Vaccine is bad juju

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Right here.... he directly talks about the left just bashes people.

That's what they all do. They only "discuss" these topics amongst themselves in echo chambers where even there.....they straight up bash everyone who has different opinions more than they talk about doing anything to better the lives of people in the country.

When they focused on an individual who disagrees with them and argues them, they WANT you to believe it's just you that is super stupid. Or you are uncivil(even if you are responding to their incredibly rudeness).

They NEVER own their shit behavior or anything they caused that's harmful. Its ALWAYS the other person at fault. Always. They got nasty towards you? Well it's your fault for being so ignorant, and how dare you say anything back.

Every group has some people like this. But on the left? It's the majority of them with very few reasonable ones willing to civilly engage. The rest of them would much rather completely get rid of or at least completely disenfranchise everyone not on their "side". They just dont want actual democracy.

They know best. We are stupid/racist/ignorant et and they should have ALL the authority and power. This is the mentality.

did you see how badly Admin wanted to believe he could kick my ass when I made him and his party look utterly stupid with my real time video?

I love making these tards twitch like that

like the time Peaches wanted to kill be with his rubber nose


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

You shouldnt even have to clarify that you are not anti vax. There are so many pro vaccine people who are very nervous about this one. And there are very valid reasons why people are uneasy about it.

And calling them anti vax and shaming and insulting them, pressuring and using coercion is just doing harm.

But god forbid a righteous leftist misses an opportunity to berate and put down people. If they pass up the chance to try to make other people feel like shit, how will they ever feel good about themselves? Bonus if their elected officials find ways to force it.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states

...this kind of worries me.

I am experiencing inflammation of the joints just like the woman mentioned in the video.
So...while I'm OK/Not dead/dying after shot 1, I might not push it and could forgo the 2nd shot.

My wrists and fingers are somewhat sore tho the pain seems to have subsided in the legs.
I am taking anti-inflamatory (Aleve) to bring the swelling down.
Altho the Doctor I saw said it wasn't a blood clot.

Not sure if or when these symptoms will go away.
Maybe they will after the vaccine wears off in 6 to 12 months (?).

Given the experience of the woman in the video, I feel that it may be too risky to ahead with a 2nd.

Wait and see.

Tenpenny is a total I'm not saying there is no issues with this Covid vaccine. Too many people have had some pretty serious issues right after getting it (too many to call this a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy imho).....but Tenpenny is a known anti vax scammer.

I can give you TONS of evidence for why I would never trust her. Shes against all vaccines and makes claims that just are not backed at all. So of course she will be against this one as well.

I cant take anti vaxxers seriously at all. Especailly after seeing how they will literally prey on grieving mothers of babies who passed from SIDS.

But yeah this vaccine people have had issues with. I dont like the pushing and coercion before its even approved for regular use, and the very people who want these government agencies dont even care it's not approved for this kind of use.

I cannot not even imagine how fucking horrible I would feel if I pressured, bullied or coerced someone into getting ANY medical intervention and it ended up harming them in some way. I would definately feel responsibility for that. None of these people pushing and bashing care at ALL if harm comes to anyone as a result of what they pushed for.

Which is very clear with the Equality Act. Disturbingly clear. And the School Choice issue. And the BLM riots. They just not care one bit about any leftwing casualties.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

You shouldnt even have to clarify that you are not anti vax. There are so many pro vaccine people who are very nervous about this one. And there are very valid reasons why people are uneasy about it.

And calling them anti vax and shaming and insulting them, pressuring and using coercion is just doing harm.

But god forbid a righteous leftist misses an opportunity to berate and put down people. If they pass up the chance to try to make other people feel like shit, how will they ever feel good about themselves? Bonus if their elected officials find ways to force it.

Well, I was skeptical, but I was willing to try it.

Y'know what they say...try something at least once in yer life!

But....if it doesn't work out...

.... then maybe they should nix Plan A & try Plan B instead (?)


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

You shouldnt even have to clarify that you are not anti vax. There are so many pro vaccine people who are very nervous about this one. And there are very valid reasons why people are uneasy about it.

And calling them anti vax and shaming and insulting them, pressuring and using coercion is just doing harm.

But god forbid a righteous leftist misses an opportunity to berate and put down people. If they pass up the chance to try to make other people feel like shit, how will they ever feel good about themselves? Bonus if their elected officials find ways to force it.

Well, I was skeptical, but I was willing to try it.

Y'know what they say...try something at least once in yer life!

But....if it doesn't work out...

.... then maybe they should nix Plan A & try Plan B instead (?)

People should be making this decision with their doctor and do it willingly.

