What non-Americans say about America


Factory Bastard
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"We aren't jealous of you, like, at all."

And 24 other things.

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IDGAF All other countries are lesser. Cunts sure are fighting to get in more than out!!!
Are you going to start your little civil war today?
are you swallowing 21 gallons of nigger jizz today?
What's the hold up Potato Rambo, you skeered huh, Chicken?
How many potato's you gonna shove up your ass today, faggit?
What I hear you saying that do to an over abundance of chicken shit, your civil war will remain a civil war of words in a quaint little chat room.


Yes yes and everyone right of Stalin is a con and we are all cowards. Big cowardly cowards who totally wont shoot you if you attack us and will never ever start blowing back against political violence and medical tyranny.

Yanno because you dont see it much in blue states.

Come riot outside blue MI cities. See what happens.

Just keep bullying poor people who have been disarmed. Beat up old business owners. Focus on those disadvantaged by decades of democrat policies and pretend everyone is weak. That should work.

You dont see antifa violence outside of blue cities do you? Probably because they'd die and the local gov wont be helping them.

Talk about cowardice.
Have you considered submitting some of your work to The New Yorker?

Are you saying leftarded activists are not really destroying communities in blue states where the state sanctions it?

Is that what you are saying? That everything I just said is made up?

Let's talk about this lol. What wonderland are you living in Sir?

Are you ignoring this because it's just the poors suffering so it's no biggie?
You'd get further with that moron if you just told him to suck more dick!
^^^Witness Private Potato Head posturing his armchair civil war!
All out of cawk to suck, Comander Cawk Suker?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

"We aren't jealous of you, like, at all."

And 24 other things.

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IDGAF All other countries are lesser. Cunts sure are fighting to get in more than out!!!
Are you going to start your little civil war today?
are you swallowing 21 gallons of nigger jizz today?
What's the hold up Potato Rambo, you skeered huh, Chicken?
How many potato's you gonna shove up your ass today, faggit?
What I hear you saying that do to an over abundance of chicken shit, your civil war will remain a civil war of words in a quaint little chat room.


Yes yes and everyone right of Stalin is a con and we are all cowards. Big cowardly cowards who totally wont shoot you if you attack us and will never ever start blowing back against political violence and medical tyranny.

Yanno because you dont see it much in blue states.

Come riot outside blue MI cities. See what happens.

Just keep bullying poor people who have been disarmed. Beat up old business owners. Focus on those disadvantaged by decades of democrat policies and pretend everyone is weak. That should work.

You dont see antifa violence outside of blue cities do you? Probably because they'd die and the local gov wont be helping them.

Talk about cowardice.
Have you considered submitting some of your work to The New Yorker?

Are you saying leftarded activists are not really destroying communities in blue states where the state sanctions it?

Is that what you are saying? That everything I just said is made up?

Let's talk about this lol. What wonderland are you living in Sir?

Are you ignoring this because it's just the poors suffering so it's no biggie?
You'd get further with that moron if you just told him to suck more dick!

Wtf happens to these people? No one can talk to any of them. It's just constant hostility and denial.

And they think civil war is a joke. That's why it's pretty much inevitable. Sad as fuck.
no u

Except I'm more than willing to have conversations with people who have different views than I do without attacking them personally.

Something the typical dem/prog is utterly incapable of doing. Even down to encouraging eachother to shut down any communication while they fuel psychotic hatred misrepresenting half the country.

You guys generally.....not just here generally....really hate people who dont want the things you want. And any reason they give is always shouted down or dismissed in favor of painting people as racists or bigots are evil.

Ya'll have literally became what you claim to hate and you are out to be actual oppressors. Especailly oppressing women by forcing us to tolerate sex abuse and assaults that inevitably happen when you force us to allow dicks and balls into our private spaces.

Do you ever question yourself? Your narratives? Or do you really believe such hateful and awful things about other Americans?

