would be prepared though, and only take $100. Would be $20 in $1s, $20 in $2 bills, and $60 for 3 lap dances. The average ladies got the $1s, the damn good girls would get $2s (they loved those lol), and the hottest one of the night would score my lap dance money. I knew their games, and could easily swat them off lol.

The dating realm has completely changed again, since I've come out of my last relationship of 7 years. The pandemic and all the other shit going on in the world aint helping either. No matter how much it has changed, Im still gonna stay true to myself. If a gal dont like me for being Southern, then she can keep moving.

Anyway, I've spoken enough lol.

Blaze.... you just told me that your marriage was in the shitter to the degree where you found yourself smiling around women in a strip club who were entertaining you for money.

To dispute my statement that strip clubs are unhealthy on every level.

Think about this. Let me also add in that during a time where I was dealing with serious medical issues, a nasty break up, and the death of one of my best friends.....heroin really made me feel better. I was smiling and happy and super socail for the first time in a year or so.

I love ya, Blaze ♡

Yes, the marriage went into the shitter at the end, but I didnt go to the strip club til some time after being widowed. It broke me out of my depression is all, and helped me with approach anxiety. I wasnt trying to dispute you on every level.

Just because I dont condone hard drugs, doesnt mean I will scold you for using them to get you through a tough patch of life. I've had plenty of friends who do hard drugs, but they aint for me. I simply let them do their thing.

I was just saying it helped me at the time too, and all I had to do was wash perfume off my clothes hahaha.

Love ya too lol.

I'm not scolding you, Blazor.

You are talking to a woman who once peed in my seat while driving because I didnt want anyone at a gas station to know I was drunk driving.

Still feeling scolded? Lol.

I know, you dont like strip clubs and porn, and you want me to stay away from the evils of the world lol. I know you just trying to help. And I appreciate it.

But if my brother says "lets go" at some point this weekend, and he foots the bill, cant say that I will say no lol. I personally have made no plans to go anytime soon. I can watch cam girls do even freakier things for free hahaha.

No booze sucks though, but you can find some where around the building where there's no cameras to stash a bottle and vodka has no smell .Rs r full nudity also, hell Montreal they can stay open to 6am serving back in the day if they didn't "shut the doors" for "private parties"

No alcohol fully nude venues are disgusting. That's where all the sweat pants wearing, incel types go.

The kind of scrotes that will try blow on random vaginas for the smell.


Those are parking lots you wanna stay away from lol

We have those in Vancouver Dovey.

Or at least we did prior to the Pandemic.

Full nude full contact full alcohol.

Montreal the most extreme.

However given the times we lI've in & all the diseases floating around now, makes me wonder why any guy would go near them.

Latest is Monkey Pox. From what I understand mere physical contact spreads it to another person. So it could well be a stripper.

I give no fucks about no Monkey Pox!!!

I'll gladly take tits to the face!!!


It was great in the pre pandemic free n easy days @ Blazor.

But times have changed.

Dont be a lil bitch Joe lol.

Live your life! Aint that why you got jabbed?

Joe sounds like dead weight, bet his Friday nights are wide open.haha

Canada cant handle a Southern like me. If word were to spread, that me and you were gonna hang out, Justin Turdyeah would declare a national emergency, and close the border, due to a Southern White Supremacist Confederate Nazi being inbound to strike at the heartland.... with my dancing feet.


Emotionally dead, but gives great head ;)
Kansas City
Scientists now are finding that Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk!)


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Scientists now are finding that Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk!)

Yup! Soy boys!

Sadly, I heard beer reduces testosterone too. Thanks goodness I mostly drink whiskey! lol


Domestically feral
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United states
Guys......soy cant give anyone the gay. I promise.

It's not exactly healthy though so....dont consume a lot of it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Guys......soy cant give anyone the gay. I promise.

It's not exactly healthy though so....dont consume a lot of it.
It does make guys a lot more emo and feminine

Take admong and holidork for instance


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Guys......soy cant give anyone the gay. I promise.

It's not exactly healthy though so....dont consume a lot of it.
It does make guys a lot more emo and feminine

Take admong and holidork for instance

Tucker had a good idea with sunning the scrotum. It will stimulate testosterone production and it's a fact mens testosterone levels are dropping.

sweet tea

those who fear, are lost
Site Supporter
so what happens, u pop a viagra and got got a bulge in your pantaloons all day til u rub one out?
, or have sex?

I took one once. It actually gave me a panick attack lol.

No clue what I was thinking because it's actually a cardiac medication and the boner thing is just a side effect.

The old timers at the strip club used to cut their coke with it

I know. I was the stripper lol.

I was debating hitting the strip club this weekend lol. Been years. Then I realized they all prolly look like Kitana right now lol.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Guys......soy cant give anyone the gay. I promise.

