Vaccine is bad juju


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the things you own end up owning you
LOL! The bestest thing about MTG is she brings out the super duper butt hurt in libtards! I'd love to see her President one day and appoint some Q type to a cabinet position. Libs would blast off into loon-r-orbit! :LOL3:
You do realize she is mentally retard, right?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LOL! The bestest thing about MTG is she brings out the super duper butt hurt in libtards! I'd love to see her President one day and appoint some Q type to a cabinet position. Libs would blast off into loon-r-orbit! :LOL3:
You do realize she is mentally retard, right?
I DO realize she punches you people right in the twat just by her presence and you cant deal with that. She could wake up tomorrow and pose with a severed nancy head and I'd fukin donate $500 to her re-election campaign! You fukin morons dont realize how damned spoiled you all got from about Nixon on. Before Trump, the left always lashed out in hyperbolic and vile ways and Repubs sat back and did nothing in retaliation. You're getting what you give and flat out dont like it. Fuck off for the next 40 years or so. I have no desire to so much as stop you people from stepping in front of a moving train. If I did, I'd be mad at myself.

Ask yourself this asshole, has your side done jack or shit about the crazies on your side? PWN3D!


LOL! The bestest thing about MTG is she brings out the super duper butt hurt in libtards! I'd love to see her President one day and appoint some Q type to a cabinet position. Libs would blast off into loon-r-orbit! :LOL3:
You do realize she is mentally retard, right?
I DO realize she punches you people right in the twat just by her presence and you cant deal with that. She could wake up tomorrow and pose with a severed nancy head and I'd fukin donate $500 to her re-election campaign! You fukin morons dont realize how damned spoiled you all got from about Nixon on. Before Trump, the left always lashed out in hyperbolic and vile ways and Repubs sat back and did nothing in retaliation. You're getting what you give and flat out dont like it. Fuck off for the next 40 years or so. I have no desire to so much as stop you people from stepping in front of a moving train. If I did, I'd be mad at myself.

Ask yourself this asshole, has your side done jack or shit about the crazies on your side? PWN3D!

So long as they voat against every single thing libs try to do, I don't care how crazy they are. And the craziness also gets the media to waste lots of time too, another big benefit.


Put your glasses on!
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I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.
Interesting you weren't this concerned about the chuckleheads attending Matt Molester Gaetz and Fucktard Marjie Green's America First Pan Handling rallies.

Have you seen that bitch's feet? She's a hobbit.

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You clearly dont know your Lord of the Rings. Hobbits have hair on their toes. Those are just short toes.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.

They are being tested TOO. What don't you understand about a negative covid test, dumbass?

The part where testing isnt really that reliable. I tested negative twice before I got a positive and I was absolutely symptomatic

I know you want to try to justify this because you are bias towards this drone dropping piece of shit due to some warped party loyalty.....but you really cant.

He could hold it off until we see what this delta surge does, especially when media humpers are so devoted to selling their partisan narratives that Republicans are the ones "murdering people" with Covid while leftists dont even spread it during riots.

Its ghoulishly obvious that this is nothing more than a partisan game. And people see through this and they say "fuck it".

I like how you condescendingly announce to others how situations are complex and there is nuance but when it comes blathering on your hyper partisanship calling everyone who disagrees with you stupid or whatever insult you people vomit to avoid dealing with valid criticism.....all that complexity and nuance doesnt exist and its "right wing dumb....right wing kill people. we sCiEnCe....left wing iz teh smarts"

Really this sort of sophistry and political propaganda has done far more harm to this country as far as deep division and pandemic management than anything.

I know you love believing your "side" is always correct and everyone else is just dumb so it's okay to be nasty, dishonest and counter productive and government coercion and mandates are nessesary because "people are too stupid to make their own choices" but that's a delusion. A delusion attached to authoritarianism.

