What did Parler do exactly?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Blazor ~ DEAD :LMAO:

I had no clue how “southern” you actually are. Gawd damn.... I need to go dig my Scarlet O’Hara BBQ dress out and sit pretty while I pout twiddling my delicate little fingers until you come take me in your arms and rid me of this national burden lol

Hahahahah, there we go!

I’m just passionate... it always comes from a good place.

Do you find it ironic that our families were both here for this war and we are still divided?

Yup, I can tolerate talking to a Yankee, a short while anyway :Grin3:

The media and such really pushed all this Murdy, it was a psy-op job involving the media machine and the Elites. Think of how long all this has been pushed to an extreme the past 4-5 years. Who the media was condemning, who they were praising. Who they silence, and who they let speak. We are in dark times Murdy. As a Libertarian I dont like it one bit.

but I grew up in an integrated area... I’m empathic, so I’ve never seen color. I’ve endured it from my family for the friends I’ve kept... I’ve witnessed first hand the unfair treatment they endure.

As a libertarian you should be against what the police are doing. Minimal state intervention. The police are funded more and more by the federal government.

I am for demilitarizing the police departments (they don’t need tanks, etc) and using that money to fund the educations of young blacks before they are exposed to the criminal element plaguing poor black communities. That’s all. I’m pro let’s fix this problem that is completely out of hand.

Im glad we are having this talk, cause the more we do, the more you get to learn the true me, and be amazed, and maybe listen to me some lol.

I am empathetic too, girl I grew up in Section 8! You dont think I've seen things? You dont think I've experienced things? Or had blacks be racist to me? Or seen things they go through? Or age based discrimination, or be profiled, had my car searched. I was never raised to be racist either. You base things on a person's character.

Nah I agree, the militarization of the police I was against. That was thanks to Obama, no lie, he gave it to them. And they just rolled with it and went from there. Now we get to deal with his vice president at a time everyone hollering defund the police, so this should be interesting.

So then you do know what I’m talking about.

When you come on a site and speak your mind about issues that are currently plaguing this nation and are then dog piled by a bunch of white men acting like they don’t care about the issue... it’s pretty alarming and this is why I went BALLS DEEP with my argument.

Now I’ve got Lokmar cheerleading for Harry... I’m thinking the sheets in their wives linen closets are in serious danger of being damaged with holes tonight and a few neighbood lawns are gonna have fire damage by tomorrow morning.

I think you have good intentions with the message you are trying to give, but I think the way you have been presenting it hasnt been the best way.

For instance, attacking my Southern flag! :Pissed2:

We ALL fought down here, and not for slavery.

I've never had to stand up for my flag before, til the past few years, and ESPECIALLY this year! I hadnt even flown a flag til this year, not got super vocal. I wont allow the South to be demonized.

You are condemning the flag completely, and the South, and those that owned slaves. Well, the slaves were all over the country, not just the South, and only by those that could afford them.... aka rich people. So its not the South you should condemn, its the rich. And I know there are racist individuals these days that fly my honorable flag, but they disrespect our flag. You cant cast out the whole bunch, it would be the same as BLM, some good and some bad.

There is no white privilege, I am proof of that.

There are good people of all colors, and there are bad people of all colors.

What confuses me most about your dedication to the confederate flag is that the south did NOT have a flag until the civil war started. The flag you have chosen to attach and attribute all of your southern heritage to was created and then used by the Confederate States Army from March 5, 1961 - April 9, 1865. So, I don’t see how you are attaching your ENTIRE southern heritage on THIS flag... which people outside of the south consider an innocuous design to keep that movement alive and I’ll explain why:

The civil war ended on April 9, 1965. The KKK was founded as a secret society the Klu Klux Klan on December 24, 1865 by six confederate veterans. They used this flag and terroristic tactics to target newly freed slaves.

“The Gag Rule” is a term still used in court to this day. It was created when the members of confess from the south passed resolutions banning any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams was against this rule and he was the former president of the US at that time.

The slave trade existed between the 16-19 centuries. Spain abolished slavery in 1811, Sweden in 1814, the Netherlands in 1817 and France in 1826. We were BEHIND the times and I don’t blame our leaders for not wanting OUR country to be affiliated with this.

You have to see this for what it is....

You are right about a lot of things, but some things need to be added.

I've made a post or two or three on why I fly it lol. That flag means many things to many people. I think the overall sentiment, and my own personal reasons are as follows. It was the flag that Lee flew, the man who did not betray his people, an honorable man, that all the South followed. It then took on the meaning of rebellion against a tyrannical government. Much like the US flag, it stood for liberty. For we were fighting for our Constitutional rights. You have to remember, that war was fought roughly 80 years after these men's fathers and grandfathers had just fought a war for freedom and liberty. It was still piping hot in their veins.

Yes, the KKK was originally founded by the Confederacy, but the reason you have is wrong. Originally it was started to deal with the white women being raped. The Confederate flag was not their original flag either....

Although founded by Confederate veterans almost immediately after the Civil War, the KKK did not use the Confederate flag widely or at all in its ritual in the 1860s and 1870s or during its rebirth and nationwide popularity from 1915 to the late 1920s. Only with a second rebirth in the late 1930s and 1940s did the battle flag take hold in the Klan.

In fact, in the South, after the war, we were not allowed to fly the flag or have any symbols or anything. Federal officers were vigilant against it.

When the KKK started causing violence, one of the founders, Nathan Bedford Forrest, called for them to disband. He did not like the hatefulness it had become.

When the Slave Trade ended, Virginia wanted to end slavery in the early 1800's. The politicians in New England didnt want to hear it, because it would cut into their profits.

So much more I can say on all this lol.

Going back to the supposed reason for KKK being established does not absolve them of the horrible crimes they have committed. And claiming Virginia supposedly wanted to end slavery and NE wouldn't let them. Well, I have never seen evidence of that, but even if it is true, that does not absolve the other slave holding states. Many horrible, horrible crimes were committed due to the legality of slavery and Jim Crow, and blacks have every right to not want to ever see Confederate symbols anywhere. You need to own the sins of your fathers and just let it the fuck go.

There is so much to love about the south when you remove the confederate ties.

I’ve have had emotional meltdowns and cried at slave holding cells everywhere from the Dominican Republic to New Orleans. The energy from their souls are still there and the torment was horrific.

I went to the museum in Liverpool that is dedicated to the part Liverpool played in the transport of slaves to the US. It was so chilling, and I had the same reaction. It is by far one of the most horrendous things human beings have ever done to other human beings. It's hard to fathom how people could be so despicable, and for so long, in spite of the fact that people were calling for an end it to it for many decades.

...and yet, Western civilization has only been officially 'slave free' for about 150 years.
Before that, it was about enslaving others to get the work done.
France got the ball rolling with the French Revolution nearly 250 years ago.
Before that, at least 95% of humanity were slaves, serfs, feudal servants
Poor Whites in the pre-Civil War South lbarely lived any better than the slaves they competed against.

Slavery is still widespread in th 3rd world.
Economic Giants like China and the US use prison labor to power their economies.

