Vaccinate or be Outcast


Domestically feral
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United states
So you see - there are still people, without offering a shred of evidence who are claiming that Fauci funded the research that produced SARS CoV2, while at the same time claiming that no one had claimed that he did.

Good god - the psychosis. So sad.
Did US money go to that chink lab? YES! NEXT!!!!
Billions of US dollars go to research and healthcare worldwide.

Show me your evidence that Fauci himself gave money directly to the Wuhan BioLab which then produced SARS CoV2, as he intended, and then released it upon the world?

That should be exceedingly easy for you amazing free-thinkers.

Do you know who the Free Thinkers were?
Do you know the societies that remain? I am a member of one of the last.
I lived in a town which was a stronghold of the movement in the 1880s.

Can you name it? LoLz

Yes - I know it's wrong but I do love fuckin wiff youz idjits.

So you are in a cult. An elitest group of a people who view themselves as enlightened who are indoctrinated into demonizing and misrepresenting all opposing views and basically endorsing everything corporate media and left wing politicains say.

We already knew that. Oh and of course we are no where near as enlightened or capable of thinking for ourselves.....obviously because we dont even know the name of whatever hive mind you are in that convinced it's useful idiots they are free thinkers and everyone else is dumb and evil.

Basically the script of every cult.....not sure why you think yours is the one. Lol. Sad shit, H. Every single cult has this formula and they all demonize and hold outsiders in "contempt" and deny any facts that oppose their tenants. You are just a brainwashed cultists.

Maybe it's time for you to entertain that possibility and start actually thinking.


Domestically feral
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United states
NewzMax is a known propaganda site, ding-dong.
Why don't you alt-right QAnon types get back to us when you actually know something instead of barfing a bunch of wild, biased speculation and propaganda?
Just wild statements w/o an supporting evidence.
See - a perfect opportunity was offered to support specific wild claims - but nothin.

I guess the Putinist propaganda parrot puppets didn't get the details on the bullshit they sling.
The MSM - the acronym given to the Main Stream Media so many years ago by the "leftists" that alt-rights now like to use as a blanket denial of any information that doesn't come from fringe right wing sources and align with the narrative that they have been brainwashed into believing.
It's funny and sad that by rejecting MSM (which is not always guilty of evil doing) that they somehow imaging what is left in the info cesspool is the real dope and by believing it they are the people in the know. How special it makes them. Of course what it really means is that they aren't capable of wading through available sources and by their own reasoning and insight determine what is suspect and what reliable in any given situation.
That, of course, is why there wasn't one contradicting bit of evidence presented here in refutiation of the Paul/Fauci controversy as advanced.

Actual evidence - None.

Yep - they're real free thinkers all right. LoLz
They're free to think what they are told by right wing propaganda sources.
Sorry faggit, AP, CBS, MESSNBC, CNN, NPR are ALL well know liberal fake nooze outlets! PWN3D!

Look what his corporate handlers told him the claim was

"TheStory: Fauci gave money to China to develop SARS CoV2 in Wuhan which was then release upon the world killing millions, therefore he is directly responsible for those deaths and all associated havoc."

Yeah. This is how they do it.....and these dumb fucks go right along with it because they've already been trained to defend the establishment and hate their own countrymen.

What happened.....Fauci funded gain of research. Which was research to see if this bat Corona could be made transmissible to humans. There IS direct evidence of this.

Also no one has claimed it was released intentionally.

They frame it in a totally ridiculous way so it can be called false when its not what is being said.

Look how they do it here

"Although the NIH did fund a project at the Wuhan lab, there’s no proof that the coronavirus was bioengineered. Both the WorldNetDaily article and Hilton’s segment rely on a series of unsubstantiated allegations to spin a conspiracy theory about the virus being a lab creation.

WorldNetDaily has since dialed back on many of its claims, issuing three separate corrections, all of which cite scientists pushing back on the notion that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade. It has also placed a question mark at the end of the original headline. However, the bulk of the article text has not been updated."

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Right. So Covid clearly wasnt man made or bio engineered. That's what they are saying is false. Okay, cool.

BUT this fully does Fauci....that yeah, the research was funded at least in part by Fauci. So the gain of function research was funded by Fauci. And that research involved seeing if bat born Corona could become infectious to humans. Which it did.

And now we have a global pandemic.

THIS article is propaganda. Its addressing claims that were not made and avoiding or minimizing the fact....that the article admitted....that Fauci DID fund the research from which we now have a pandemic.
msn is 100% pure, unadulterated lies and propaganda.

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In a paper published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports, Australian scientists describe how they used high-performance computer modeling of the form of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the beginning of the pandemic to predict its ability to infect humans and a range of 12 domestic and
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Their work aimed to help identify any intermediate animal vector that may have played a role in transmitting a bat virus to humans, and to understand any risk posed by the susceptibilities of companion animals such as cats and dogs, and commercial animals like cows, sheep, pigs and horses.

The scientists, from Flinders University and La Trobe University, used genomic data from the 12 animal species to painstakingly build computer models of the key ACE2 protein receptors for each species. These models were then used to calculate the strength of binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to each species' ACE2 receptor.

