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Well, Im off to grocery shop. Coming home and making a batch of baked beans, taking them to the annual Confederate cookout reunion lol. Might strap my flag to the Jeep if it dont rain.
Annual confederate cookout? Dude, you are obsessed. Get out in the rest of the world and try to see what you look like from another prespective. SMH
How about you take your own advice, and start by simply getting out into the world. Someone might actually teach you something. Like how to make better meatloaf.
I had a great time, thank you very much. Everyone enjoyed my baked beans. The banana pudding was spectacular.
I get out into the world plenty. I generate smiles wherever I go. You could learn a thing or two about that.
Yeah. How about getting out into the world outside of your confederate bubble.
Um, I do? The Confederate thing is once a month, unless I fly my flag. I go play Celtic music with friends one day of the week (half Left), I go to play Old Time music with friends once a week (almost all Left), I go sing Sea Shanties with friends once a week (more Right), I go to a Viking bonfire once a month (almost all Right), and I havent even made it to the weekend yet! Its hard to say what I might get into, I go with the flow. Like recently did some Salsa lessons at a winery. Was a 30 minute group lesson, then dancing the rest of the night, was pretty fun.
Maybe if YOU got out of YOUR bubble, you wouldnt be so cranky if you simply had some fun and enjoyment in your life. It would do you good to be more like me
Yeah. It's a lot of fun reading all the hatred that comes from you righties. Taking about starting wars with your fellow Americans, talking about killing people who disagree with you, throwing the "N" word and the "C" word around all the time, defending murderers whenever you get the chance. You guys are a barrell of laughs.
See, you dont get out, you "have fun reading hatred". No wonder you so cranky.
Maybe if you got out of the house, and actually hung around some folks like me, you would change your perspective.
But lets examine your post a lil further, now that I've had my coffee....
Crap, I just realized we are not in Politics, and you've made this about politics, and me pointing out your hypocrisy would be bad forum etiquette up here, so I will simply say this.....
Definition of irony
1a: the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
b: a usually humorous or literary style or form characterized by irony
c: an expression or utterance
Speaking of Irony, I find it funny that this is the What are you Doing thread, but you really dont do shit. Go back down to Politics. I would rather all your shitty smelling posts be in one area. It use to smell better up here.
OK. I have plenty of fun, I just don't call being a racist and wanting to kill people I don't like "fun."
But I'll leave you alone so you can entertain yourself posting about killing your fellow Americans and how much fun you're going to have doing it. Go for it, you gullible sociopath. You've done a fantastic job of believing the propaganda the corporate masters want you to believe. LMAO @ u.
‘Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.’
-- George Orwell
You're such a wonderful failer, you failed again.... as always.