...hasn't gone away yet.

except you’re referring to a period in history where life was seriously undervalued and death by wasn’t given a second thought or hesitation

there is also no imagery available to horrify
us like there is with the slave owners and the bodies of the slaves... and this ALL happened in countries other than America


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Blazor ~ DEAD :LMAO:

I had no clue how “southern” you actually are. Gawd damn.... I need to go dig my Scarlet O’Hara BBQ dress out and sit pretty while I pout twiddling my delicate little fingers until you come take me in your arms and rid me of this national burden lol

Hahahahah, there we go!

I’m just passionate... it always comes from a good place.

Do you find it ironic that our families were both here for this war and we are still divided?

Yup, I can tolerate talking to a Yankee, a short while anyway :Grin3:

The media and such really pushed all this Murdy, it was a psy-op job involving the media machine and the Elites. Think of how long all this has been pushed to an extreme the past 4-5 years. Who the media was condemning, who they were praising. Who they silence, and who they let speak. We are in dark times Murdy. As a Libertarian I dont like it one bit.

but I grew up in an integrated area... I’m empathic, so I’ve never seen color. I’ve endured it from my family for the friends I’ve kept... I’ve witnessed first hand the unfair treatment they endure.

As a libertarian you should be against what the police are doing. Minimal state intervention. The police are funded more and more by the federal government.

I am for demilitarizing the police departments (they don’t need tanks, etc) and using that money to fund the educations of young blacks before they are exposed to the criminal element plaguing poor black communities. That’s all. I’m pro let’s fix this problem that is completely out of hand.

Im glad we are having this talk, cause the more we do, the more you get to learn the true me, and be amazed, and maybe listen to me some lol.

I am empathetic too, girl I grew up in Section 8! You dont think I've seen things? You dont think I've experienced things? Or had blacks be racist to me? Or seen things they go through? Or age based discrimination, or be profiled, had my car searched. I was never raised to be racist either. You base things on a person's character.

Nah I agree, the militarization of the police I was against. That was thanks to Obama, no lie, he gave it to them. And they just rolled with it and went from there. Now we get to deal with his vice president at a time everyone hollering defund the police, so this should be interesting.

So then you do know what I’m talking about.

When you come on a site and speak your mind about issues that are currently plaguing this nation and are then dog piled by a bunch of white men acting like they don’t care about the issue... it’s pretty alarming and this is why I went BALLS DEEP with my argument.

Now I’ve got Lokmar cheerleading for Harry... I’m thinking the sheets in their wives linen closets are in serious danger of being damaged with holes tonight and a few neighbood lawns are gonna have fire damage by tomorrow morning.

I think you have good intentions with the message you are trying to give, but I think the way you have been presenting it hasnt been the best way.

For instance, attacking my Southern flag! :Pissed2:

We ALL fought down here, and not for slavery.

I've never had to stand up for my flag before, til the past few years, and ESPECIALLY this year! I hadnt even flown a flag til this year, not got super vocal. I wont allow the South to be demonized.

You are condemning the flag completely, and the South, and those that owned slaves. Well, the slaves were all over the country, not just the South, and only by those that could afford them.... aka rich people. So its not the South you should condemn, its the rich. And I know there are racist individuals these days that fly my honorable flag, but they disrespect our flag. You cant cast out the whole bunch, it would be the same as BLM, some good and some bad.

There is no white privilege, I am proof of that.

There are good people of all colors, and there are bad people of all colors.

What confuses me most about your dedication to the confederate flag is that the south did NOT have a flag until the civil war started. The flag you have chosen to attach and attribute all of your southern heritage to was created and then used by the Confederate States Army from March 5, 1961 - April 9, 1865. So, I don’t see how you are attaching your ENTIRE southern heritage on THIS flag... which people outside of the south consider an innocuous design to keep that movement alive and I’ll explain why:

The civil war ended on April 9, 1965. The KKK was founded as a secret society the Klu Klux Klan on December 24, 1865 by six confederate veterans. They used this flag and terroristic tactics to target newly freed slaves.

“The Gag Rule” is a term still used in court to this day. It was created when the members of confess from the south passed resolutions banning any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams was against this rule and he was the former president of the US at that time.

The slave trade existed between the 16-19 centuries. Spain abolished slavery in 1811, Sweden in 1814, the Netherlands in 1817 and France in 1826. We were BEHIND the times and I don’t blame our leaders for not wanting OUR country to be affiliated with this.

You have to see this for what it is....

You are right about a lot of things, but some things need to be added.

I've made a post or two or three on why I fly it lol. That flag means many things to many people. I think the overall sentiment, and my own personal reasons are as follows. It was the flag that Lee flew, the man who did not betray his people, an honorable man, that all the South followed. It then took on the meaning of rebellion against a tyrannical government. Much like the US flag, it stood for liberty. For we were fighting for our Constitutional rights. You have to remember, that war was fought roughly 80 years after these men's fathers and grandfathers had just fought a war for freedom and liberty. It was still piping hot in their veins.

Yes, the KKK was originally founded by the Confederacy, but the reason you have is wrong. Originally it was started to deal with the white women being raped. The Confederate flag was not their original flag either....

Although founded by Confederate veterans almost immediately after the Civil War, the KKK did not use the Confederate flag widely or at all in its ritual in the 1860s and 1870s or during its rebirth and nationwide popularity from 1915 to the late 1920s. Only with a second rebirth in the late 1930s and 1940s did the battle flag take hold in the Klan.

In fact, in the South, after the war, we were not allowed to fly the flag or have any symbols or anything. Federal officers were vigilant against it.

When the KKK started causing violence, one of the founders, Nathan Bedford Forrest, called for them to disband. He did not like the hatefulness it had become.

When the Slave Trade ended, Virginia wanted to end slavery in the early 1800's. The politicians in New England didnt want to hear it, because it would cut into their profits.

So much more I can say on all this lol.

Going back to the supposed reason for KKK being established does not absolve them of the horrible crimes they have committed. And claiming Virginia supposedly wanted to end slavery and NE wouldn't let them. Well, I have never seen evidence of that, but even if it is true, that does not absolve the other slave holding states. Many horrible, horrible crimes were committed due to the legality of slavery, and blacks have every right to not want to ever see Confederate symbols anywhere. You need to own the sins of your fathers and just let it the fuck go.

No, it does not absolve them from their crimes. Im just saying that when it was started, it was for a more honorable reason, then how it became a short time later. Nor was it started with a Confederate flag.

Its true, the North profited greatly from selling slaves, selling them to the South mostly.

Virginia is a border state. They did want to end slavery early on, but their voices were not heard.

No it does not absolve those that wanted to continue slavery in other states. But, some of those states, wanted to free them eventually, without causing hardship on their pockets, or without causing hardship on the newly freed uneducated slave.

No, blacks should want to see that flag, as a symbol of unity we all had when that war happened. ANd their part in it. By trying to convince blacks it was all evil white men fighting for slavery, it deprives them of their families honor for their part in it. That link I just posted, had many black heroes of the Confederacy, just from one area close to me. Hell, in a local museum, there is a section honored for the blacks who participated. The women too.

