
Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Poor baby. Anyone that does that shit should get a hundred fold compared to what they do to a child. :'( :'( :'(
Nobody is flaming kids outside of Simpy Smalls and Flynn.

Ask them why they do it.

Who was flaming someone's dead child?
That shit happened a long time ago and everyone involved is over it.

Sit back, let me take you on a journey....

Caskur was coming on like gangbusters back in the day and all her PI got doxxed. Everyone used it against her at one point and she cracked everyone's skulls because of it.

That was the PI era of Flametown and everyone dipped into that pool. It wasn't just one person.
If you wernt there during it, then you really have no place to talk about it.

Dovid and Simpy here? They wernt a part of it but are obsessed with it. They're the only ones who bring it up.

Cask and I have gone at it over the years and there's never been no hard feels on either end, more of a "top that" thing that cumulated into her doxxing the living shit out of me in epic fashion that put her in the legend bracket.

Don't believe the hype

Well that's not all together true.
How would you know?

The Poofer/Caskur wars started at FC. You wernt there.

Then dust ups at CO, you were there for that as minute as it was

Then the heavy hitting at BH where Muse was the guy who started all of it and EB cranked it up to 11. That video was nothing compared to the shit those two did.

Wait, you wernt at BH.

So....your basically saying you know nothing about it?

She got all pissed off at me because I defended you.
Lol wat? When have I ever needed a pinhead like you for a meatshield or anybody else for that matter? Now your cappin
And she strongly felt you were a big abusive scum bag who went after her son and she wanted revenge and I told her that wasnt she flipped script on ME for "aligning" with you. On SG.

I trolled staff into banning Caskur over a chop she made because she needed a break from the boards and wasn't the Caskur I grew up on. She needed a recharge. If she told you that then you got trolled yet again.
And your issue with her, according to you....was that shes a nutcase who lied about her son, who also doxxed you and posted your childrens bus routes and according to you stalked your family.
Scroll up, she needed a recharge. As the mod, I wanted vintage Caskur who would stomp the living shit out of tards and not drive by Caskur who was just mailing it in most of the time.

Flea was the owner, you really think Caskur was gonna be banned for good you stupid clown?
Then when YOU became pissed at me, you guys apologized to eachother on the board at BC and made this unholy alliance together and have been accusing ME of the shit you accused eachother of.

Ok. How did I find out about Reapers health issues?

I dont think anything about peoples kids should be plastered on forums but you guys donr have much a problem doing that until someone points out some heavy fucktardy.
Who's posting about kids outside of Simpy and Flynn?

BOOM pt2
It's pretty bizzare that Flyn started spamming that my kids were "removed by the state" and has demanded "proof" that they were not removed about 4 times. Its gross to see a "flamer" trying to get "proof" about another members kids. It may as well flat out be asking for pictures or contact info with that sick fucking shit. It can spam my kids were removed all day and does everytime it hits a wall ....but demanding "proof" they were not? That's disgusting and predatory. But as you said yourself, attacking kids is a flamer thing.
Nice deflection.

I hardly read Flynn in the first place and have told her countless times to stop using kids as bait. But I'm not her fucking keeper. If you don't comprehend what she's doing then that's on you.
I think if you and Caskur actually are over all that, you should delete that video off your youtube.

Dont you think?
Stated why I can't in another thread but nobody is stopping anybody from clicking the report button on YouTube and having them remove it, eh?

I mean, it's so offensive you keep linking it here, right?


You got Caskur banned because she wasn't posting the way you wanted her to? Wow. Proud to be a pig, I see.
Vintage Caskur is a treat.

Sorry not sorry

Have you hugged my pic thru your monitor yet today?

The people of these boards did not assemble in order to please you, Mansplainer.

Shush, bobblehead...


Is that Biggie Bankster's mommy?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I used to stir Caskur on kids but stopped many years ago because it was unnecessary and just left an empty feeling in my guts whenever I did try to play that angle.

Can't tell anyone else how to act, but I'll do me...

Exactly. I don’t have to read it either. That’s what the ignore function is for


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter

Poor baby. Anyone that does that shit should get a hundred fold compared to what they do to a child. :'( :'( :'(
Nobody is flaming kids outside of Simpy Smalls and Flynn.

Ask them why they do it.

Who was flaming someone's dead child?
That shit happened a long time ago and everyone involved is over it.

Sit back, let me take you on a journey....

Caskur was coming on like gangbusters back in the day and all her PI got doxxed. Everyone used it against her at one point and she cracked everyone's skulls because of it.

