Holliday Unchained

@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...

That doesn't mean people should sling shit about children.
Tell that to Simpy Smalls and Flynn
.They've been told
We're telling you.

Your defense seems to be
"I'm just lowering myself to other people's level".

Otay, moron.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Yep, in Meltdown.

Thank you for validating my assertion.

In meltdown, feelz will be hurt.
And where, prey tell, is that shit happening outside of here?
The point:
Complaining about the content of Meltdown is similar to walking into a porn shop, looking at all the material, rubbing one out, and then complaining about porn.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...

That doesn't mean people should sling shit about children.
Tell that to Simpy Smalls and Flynn

I'm telling it to every single one of you who are doing this. Those of you who are ragging on Caskur and those of you who are ragging on Dove. And that includes Dove and Caskur saying horrible things about each other. It's sickening. All of you are acting like the most demented mean kids in middle school. Kids with Borderline Personality Disorder who kill pets. Stop it. It's the fucking decline and fall of Western Civilization in here.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Notice to all members;

If I can't kick around dogpiles of you idiots around at me leisure and have done so for the last couple days, there's a new Alpha in this forum.

Welcome to Martini Town


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yep, in Meltdown.

Thank you for validating my assertion.

In meltdown, feelz will be hurt.
And where, prey tell, is that shit happening outside of here?
The point:
Complaining about the content of Meltdown is similar to walking into a porn shop, looking at all the material, rubbing one out, and then complaining about porn.

No, it's not. I'm not getting off on this shit. Sorry.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...

That doesn't mean people should sling shit about children.
Tell that to Simpy Smalls and Flynn

I'm telling it to every single one of you who are doing this. Those of you who are ragging on Caskur and those of you who are ragging on Dove. And that includes Dove and Caskur saying horrible things about each other. It's sickening. All of you are acting like the most demented mean kids in middle school. Kids with Borderline Personality Disorder who kill pets. Stop it. It's the fucking decline and fall of Western Civilazation in here.

What's wrong with pet killing?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...
In your paradigm.'s the human condition. At the very minimum, all boards have trolling (subtle fights) and/or flaming (overt fights)...
Jimmies Rustled in Meltdown.

Water is wet.

Keep your "vitriol" in meltdown.

Don't like the content? Don't visit.

I'm not getting off on this shit. Sorry.
It's not about you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
None of you are required to visit Meltdown so why are people complaining about is posted in here? Offends Your sensibilities? Don't open Meltdown then.

Do you tell that to yourself when you go into political threads and Mansplain to me how I should be posting there?

You are one blatant hypocrite, Mr Wicca.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...

That doesn't mean people should sling shit about children.
Tell that to Simpy Smalls and Flynn

I'm telling it to every single one of you who are doing this. Those of you who are ragging on Caskur and those of you who are ragging on Dove. And that includes Dove and Caskur saying horrible things about each other. It's sickening. All of you are acting like the most demented mean kids in middle school. Kids with Borderline Personality Disorder who kill pets. Stop it. It's the fucking decline and fall of Western Civilazation in here.
The movie?

It's legend


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...
In your paradigm.'s the human condition. At the very minimum, all boards have trolling (subtle fights) and/or flaming (overt fights)...
Jimmies Rustled in Meltdown.

Water is wet.

Keep your "vitriol" in meltdown.

Don't like the content? Don't visit.

Same goes for politics, Mr Hypocrisy. Jesus H Christ.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
All forums are fight forums since the dawn of the ARPANET...
In your paradigm.'s the human condition. At the very minimum, all boards have trolling (subtle fights) and/or flaming (overt fights)...
Jimmies Rustled in Meltdown.

Water is wet.

Keep your "vitriol" in meltdown.

Don't like the content? Don't visit.

Seems fair to me.... but you're deluding yourself if you think it can ever be fully contained in one area...


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Yep, in Meltdown.

Thank you for validating my assertion.

In meltdown, feelz will be hurt.
And where, prey tell, is that shit happening outside of here?
The point:
Complaining about the content of Meltdown is similar to walking into a porn shop, looking at all the material, rubbing one out, and then complaining about porn.

No, it's not. I'm not getting off on this shit. Sorry.
I sense some moistness in the panty of Lotus....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
None of you are required to visit Meltdown so why are people complaining about is posted in here? Offends Your sensibilities? Don't open Meltdown then.

Do you tell that to yourself when you go into political threads and Mansplain to me how I should be posting there?

You are one blatant hypocrite, Mr Wicca.
YOU were the one to wave the Pagan label about.
You want to step out of the Broom closet? Awesome. You want the rest of us to look like raving lunatics? Not so awesome.
Never said I was Wicca. And I wasn't the one roaming through your past posts to make a comment days after the fact, just to show my displeasure.
That would be all on you.

What IS on me is I upset you to the point you can't let it go. So a win for me, and you will continue being upset.

*sips coffee*

Please, do carry on about how horrifically wounded you are, this "mansplainer" is ever so curious.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
None of you are required to visit Meltdown so why are people complaining about is posted in here? Offends Your sensibilities? Don't open Meltdown then.

Do you tell that to yourself when you go into political threads and Mansplain to me how I should be posting there?

You are one blatant hypocrite, Mr Wicca.
YOU were the one to wave the Pagan label about.
You want to step out of the Broom closet? Awesome. You want the rest of us to look like raving lunatics? Not so awesome.
Never said I was Wicca. And I wasn't the one roaming through your past posts to make a comment days after the fact, just to show my displeasure.
That would be all on you.

What IS on me is I upset you to the point you can't let it go. So a win for me, and you will continue being upset.

*sips coffee*

Please, do carry on about how horrifically wounded you are, this "mansplainer" is ever so curious.

I didn't wave it about. You accused me of being hobbled by my Catholicism, which was a far miss. I was just setting you straight, you gnat.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Seems fair to me.... but you're deluding yourself if you think it can ever be fully contained in one area...
So far the process is;
You are warned to keep it Meltdown, can't keep it meltdown, fine, BF bans you to meltdown, being the ONLY place you will be able to respond/post/etc

leaving the rest of the forum Flame/Drama Free.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Seems fair to me.... but you're deluding yourself if you think it can ever be fully contained in one area...
So far the process is;
You are warned to keep it Meltdown, can't keep it meltdown, fine, BF bans you to meltdown, being the ONLY place you will be able to respond/post/etc

leaving the rest of the forum Flame/Drama Free.

A good troll will ply their trade silently though...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't wave it about. You accused me of being hobbled by my Catholicism, which was a far miss. I was just setting you straight, you gnat.
And you're still acting like a recovering Catholic.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Seems fair to me.... but you're deluding yourself if you think it can ever be fully contained in one area...
So far the process is;
You are warned to keep it Meltdown, can't keep it meltdown, fine, BF bans you to meltdown, being the ONLY place you will be able to respond/post/etc

leaving the rest of the forum Flame/Drama Free.

A good troll will ply their trade silently though...
Indeed. Such is Bastard Factory.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
The point is this: no child "porn". No animal abuse. But child abuse is allowed as long as it's not child porn??? Get the fuck outta here. I don't make the rules but I do agree to the one's BF posted. They should be a little more "in depth", though. Just my opinion......


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I didn't wave it about. You accused me of being hobbled by my Catholicism, which was a far miss. I was just setting you straight, you gnat.
And you're still acting like a recovering Catholic.

I've never been Catholic.

You act like a current Southern Bpatist.
Never met a Southern Baptist, but then again the Furthest south I have been is to some state called N.Dakota, was too warm and they had no beer.

So I'll just take your word for it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@BF old skool members;

Congratulations, the buttons have been found. They all have one, it just takes awhile with a few.

You've got to be some of the sickest, most disgusting, twisted motherfuckers on earth. How do you live with yourselves.....flaming someone's dead child....or any child for that matter. Children are innocent and unless this is a fucking Teletubbies forum, children should be left out of your mouths. All of you. Idgaf who you are. It is degrading to this forum. If child porn and some stupid Japanese anime shit or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, isn't allowed, then why succumb to being indecent human beings?? Is this forum so much a part of your real life that you would degrade YOURSELF by speaking about or mocking children in such a manner??? If so, you're a fucking savage. No more than dog shit beneath a shoe and no better than Q, himself who got banned. I think @Bastard Factory should step up his game on this site concerning children. This is an "adult" site and should remain such. Anything about children (death related, abuse related, etc) should be left outside the forum. Just my opinion.

NO child porn, no animal abuse.
Beyond that? This is Bastard Factory... not a "flame forum".

People's feelz hurt and sensibilities shook?
Thicker skin may be required while visiting our ancient halls.
Our Fuck feild went dry and there are no more to give .
Dummy, and I use that term endearing, this is a fight forum.

If you can't handle this smoke, go somewhere else
No, this small section called Meltdown is the Hall of Shame, where the uncivilized are sent. Those whom have no social skills on the internet. All sense of decency and morality is exempt in this area. Can't handle dead kids? Don't visit Meltdown.

If you seek a fight forum, there are many more out there.

They think every board is a flame forum and that they are the master gatekeepers of flaming, and that everyone is super interested in "flaming" and playing some "game" that they played at Bawl Hall.

I wish they would lighten up.
Simpys flaming dead children and Flamers should lighten up?

Lol wat?

He didnt flame a dead kid.

He is ripping on Caskur for her hypocrisy. "Flamers" rip on kids.

Why are you calling him "simpy"?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The point is this: no child "porn". No animal abuse. But child abuse is allowed as long as it's not child porn??? Get the fuck outta here. I don't make the rules but I do agree to the one's BF posted. They should be a little more "in depth", though. Just my opinion......
Oh yes, I agree they could be more detailed and in depth... but then we'd miss the outrage in Meltdown.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Seems fair to me.... but you're deluding yourself if you think it can ever be fully contained in one area...
So far the process is;
You are warned to keep it Meltdown, can't keep it meltdown, fine, BF bans you to meltdown, being the ONLY place you will be able to respond/post/etc

leaving the rest of the forum Flame/Drama Free.

A good troll will ply their trade silently though...
Indeed. Such is Bastard Factory.

You guys try your best...'s something.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Seems fair to me.... but you're deluding yourself if you think it can ever be fully contained in one area...
So far the process is;
You are warned to keep it Meltdown, can't keep it meltdown, fine, BF bans you to meltdown, being the ONLY place you will be able to respond/post/etc

leaving the rest of the forum Flame/Drama Free.

A good troll will ply their trade silently though...


A skilled troll won’t have to convince everyone. People just know.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I didn't wave it about. You accused me of being hobbled by my Catholicism, which was a far miss. I was just setting you straight, you gnat.
And you're still acting like a recovering Catholic.

I've never been Catholic.

You act like a current Southern Bpatist.
Never met a Southern Baptist, but then again the Furthest south I have been is to some state called N.Dakota, was too warm and they had no beer/

So I'll just take your word for it.

PS, my going into a few posts that were from a couple days previous to highlight your hypocrisy was simply this: I know the importance of repetition for those who are logically impaired. I just wanted to make sure you understood. Apparently you don't yet.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
The point is this: no child "porn". No animal abuse. But child abuse is allowed as long as it's not child porn??? Get the fuck outta here. I don't make the rules but I do agree to the one's BF posted. They should be a little more "in depth", though. Just my opinion......
Oh yes, I agree they could be more detailed and in depth... but then we'd miss the outrage in Meltdown.

So someone can't handle animal abuse but they can handle child abuse? Please explain this to me.