Do you really believe force and propaganda fueled hatred wont have real and devastating consequences for the country?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I always step into a shit pile when I comment in the political section HAHA. I guess because you all have been posting with each other for so long and know what someone's "motives" are. I don't. :D


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I always step into a shit pile when I comment in the political section HAHA. I guess because you all have been posting with each other for so long and know what someone's "motives" are. I don't. :D

You're fine Raven. You are a normal person. Normal people dont take stuff like this the way dems/progs use it.

To them this is proof we all suck and need to fundamentally change the country.

They dont balance it with people who have positive views about Americans.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Truth of the matter is the rest of the world laugh at the broken American dream.

Serves you right Frenchies.

Quite a few non Americans are rooting for us to restore it.

And thousands and thousands of people are piling on in here. Amazing anyone would want to come here since the whole world hates us.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Quite a few non Americans are rooting for us to restore it.

And thousands and thousands of people are piling on in here. Amazing anyone would want to come here since the whole world hates us.

Come live in England and watch as the lorries from France roll in with refugees.

We give them a flat and full benefits so we're the country of choice.

NO-ONE wants to live in America apart from retarded Mexicans


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Quite a few non Americans are rooting for us to restore it.

And thousands and thousands of people are piling on in here. Amazing anyone would want to come here since the whole world hates us.

Come live in England and watch as the lorries from France roll in with refugees.

We give them a flat and full benefits so we're the country of choice.

NO-ONE wants to live in America apart from retarded Mexicans

No one HAS to live here.

So we shouldnt have a say in how our lives go and our country should be turned into something people in other countries approve of or prefer?

Like another round of "colonizing"? Funny leftists oppose that when it suits them.

Btw glad to see you here!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nobody cares

It really is just random opinions on the internet, much of it is highly subjective, and so it is pretty much useless. I am not surprised Lotusbud loves it though simply because she agrees with those opinions ("this type of potato chip tastes better!"). She is not exactly known for objectivity or as a critical thinker though.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Nobody cares

It really is just random opinions on the internet, much of it is highly subjective, and so it is pretty much useless. I am not surprised Lotusbud loves it though simply because she agrees with those opinions ("this type of potato chip tastes better!"). She is not exactly known for objectivity or as a critical thinker though.

Exactly. Its confirmation bias and confusing opinions for facts.

They hear opinions about Americans that fit their negative views of Americans and decide these opinions are total fact and we all need to change.

Why do they think we should have to strive for the approval of other countries? That's like classism almost. Like poor people need to get the approval of wealthy ones and change themselves....even if they are happy the way they are.

Why arent the random opinions of people who DO approve of Americans matter? Here is the funny thing. Only "retarded mexicans" (brown people) want to come here. Which makes them stupid. We need to strive for the approval of Europeans. But Europeans are evil white people. But we should be more like them.

Figure that out. We are so racist and horrible that only brown people want to be here and white Europeans dont approve of us so we need to change.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Truth of the matter is the rest of the world laugh at the broken American dream.

Serves you right Frenchies.

Quite a few non Americans are rooting for us to restore it.

And thousands and thousands of people are piling on in here. Amazing anyone would want to come here since the whole world hates us.

Could you please cite the post or quote in this thread that suggests the whole world hates us? I did not say that myself, and I don't remember reading it anywhere, either.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Could you please cite the post or quote in this thread that suggests the whole world hates us? I did not say that myself, and I don't remember reading it anywhere, either.


It is incredible that you need these things explained to you.

Do you understand that sometimes people use exaggeration for effect? They do not mean it literally.

Dove was exaggerating when she said "the whole world".

Which is very appropriate when replying to a post where The Scoundrel exaggerated when he said "the rest of the world".

Dove could have taken him literally and replied with something like

I know the rest of the world does not laugh at the broken American dream because I know TP does not and he is part of the rest of the world.

I winz!!

But that would make her a fuckin' retard.

Like you.