You do not read like an intellectual. Especailly when you try to explain away obvious hypocrisy, manipulate the direction of conversations in order to insult opposition, and rely on name calling. As well as disregarding posts longer than a headline and then trying to sell the idea the post was too long when the truth is, you just have no rebuttal and are too small to admit error.

And no.....admitting error with a small thing doesnt prove otherwise. You are much more arrogant and temperamental, more controlling, than intelligent. And very dishonest.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states

I'm onto your corruption, I have done the reserch, I have seen the youtube videos!

This is a false equivalence.

Stop it. one surrounded by sharks would need a government mandate to get in the boat.

Put some effort into understanding more than just what's in your bubble.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.

They are being tested TOO. What don't you understand about a negative covid test, dumbass?

The part where testing isnt really that reliable. I tested negative twice before I got a positive and I was absolutely symptomatic

I know you want to try to justify this because you are bias towards this drone dropping piece of shit due to some warped party loyalty.....but you really cant.

He could hold it off until we see what this delta surge does, especially when media humpers are so devoted to selling their partisan narratives that Republicans are the ones "murdering people" with Covid while leftists dont even spread it during riots.

Its ghoulishly obvious that this is nothing more than a partisan game. And people see through this and they say "fuck it".

I like how you condescendingly announce to others how situations are complex and there is nuance but when it comes blathering on your hyper partisanship calling everyone who disagrees with you stupid or whatever insult you people vomit to avoid dealing with valid criticism.....all that complexity and nuance doesnt exist and its "right wing dumb....right wing kill people. we sCiEnCe....left wing iz teh smarts"

Really this sort of sophistry and political propaganda has done far more harm to this country as far as deep division and pandemic management than anything.

I know you love believing your "side" is always correct and everyone else is just dumb so it's okay to be nasty, dishonest and counter productive and government coercion and mandates are nessesary because "people are too stupid to make their own choices" but that's a delusion. A delusion attached to authoritarianism.

You do not read like an intellectual. Especailly when you try to explain away obvious hypocrisy, manipulate the direction of conversations in order to insult opposition, and rely on name calling. As well as disregarding posts longer than a headline and then trying to sell the idea the post was too long when the truth is, you just have no rebuttal and are too small to admit error.

And no.....admitting error with a small thing doesnt prove otherwise. You are much more arrogant and temperamental, more controlling, than intelligent. And very dishonest.

I do believe you're a typhoid Mary.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.

They are being tested TOO. What don't you understand about a negative covid test, dumbass?

The part where testing isnt really that reliable. I tested negative twice before I got a positive and I was absolutely symptomatic

I know you want to try to justify this because you are bias towards this drone dropping piece of shit due to some warped party loyalty.....but you really cant.

He could hold it off until we see what this delta surge does, especially when media humpers are so devoted to selling their partisan narratives that Republicans are the ones "murdering people" with Covid while leftists dont even spread it during riots.

Its ghoulishly obvious that this is nothing more than a partisan game. And people see through this and they say "fuck it".

I like how you condescendingly announce to others how situations are complex and there is nuance but when it comes blathering on your hyper partisanship calling everyone who disagrees with you stupid or whatever insult you people vomit to avoid dealing with valid criticism.....all that complexity and nuance doesnt exist and its "right wing dumb....right wing kill people. we sCiEnCe....left wing iz teh smarts"

Really this sort of sophistry and political propaganda has done far more harm to this country as far as deep division and pandemic management than anything.

I know you love believing your "side" is always correct and everyone else is just dumb so it's okay to be nasty, dishonest and counter productive and government coercion and mandates are nessesary because "people are too stupid to make their own choices" but that's a delusion. A delusion attached to authoritarianism.

You do not read like an intellectual. Especailly when you try to explain away obvious hypocrisy, manipulate the direction of conversations in order to insult opposition, and rely on name calling. As well as disregarding posts longer than a headline and then trying to sell the idea the post was too long when the truth is, you just have no rebuttal and are too small to admit error.