My fathers were not sinners, they were noble and fought for their families. Hell, he even lost his first wife and daughter to it! The sinners were those that came down here and burned, looted, murdered, and raped our people. I will never let it go, and will always tell the truth.

Blazor, I’m willing to recognize that there was a brotherhood formed between the confederate soldiers and that many of them came from families who did not have the means to afford slaves... and that being decimated by the north in that war and then returning home after years of being in the battlefields to a life completely changed by this war would have given them a reason to hold onto that flag as a means of preserving their own sense of identity.

The north did not wage war on the south for any other reason but to END slavery. We did not make you leave this country. We did not take away your land. We did not take your houses or plantations. We did not make you take down the statues of Robert E. Lee and the other leaders representing your side in this.

This has now spiraled out of control all because of your REFUSAL to put that flag down.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
@Harry McKnackers

I don’t affiliate with known white supremacists. Calling me a racist for supporting the equal rights of minorities in this country blew your cover and it’s not socially acceptable to be publicly racist anymore.

Treating certain ethnicities differently than others is "racism", darling...

That's you.
Hmmm.... Let me read the message: "supporting the equal rights of minorities".

That's not treating people DIFFERENT, that's treating them THE SAME


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Blazor ~ DEAD :LMAO:

I had no clue how “southern” you actually are. Gawd damn.... I need to go dig my Scarlet O’Hara BBQ dress out and sit pretty while I pout twiddling my delicate little fingers until you come take me in your arms and rid me of this national burden lol

Hahahahah, there we go!

I’m just passionate... it always comes from a good place.

Do you find it ironic that our families were both here for this war and we are still divided?

Yup, I can tolerate talking to a Yankee, a short while anyway :Grin3:

The media and such really pushed all this Murdy, it was a psy-op job involving the media machine and the Elites. Think of how long all this has been pushed to an extreme the past 4-5 years. Who the media was condemning, who they were praising. Who they silence, and who they let speak. We are in dark times Murdy. As a Libertarian I dont like it one bit.

but I grew up in an integrated area... I’m empathic, so I’ve never seen color. I’ve endured it from my family for the friends I’ve kept... I’ve witnessed first hand the unfair treatment they endure.

As a libertarian you should be against what the police are doing. Minimal state intervention. The police are funded more and more by the federal government.

I am for demilitarizing the police departments (they don’t need tanks, etc) and using that money to fund the educations of young blacks before they are exposed to the criminal element plaguing poor black communities. That’s all. I’m pro let’s fix this problem that is completely out of hand.

Im glad we are having this talk, cause the more we do, the more you get to learn the true me, and be amazed, and maybe listen to me some lol.

I am empathetic too, girl I grew up in Section 8! You dont think I've seen things? You dont think I've experienced things? Or had blacks be racist to me? Or seen things they go through? Or age based discrimination, or be profiled, had my car searched. I was never raised to be racist either. You base things on a person's character.

Nah I agree, the militarization of the police I was against. That was thanks to Obama, no lie, he gave it to them. And they just rolled with it and went from there. Now we get to deal with his vice president at a time everyone hollering defund the police, so this should be interesting.

So then you do know what I’m talking about.

When you come on a site and speak your mind about issues that are currently plaguing this nation and are then dog piled by a bunch of white men acting like they don’t care about the issue... it’s pretty alarming and this is why I went BALLS DEEP with my argument.

Now I’ve got Lokmar cheerleading for Harry... I’m thinking the sheets in their wives linen closets are in serious danger of being damaged with holes tonight and a few neighbood lawns are gonna have fire damage by tomorrow morning.

I think you have good intentions with the message you are trying to give, but I think the way you have been presenting it hasnt been the best way.

For instance, attacking my Southern flag! :Pissed2:

We ALL fought down here, and not for slavery.

I've never had to stand up for my flag before, til the past few years, and ESPECIALLY this year! I hadnt even flown a flag til this year, not got super vocal. I wont allow the South to be demonized.

You are condemning the flag completely, and the South, and those that owned slaves. Well, the slaves were all over the country, not just the South, and only by those that could afford them.... aka rich people. So its not the South you should condemn, its the rich. And I know there are racist individuals these days that fly my honorable flag, but they disrespect our flag. You cant cast out the whole bunch, it would be the same as BLM, some good and some bad.

There is no white privilege, I am proof of that.

There are good people of all colors, and there are bad people of all colors.

What confuses me most about your dedication to the confederate flag is that the south did NOT have a flag until the civil war started. The flag you have chosen to attach and attribute all of your southern heritage to was created and then used by the Confederate States Army from March 5, 1961 - April 9, 1865. So, I don’t see how you are attaching your ENTIRE southern heritage on THIS flag... which people outside of the south consider an innocuous design to keep that movement alive and I’ll explain why:

The civil war ended on April 9, 1965. The KKK was founded as a secret society the Klu Klux Klan on December 24, 1865 by six confederate veterans. They used this flag and terroristic tactics to target newly freed slaves.

“The Gag Rule” is a term still used in court to this day. It was created when the members of confess from the south passed resolutions banning any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams was against this rule and he was the former president of the US at that time.

The slave trade existed between the 16-19 centuries. Spain abolished slavery in 1811, Sweden in 1814, the Netherlands in 1817 and France in 1826. We were BEHIND the times and I don’t blame our leaders for not wanting OUR country to be affiliated with this.

You have to see this for what it is....

You are right about a lot of things, but some things need to be added.

I've made a post or two or three on why I fly it lol. That flag means many things to many people. I think the overall sentiment, and my own personal reasons are as follows. It was the flag that Lee flew, the man who did not betray his people, an honorable man, that all the South followed. It then took on the meaning of rebellion against a tyrannical government. Much like the US flag, it stood for liberty. For we were fighting for our Constitutional rights. You have to remember, that war was fought roughly 80 years after these men's fathers and grandfathers had just fought a war for freedom and liberty. It was still piping hot in their veins.

Yes, the KKK was originally founded by the Confederacy, but the reason you have is wrong. Originally it was started to deal with the white women being raped. The Confederate flag was not their original flag either....

Although founded by Confederate veterans almost immediately after the Civil War, the KKK did not use the Confederate flag widely or at all in its ritual in the 1860s and 1870s or during its rebirth and nationwide popularity from 1915 to the late 1920s. Only with a second rebirth in the late 1930s and 1940s did the battle flag take hold in the Klan.

In fact, in the South, after the war, we were not allowed to fly the flag or have any symbols or anything. Federal officers were vigilant against it.

When the KKK started causing violence, one of the founders, Nathan Bedford Forrest, called for them to disband. He did not like the hatefulness it had become.

When the Slave Trade ended, Virginia wanted to end slavery in the early 1800's. The politicians in New England didnt want to hear it, because it would cut into their profits.

So much more I can say on all this lol.

