I am laying in bed and my poopy butt (that would be my pet cat) has crawled under the covers and is sitting next to me. I call him poopy butt because he uses a cat box in the living room, he will be outside and start frantically scratching at the back sliding glass door, so he can come inside and drop a truly stinky room clearing turd into his litter box. My wife gets offended when I call the cat poopy butt but the cat himself doesn't seem to care.
He is currently under the bed covers, purring away, while I gently pet him. He is a useless little poopy butt but I love him.
Got bloodwork done for the procedure. By this time next month, I’ll have a big most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! Bompton ghetto booty. I’m sooooo excited
I have to ask, its just a lift right? No implants?
Glad you're excited though lol.
Just got finished steam cleaning my carpet.
Just got finished steam cleaning my carpet.
I did the same thing today.
And I steam mopped.
Just got finished steam cleaning my carpet.
I did the same thing today.
And I steam mopped.
I swept and mopped my kitchen floor
I need a steam mop lol.
Waiting another hour for my foot acids to finish...
Just got back from a grocery run to Liberia. 3.5 hours to and back. Almost a record
Just got back from a grocery run to Liberia. 3.5 hours to and back. Almost a record
Liberia, thats the country the US invested in to send the free slaves right?
I’m baking chocolate chip cookies and finishing up the spaghetti carbonara <3
I want pasta
Yawning. I hate that I get tired this early.