And no.....admitting error with a small thing doesnt prove otherwise. You are much more arrogant and temperamental, more controlling, than intelligent. And very dishonest.

I do believe you're a typhoid Mary.

You believe several stupid things.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.
Interesting you weren't this concerned about the chuckleheads attending Matt Molester Gaetz and Fucktard Marjie Green's America First Pan Handling rallies.

Have you seen that bitch's feet? She's a hobbit.

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You clearly dont know your Lord of the Rings. Hobbits have hair on their toes. Those are just short toes.

I'm such a loser because I'm not into stout hairy feet.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was very true.

If we look at COVID-19 and the Delta variant as two separate pandemics, Biden hasn't implemented any of the same policies he criticized Trump for not implementing by this point in the Delta variant pandemic.

He has more information and more tools, but all he is doing is making a half-hearted request to wear masks inside. Why isn't he doing everything Trump didn't do fast enough at the same point in his pandemic?

Are those who have died of the Delta variant the result of Biden not taking it seriously?

The most interesting delta is the one between what Biden said as a candidate and what he's done now that he's in office.

Well Obama's 60th birthday bash with hundreds of guests and staff is gonna be lit.

And the we got a shit ton of immigrants pouring in.

But you know.....Covid only spreads and kills people when Republicans want to make their own decisions.

Everyone that has been invited has been vaccinated and they have to be tested, more than once; MS is a state with low rates of active Covid infections. But that probably doesn't mean anything to a ding-a-ling like you.

You can still catch it and spread it while vaccinated. It just lowers your chances of developing a severe illness and dying. Pfizer and Moderna cut your chances of death by 96%, Johnson 92%.

You can still catch it and still spread it. So a big birthday bash is a great place to pass around some Covid to take home to whoever hasnt gotten the vaccine.....and not just people that dont want it, but people who cant get the vaccine.

But hey you know......there probably wont be any Republicans there so it's likely fine. I'm also sure those TX who caught it didnt spread it at all either.

Kinda like how protests against the excessive lock down measures were superspread events. But BLM protests and riots were not.

Like I said perhaps were are just stoopy head dingalings who would only gifted this superior intellect upon registering to vote for democrats. Clearly all other parties are all just dingydingalings.

Or you guys are indoctrinated hyper partisan hacks who have convinced yourselves you are smarter than you actually are, jumping on every bit of propaganda that confirms your existing biases.

They are being tested TOO. What don't you understand about a negative covid test, dumbass?

The part where testing isnt really that reliable. I tested negative twice before I got a positive and I was absolutely symptomatic

I know you want to try to justify this because you are bias towards this drone dropping piece of shit due to some warped party loyalty.....but you really cant.

He could hold it off until we see what this delta surge does, especially when media humpers are so devoted to selling their partisan narratives that Republicans are the ones "murdering people" with Covid while leftists dont even spread it during riots.

Its ghoulishly obvious that this is nothing more than a partisan game. And people see through this and they say "fuck it".

I like how you condescendingly announce to others how situations are complex and there is nuance but when it comes blathering on your hyper partisanship calling everyone who disagrees with you stupid or whatever insult you people vomit to avoid dealing with valid criticism.....all that complexity and nuance doesnt exist and its "right wing dumb....right wing kill people. we sCiEnCe....left wing iz teh smarts"

Really this sort of sophistry and political propaganda has done far more harm to this country as far as deep division and pandemic management than anything.

I know you love believing your "side" is always correct and everyone else is just dumb so it's okay to be nasty, dishonest and counter productive and government coercion and mandates are nessesary because "people are too stupid to make their own choices" but that's a delusion. A delusion attached to authoritarianism.

You do not read like an intellectual. Especailly when you try to explain away obvious hypocrisy, manipulate the direction of conversations in order to insult opposition, and rely on name calling. As well as disregarding posts longer than a headline and then trying to sell the idea the post was too long when the truth is, you just have no rebuttal and are too small to admit error.