Surprisingly, the results showed that SARS-CoV-2 bound to ACE2 on
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cells more tightly than any of the tested animal species, including bats and pangolins. If one of the
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tested was the origin, it would normally be expected to show the highest binding to the virus.

"Humans showed the strongest spike binding, consistent with the high susceptibility to the virus, but very surprising if an animal was the initial source of the infection in humans," says La Trobe University Professor David Winkler.

The findings, originally released on the ArXiv preprint server, have now been peer reviewed and published in Scientific Reports.

"The computer modeling found the virus's ability to bind to the bat ACE2 protein was poor relative to its ability to bind
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. This argues against the virus being transmitted directly from bats to humans. Hence, if the virus has a natural source, it could only have come to humans via an intermediary species which has yet to be found," says Flinders affiliated Professor Nikolai Petrovsky.

There are questions about it's origins?
TheFuck, you say!

Well Fauci is guilty for sure then.
The virus was man made and Fauci helped create it.
Link? (You really are a surprise convert, Loktardo - you luvzzzz the Link)

Already did, faggit. Shoulda read it.

How much evidence does he need when Fauci admitted to this? Smh.

Cult programming is like a shield around the brain protecting it from reality.


This argues against the virus being transmitted directly from bats to humans. Hence, if the virus has a natural source, it could only have come to humans via an intermediary species which has yet to be found,"
We gotta find that intermediate spicies, dahg.

If we don't,
.we will never know the truth.

I hope the unnamed graduate of Chalupa U herd that.
Go git em, unnamed grad.

"This sharing of the almost identical spike protein almost certainly explains why SARS-CoV-2 binds so well to pangolin ACE2. Pangolin and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins may have evolved similarities through a process of convergent evolution,
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between viruses, or through genetic engineering, with no current way to distinguish between these possibilities," Professor Petrovsky says.

"Overall, putting aside the intriguing pangolin ACE2 results, our study showed that the COVID-19 virus was very well adapted to infect humans."

"We also deduced that some domesticated
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like cats, dogs and cows, sheep, chickens, some goats, the occasional alpaca, and all the unicorns are likely to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection too," Professor Winkler adds."

Golly gosh, that sure do 'splainz everythin right there
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
local and national TV is so OTT fear mongering lol

just how many hoops will u jump through?


What would Tyler Durden Do
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the things you own end up owning you
Hmm who to believe, thousands of Scientists all over the world, or this guy with a gettr acount?


Factory Bastard
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This argues against the virus being transmitted directly from bats to humans. Hence, if the virus has a natural source, it could only have come to humans via an intermediary species which has yet to be found,"
We gotta find that intermediate spicies, dahg.

If we don't,
.we will never know the truth.

I hope the unnamed graduate of Chalupa U herd that.
Go git em, unnamed grad.

"This sharing of the almost identical spike protein almost certainly explains why SARS-CoV-2 binds so well to pangolin ACE2. Pangolin and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins may have evolved similarities through a process of convergent evolution,
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between viruses, or through genetic engineering, with no current way to distinguish between these possibilities," Professor Petrovsky says.

"Overall, putting aside the intriguing pangolin ACE2 results, our study showed that the COVID-19 virus was very well adapted to infect humans."

"We also deduced that some domesticated
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like cats, dogs and cows, sheep, chickens, some goats, the occasional alpaca, and all the unicorns are likely to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection too," Professor Winkler adds."

Golly gosh, that sure do 'splainz everythin right there
The point is, libtards paid for the virus because they hate america so anyone who voted democrat should be tried for treason and shot. How Bow Dat?


Domestically feral
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United states
Hmm who to believe, thousands of Scientists all over the world, or this guy with a gettr acount?

You mean the ones called "scientists" with no names expect the leftwing approved ones?

Not the quacks who have different educated opinions?

Because we all noticed you guys only appeal to authority to those who toe the left wing political narrative. Not those who are doing science.


Domestically feral
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United states

Translation: even though people provide clear and direct examples of rights being violated, I'm going to continue spewing partisan hatred and gaslight because my hive demands conformity, and we hate liberal democracy.


Domestically feral
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United states

Here is another example of ignorant left wing gaslighting.

Please show who gives a fuck about a uterus? No one cares what someone does to a uterus. Rip it out and burn it. Make a smoothie. No one cares.

People are opposing the act of killing a living human being.

And you fucktards pretending to be smart and constantly dancing around the issue like this is just embarrassing for you.

You are obvious liars and manipulators who dont give a rip fuck about rights or full disclosure and you will stop and distort science to conform to your authoritarian politics.

I'm sure YOU are ignorant enough to try to tell ME what happens during pregnancy. And abortion. Two things you will never experience or understand that I have experienced and do understand.

You would lie to women about their own bodies if it served you and abortion proves it. You are liars. And rape supporters.


Domestically feral
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United states
Do what our corporate government says OR ELSE it’s a sign you’re selfish and’s not like GovCo ever manipulates people with lies regularly


Put your glasses on!
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Anybody checked in on India, where Delta Variant began? Deaths down 92% since its May peak, cases down 91% since then, too. One of the lowest vaccination rates in the world, btw.