Going back to the supposed reason for KKK being established does not absolve them of the horrible crimes they have committed. And claiming Virginia supposedly wanted to end slavery and NE wouldn't let them. Well, I have never seen evidence of that, but even if it is true, that does not absolve the other slave holding states. Many horrible, horrible crimes were committed due to the legality of slavery and Jim Crow, and blacks have every right to not want to ever see Confederate symbols anywhere. You need to own the sins of your fathers and just let it the fuck go.

There is so much to love about the south when you remove the confederate ties.

I’ve have had emotional meltdowns and cried at slave holding cells everywhere from the Dominican Republic to New Orleans. The energy from their souls are still there and the torment was horrific.

I went to the museum in Liverpool that is dedicated to the part Liverpool played in the transport of slaves to the US. It was so chilling, and I had the same reaction. It is by far one of the most horrendous things human beings have ever done to other human beings. It's hard to fathom how people could be so despicable, and for so long, in spite of the fact that people were calling for an end it to it for many decades.

The vast bulk of the slave trade was conducted by Dutch and Portuguese ships. Fact. It is also a fact that the Muslim middle east conducted 100 to 500 times more slaves in total than all Europeans combined. In many Asian and African countries slavery is still routinely practiced. Also most of the people selling slaves to foreigners were themselves black Africans who built kingdoms based entirely upon the slave trade which already existed in their own societies.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Blazor ~ DEAD :LMAO:

I had no clue how “southern” you actually are. Gawd damn.... I need to go dig my Scarlet O’Hara BBQ dress out and sit pretty while I pout twiddling my delicate little fingers until you come take me in your arms and rid me of this national burden lol

Hahahahah, there we go!

I’m just passionate... it always comes from a good place.

Do you find it ironic that our families were both here for this war and we are still divided?

Yup, I can tolerate talking to a Yankee, a short while anyway :Grin3:

The media and such really pushed all this Murdy, it was a psy-op job involving the media machine and the Elites. Think of how long all this has been pushed to an extreme the past 4-5 years. Who the media was condemning, who they were praising. Who they silence, and who they let speak. We are in dark times Murdy. As a Libertarian I dont like it one bit.

but I grew up in an integrated area... I’m empathic, so I’ve never seen color. I’ve endured it from my family for the friends I’ve kept... I’ve witnessed first hand the unfair treatment they endure.

As a libertarian you should be against what the police are doing. Minimal state intervention. The police are funded more and more by the federal government.

I am for demilitarizing the police departments (they don’t need tanks, etc) and using that money to fund the educations of young blacks before they are exposed to the criminal element plaguing poor black communities. That’s all. I’m pro let’s fix this problem that is completely out of hand.

Im glad we are having this talk, cause the more we do, the more you get to learn the true me, and be amazed, and maybe listen to me some lol.

I am empathetic too, girl I grew up in Section 8! You dont think I've seen things? You dont think I've experienced things? Or had blacks be racist to me? Or seen things they go through? Or age based discrimination, or be profiled, had my car searched. I was never raised to be racist either. You base things on a person's character.

Nah I agree, the militarization of the police I was against. That was thanks to Obama, no lie, he gave it to them. And they just rolled with it and went from there. Now we get to deal with his vice president at a time everyone hollering defund the police, so this should be interesting.

So then you do know what I’m talking about.

When you come on a site and speak your mind about issues that are currently plaguing this nation and are then dog piled by a bunch of white men acting like they don’t care about the issue... it’s pretty alarming and this is why I went BALLS DEEP with my argument.

Now I’ve got Lokmar cheerleading for Harry... I’m thinking the sheets in their wives linen closets are in serious danger of being damaged with holes tonight and a few neighbood lawns are gonna have fire damage by tomorrow morning.

I think you have good intentions with the message you are trying to give, but I think the way you have been presenting it hasnt been the best way.

For instance, attacking my Southern flag! :Pissed2:

We ALL fought down here, and not for slavery.

I've never had to stand up for my flag before, til the past few years, and ESPECIALLY this year! I hadnt even flown a flag til this year, not got super vocal. I wont allow the South to be demonized.

You are condemning the flag completely, and the South, and those that owned slaves. Well, the slaves were all over the country, not just the South, and only by those that could afford them.... aka rich people. So its not the South you should condemn, its the rich. And I know there are racist individuals these days that fly my honorable flag, but they disrespect our flag. You cant cast out the whole bunch, it would be the same as BLM, some good and some bad.

There is no white privilege, I am proof of that.

There are good people of all colors, and there are bad people of all colors.

What confuses me most about your dedication to the confederate flag is that the south did NOT have a flag until the civil war started. The flag you have chosen to attach and attribute all of your southern heritage to was created and then used by the Confederate States Army from March 5, 1961 - April 9, 1865. So, I don’t see how you are attaching your ENTIRE southern heritage on THIS flag... which people outside of the south consider an innocuous design to keep that movement alive and I’ll explain why:

The civil war ended on April 9, 1965. The KKK was founded as a secret society the Klu Klux Klan on December 24, 1865 by six confederate veterans. They used this flag and terroristic tactics to target newly freed slaves.

“The Gag Rule” is a term still used in court to this day. It was created when the members of confess from the south passed resolutions banning any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams was against this rule and he was the former president of the US at that time.

The slave trade existed between the 16-19 centuries. Spain abolished slavery in 1811, Sweden in 1814, the Netherlands in 1817 and France in 1826. We were BEHIND the times and I don’t blame our leaders for not wanting OUR country to be affiliated with this.

You have to see this for what it is....

You are right about a lot of things, but some things need to be added.

I've made a post or two or three on why I fly it lol. That flag means many things to many people. I think the overall sentiment, and my own personal reasons are as follows. It was the flag that Lee flew, the man who did not betray his people, an honorable man, that all the South followed. It then took on the meaning of rebellion against a tyrannical government. Much like the US flag, it stood for liberty. For we were fighting for our Constitutional rights. You have to remember, that war was fought roughly 80 years after these men's fathers and grandfathers had just fought a war for freedom and liberty. It was still piping hot in their veins.

Yes, the KKK was originally founded by the Confederacy, but the reason you have is wrong. Originally it was started to deal with the white women being raped. The Confederate flag was not their original flag either....

Although founded by Confederate veterans almost immediately after the Civil War, the KKK did not use the Confederate flag widely or at all in its ritual in the 1860s and 1870s or during its rebirth and nationwide popularity from 1915 to the late 1920s. Only with a second rebirth in the late 1930s and 1940s did the battle flag take hold in the Klan.

In fact, in the South, after the war, we were not allowed to fly the flag or have any symbols or anything. Federal officers were vigilant against it.

When the KKK started causing violence, one of the founders, Nathan Bedford Forrest, called for them to disband. He did not like the hatefulness it had become.

When the Slave Trade ended, Virginia wanted to end slavery in the early 1800's. The politicians in New England didnt want to hear it, because it would cut into their profits.

So much more I can say on all this lol.