And no.....admitting error with a small thing doesnt prove otherwise. You are much more arrogant and temperamental, more controlling, than intelligent. And very dishonest.

I do believe you're a typhoid Mary.

You believe several stupid things.

You posted about being spooked out by a freaking bird in the middle of the road at night. As if that actually had a deeper meaning than a bird standing out in the road. Can't get any more stupid than that, typhoid Mary.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Factory Bastard
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“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:

It's not necessary to live in the place you were raised. You talk a lot of smack and live in the place that benefits you the most. Hypocrite.

As for not wearing seatbelts, GOOD. I freaking love that!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:

It's not necessary to live in the place you were raised. You talk a lot of smack and live in the place that benefits you the most. Hypocrite.

As for not wearing seatbelts, GOOD. I freaking love that!
Me living here benefits Illinois way more than me. I could do the same job and live in Florida but my wife is tethered. Illinois has sucked $5500 in income taxes from me so far this year.

I love being a hypocrite BTW. Doesnt bother me a bit, hypocrite! One day tho, me and my money will leave this shithole and they wont have my tax dollars to waste.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:

It's not necessary to live in the place you were raised. You talk a lot of smack and live in the place that benefits you the most. Hypocrite.

As for not wearing seatbelts, GOOD. I freaking love that!
Me living here benefits Illinois way more than me. I could do the same job and live in Florida but my wife is tethered. Illinois has sucked $5500 in income taxes from me so far this year.

I love being a hypocrite BTW. Doesnt bother me a bit, hypocrite! One day tho, me and my money will leave this shithole and they wont have my tax dollars to waste.

Money over principles. Typical conservatives.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:

It's not necessary to live in the place you were raised. You talk a lot of smack and live in the place that benefits you the most. Hypocrite.

As for not wearing seatbelts, GOOD. I freaking love that!
Me living here benefits Illinois way more than me. I could do the same job and live in Florida but my wife is tethered. Illinois has sucked $5500 in income taxes from me so far this year.

I love being a hypocrite BTW. Doesnt bother me a bit, hypocrite! One day tho, me and my money will leave this shithole and they wont have my tax dollars to waste.

Money over principles. Typical conservatives.
Oh, its much worse actually. While I'm here, I vote for CONservatives like Rodney Davis and work to teach people CONservatism. My goal is to turn the state more red and rob you assholes of power.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:

It's not necessary to live in the place you were raised. You talk a lot of smack and live in the place that benefits you the most. Hypocrite.

As for not wearing seatbelts, GOOD. I freaking love that!
Me living here benefits Illinois way more than me. I could do the same job and live in Florida but my wife is tethered. Illinois has sucked $5500 in income taxes from me so far this year.

I love being a hypocrite BTW. Doesnt bother me a bit, hypocrite! One day tho, me and my money will leave this shithole and they wont have my tax dollars to waste.

Money over principles. Typical conservatives.
Oh, its much worse actually. While I'm here, I vote for CONservatives like Rodney Davis and work to teach people CONservatism. My goal is to turn the state more red and rob you assholes of power.

Somehow you think that matters to me. It doesn't.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:

It's not necessary to live in the place you were raised. You talk a lot of smack and live in the place that benefits you the most. Hypocrite.

As for not wearing seatbelts, GOOD. I freaking love that!
Me living here benefits Illinois way more than me. I could do the same job and live in Florida but my wife is tethered. Illinois has sucked $5500 in income taxes from me so far this year.

I love being a hypocrite BTW. Doesnt bother me a bit, hypocrite! One day tho, me and my money will leave this shithole and they wont have my tax dollars to waste.

Money over principles. Typical conservatives.
Oh, its much worse actually. While I'm here, I vote for CONservatives like Rodney Davis and work to teach people CONservatism. My goal is to turn the state more red and rob you assholes of power.

Somehow you think that matters to me. It doesn't.
Oh, it matters. You want everyone to do what YOU want them to do.


