Well it's a good thing Wall street invested heavily in the president they needed

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Here's a good Tweet today from Bernie Sanders:
'Wall Street cannot continue functioning as a gambling casino. It's time for a tax on Wall Street speculation so that we can raise the funds to cancel student debt and make public colleges and universities tuition-free.'

Yup, he speaks my language!

Sanders sold out and shoved his tongue so far up the establishments rectum that he is polishing their tonsils.

They stole the primaries from him TWICE, and he told his base to support the gotdamn DNC.

Dont be so blind. You guys were manipulated into hating Trump. Trump was the wrench we threw into the gears of the system, and instead of holding the line through 5 years of the establishment trying to spit him out and preserve itself....you guys just bought into it.

We had a citizen volunteer in office, who kept most of his promises, advocated and helped the workers, minorities and our vets and military, who donated his presidential salary, who campaigned by going and talking to ordinary ass people....and no matter what you guys say, you sided with corporate elitests, the establishment and the whole system you pretend to be fighting. You Biden voters fucked over all of us, because you were mentally weak. Weak enough to swallow the corporate media induced mass hysteria and the political theater that was designed to get him out.

He didnt serve them, he served us. And if you think otherwise.....ask yourself why the entire mainstream and all the corporate elitests endorsed your "side". Are you really dumb enough to think these wealthy ass people voted against their own interests? You think Hollywood is gonna vote to have higher taxes?

It's amazing how you guys would rather have a soulless, demented, racist establishment crook who lies and sells us out......just because Trump wasnt absolute perfection and his tweets were obnoxious.

Just stop pretending like you made a good decision or that you are not politically ignorant. You were gullible and manipulated and acted as a tool of the system. Learn from this and do better. It's not US that are the problem.

You guys were all offended about this "insurrection" that was simply not an insurrection because the establishment wants a reason to criminalize dissent.....and you guys run right along with it, turning on your own countrymen and defending shit bag politicains who created the problems and conditions that led to Trump and led to that protest. But you are quiet when BLM rioters shoot children and destroy communities of poor and marginalized people who are just fucked now. But you are up in arms when citizens go after politicains.....that's where your loyalty is.

And then you guys cheer on the Wall Street insurrection lol. Pick a fucking side and stay on it. You wanna call your countrymen stupid idiots and trash for literally fighting the NWO you complained about or "predicted" but you supported it.
^^^^^ and this is what you call plunging the toilet with a liberals face tied to the end of your stick.

gimpy benzo will just laugh like a silly helmet wearing spaz cause that's the only answer he has


Domestically feral
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United states
Trump would have been 200 percent more likely to talk to and work out a policy with BLM than Biden ever will be.

Those guys are DNC toilet paper.

So stupid to go with Biden.....the author of all the problems they riot over.

Sanders will never get in there, ever. He would actually serve his base. Not that I agree with Sanders.....I'm just saying he would put his base first, and as see the establishment hates that. They wont ever let him get a chance.

And all these dumb shits will just keep supporting and enabling the shit bags responsible.

Theyll never let Tulsi win ever either. They would probably suicide her first.

Another Trump moment will likely not happen again in our lifetime.....and that's fucking sad. I really wonder if through all that media and hollywood hatred, the false narratives, the propaganda and the ruthless slamming Trump endured.....if you really believe you were hearing the voice of ordinary Americans.
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Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
lol... he still hasn't agreed to meet with BLM


The BIden LEmming MOvement :LMAO2:


Factory Bastard
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Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Nobody broke capitalism. It’s working just fine

what happened here is that millions of true capitalists exercised their right to buy a stock which was being short attacked by greedy scumbag hedge funds on Wall Street; but becsuse potential loses on a short position are virtually limitless the cronies went to their bought and paid for puppet to get his blessing before doing the biggest financial injustice to the average American yet.

Biden promised america he’d go after Wall Street despite being bought and paid by wall st and he just stood by idle when Wall Street shafted Americans yet again

those Reddit revolutionaries just proved to the world what world class scum liberals / democrats truly are
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
When the democrat controlled powers that be go after these redditers the civil war needs to start

Those kids did absolutely nothing illegal .
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
For the dirtbag liberals around here that don't understand what's really happened / Happening with Gamestop

You fumbling fucks support tyranny. THis week just proved it



Domestically feral
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United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.
What I "know" about the states is largely what I read on AP or Reuters. I think I've been to two states in my entire life. So I do not "know" the nuances of the average american life, beyond the observation you are all licky bat crazy.
Just what I've seen on the news: Professional stockbrokers have been gaming the system for years, had policies and laws passed to protect their self interests. Now non-professionals are gaming the system the same way the professionals are and the professionals have their tits in knot because the non-professionals are giving them the same "fukk you" attitude.

System is working as it should as far as I can tell.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Even though it will negatively impact my 401K, I hope these assholes do it again with AMC stock!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.
But who is it again that wants Reddit investigated by the SEC ?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.
But who is it again that wants Reddit investigated by the SEC ?

Someone I approve of? Don't say Warren. She's just another Dem -- full of shit. I'm no fan.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Lotus is too stupid to understand why ppl like Bloomberg and Bezos support cunts like Biden

Are you fucking serious? You are obviously too fucking stupid to understand anything I ever say here. I fucking detest Bezos. He's evil lizard person number 1. And I have never, ever been a fan of Bloomberg. What the fuck is your actual problem with comprehension?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.
But who is it again that wants Reddit investigated by the SEC ?

Someone I approve of? Don't say Warren. She's just another Dem -- full of shit. I'm no fan.
Reddit users weren’t getting their accounts shut down during trump’s watch

Twitter and amazon neither


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Did you take my comment as an insult? I was just saying America doesnt have true capitalism.

America has the oligarchs' favored version of capitalism. The US is going to completely implode if they don't knock it the fuck off.
With the likes of AOC and Biden in gov we most certainly will

Oh, because everything was going great with Trump in there. |Watch it here, folks. The fucking fiasco that the US has been for the last 12 years, since the housing crisis, is now all going to be Biden's fault.

It's ALL of them, you ignorant twat. Trump did as much that was bad as any of them, including W, Clinton. Obama, and Bush I. Biden will just continue the tradition. That is ALL he will do. But he won't act as stupid and utterly moronic as Trump.
Economy was good on Trumps watch

The economy was NOT good for working Americans.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.
But who is it again that wants Reddit investigated by the SEC ?

Someone I approve of? Don't say Warren. She's just another Dem -- full of shit. I'm no fan.
Reddit users weren’t getting their accounts shut down during trump’s watch

Twitter and amazon neither

You want to link to where I ever supported the shut down of accounts for political reasons? Hint: I don't support it. Fuckwit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Damn straight the economy was good under Trump! I had one customer in particular that languished under obongo, only building every other year if we were lucky and small numbers to boot. Under Trump, they built every single year and DOUBLE what they ever did before! That is the SOLE reason I made over 200K last year. Projections are that this year, I'll make $50K less.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
*sips coffee while waiting for am american to explain "true Capitalism" as Google is giving me such things as "No child labour laws, no minimum wage, no govt. interference in the making of profit for the private individual."*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
*sips coffee while waiting for am american to explain "true Capitalism" as Google is giving me such things as "No child labour laws, no minimum wage, no govt. interference in the making of profit for the private individual."*
I'm not interested in even discussing something that we're not in danger of having. Why? Well because we have been moving LEFT for 150 years. Not much danger in having a full on lurch into Capitalism, is there.

Now its a REAL possibility that between leftist woke culture and the already raging bureaucracy we have in place that controls what crops farmers can grow and what products corporations can produce, allows businesses to be charged more for utilities than joe sixpack, forces companies to pay half of SSI and Medicaid contributions, forces businesses to remove state and federal taxes from a workers check BEFORE the worker is paid, and awards gubmint contracts based on race, WILL lead up to open socialism and most likely communism.

Lets focus on that since thats reality.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Capitalism working correctly, yes?

Did someone break the Capitalism?

*chews popcorn slowly and watches*

You know America doesnt exactly have straight capitalism and if we did it would likely solve the majority of our issues.

Dovey, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. America has an enhanced form of malignant capitalism. It is EXACTLY what the corporatists want, and what you keep voting for.

No, we have malignant socailism. We do not have true capitalism here.

Do you think wealthy elites are gonna vote for themselves to pay higher taxes? All the corporatist vote left. They all endorsed Biden and support BLM.

Good grief
Now, this is getting confusing, what is "True Capitalism"?
I get this when I google "Capitalism"; an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

So by that definition, everything should be in private owners hands, yes?

And when I google socialism;
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

UNLESS you're a Marxist, then socialism means;
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

And I'm fairly certain no one here is a filthy Marxist and believes socialism = communism..or maybe there are Marxists in here.. I don't know.

But I'd be curious to see what a pure capitalist country would look like. Roads privately owned, Healthcare, ambulance and emergency services...all privately owned.
Ohhh, Imagine the variety of privately owned armies in a purely Capitalist society. The advancements made in weaponry would be through the roof.

We already have the democratic socailism people say they want. And the socailist programs we have are mismanaged to hell.

Every single state has it's own socailist medical system. It varies from state to state. I can tell you, if an uninsured poor as fuck person went to the ER they would be treated and there are socail workers that would come and help them get started on getting covered. That's part of my husbands job.

I'm not against the community paying for roads and public services. But it needs to be managed more efficiently. We pay tons of taxes for roads in my state and theyve been busted up for years. There is constant construction.

Whitmer basically won because she promised to fix the roads and make recreational weed legal. As far as roads all she did was tax on gas.....and as of now shes put hundreds of small businesses out of business and killed off a bunch of nursing home residents.

The problem with socailism(and I didnt even bring up communism, though socailism is bad enough and eventually just becomes communism. It just gets added to and expanded) is that people are corrupt. People will always be corrupt. And these systems intended to remedy inequality really only cause deeper inequality. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

We should give true capitalism a shot.

I get really frustrated when people start yelling to tax churches. That would be disgusting. And it would take money that has already been taxed that could be directly helping the poor.

I know people who have gotten divorced so they could receive enough benefits to survive, and also refuse extra hours or a higher paying position because they would lose benefits and still come up short. And many times prices go up because of tax. Like raising taxes on a landlord would raise the rent.