Putting people in a coercive situation where they either get it or lose their livelihood is disgusting. The bribing people with 100 bucks is disgusting. The shaming and insulting is disgusting. It should not be imposed like this. I'm convinced it's more about control and partisanship than health and concern for health.

I really hope your symptoms go away soon, Joe. I'm glad you went to the doctor. Im sure you know the signs of blood clots so you need to get to a hospital if you develop any.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

You shouldnt even have to clarify that you are not anti vax. There are so many pro vaccine people who are very nervous about this one. And there are very valid reasons why people are uneasy about it.

And calling them anti vax and shaming and insulting them, pressuring and using coercion is just doing harm.

But god forbid a righteous leftist misses an opportunity to berate and put down people. If they pass up the chance to try to make other people feel like shit, how will they ever feel good about themselves? Bonus if their elected officials find ways to force it.

Well, I was skeptical, but I was willing to try it.

Y'know what they say...try something at least once in yer life!

But....if it doesn't work out...

.... then maybe they should nix Plan A & try Plan B instead (?)

People should be making this decision with their doctor and do it willingly.

Putting people in a coercive situation where they either get it or lose their livelihood is disgusting. The bribing people with 100 bucks is disgusting. The shaming and insulting is disgusting. It should not be imposed like this. I'm convinced it's more about control and partisanship than health and concern for health.

I really hope your symptoms go away soon, Joe. I'm glad you went to the doctor. Im sure you know the signs of blood clots so you need to get to a hospital if you develop any.

I think they'll go away. But it might be when the vaccine finally wears off.

Anyways, Maybe the reason people aren't getting the vaccine because they think it's too unsafe.

They see all these YouTube or Bitchute videos of people having adverse side effects so they're sayin, "Uh Uh, not me, buddy"

Perhaps if it had a better safety record more people would sign up for it.

If it was safe as getting a flu shot, hey no problem.

But if a person has a pre-existing condition or vulnerable like an expectant Mom, they're likely to back away.


Hope I won't get in trouble for poasting 0ak's PI here...



Such is life...
Factory Bastard
Great Southern Land
Pay attention fuckers......

Dude have you ever listened to a big pharma ad on the tv? 75% of the verbiage is all the horrible shit the drug could possibly do to fuck you up, no matter how slight the chances are.

Definition of life: A lot of shit can happen.


You could argue all you like, but the fact remains, we all really don’t know what the fuck is in the various vaccines for a start, or how detrimental it could be to one’s health down the track. It’s not worth it for those two points alone, never mind the scams and other lies these fuckwits are poisoning us with.

Got your vaccine? Good! Leave the unvaccinated alone so we can enjoy living... kisses and hugs. XxOoXx

I am not bothering anyone by stating facts am I? The unvaccinated aren't being made to do anything.

They’re starting to give/consider privileges and incentives to the vaccinated here in Oz. It’s starting to reek of tyranny. Off-grid living is the only solution. Never in my entire life have I seen such blatant’s like the blind leading the blind. Such a shit-show!


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Not a single one of them can explain logically why they are getting so hysterical over the adoption of a vaccine that doesn't stop the virus from infecting a hosts nor does it stop the transmission of said virus to other persons once it has infected the original host

so what does it do actually other to make liberals feel like obedient little guppies who are eager to rush to whatever hand claps their masters are issuing this week

Yeah dude, stick with what you're good at lol....

:Dickhead::Sloppy::Sucky Sucky:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.

Sure they would, they were morally weak like that. Ha!

Of course!

Addicts are just morally weak and probably really stupid. It's not a disorder or anything. They are not NEARLY as righteous and moral as you CA leftwingers.

Are you guys kicking them when you pass them on your streets or still just stepping over them?

I know you're just another Frederick Douglass, for real!!

I touched a nerve already?

I'm just expressing grateful is all.

English please, Frederick.

That was supposed to say gratitude.

Do you lack the socail skills to figure out a typo?

Do you mean "social skills"? Well, social skills have nothing to do with reading. Just saying.

However, I do try to be as clear as possible when I post. I don't always succeed, but I do try. You don't bother to articulate your thoughts clearly. You post stream of consciousness (in your case repetitive judgments) over and over and poorly. SSDD

Bahahahaha. My reputation is in pieces.

I know you, try. But you are in a den of ignorant stupid trashy people wasting your blessed time on us unworthy uncivil cretins so I'm not sure why are bent up on that.

I'm too morally weak to tRy 2 bE clEaR.

Thank you so much for coming back this evening to tell us more about all our flaws ♡

You're welcome. I'm talking about your deficiencies because you think you're an authority on everything and you're dumb as a box of dicks.