Factory Bastard
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☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:

It's not necessary to live in the place you were raised. You talk a lot of smack and live in the place that benefits you the most. Hypocrite.

As for not wearing seatbelts, GOOD. I freaking love that!
Me living here benefits Illinois way more than me. I could do the same job and live in Florida but my wife is tethered. Illinois has sucked $5500 in income taxes from me so far this year.

I love being a hypocrite BTW. Doesnt bother me a bit, hypocrite! One day tho, me and my money will leave this shithole and they wont have my tax dollars to waste.

Money over principles. Typical conservatives.
Oh, its much worse actually. While I'm here, I vote for CONservatives like Rodney Davis and work to teach people CONservatism. My goal is to turn the state more red and rob you assholes of power.

Somehow you think that matters to me. It doesn't.
Oh, it matters. You want everyone to do what YOU want them to do.

Actually, I don't. If it were up to me, you'd all get Covid and fuck off quick.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
“For me as a physician, this is a national tragedy,” University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Dean for Global Health Dr. Michael Saag said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “These deaths are largely preventable, and from a public health perspective, that’s inexcusable that we can be in this country and be experiencing this kind of problem.”

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Whats the survivability rate with the dirty dot variant?

Not my concern, my concern is those that die or become long haulers.
None of that is my concern. Just as it should be.

See, I don't care what you think, exactly as it should be. You're a Democrat hater that insists on living in a Democrat run state because it suits your billfold. You should be in Alabama, Montana or some other red state shithole. How about Idaho?
Hypocritical piece of shit.
Wrong cunt. I'm an EXTREME right winger living in a solid REPUBLICAN area in a democRAT ran shithole state. Chicongo and East St Louie are the democRAT shitholes that make illinois blue. If not for the red parts, the blue parts wouldnt have shit. You people are leeches and survive because of people just like me. Now in about 10 years, I'll retire and take all my illinois money to a good state like Florida.

Yes, you live in a Democratic run state. It's what I said. And you sell out your "principles" because you can't make the money in a red state the way you can in a blue state. Spin it all you want, but you live in a Democratic run state because it's more prosperous.
Nope, I live here because I was raised here, married here, and had kids here. I've got 2 kids raised who've moved to Florida. Another leaves the state within 6 months. Illinois isnt prosperous moron, read a fiscal study sometime. U-Haul cant keep enough trucks in this state because of the mass exodus. All the businesses are moving just over the borders, in every direction. Its such a joke that Wisconsin and Indiana have billboards thanking Illinois for the influx of jobs! As far as my business, most of the money is from out of state. Sometimes I home office out of Orlando. I purposely travel to St. Louis Mo to make large purchases when convenient because it robs illinois of taxes. I also only put enough gas in the car to get me to Missouri and top off before I leave it because gas is $.40 cheaper. I've only spent one vacation in Chicago in 25 years. All my vaca money goes to Florida and Nevada. I also never wear my seatbelt, so nanner nanner nanner! :LOL3:

It's not necessary to live in the place you were raised. You talk a lot of smack and live in the place that benefits you the most. Hypocrite.

As for not wearing seatbelts, GOOD. I freaking love that!
Me living here benefits Illinois way more than me. I could do the same job and live in Florida but my wife is tethered. Illinois has sucked $5500 in income taxes from me so far this year.

I love being a hypocrite BTW. Doesnt bother me a bit, hypocrite! One day tho, me and my money will leave this shithole and they wont have my tax dollars to waste.

Money over principles. Typical conservatives.
Oh, its much worse actually. While I'm here, I vote for CONservatives like Rodney Davis and work to teach people CONservatism. My goal is to turn the state more red and rob you assholes of power.

Somehow you think that matters to me. It doesn't.
Oh, it matters. You want everyone to do what YOU want them to do.

Actually, I don't. If it were up to me, you'd all get Covid and fuck off quick.
Well think, it's a good thing you're just a low level government stooge making minimum wage?

or should I say former ... :Happy5: