Trump has more indictments and impeachments than any US President!

Lotte Skoring

Factory Bastard
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Center Court
I absolutely disagree. This man should have never been able to run for president. He is a bully who has impeded on our right to free press and has a history of intimidating witnesses.
Gayparroty_47 isn't defending Trump. He's very objective. Only deals in the facts.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Gayparroty_47 isn't defending Trump. He's very objective. Only deals in the facts.

Any person who has attained the wealth it takes to intimidate judges and make rape allegations from a 14 year old virgin who was tied to a headboard and hit in the face should be feared by us all.

The wealth of the 10% is the problem.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
What I've always found amusing is the way they consistently go after Trump for crimes of which they are themselves guilty and often in even more egregious fashion.

They tried to impeach Trump for making some aid to Ukraine conditional on doing the administration's bidding in a Ukrainian domestic policy matter, but Biden (when he was VP) is *ON VIDEO* bragging about doing the exact same thing *IN UKRAINE* but for some reason that wasn't a big deal.

Now they want to go after Trump for mishandling classified documents when Biden and Hillary (as well as anyone else they care to actually investigate I'm sure) are undeniably guilty of the same thing and in Hillary's case we know for inarguable fact she went so far as destroying evidence and lying about the whole thing.

I guess Trump is their sacrificial lamb and they hope they can saddle him with all of their own sins before they cut his throat and thereby absolve themselves of any blame for past indiscretions?


Horrible people do horrible shit. It's a thing.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
But he knows more than all his Generals and Intel and Law Enforcement advisors!

He is a smart guy…. who would have caught my attention more pushing for an independent than singing the praises of a pompous blow-hard.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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What I've always found amusing is the way they consistently go after Trump for crimes of which they are themselves guilty and often in even more egregious fashion.

They tried to impeach Trump for making some aid to Ukraine conditional on doing the administration's bidding in a Ukrainian domestic policy matter, but Biden (when he was VP) is *ON VIDEO* bragging about doing the exact same thing *IN UKRAINE* but for some reason that wasn't a big deal.

Now they want to go after Trump for mishandling classified documents when Biden and Hillary (as well as anyone else they care to actually investigate I'm sure) are undeniably guilty of the same thing and in Hillary's case we know for inarguable fact she went so far as destroying evidence and lying about the whole thing.

I guess Trump is their sacrificial lamb and they hope they can saddle him with all of their own sins before they cut his throat and thereby absolve themselves of any blame for past indiscretions?


Horrible people do horrible shit. It's a thing.
Isn't it a little to be hitting the sauce already?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
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United states
O wait so like you were serious about the Caligula thing? Serious discussion? :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:

Right quote this post while responding to something I said in another post but don't address anything said that questions your claims and accusations right?

Just keep spewing and insulting people. That's your comfort zone and we wouldn't want you to wear yourself out stepping out of it, would we?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I absolutely disagree. This man should have never been able to run for president. He is a bully who has impeded on our right to free press and has a history of intimidating witnesses.

Yes yes we should prevent people from running for president based on whether or not people like his/her personality.

Democracy means everyone has to abide by what people like MURD think and want.

What about aaaalllll the people who recognize YOUR side as fucking bullies who attack everyone who challenges them? That doesn't count because only YOU are the judge of who the bully is and all of us have to get with that. To the point where you actually think your opinions on someone should dictate whether or not the rest of us should be able to vote for them.

Only people lefties and progs like and approve of can run for office....democracy!! It's astounding you guys say shit like this and have the nerve and lack of self awareness to call OTHER people authoritarian.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What I've always found amusing is the way they consistently go after Trump for crimes of which they are themselves guilty and often in even more egregious fashion.

They tried to impeach Trump for making some aid to Ukraine conditional on doing the administration's bidding in a Ukrainian domestic policy matter, but Biden (when he was VP) is *ON VIDEO* bragging about doing the exact same thing *IN UKRAINE* but for some reason that wasn't a big deal.

Now they want to go after Trump for mishandling classified documents when Biden and Hillary (as well as anyone else they care to actually investigate I'm sure) are undeniably guilty of the same thing and in Hillary's case we know for inarguable fact she went so far as destroying evidence and lying about the whole thing.

I guess Trump is their sacrificial lamb and they hope they can saddle him with all of their own sins before they cut his throat and thereby absolve themselves of any blame for past indiscretions?


Horrible people do horrible shit. It's a thing.

Because the only real crime to these people is offending them and opposing their opinions and causes.

They don't give two shits about rape or anything and that's obvious by their selective outrage. They only care about themselves and their views.

Biden signed a self ID law that allows any bio male to "identify" as a woman and enter any female space and women and girls are being abused and assaulted. In prison cells even. A girl was assraped by a boy in a skirt and SHE was the one who got shit on and her father arrested.

But accusation against Trump with zero actual evidence should be taken as gospel and we should all FEAR him. Even as our sex based rights are gone because of leftwing activism.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I absolutely disagree. This man should have never been able to run for president.

That's your opinion.
It's wrong and about 30 different kinds of fucked up, but it's yours and you have every right to it.

What you don't have the right to is forcing everyone else to conform to your opinion.
That's straight-up authoritarianism.
Just sayin'.

He is a bully who has impeded on our right to free press and has a history of intimidating witnesses.

What free press?
The corporate media, who abandoned "journalism" long ago and are now merely bias-reinforcing stenographers for oligarchs and imperialism? So-called alternative media sources who exist to funnel votes back into one half or the other of a wholly corrupted political duopoly? Truly independent voices and publications who are rewarded with demonetization, censorship, and harassment? If you want to know how 'Murica feels about press freedoms look no further than Julian Assange and then miss me with that bullshit.

We have neither a free press nor even a democracy and haven't for as long as I can remember. Reducing the examination and discussion of complex problems to the level of RedTeam/BlueTeam or "Orange Man Bad" is how we got here and it sure as hell won't help us fix anything.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Isn't it a little to be hitting the sauce already?

So isn't THAT off topic?

You only care about people staying on topic in the meltdown forum where anything goes but up here in a discussion forum you get to fling insults and jack threads?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That's your opinion.
It's wrong and about 30 different kinds of fucked up, but it's yours and you have every right to it.

What you don't have the right to is forcing everyone else to conform to your opinion.
That's straight-up authoritarianism.
Just sayin'.

What free press?
The corporate media, who abandoned "journalism" long ago and are now merely bias-reinforcing stenographers for oligarchs and imperialism? So-called alternative media sources who exist to funnel votes back into one half or the other of a wholly corrupted political duopoly? Truly independent voices and publications who are rewarded with demonetization, censorship, and harassment? If you want to know how 'Murica feels about press freedoms look no further than Julian Assange and then miss me with that bullshit.

We have neither a free press nor even a democracy and haven't for as long as I can remember. Reducing the examination and discussion of complex problems to the level of RedTeam/BlueTeam or "Orange Man Bad" is how we got here and it sure as hell won't help us find fix anything.

And Hollowgay and Admin didn't call her out on that either. They supported her tyrannical opinion that only people they like should be allowed to run for office.

That's how they think. We all should be forced to conform to their preferences. The worst part's not even their genuine preferences. It's whatever the mainstream narrative is.

They are so narrow minded that they accuse you of defending Trump because they need to get you labeled and treated accordingly. They cannot be bothered to register anything you are saying....too complicated and not hateful enough for them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Aidsman remains a stupid faggot. The reality is an Obama appointed judge, ruling on Bill Clinton taking huge amounts of classified stuff, ruled a former president can take anything he wants, it is entirely up to him to decide what is his private papers and what is not. He literally ruled the records people had to accept anything Bill Clinton told them.

Funny how there is one standard for Democraps and an entirely different one for Republicans.

Lotte Skoring

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Center Court
Funny how there is one standard for Democraps and an entirely different one for Republicans.
Say little girl does your mom know you've been sucking cocks and not taking any money for it. You should take a business tip from Soiled Dove. At least she charges a quarter per blow job and them quarters all add up.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Aidsman remains a stupid faggot. The reality is an Obama appointed judge, ruling on Bill Clinton taking huge amounts of classified stuff, ruled a former president can take anything he wants, it is entirely up to him to decide what is his private papers and what is not. He literally ruled the records people had to accept anything Bill Clinton told them.

Funny how there is one standard for Democraps and an entirely different one for Republicans.
You're a sad pathetic person.

PS, Stop being dumb.