This is not about "our flaws", they're your flaws, dummy.

"Dumb as a box of dicks" . Well, I'll have you know my dick is pretty smart. Its smarter than your dad's was, cause at least mine knows when to pull out.

Sorry about the weak sperm you were blessed with.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

...this kind of worries me.

I am experiencing inflammation of the joints just like the woman mentioned in the video.
So...while I'm OK/Not dead/dying after shot 1, I might not push it and could forgo the 2nd shot.

My wrists and fingers are somewhat sore tho the pain seems to have subsided in the legs.
I am taking anti-inflamatory (Aleve) to bring the swelling down.
Altho the Doctor I saw said it wasn't a blood clot.

Not sure if or when these symptoms will go away.
Maybe they will after the vaccine wears off in 6 to 12 months (?).

Given the experience of the woman in the video, I feel that it may be too risky to ahead with a 2nd.

Wait and see.

Dude, dont take another dose. We tried warning you before.

In case you didnt watch the other video, ALL the mice died within 2 months of the vax. Mice years vs human years, it said humans it would take 2 years.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

I am antivax, havent been vaxxed in over 30 years. I RARELY get sick. I believe in the natural immune system.... if you have a good immune system already. Before, if someone wanted a flu vax or whatever, I wasnt against it, it was their choice to do so. They were safe. Seemed like it made folks sick when taking it though. So since I only get sick once a year if that at the change of seasons, there was no need for me to take one.

These are not vaxxes as it turns out, but experimental gene therapy.


Or should I say...... Bad JewJew! lol


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I'm sure you guys have noticed.....but I'm going to ask anyway.....have you guys noticed that ONLY people the left hates spread Covid?

They blame Republicans/conservatives. The ONLY people who spread the virus.

The excessive lock down protest? Any sort of Trump rally? SUPER SPREADER events.

The endless violent leftwing riots? They outright claimed were not spreading the virus.

If you dont understand this? It's because you are too stupid to understand SCIENCE.

The democrats in TX pulling a political stunt and catching Covid? Crickets. Obama's upcoming birthday bash with 700 guests and 200 staff members? "Covid compliant".

The flood of illegal immigrants pouring into border states and being bused and flown all over the country? Definately not spreading it. It's the Republicans in those border states spreading it.

I legit saw one of these leftwing assholes say "immigrants dont spread Covid, ignorance does"

So literally nothing anyone on the left does ever spread Covid BUT Republicans are out there MURDERING people. Just slaughtering everyone. Oh but they also dont believe the virus is even real.....while they MURDER people with it.

How do we know an event is a "super spreader" event? Its Republicans. Because democrats and leftists dont spread it even with months of rioting.

I guess if I wasnt so ignint and i knew as much they know about infectious disease(i never will though because my trash brain is too small and they know it's no use to explain anything because we are big unevolved dummy dumbs) we would understand SCIENCE and why leftists dont spread it, but Republicans are committing mass murder with it. If we just did everything the government and media said? We would still spread it because we are not left.

If we want to end this pandemic? We need to switch parties immediately. SCIENCE. You fucking trashy stoopid murderous cretins.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states

Pretty much.

No one trusts any of this shit anymore because of how partisan it all went.

Remember how when the video of Floyd came out literally EVERYONE was in agreement until they started rioting and spreading psychotic hate?

And they blame us for the division because in their heads you are with them or their enemy. So just by disagreeing they call that divisive.


I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

I am antivax, havent been vaxxed in over 30 years. I RARELY get sick. I believe in the natural immune system.... if you have a good immune system already. Before, if someone wanted a flu vax or whatever, I wasnt against it, it was their choice to do so. They were safe. Seemed like it made folks sick when taking it though. So since I only get sick once a year if that at the change of seasons, there was no need for me to take one.

These are not vaxxes as it turns out, but experimental gene therapy.


Or should I say...... Bad JewJew! lol

Pretty much.

No one trusts any of this shit anymore because of how partisan it all went.

Remember how when the video of Floyd came out literally EVERYONE was in agreement until they started rioting and spreading psychotic hate?
Not everyone. Some of us knew the Truth about Saint George.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

I am antivax, havent been vaxxed in over 30 years. I RARELY get sick. I believe in the natural immune system.... if you have a good immune system already. Before, if someone wanted a flu vax or whatever, I wasnt against it, it was their choice to do so. They were safe. Seemed like it made folks sick when taking it though. So since I only get sick once a year if that at the change of seasons, there was no need for me to take one.

These are not vaxxes as it turns out, but experimental gene therapy.