That was the PI era of Flametown and everyone dipped into that pool. It wasn't just one person.
If you wernt there during it, then you really have no place to talk about it.

Dovid and Simpy here? They wernt a part of it but are obsessed with it. They're the only ones who bring it up.

Cask and I have gone at it over the years and there's never been no hard feels on either end, more of a "top that" thing that cumulated into her doxxing the living shit out of me in epic fashion that put her in the legend bracket.

Don't believe the hype

Well that's not all together true.
How would you know?

The Poofer/Caskur wars started at FC. You wernt there.

Then dust ups at CO, you were there for that as minute as it was

Then the heavy hitting at BH where Muse was the guy who started all of it and EB cranked it up to 11. That video was nothing compared to the shit those two did.

Wait, you wernt at BH.

So....your basically saying you know nothing about it?

She got all pissed off at me because I defended you.
Lol wat? When have I ever needed a pinhead like you for a meatshield or anybody else for that matter? Now your cappin
And she strongly felt you were a big abusive scum bag who went after her son and she wanted revenge and I told her that wasnt she flipped script on ME for "aligning" with you. On SG.

I trolled staff into banning Caskur over a chop she made because she needed a break from the boards and wasn't the Caskur I grew up on. She needed a recharge. If she told you that then you got trolled yet again.
And your issue with her, according to you....was that shes a nutcase who lied about her son, who also doxxed you and posted your childrens bus routes and according to you stalked your family.
Scroll up, she needed a recharge. As the mod, I wanted vintage Caskur who would stomp the living shit out of tards and not drive by Caskur who was just mailing it in most of the time.

Flea was the owner, you really think Caskur was gonna be banned for good you stupid clown?
Then when YOU became pissed at me, you guys apologized to eachother on the board at BC and made this unholy alliance together and have been accusing ME of the shit you accused eachother of.

Ok. How did I find out about Reapers health issues?

I dont think anything about peoples kids should be plastered on forums but you guys donr have much a problem doing that until someone points out some heavy fucktardy.
Who's posting about kids outside of Simpy and Flynn?

BOOM pt2
It's pretty bizzare that Flyn started spamming that my kids were "removed by the state" and has demanded "proof" that they were not removed about 4 times. Its gross to see a "flamer" trying to get "proof" about another members kids. It may as well flat out be asking for pictures or contact info with that sick fucking shit. It can spam my kids were removed all day and does everytime it hits a wall ....but demanding "proof" they were not? That's disgusting and predatory. But as you said yourself, attacking kids is a flamer thing.
Nice deflection.

I hardly read Flynn in the first place and have told her countless times to stop using kids as bait. But I'm not her fucking keeper. If you don't comprehend what she's doing then that's on you.
I think if you and Caskur actually are over all that, you should delete that video off your youtube.

Dont you think?
Stated why I can't in another thread but nobody is stopping anybody from clicking the report button on YouTube and having them remove it, eh?

I mean, it's so offensive you keep linking it here, right?


You got Caskur banned because she wasn't posting the way you wanted her to? Wow. Proud to be a pig, I see.
Vintage Caskur is a treat.

Sorry not sorry

Have you hugged my pic thru your monitor yet today?

The people of these boards did not assemble in order to please you, Mansplainer.

Shush, bobblehead...


Is that Biggie Bankster's mommy?

Oak said it was you! You Stalin Sucking Slitch...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Poor baby. Anyone that does that shit should get a hundred fold compared to what they do to a child. :'( :'( :'(
Nobody is flaming kids outside of Simpy Smalls and Flynn.

Ask them why they do it.

Who was flaming someone's dead child?
That shit happened a long time ago and everyone involved is over it.

Sit back, let me take you on a journey....

Caskur was coming on like gangbusters back in the day and all her PI got doxxed. Everyone used it against her at one point and she cracked everyone's skulls because of it.

That was the PI era of Flametown and everyone dipped into that pool. It wasn't just one person.
If you wernt there during it, then you really have no place to talk about it.

Dovid and Simpy here? They wernt a part of it but are obsessed with it. They're the only ones who bring it up.

Cask and I have gone at it over the years and there's never been no hard feels on either end, more of a "top that" thing that cumulated into her doxxing the living shit out of me in epic fashion that put her in the legend bracket.

Don't believe the hype

Well that's not all together true.
How would you know?

The Poofer/Caskur wars started at FC. You wernt there.

Then dust ups at CO, you were there for that as minute as it was

Then the heavy hitting at BH where Muse was the guy who started all of it and EB cranked it up to 11. That video was nothing compared to the shit those two did.

Wait, you wernt at BH.

So....your basically saying you know nothing about it?

She got all pissed off at me because I defended you.
Lol wat? When have I ever needed a pinhead like you for a meatshield or anybody else for that matter? Now your cappin
And she strongly felt you were a big abusive scum bag who went after her son and she wanted revenge and I told her that wasnt she flipped script on ME for "aligning" with you. On SG.

I trolled staff into banning Caskur over a chop she made because she needed a break from the boards and wasn't the Caskur I grew up on. She needed a recharge. If she told you that then you got trolled yet again.
And your issue with her, according to you....was that shes a nutcase who lied about her son, who also doxxed you and posted your childrens bus routes and according to you stalked your family.
Scroll up, she needed a recharge. As the mod, I wanted vintage Caskur who would stomp the living shit out of tards and not drive by Caskur who was just mailing it in most of the time.

Flea was the owner, you really think Caskur was gonna be banned for good you stupid clown?
Then when YOU became pissed at me, you guys apologized to eachother on the board at BC and made this unholy alliance together and have been accusing ME of the shit you accused eachother of.

Ok. How did I find out about Reapers health issues?

I dont think anything about peoples kids should be plastered on forums but you guys donr have much a problem doing that until someone points out some heavy fucktardy.
Who's posting about kids outside of Simpy and Flynn?

BOOM pt2
It's pretty bizzare that Flyn started spamming that my kids were "removed by the state" and has demanded "proof" that they were not removed about 4 times. Its gross to see a "flamer" trying to get "proof" about another members kids. It may as well flat out be asking for pictures or contact info with that sick fucking shit. It can spam my kids were removed all day and does everytime it hits a wall ....but demanding "proof" they were not? That's disgusting and predatory. But as you said yourself, attacking kids is a flamer thing.
Nice deflection.

I hardly read Flynn in the first place and have told her countless times to stop using kids as bait. But I'm not her fucking keeper. If you don't comprehend what she's doing then that's on you.
I think if you and Caskur actually are over all that, you should delete that video off your youtube.

Dont you think?
Stated why I can't in another thread but nobody is stopping anybody from clicking the report button on YouTube and having them remove it, eh?

I mean, it's so offensive you keep linking it here, right?


You got Caskur banned because she wasn't posting the way you wanted her to? Wow. Proud to be a pig, I see.
Vintage Caskur is a treat.

Sorry not sorry

Have you hugged my pic thru your monitor yet today?

The people of these boards did not assemble in order to please you, Mansplainer.

Shush, bobblehead...


Is that Biggie Bankster's mommy?

Oak said it was you! You Stalin Sucking Slitch...

Of course she did, tool. It's not me. But this IS Oak!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

Holliday Unchained

@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
You know, Kreig
the old gives way to the new
The burning of witches gives way to scientific discovery
and science remembers ancient truths

This shitty board will be overhauled.
Even the moron of an Admin (BTF) knows it.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter

Poor baby. Anyone that does that shit should get a hundred fold compared to what they do to a child. :'( :'( :'(
Nobody is flaming kids outside of Simpy Smalls and Flynn.

Ask them why they do it.

Who was flaming someone's dead child?
That shit happened a long time ago and everyone involved is over it.

Sit back, let me take you on a journey....

Caskur was coming on like gangbusters back in the day and all her PI got doxxed. Everyone used it against her at one point and she cracked everyone's skulls because of it.

That was the PI era of Flametown and everyone dipped into that pool. It wasn't just one person.
If you wernt there during it, then you really have no place to talk about it.

Dovid and Simpy here? They wernt a part of it but are obsessed with it. They're the only ones who bring it up.

Cask and I have gone at it over the years and there's never been no hard feels on either end, more of a "top that" thing that cumulated into her doxxing the living shit out of me in epic fashion that put her in the legend bracket.

Don't believe the hype

Well that's not all together true.
How would you know?

The Poofer/Caskur wars started at FC. You wernt there.

Then dust ups at CO, you were there for that as minute as it was

Then the heavy hitting at BH where Muse was the guy who started all of it and EB cranked it up to 11. That video was nothing compared to the shit those two did.

Wait, you wernt at BH.

So....your basically saying you know nothing about it?