Going back to the supposed reason for KKK being established does not absolve them of the horrible crimes they have committed. And claiming Virginia supposedly wanted to end slavery and NE wouldn't let them. Well, I have never seen evidence of that, but even if it is true, that does not absolve the other slave holding states. Many horrible, horrible crimes were committed due to the legality of slavery and Jim Crow, and blacks have every right to not want to ever see Confederate symbols anywhere. You need to own the sins of your fathers and just let it the fuck go.

There is so much to love about the south when you remove the confederate ties.

I’ve have had emotional meltdowns and cried at slave holding cells everywhere from the Dominican Republic to New Orleans. The energy from their souls are still there and the torment was horrific.

I went to the museum in Liverpool that is dedicated to the part Liverpool played in the transport of slaves to the US. It was so chilling, and I had the same reaction. It is by far one of the most horrendous things human beings have ever done to other human beings. It's hard to fathom how people could be so despicable, and for so long, in spite of the fact that people were calling for an end it to it for many decades.

The vast bulk of the slave trade was conducted by Dutch and Portuguese ships. Fact. It is also a fact that the Muslim middle east conducted 100 to 500 times more slaves in total than all Europeans combined. In many Asian and African countries slavery is still routinely practiced. Also most of the people selling slaves to foreigners were themselves black Africans who built kingdoms based entirely upon the slave trade which already existed in their own societies.

White privilege is now coming in to justify slavery as the south is being decimated on this site for the very same issue.

Why am I not surprised?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ignorant people make wildly inaccurate claims about mythical privileges for entire races. Also, having a fact based discussion about the slave trade, the entire slave trade, including the parts liberals often want to avoid,, is educational and does not justify anything in and of itself. That you are trying to avoid a fact based discussion kind of tells us something, doesn't it?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm pretty sure whites make blacks hate themselves which is why blax shoot each other in the Chicongo instead of white people! :Grin3:
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Put your glasses on!
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@Blazor ~ DEAD :LMAO:

I had no clue how “southern” you actually are. Gawd damn.... I need to go dig my Scarlet O’Hara BBQ dress out and sit pretty while I pout twiddling my delicate little fingers until you come take me in your arms and rid me of this national burden lol

Hahahahah, there we go!

I’m just passionate... it always comes from a good place.

Do you find it ironic that our families were both here for this war and we are still divided?

Yup, I can tolerate talking to a Yankee, a short while anyway :Grin3:

The media and such really pushed all this Murdy, it was a psy-op job involving the media machine and the Elites. Think of how long all this has been pushed to an extreme the past 4-5 years. Who the media was condemning, who they were praising. Who they silence, and who they let speak. We are in dark times Murdy. As a Libertarian I dont like it one bit.

but I grew up in an integrated area... I’m empathic, so I’ve never seen color. I’ve endured it from my family for the friends I’ve kept... I’ve witnessed first hand the unfair treatment they endure.

As a libertarian you should be against what the police are doing. Minimal state intervention. The police are funded more and more by the federal government.

I am for demilitarizing the police departments (they don’t need tanks, etc) and using that money to fund the educations of young blacks before they are exposed to the criminal element plaguing poor black communities. That’s all. I’m pro let’s fix this problem that is completely out of hand.

Im glad we are having this talk, cause the more we do, the more you get to learn the true me, and be amazed, and maybe listen to me some lol.

I am empathetic too, girl I grew up in Section 8! You dont think I've seen things? You dont think I've experienced things? Or had blacks be racist to me? Or seen things they go through? Or age based discrimination, or be profiled, had my car searched. I was never raised to be racist either. You base things on a person's character.

Nah I agree, the militarization of the police I was against. That was thanks to Obama, no lie, he gave it to them. And they just rolled with it and went from there. Now we get to deal with his vice president at a time everyone hollering defund the police, so this should be interesting.

So then you do know what I’m talking about.

When you come on a site and speak your mind about issues that are currently plaguing this nation and are then dog piled by a bunch of white men acting like they don’t care about the issue... it’s pretty alarming and this is why I went BALLS DEEP with my argument.

Now I’ve got Lokmar cheerleading for Harry... I’m thinking the sheets in their wives linen closets are in serious danger of being damaged with holes tonight and a few neighbood lawns are gonna have fire damage by tomorrow morning.

I think you have good intentions with the message you are trying to give, but I think the way you have been presenting it hasnt been the best way.

For instance, attacking my Southern flag! :Pissed2:

We ALL fought down here, and not for slavery.

I've never had to stand up for my flag before, til the past few years, and ESPECIALLY this year! I hadnt even flown a flag til this year, not got super vocal. I wont allow the South to be demonized.

You are condemning the flag completely, and the South, and those that owned slaves. Well, the slaves were all over the country, not just the South, and only by those that could afford them.... aka rich people. So its not the South you should condemn, its the rich. And I know there are racist individuals these days that fly my honorable flag, but they disrespect our flag. You cant cast out the whole bunch, it would be the same as BLM, some good and some bad.

There is no white privilege, I am proof of that.

There are good people of all colors, and there are bad people of all colors.

What confuses me most about your dedication to the confederate flag is that the south did NOT have a flag until the civil war started. The flag you have chosen to attach and attribute all of your southern heritage to was created and then used by the Confederate States Army from March 5, 1961 - April 9, 1865. So, I don’t see how you are attaching your ENTIRE southern heritage on THIS flag... which people outside of the south consider an innocuous design to keep that movement alive and I’ll explain why:

The civil war ended on April 9, 1965. The KKK was founded as a secret society the Klu Klux Klan on December 24, 1865 by six confederate veterans. They used this flag and terroristic tactics to target newly freed slaves.

“The Gag Rule” is a term still used in court to this day. It was created when the members of confess from the south passed resolutions banning any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams was against this rule and he was the former president of the US at that time.

The slave trade existed between the 16-19 centuries. Spain abolished slavery in 1811, Sweden in 1814, the Netherlands in 1817 and France in 1826. We were BEHIND the times and I don’t blame our leaders for not wanting OUR country to be affiliated with this.

You have to see this for what it is....

You are right about a lot of things, but some things need to be added.

I've made a post or two or three on why I fly it lol. That flag means many things to many people. I think the overall sentiment, and my own personal reasons are as follows. It was the flag that Lee flew, the man who did not betray his people, an honorable man, that all the South followed. It then took on the meaning of rebellion against a tyrannical government. Much like the US flag, it stood for liberty. For we were fighting for our Constitutional rights. You have to remember, that war was fought roughly 80 years after these men's fathers and grandfathers had just fought a war for freedom and liberty. It was still piping hot in their veins.

Yes, the KKK was originally founded by the Confederacy, but the reason you have is wrong. Originally it was started to deal with the white women being raped. The Confederate flag was not their original flag either....

Although founded by Confederate veterans almost immediately after the Civil War, the KKK did not use the Confederate flag widely or at all in its ritual in the 1860s and 1870s or during its rebirth and nationwide popularity from 1915 to the late 1920s. Only with a second rebirth in the late 1930s and 1940s did the battle flag take hold in the Klan.

In fact, in the South, after the war, we were not allowed to fly the flag or have any symbols or anything. Federal officers were vigilant against it.