Or should I say...... Bad JewJew! lol

Pretty much.

No one trusts any of this shit anymore because of how partisan it all went.

Remember how when the video of Floyd came out literally EVERYONE was in agreement until they started rioting and spreading psychotic hate?
Not everyone. Some of us knew the Truth about Saint George.

I mean when that first video was released and it was just a shock to see. Everyone wanted answers and to know the whole story.

It was disturbing, for sure.

Now I see it.....and the stories like it that were being exploited as the incitement it was.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

I am antivax, havent been vaxxed in over 30 years. I RARELY get sick. I believe in the natural immune system.... if you have a good immune system already. Before, if someone wanted a flu vax or whatever, I wasnt against it, it was their choice to do so. They were safe. Seemed like it made folks sick when taking it though. So since I only get sick once a year if that at the change of seasons, there was no need for me to take one.

These are not vaxxes as it turns out, but experimental gene therapy.


Or should I say...... Bad JewJew! lol

Pretty much.

No one trusts any of this shit anymore because of how partisan it all went.

Remember how when the video of Floyd came out literally EVERYONE was in agreement until they started rioting and spreading psychotic hate?
Not everyone. Some of us knew the Truth about Saint George.

I mean when that first video was released and it was just a shock to see. Everyone wanted answers and to know the whole story.

It was disturbing, for sure.

Now I see it.....and the stories like it that were being exploited as the incitement it was.
When the first video came out, we didnt know it was edited bullshit. Even I got sucked into it and called for Chauvin to be executed. Once I saw the WHOLE VIDEO, I was mad. Floyd was as much responsible for his own death as anyone.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

I am antivax, havent been vaxxed in over 30 years. I RARELY get sick. I believe in the natural immune system.... if you have a good immune system already. Before, if someone wanted a flu vax or whatever, I wasnt against it, it was their choice to do so. They were safe. Seemed like it made folks sick when taking it though. So since I only get sick once a year if that at the change of seasons, there was no need for me to take one.

These are not vaxxes as it turns out, but experimental gene therapy.


Or should I say...... Bad JewJew! lol

Pretty much.

No one trusts any of this shit anymore because of how partisan it all went.

Remember how when the video of Floyd came out literally EVERYONE was in agreement until they started rioting and spreading psychotic hate?
Not everyone. Some of us knew the Truth about Saint George.

I mean when that first video was released and it was just a shock to see. Everyone wanted answers and to know the whole story.

It was disturbing, for sure.

Now I see it.....and the stories like it that were being exploited as the incitement it was.
When the first video came out, we didnt know it was edited bullshit. Even I got sucked into it and called for Chauvin to be executed. Once I saw the WHOLE VIDEO, I was mad. Floyd was as much responsible for his own death as anyone.



I'm not really anti-vax...but I don't want to take the wrong vaccine either.

There's other kind(s) of vaccines coming out soon.

Maybe they'll be safer.

mRNA vaccines are starting to make me feel a bit nervous!

I am antivax, havent been vaxxed in over 30 years. I RARELY get sick. I believe in the natural immune system.... if you have a good immune system already. Before, if someone wanted a flu vax or whatever, I wasnt against it, it was their choice to do so. They were safe. Seemed like it made folks sick when taking it though. So since I only get sick once a year if that at the change of seasons, there was no need for me to take one.

These are not vaxxes as it turns out, but experimental gene therapy.


Or should I say...... Bad JewJew! lol

Pretty much.

No one trusts any of this shit anymore because of how partisan it all went.

Remember how when the video of Floyd came out literally EVERYONE was in agreement until they started rioting and spreading psychotic hate?
Not everyone. Some of us knew the Truth about Saint George.

I mean when that first video was released and it was just a shock to see. Everyone wanted answers and to know the whole story.

It was disturbing, for sure.

Now I see it.....and the stories like it that were being exploited as the incitement it was.
When the first video came out, we didnt know it was edited bullshit. Even I got sucked into it and called for Chauvin to be executed. Once I saw the WHOLE VIDEO, I was mad. Floyd was as much responsible for his own death as anyone.
I can't breathe has replaced dindu nuffin as the most likely thing a jaboon will say when being cuffed and stuffed.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I NEVER caught chicken pox even with several attempts made by my grandmother to get me infected.

I spent 3 nights sleeping in bed with my cousin who had it BAD. When my grandma told if I dont catch it as a kid, it could kill me as an adult....I would cry when I didnt get it lol.

I'm somehow naturally immune to it.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.

Sure they would, they were morally weak like that. Ha!

Of course!

Addicts are just morally weak and probably really stupid. It's not a disorder or anything. They are not NEARLY as righteous and moral as you CA leftwingers.