She got all pissed off at me because I defended you.
Lol wat? When have I ever needed a pinhead like you for a meatshield or anybody else for that matter? Now your cappin
And she strongly felt you were a big abusive scum bag who went after her son and she wanted revenge and I told her that wasnt she flipped script on ME for "aligning" with you. On SG.

I trolled staff into banning Caskur over a chop she made because she needed a break from the boards and wasn't the Caskur I grew up on. She needed a recharge. If she told you that then you got trolled yet again.
And your issue with her, according to you....was that shes a nutcase who lied about her son, who also doxxed you and posted your childrens bus routes and according to you stalked your family.
Scroll up, she needed a recharge. As the mod, I wanted vintage Caskur who would stomp the living shit out of tards and not drive by Caskur who was just mailing it in most of the time.

Flea was the owner, you really think Caskur was gonna be banned for good you stupid clown?
Then when YOU became pissed at me, you guys apologized to eachother on the board at BC and made this unholy alliance together and have been accusing ME of the shit you accused eachother of.

Ok. How did I find out about Reapers health issues?

I dont think anything about peoples kids should be plastered on forums but you guys donr have much a problem doing that until someone points out some heavy fucktardy.
Who's posting about kids outside of Simpy and Flynn?

BOOM pt2
It's pretty bizzare that Flyn started spamming that my kids were "removed by the state" and has demanded "proof" that they were not removed about 4 times. Its gross to see a "flamer" trying to get "proof" about another members kids. It may as well flat out be asking for pictures or contact info with that sick fucking shit. It can spam my kids were removed all day and does everytime it hits a wall ....but demanding "proof" they were not? That's disgusting and predatory. But as you said yourself, attacking kids is a flamer thing.
Nice deflection.

I hardly read Flynn in the first place and have told her countless times to stop using kids as bait. But I'm not her fucking keeper. If you don't comprehend what she's doing then that's on you.
I think if you and Caskur actually are over all that, you should delete that video off your youtube.

Dont you think?
Stated why I can't in another thread but nobody is stopping anybody from clicking the report button on YouTube and having them remove it, eh?

I mean, it's so offensive you keep linking it here, right?


You got Caskur banned because she wasn't posting the way you wanted her to? Wow. Proud to be a pig, I see.
Vintage Caskur is a treat.

Sorry not sorry

Have you hugged my pic thru your monitor yet today?

The people of these boards did not assemble in order to please you, Mansplainer.

Shush, bobblehead...


Is that Biggie Bankster's mommy?

Oak said it was you! You Stalin Sucking Slitch...

Of course she did, tool. It's not me. But this IS Oak!


Too pretty to be Oak...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .

Mr Positivity is good with trolling people about their dead children and parenting problems? Really "an it harme none" of you, pal.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You know, Kreig
the old gives way to the new
The burning of witches gives way to scientific discovery
and science remembers ancient truths

This shitty board will be overhauled.
Even the moron of an Admin (BTF) knows it.

We have heard this before, BF has heard this before, from others.

They are no longer members.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.
Even tho it says fight forum....



Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...

Holliday Unchained

You know, Kreig
the old gives way to the new
The burning of witches gives way to scientific discovery
and science remembers ancient truths

This shitty board will be overhauled.
Even the moron of an Admin (BTF) knows it.

We have heard this before, BF has heard this before, from others.

They are no longer members.
I'm sure Ozymandias had heard it before.

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...

That doesn't mean people should sling shit about children.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...

That doesn't mean people should sling shit about children.
Tell that to Simpy Smalls and Flynn


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
You know, Kreig
the old gives way to the new
The burning of witches gives way to scientific discovery
and science remembers ancient truths

This shitty board will be overhauled.
Even the moron of an Admin (BTF) knows it.

We have heard this before, BF has heard this before, from others.

They are no longer members.
I'm sure Ozymandias had heard it before.

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Roses are red
Smurf cum is blue
You're a soy boy
Who spanks to cartoons


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
None of you are required to visit Meltdown so why are people complaining about is posted in here? Offends Your sensibilities? Don't open Meltdown then.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

They think every board is a flame forum and that they are the master gatekeepers of flaming, and that everyone is super interested in "flaming" and playing some "game" that they played at Bawl Hall.

I wish they would lighten up.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

They think every board is a flame forum and that they are the master gatekeepers of flaming, and that everyone is super interested in "flaming" and playing some "game" that they played at Bawl Hall.

I wish they would lighten up.
Simpys flaming dead children and Flamers should lighten up?

Lol wat?