Vaccine is bad juju


Factory Bastard
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Muh Bro in teh Proud Bois sed!
Well chicken little, dont lie so much and people might believe you more!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Muh Bro in teh Proud Bois sed!
Well chicken little, dont lie so much and people might believe you more!
When did you discover that you were of the Hebraic persuasion?
About the time I decided I'd like to be Emperor so I could round up people just like you and gas you all like a buncha Jews in Auschwitz whenever it amuses me. In other words, YEARS AGO!


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you

Muh Bro in teh Proud Bois sed!
Well chicken little, dont lie so much and people might believe you more!
When did you discover that you were of the Hebraic persuasion?
About the time I decided I'd like to be Emperor so I could round up people just like you and gas you all like a buncha Jews in Auschwitz whenever it amuses me. In other words, YEARS AGO!
That sounds like a good story to share with your therapist during your next session.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Because you can't look at the pandemic separately. About 70% of the American public has had a least one dose of the vaccine. Why would you shut down when most have tried to protect themselves?

It doesn't make sense for that to even be asked. It's why FB isn't supposed to be taken seriously. Stupidity runs rampant.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.
Trump said we would get tired of winning on the campaign trail.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.
Trump said we would get tired of winning on the campaign trail.
We won, till you cheated.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.
I hope president nigger trips over a bongo drum, rips the bone out moochelle's nose, and falls face first on a box of dildos!


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.
But doesn't Mass. border the middle east?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.

Sure they would, they were morally weak like that. Ha!

Of course!

Addicts are just morally weak and probably really stupid. It's not a disorder or anything. They are not NEARLY as righteous and moral as you CA leftwingers.

Are you guys kicking them when you pass them on your streets or still just stepping over them?

I know you're just another Frederick Douglass, for real!!

I touched a nerve already?

I'm just expressing grateful is all.

English please, Frederick.

That was supposed to say gratitude.

Do you lack the socail skills to figure out a typo?

Do you mean "social skills"? Well, social skills have nothing to do with reading. Just saying.

However, I do try to be as clear as possible when I post. I don't always succeed, but I do try. You don't bother to articulate your thoughts clearly. You post stream of consciousness (in your case repetitive judgments) over and over and poorly. SSDD

Bahahahaha. My reputation is in pieces.

I know you, try. But you are in a den of ignorant stupid trashy people wasting your blessed time on us unworthy uncivil cretins so I'm not sure why are bent up on that.

I'm too morally weak to tRy 2 bE clEaR.

Thank you so much for coming back this evening to tell us more about all our flaws ♡

You're welcome. I'm talking about your deficiencies because you think you're an authority on everything and you're dumb as a box of dicks.

This is not about "our flaws", they're your flaws, dummy.

"Dumb as a box of dicks" . Well, I'll have you know my dick is pretty smart. Its smarter than your dad's was, cause at least mine knows when to pull out.

Sorry about the weak sperm you were blessed with.

I wasn't blessed with sperm. I have ovaries, you low rent retard.

Its how you were created you nimrod!

But "blessed with" doesn't mean that, you stupid hick.

It means your daddy is a weak Beta cuck you fucking simpleton! An egg cant make a baby without sperm, retard. Maybe if your type quit aborting babies you might learn a thing or two.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

Vaxxers are the new super spreaders, porkasaurus.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.

They are being tested TOO. What don't you understand about a negative covid test, dumbass?


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.
Interesting you weren't this concerned about the chuckleheads attending Matt Molester Gaetz and Fucktard Marjie Green's America First Pan Handling rallies.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.
Interesting you weren't this concerned about the chuckleheads attending Matt Molester Gaetz and Fucktard Marjie Green's America First Pan Handling rallies.

Have you seen that bitch's feet? She's a hobbit.

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Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
More people die from the covid jab than any other vax. FACT!

And even more die from Covid itself. That's also a fact.


Imagine that, when the tests couldnt tell the difference between Covid and the flu. Your numbers are flawed.

Imagine if you weren't ignorant. I can't.

Are you looking in the mirror and saying that? Dumbass.

Aren't so glad when the CA lefties come to us straight from their throne to let us all know how stupid, ignorant and even how trashy we all are compared to them? As their state becomes a third world shit hole with unchecked sex abuse and people shooting up right on the sidewalk?

I bet Fredrick Douglass and all the heros history took every opportunity to share their contempt and disdain for others as well. It's the right thing to do from the right side of history.

I bet those heroes shot up heroin too!

They probably would if they were alive today.

Sure they would, they were morally weak like that. Ha!

Of course!

Addicts are just morally weak and probably really stupid. It's not a disorder or anything. They are not NEARLY as righteous and moral as you CA leftwingers.

Are you guys kicking them when you pass them on your streets or still just stepping over them?

I know you're just another Frederick Douglass, for real!!

I touched a nerve already?

I'm just expressing grateful is all.

English please, Frederick.

That was supposed to say gratitude.

Do you lack the socail skills to figure out a typo?

Do you mean "social skills"? Well, social skills have nothing to do with reading. Just saying.

However, I do try to be as clear as possible when I post. I don't always succeed, but I do try. You don't bother to articulate your thoughts clearly. You post stream of consciousness (in your case repetitive judgments) over and over and poorly. SSDD

Bahahahaha. My reputation is in pieces.

I know you, try. But you are in a den of ignorant stupid trashy people wasting your blessed time on us unworthy uncivil cretins so I'm not sure why are bent up on that.

I'm too morally weak to tRy 2 bE clEaR.

Thank you so much for coming back this evening to tell us more about all our flaws ♡

You're welcome. I'm talking about your deficiencies because you think you're an authority on everything and you're dumb as a box of dicks.

This is not about "our flaws", they're your flaws, dummy.

"Dumb as a box of dicks" . Well, I'll have you know my dick is pretty smart. Its smarter than your dad's was, cause at least mine knows when to pull out.

Sorry about the weak sperm you were blessed with.

I wasn't blessed with sperm. I have ovaries, you low rent retard.

Its how you were created you nimrod!

But "blessed with" doesn't mean that, you stupid hick.

It means your daddy is a weak Beta cuck you fucking simpleton! An egg cant make a baby without sperm, retard. Maybe if your type quit aborting babies you might learn a thing or two.

No shit?! Speak English, cracker.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.
Interesting you weren't this concerned about the chuckleheads attending Matt Molester Gaetz and Fucktard Marjie Green's America First Pan Handling rallies.

Have you seen that bitch's feet? She's a hobbit.

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least slap some crocs over those stumps! That's just rude.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.
Interesting you weren't this concerned about the chuckleheads attending Matt Molester Gaetz and Fucktard Marjie Green's America First Pan Handling rallies.

Have you seen that bitch's feet? She's a hobbit.

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least slap some crocs over those stumps! That's just rude.

She's an alien. I'm sorry I digressed off the topic, but when I saw those "feet", ugh.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.
Interesting you weren't this concerned about the chuckleheads attending Matt Molester Gaetz and Fucktard Marjie Green's America First Pan Handling rallies.

Have you seen that bitch's feet? She's a hobbit.

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least slap some crocs over those stumps! That's just rude.

She's an alien. I'm sorry I digressed off the topic, but when I saw those "feet", ugh.
I need to see her walking, it seems like I have and she seems to have a normal gait....but those are some strange looking feet. NTTAWWT.