When the KKK started causing violence, one of the founders, Nathan Bedford Forrest, called for them to disband. He did not like the hatefulness it had become.

When the Slave Trade ended, Virginia wanted to end slavery in the early 1800's. The politicians in New England didnt want to hear it, because it would cut into their profits.

So much more I can say on all this lol.

Going back to the supposed reason for KKK being established does not absolve them of the horrible crimes they have committed. And claiming Virginia supposedly wanted to end slavery and NE wouldn't let them. Well, I have never seen evidence of that, but even if it is true, that does not absolve the other slave holding states. Many horrible, horrible crimes were committed due to the legality of slavery, and blacks have every right to not want to ever see Confederate symbols anywhere. You need to own the sins of your fathers and just let it the fuck go.

No, it does not absolve them from their crimes. Im just saying that when it was started, it was for a more honorable reason, then how it became a short time later. Nor was it started with a Confederate flag.

Its true, the North profited greatly from selling slaves, selling them to the South mostly.

Virginia is a border state. They did want to end slavery early on, but their voices were not heard.

No it does not absolve those that wanted to continue slavery in other states. But, some of those states, wanted to free them eventually, without causing hardship on their pockets, or without causing hardship on the newly freed uneducated slave.

No, blacks should want to see that flag, as a symbol of unity we all had when that war happened. ANd their part in it. By trying to convince blacks it was all evil white men fighting for slavery, it deprives them of their families honor for their part in it. That link I just posted, had many black heroes of the Confederacy, just from one area close to me. Hell, in a local museum, there is a section honored for the blacks who participated. The women too.

My fathers were not sinners, they were noble and fought for their families. Hell, he even lost his first wife and daughter to it! The sinners were those that came down here and burned, looted, murdered, and raped our people. I will never let it go, and will always tell the truth.

Blazor, I’m willing to recognize that there was a brotherhood formed between the confederate soldiers and that many of them came from families who did not have the means to afford slaves... and that being decimated by the north in that war and then returning home after years of being in the battlefields to a life completely changed by this war would have given them a reason to hold onto that flag as a means of preserving their own sense of identity.

The north did not wage war on the south for any other reason but to END slavery. We did not make you leave this country. We did not take away your land. We did not take your houses or plantations. We did not make you take down the statues of Robert E. Lee and the other leaders representing your side in this.

This has now spiraled out of control all because of your REFUSAL to put that flag down.

Thank you for recognizing that part, that you stated in that first paragraph.

But you are wrong in the second paragraph, it was not over slavery. I can provide many many examples that prove this. Lincoln himself even said he didnt want to end slavery. Rich Radical Republicans wanted their high taxes on the South. They taxed the shit out of the South, and sent all the revenue up North. This was building for several years. The Morrill Tariff Act was the last straw. The South tried to voice their grievances to Congress, but was turned away. So the South left. Then the rest of the South left when it became under attack. Lincoln even said "but what of my tariffs!?" when the South left. He tried to offer them slavery, legally forever in the Constitution, but the South said no, because that wasnt what they left over. Sure, some of those Southern states may of had slavery as a part of the reason, but not all, and it was mostly over the reasons I just mentioned. Even Sherman, that came down here and burnt the South to the ground, even said "if the war upon the South was over slavery, I would join the South."

Actually, all of our statues have been coming down. Which is against Martin Luther King Jr.s wishes, as he said it would cause division amongst us. And he was right.

No my dear, it is not my refusal to put the flag down that has caused this, it is fuckers that have been pushing division the last few years. Understanding is what is needed. Not wreckless hate upon whitey or the South.

You think it stops with the Confederacy? Did you not see all the other statues coming down? The statues of Jesus? Churches being burned? And now the silencing of people on the net? This was a psy op conducted by the Demonrats, making people think white man bad.... aka Trump bad.

Amazing how almost all the statues in Richmond have come down, and yet, Richmond now ranks 11th place in the nation for the most crime.

People such as Robert E. Lee, promoted good morals and good character. They are removing people that should be looked up to, not shunned.



And this one for giggles hahaha, Shen Li would like this one........



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Harry McKnackers

I don’t affiliate with known white supremacists. Calling me a racist for supporting the equal rights of minorities in this country blew your cover and it’s not socially acceptable to be publicly racist anymore.

Treating certain ethnicities differently than others is "racism", darling...

That's you.
Hmmm.... Let me read the message: "supporting the equal rights of minorities".

That's not treating people DIFFERENT, that's treating them THE SAME

The major problem with the left today is that they do want to treat people different based simply upon their race. That is racism.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Blazer: The full Lincoln quote is "If the cost to preserve the union is that no slaves be freed, then I would do that. If, in order to save the union, I must free every slave then, I would do that. And, if in order to save the union, I must free some slaves while leaving others still in bondage than I would do that as well. In all considerations the preservation of the union must come first."
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Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Blazer: The full Lincoln quote is "If the cost to preserve the union is that no slaves be freed, then I would do that. If, in order to save the union, I must free every slave thenI would do that. And, if in order to save the union, I must free some slaves while leaving others still in bandage than I would do that as well. In all considerations the preservation of the union must come first."

Yup, I remember that. His "union" was to preserve his high tariffs.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
@Harry McKnackers

I don’t affiliate with known white supremacists. Calling me a racist for supporting the equal rights of minorities in this country blew your cover and it’s not socially acceptable to be publicly racist anymore.

Treating certain ethnicities differently than others is "racism", darling...

That's you.
Hmmm.... Let me read the message: "supporting the equal rights of minorities".

That's not treating people DIFFERENT, that's treating them THE SAME
The major problem with the left today is that they do want to treat people different based simply upon their race. That is racism.
"The left"? Some people! And the same applies to "The right". In both cases it's wrong


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Harry McKnackers

I don’t affiliate with known white supremacists. Calling me a racist for supporting the equal rights of minorities in this country blew your cover and it’s not socially acceptable to be publicly racist anymore.

Treating certain ethnicities differently than others is "racism", darling...

That's you.
Hmmm.... Let me read the message: "supporting the equal rights of minorities".

That's not treating people DIFFERENT, that's treating them THE SAME
The major problem with the left today is that they do want to treat people different based simply upon their race. That is racism.
"The left"? Some people! And the same applies to "The right". In both cases it's wrong

it's the only thing that the lowest class of whites have to get any satisfaction out of. i've always known that this was true, but until just recently, i thought that "lowest class" was an indicator of their economic category

not so


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Harry McKnackers

I don’t affiliate with known white supremacists. Calling me a racist for supporting the equal rights of minorities in this country blew your cover and it’s not socially acceptable to be publicly racist anymore.

Treating certain ethnicities differently than others is "racism", darling...

That's you.
Hmmm.... Let me read the message: "supporting the equal rights of minorities".

That's not treating people DIFFERENT, that's treating them THE SAME
The major problem with the left today is that they do want to treat people different based simply upon their race. That is racism.
"The left"? Some people! And the same applies to "The right". In both cases it's wrong

it's the only thing that the lowest class of whites have to get any satisfaction out of. i've always known that this was true, but until just recently, i thought that "lowest class" was an indicator of their economic category

not so

Both of you may have failed to listen to Biden's recent speech (I can't blame you for that as it was boring as hell) where he specifically stated he wanted to give out covid relief payments and loans to non-whites and women but not to white males. Yes, that is both racism and sexism all at once.

Can either of you come up with a supposedly "racist" example of Republicans proposing race based government payments? Yeah, I didn't think so. So how about shoving it with your false equivalency lies? There truly is only one side pushing actual racism these days and it is, as usual, the Democrats.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@Harry McKnackers

I don’t affiliate with known white supremacists. Calling me a racist for supporting the equal rights of minorities in this country blew your cover and it’s not socially acceptable to be publicly racist anymore.

Treating certain ethnicities differently than others is "racism", darling...

That's you.
Hmmm.... Let me read the message: "supporting the equal rights of minorities".

That's not treating people DIFFERENT, that's treating them THE SAME
The major problem with the left today is that they do want to treat people different based simply upon their race. That is racism.
"The left"? Some people! And the same applies to "The right". In both cases it's wrong

it's the only thing that the lowest class of whites have to get any satisfaction out of. i've always known that this was true, but until just recently, i thought that "lowest class" was an indicator of their economic category

not so

Both of you may have failed to listen to Biden's recent speech (I can't blame you for that as it was boring as hell) where he specifically stated he wanted to give out covid relief payments and loans to non-whites and women but not to white males. Yes, that is both racism and sexism all at once.

Can either of you come up with a supposedly "racist" example of Republicans proposing race based government payments? Yeah, I didn't think so. So how about shoving it with your false equivalency lies? There truly is only one side pushing actual racism these days and it is, as usual, the Democrats.

Yeah. I'd like to see a link to that speech. Sounds like bullshit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Hell, you can see it quoted in all the major civil war documentaries. Or read any of the history books. As you don't know this I suspect you know little about the Civil War.

They quote Biden in civil war documentaries?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
His original speech called for only minority owned businesses to get aid, his legal team him change it to "prioritize", but at the end of the day he wants to give out government funds not to the needy but simply to racial groups, which is racist. Especially as you have extremely wealthy non-white people, and the wealthy should be last in line, but according to the racist Biden they should get aod while a small white owned business should not.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hell, you can see it quoted in all the major civil war documentaries. Or read any of the history books. As you don't know this I suspect you know little about the Civil War.

They quote Biden in civil war documentaries?

If you noticed I edited as I had multiple pages open including one discussing civil war quotes.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
His original speech called for only minority owned businesses to get aid, his legal team him change it to "prioritize", but at the end of the day he wants to give out government funds not to the needy but simply to racial groups, which is racist. Especially as you have extremely wealthy non-white people, and the wealthy should be last in line, but according to the racist Biden they should get aod while a small white owned business should not.

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Oerdin: "Both of you may have failed to listen to Biden's recent speech (I can't blame you for that as it was boring as hell) where he specifically stated he wanted to give out covid relief payments and loans to non-whites and women but not to white males."

So, in other words, you lied.
  • Agree!
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You are a nutjob. The real effect is they will say "sorry, no money left" when white business owners finally get a turn. It is racism plain and simple, you liar.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
His original speech called for only minority owned businesses to get aid, his legal team him change it to "prioritize", but at the end of the day he wants to give out government funds not to the needy but simply to racial groups, which is racist. Especially as you have extremely wealthy non-white people, and the wealthy should be last in line, but according to the racist Biden they should get aod while a small white owned business should not.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Oerdin: "Both of you may have failed to listen to Biden's recent speech (I can't blame you for that as it was boring as hell) where he specifically stated he wanted to give out covid relief payments and loans to non-whites and women but not to white males."

So, in other words, you lied.
here's a radical idea

How about giving the money to businesses that really need it regardless of their skin color?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Parler gave a platform for people to openly discuss the irrefutable fact that the election was defrauded and stolen and there was a coup against Trump. All the irrefutable evidence is documented via eyewitness testimony as well as by video recording. This is why Parler was taken down. Leftists dont care about any violence, real or perceived because they are the most violent and they promote violence more than anyone. Simple, really. Keep buying guns and ammo.


Domestically feral
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United states
@Blazor ~ DEAD :LMAO:

I had no clue how “southern” you actually are. Gawd damn.... I need to go dig my Scarlet O’Hara BBQ dress out and sit pretty while I pout twiddling my delicate little fingers until you come take me in your arms and rid me of this national burden lol

Hahahahah, there we go!

I’m just passionate... it always comes from a good place.

Do you find it ironic that our families were both here for this war and we are still divided?

Yup, I can tolerate talking to a Yankee, a short while anyway :Grin3:

The media and such really pushed all this Murdy, it was a psy-op job involving the media machine and the Elites. Think of how long all this has been pushed to an extreme the past 4-5 years. Who the media was condemning, who they were praising. Who they silence, and who they let speak. We are in dark times Murdy. As a Libertarian I dont like it one bit.

but I grew up in an integrated area... I’m empathic, so I’ve never seen color.

Yet you derided me as a "cracker"... lulz

Because I know you’re not a slave owner and you were being ridiculous.

So I can refer to blacks as niggas because I'm not a slave owner, the Irish and Chinese as Mick's and Cookies because I'm not a railroad baron?

I’m allowed to refer to black people I care about as “nigga” cause I kick it with them and was told “you my nigga!” That’s like the unspoken free pass when they know you are one of them (as opposed to being against them).

However, I don’t recommend just walking up to a black man and calling him that. I’m sure you can google what happens when you do that and see for yourself.

But I don’t use racial slurs (until today, fucker!).
how about doing what I do when I'm around my black people. Refer to them by terms most endearing to human beings as a whole?

I 've been known to ask my black friends why they would use such a derogatory term among themselves but then get so outraged when someone of another race calls them that

you don't see latinos call eachother "my spic" or white boys saying "yo my cracka"

it's stupid

I don’t walk around using that term freely or on any sort of regular basis. You must know that. It’s typically while we are laughing late at night after a few drinks.

However, I understand why they would want to disempower a word that was meant to suppress them. I also get why white people are so confused by it.
How do you effectively disempower a word by continuing to use it?

It's not my call. It's not yours, either.

It is his call to draw boundaries. If he refuses to use it and sees it as offensive he certain can make that call to not tolerate it.

The black people in my group do not use any sort of racail slurs or degrading words as terms of endearment. I know that many black Americans do this, but none of the ones I'm friends with.

It's like women calling eachother bitches and whores as a term of endearment. I hate that. I dont at all feel degrading words towards women are disempowered using them like that.

I view that as a weak excuse for people to be nasty and disrespectful towards eachother and pass it off as endearment or a "just kidding".

I wouldnt like anyone calling my daughter derogatory slang for lesbian or anything involving her native status and acting like it's a buddy thing.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Blazor ~ DEAD :LMAO:

I had no clue how “southern” you actually are. Gawd damn.... I need to go dig my Scarlet O’Hara BBQ dress out and sit pretty while I pout twiddling my delicate little fingers until you come take me in your arms and rid me of this national burden lol

Hahahahah, there we go!

I’m just passionate... it always comes from a good place.

Do you find it ironic that our families were both here for this war and we are still divided?

Yup, I can tolerate talking to a Yankee, a short while anyway :Grin3:

The media and such really pushed all this Murdy, it was a psy-op job involving the media machine and the Elites. Think of how long all this has been pushed to an extreme the past 4-5 years. Who the media was condemning, who they were praising. Who they silence, and who they let speak. We are in dark times Murdy. As a Libertarian I dont like it one bit.

but I grew up in an integrated area... I’m empathic, so I’ve never seen color. I’ve endured it from my family for the friends I’ve kept... I’ve witnessed first hand the unfair treatment they endure.

As a libertarian you should be against what the police are doing. Minimal state intervention. The police are funded more and more by the federal government.

I am for demilitarizing the police departments (they don’t need tanks, etc) and using that money to fund the educations of young blacks before they are exposed to the criminal element plaguing poor black communities. That’s all. I’m pro let’s fix this problem that is completely out of hand.

Im glad we are having this talk, cause the more we do, the more you get to learn the true me, and be amazed, and maybe listen to me some lol.

I am empathetic too, girl I grew up in Section 8! You dont think I've seen things? You dont think I've experienced things? Or had blacks be racist to me? Or seen things they go through? Or age based discrimination, or be profiled, had my car searched. I was never raised to be racist either. You base things on a person's character.

Nah I agree, the militarization of the police I was against. That was thanks to Obama, no lie, he gave it to them. And they just rolled with it and went from there. Now we get to deal with his vice president at a time everyone hollering defund the police, so this should be interesting.

So then you do know what I’m talking about.

When you come on a site and speak your mind about issues that are currently plaguing this nation and are then dog piled by a bunch of white men acting like they don’t care about the issue... it’s pretty alarming and this is why I went BALLS DEEP with my argument.

Now I’ve got Lokmar cheerleading for Harry... I’m thinking the sheets in their wives linen closets are in serious danger of being damaged with holes tonight and a few neighbood lawns are gonna have fire damage by tomorrow morning.

I think you have good intentions with the message you are trying to give, but I think the way you have been presenting it hasnt been the best way.

For instance, attacking my Southern flag! :Pissed2:

We ALL fought down here, and not for slavery.

I've never had to stand up for my flag before, til the past few years, and ESPECIALLY this year! I hadnt even flown a flag til this year, not got super vocal. I wont allow the South to be demonized.

You are condemning the flag completely, and the South, and those that owned slaves. Well, the slaves were all over the country, not just the South, and only by those that could afford them.... aka rich people. So its not the South you should condemn, its the rich. And I know there are racist individuals these days that fly my honorable flag, but they disrespect our flag. You cant cast out the whole bunch, it would be the same as BLM, some good and some bad.

There is no white privilege, I am proof of that.

There are good people of all colors, and there are bad people of all colors.

What confuses me most about your dedication to the confederate flag is that the south did NOT have a flag until the civil war started. The flag you have chosen to attach and attribute all of your southern heritage to was created and then used by the Confederate States Army from March 5, 1961 - April 9, 1865. So, I don’t see how you are attaching your ENTIRE southern heritage on THIS flag... which people outside of the south consider an innocuous design to keep that movement alive and I’ll explain why:

The civil war ended on April 9, 1965. The KKK was founded as a secret society the Klu Klux Klan on December 24, 1865 by six confederate veterans. They used this flag and terroristic tactics to target newly freed slaves.

“The Gag Rule” is a term still used in court to this day. It was created when the members of confess from the south passed resolutions banning any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams was against this rule and he was the former president of the US at that time.

The slave trade existed between the 16-19 centuries. Spain abolished slavery in 1811, Sweden in 1814, the Netherlands in 1817 and France in 1826. We were BEHIND the times and I don’t blame our leaders for not wanting OUR country to be affiliated with this.

You have to see this for what it is....

You are right about a lot of things, but some things need to be added.

I've made a post or two or three on why I fly it lol. That flag means many things to many people. I think the overall sentiment, and my own personal reasons are as follows. It was the flag that Lee flew, the man who did not betray his people, an honorable man, that all the South followed. It then took on the meaning of rebellion against a tyrannical government. Much like the US flag, it stood for liberty. For we were fighting for our Constitutional rights. You have to remember, that war was fought roughly 80 years after these men's fathers and grandfathers had just fought a war for freedom and liberty. It was still piping hot in their veins.

Yes, the KKK was originally founded by the Confederacy, but the reason you have is wrong. Originally it was started to deal with the white women being raped. The Confederate flag was not their original flag either....

Although founded by Confederate veterans almost immediately after the Civil War, the KKK did not use the Confederate flag widely or at all in its ritual in the 1860s and 1870s or during its rebirth and nationwide popularity from 1915 to the late 1920s. Only with a second rebirth in the late 1930s and 1940s did the battle flag take hold in the Klan.

In fact, in the South, after the war, we were not allowed to fly the flag or have any symbols or anything. Federal officers were vigilant against it.

When the KKK started causing violence, one of the founders, Nathan Bedford Forrest, called for them to disband. He did not like the hatefulness it had become.

When the Slave Trade ended, Virginia wanted to end slavery in the early 1800's. The politicians in New England didnt want to hear it, because it would cut into their profits.

So much more I can say on all this lol.

Going back to the supposed reason for KKK being established does not absolve them of the horrible crimes they have committed. And claiming Virginia supposedly wanted to end slavery and NE wouldn't let them. Well, I have never seen evidence of that, but even if it is true, that does not absolve the other slave holding states. Many horrible, horrible crimes were committed due to the legality of slavery and Jim Crow, and blacks have every right to not want to ever see Confederate symbols anywhere. You need to own the sins of your fathers and just let it the fuck go.

There is so much to love about the south when you remove the confederate ties.

I’ve have had emotional meltdowns and cried at slave holding cells everywhere from the Dominican Republic to New Orleans. The energy from their souls are still there and the torment was horrific.

I went to the museum in Liverpool that is dedicated to the part Liverpool played in the transport of slaves to the US. It was so chilling, and I had the same reaction. It is by far one of the most horrendous things human beings have ever done to other human beings. It's hard to fathom how people could be so despicable, and for so long, in spite of the fact that people were calling for an end it to it for many decades.

...and yet, Western civilization has only been officially 'slave free' for about 150 years.
Before that, it was about enslaving others to get the work done.
France got the ball rolling with the French Revolution nearly 250 years ago.
Before that, at least 95% of humanity were slaves, serfs, feudal servants
Poor Whites in the pre-Civil War South lbarely lived any better than the slaves they competed against.

Slavery is still widespread in th 3rd world.
Economic Giants like China and the US use prison labor to power their economies.

...hasn't gone away yet.

We have current human slaves now with trafficking being such a global issue.

And 3rd world slave labor.