It's not exactly healthy though so....dont consume a lot of it.
It does make guys a lot more emo and feminine

Take admong and holidork for instance

Tucker had a good idea with sunning the scrotum. It will stimulate testosterone production and it's a fact mens testosterone levels are dropping.
Did you see how admong went full metal dipshit when Tucker said that? He woke up and went to bed at night with TUcker's nuts on his mind


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Guys......soy cant give anyone the gay. I promise.

It's not exactly healthy though so....dont consume a lot of it.
It does make guys a lot more emo and feminine

Take admong and holidork for instance

Tucker had a good idea with sunning the scrotum. It will stimulate testosterone production and it's a fact mens testosterone levels are dropping.
Did you see how admong went full metal dipshit when Tucker said that? He woke up and went to bed at night with TUcker's nuts on his mind

Yes. It's ridiculous.

His nuts clearly need some sunshine.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Guys......soy cant give anyone the gay. I promise.

It's not exactly healthy though so....dont consume a lot of it.
It does make guys a lot more emo and feminine

Take admong and holidork for instance

Tucker had a good idea with sunning the scrotum. It will stimulate testosterone production and it's a fact mens testosterone levels are dropping.
Did you see how admong went full metal dipshit when Tucker said that? He woke up and went to bed at night with TUcker's nuts on his mind

Yes. It's ridiculous.

His nuts clearly need some sunshine.
Yeah, considering he's been tucking them up his own asshole to appear more lady like since he would walk


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Canada cant handle a Southern like me. If word were to spread, that me and you were gonna hang out, Justin Turdyeah would declare a national emergency, and close the border, due to a Southern White Supremacist Confederate Nazi being inbound to strike at the heartland.... with my dancing feet.

Killed some peeps in quote

This is not my Canada.. My PM is afraid of his own shadow,flags,bouncy castles,telling the truth,confrontation..

It would be pretty interesting :LOL3: :PuffPuffPass:

Youd drink me under the table but you'd buckle with the dope.. definitely tear it up and I got flying under the radar down to an art..


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Guys......soy cant give anyone the gay. I promise.

It's not exactly healthy though so....dont consume a lot of it.
It does make guys a lot more emo and feminine

Take admong and holidork for instance

Tucker had a good idea with sunning the scrotum. It will stimulate testosterone production and it's a fact mens testosterone levels are dropping.

Its true, sun helps restore testosterone!


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Canada cant handle a Southern like me. If word were to spread, that me and you were gonna hang out, Justin Turdyeah would declare a national emergency, and close the border, due to a Southern White Supremacist Confederate Nazi being inbound to strike at the heartland.... with my dancing feet.

Killed some peeps in quote

This is not my Canada.. My PM is afraid of his own shadow,flags,bouncy castles,telling the truth,confrontation..

It would be pretty interesting :LOL3: :PuffPuffPass:

Youd drink me under the table but you'd buckle with the dope.. definitely tear it up and I got flying under the radar down to an art..

Hahaha, it would damn sure be interesting!

Dont doubt my toking though, I toke more than I drink and usually out toke everyone else lol. Hell, I got BLAZE in my name! lol


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Its ridiculously hot in my house. Trailer. Can. What the fuck ever you call it.

And my rabbit hasnt moved from his spot all day. He is alive and all. I gave him ice water with strawberries in it and he is just sitting there looking pissed off lol.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Its ridiculously hot in my house. Trailer. Can. What the fuck ever you call it.

And my rabbit hasnt moved from his spot all day. He is alive and all. I gave him ice water with strawberries in it and he is just sitting there looking pissed off lol.

Too funny imagining a pissed off bunny lol.

I swear, I call a trailer an Easy Bake Oven in the Summer lol. Get you a window unit girl!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Its ridiculously hot in my house. Trailer. Can. What the fuck ever you call it.

And my rabbit hasnt moved from his spot all day. He is alive and all. I gave him ice water with strawberries in it and he is just sitting there looking pissed off lol.

It's only about 70 F on the West Coast today. Sunny too. We seem to be getting the cool weather this year.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Guys......soy cant give anyone the gay. I promise.

It's not exactly healthy though so....dont consume a lot of it.

It can have a diminishing effect on male hormones already depleted by estrogen mimicking micro plastics... add in the accompanying veganism or vegetarianism usually associated with soy consumption, and it subverts the traditional testosterone levels held by older generations.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
lmao u need admin?

makes u look look weak

So, is Duhv weak when Biggie, Deport, Lokmar, Oerdin, Blazor, etc intercede on her behalf?
i know u get piled on, thats y im so nice :)

do u hate dove more than lotus?

I don't hate either person. Do you hate Lotus more than me?

I think it's funny that in your head the others you listed are "interceding" when in reality what's happening is you've taken your shitty jabs at every single one of us and we jab right back.

It has nothing to do with "interceding" and I dont think there is a single person here who thinks I would even need it.

You've verbally swung on each of us. No one is "interceding" for shit. That seems to be obvious to everyone else.