Are you guys kicking them when you pass them on your streets or still just stepping over them?

I know you're just another Frederick Douglass, for real!!

I touched a nerve already?

I'm just expressing grateful is all.

English please, Frederick.

That was supposed to say gratitude.

Do you lack the socail skills to figure out a typo?

Do you mean "social skills"? Well, social skills have nothing to do with reading. Just saying.

However, I do try to be as clear as possible when I post. I don't always succeed, but I do try. You don't bother to articulate your thoughts clearly. You post stream of consciousness (in your case repetitive judgments) over and over and poorly. SSDD

Bahahahaha. My reputation is in pieces.

I know you, try. But you are in a den of ignorant stupid trashy people wasting your blessed time on us unworthy uncivil cretins so I'm not sure why are bent up on that.

I'm too morally weak to tRy 2 bE clEaR.

Thank you so much for coming back this evening to tell us more about all our flaws ♡

You're welcome. I'm talking about your deficiencies because you think you're an authority on everything and you're dumb as a box of dicks.

This is not about "our flaws", they're your flaws, dummy.

"Dumb as a box of dicks" . Well, I'll have you know my dick is pretty smart. Its smarter than your dad's was, cause at least mine knows when to pull out.

Sorry about the weak sperm you were blessed with.

I wasn't blessed with sperm. I have ovaries, you low rent retard.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.

Sure they would, they were morally weak like that. Ha!

Of course!

Addicts are just morally weak and probably really stupid. It's not a disorder or anything. They are not NEARLY as righteous and moral as you CA leftwingers.

Are you guys kicking them when you pass them on your streets or still just stepping over them?

I know you're just another Frederick Douglass, for real!!

I touched a nerve already?

I'm just expressing grateful is all.

English please, Frederick.

That was supposed to say gratitude.

Do you lack the socail skills to figure out a typo?

Do you mean "social skills"? Well, social skills have nothing to do with reading. Just saying.

However, I do try to be as clear as possible when I post. I don't always succeed, but I do try. You don't bother to articulate your thoughts clearly. You post stream of consciousness (in your case repetitive judgments) over and over and poorly. SSDD

Bahahahaha. My reputation is in pieces.

I know you, try. But you are in a den of ignorant stupid trashy people wasting your blessed time on us unworthy uncivil cretins so I'm not sure why are bent up on that.

I'm too morally weak to tRy 2 bE clEaR.

Thank you so much for coming back this evening to tell us more about all our flaws ♡

You're welcome. I'm talking about your deficiencies because you think you're an authority on everything and you're dumb as a box of dicks.

This is not about "our flaws", they're your flaws, dummy.

"Dumb as a box of dicks" . Well, I'll have you know my dick is pretty smart. Its smarter than your dad's was, cause at least mine knows when to pull out.

Sorry about the weak sperm you were blessed with.

I wasn't blessed with sperm. I have ovaries, you low rent retard.

Its how you were created you nimrod!


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.

Sure they would, they were morally weak like that. Ha!

Of course!

Addicts are just morally weak and probably really stupid. It's not a disorder or anything. They are not NEARLY as righteous and moral as you CA leftwingers.

Are you guys kicking them when you pass them on your streets or still just stepping over them?

I know you're just another Frederick Douglass, for real!!

I touched a nerve already?

I'm just expressing grateful is all.

English please, Frederick.

That was supposed to say gratitude.

Do you lack the socail skills to figure out a typo?

Do you mean "social skills"? Well, social skills have nothing to do with reading. Just saying.

However, I do try to be as clear as possible when I post. I don't always succeed, but I do try. You don't bother to articulate your thoughts clearly. You post stream of consciousness (in your case repetitive judgments) over and over and poorly. SSDD

Bahahahaha. My reputation is in pieces.

I know you, try. But you are in a den of ignorant stupid trashy people wasting your blessed time on us unworthy uncivil cretins so I'm not sure why are bent up on that.

I'm too morally weak to tRy 2 bE clEaR.

Thank you so much for coming back this evening to tell us more about all our flaws ♡

You're welcome. I'm talking about your deficiencies because you think you're an authority on everything and you're dumb as a box of dicks.

This is not about "our flaws", they're your flaws, dummy.

"Dumb as a box of dicks" . Well, I'll have you know my dick is pretty smart. Its smarter than your dad's was, cause at least mine knows when to pull out.

Sorry about the weak sperm you were blessed with.

I wasn't blessed with sperm. I have ovaries, you low rent retard.

Its how you were created you nimrod!

But "blessed with" doesn't mean that, you stupid hick.