When have you had enough,?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am a very forgiving man, the one thing I will not accept is intentional disrespect. My wife and I made very clear that dinner was at 5:30pm. The one thing which will get me upset as all get go is when I tell a child that dinner is served and they ignore me.. This is not an option, this is the lord of the manner has spoken and you had better obey, or else.

When the eldest, who is 17 year olds challenged me I asked him what he would do, when he said he would hit me, well, I kind of lost it, I told him him I had fought in two wars and would gladly break my plate across his face if he failed to listen to me... He got upset but didn't do anything as my wife protected him. Look, if you live in my house when I say your mother has cooked dinner and it is time to come eat that means the time is now. It does not mean 20 minutes later if you feel like it. It especially doesn't mean the day after you have a tantrum and refuse to come with us when we plan on going shopping to buy you clothes that you again disrespect me and disobey me in my own house.

Damn, right, I will cause a major stink. You will obey my minor commands, such as it is dinner time, or else I will cause a huge incident if you disrespect me. I pay for everything, you need me far more than I need you, and you shall obey.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If you are unable to follow simple commands such as, come to dinner, then I will withhold things like agreeing to support you for ten years so you can get citizenship. This is not me being an asshole, this is me demanding you obey certain standards in exchange for my continued support. I do not care about your feelings, I do not care what you want, you either obey as you should or you suffer the life long consequences of your actions.

Namely, not green card for you, get the fuck out, and I will not help people who fail to show proper deference to me. I am not overly demanding. Come to the table and stop playing video games when I tell you to.


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Is this you in the intro ??
after reading that that's the meNtal image of you I receive



Factory Bastard
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It is me facing a mouthy and disobedient teen stepson.


Factory Bastard
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I think I have had enough. I honestly think I will file for divorce.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ok, she didn't leave and we are not getting divorced. I am still left at a lose of what to do about a disobeatent teenager. I admit I over reacted to a17 year who challenged my authority when I shouldn't have done so. I am still new at this parenting teens shit. It is all so very frustrating to me.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
It is me facing a mouthy and disobedient teen stepson.
You can kick this punks ass right, why are you on here whining? Violence violence, it's the only thing that will make them see sense, violence.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I let myself get baited by a teen and so became the bad guy. I tried to lay down the law on a very simple thing, you shall come to the dinner table when your mother says dinner is ready. He deliberately took 20 minutes to come to the table, just like yesterday he deliberately dragged his feet when his mother and I were going to buy the two boys new clothing. He took so long, over 20 minutes to put shoes on, that I just drove off in frustration, especially after his month told him to hurry up twice but he did not.

Today, after waiting 15-20 minutes for him to come eat after being told to come eat... He finally arrived and I told him I expect very little but when his mother cooks I expect him to be on time. He got confrontational and said "or what? What will you do old man?" So I told him if he disrespected me again I could break his bones to teach him a lesson. He again said "what will you do" so I, wrongly I admit, said if he didn't shut his mouth would break my dinner plate over his head and then show him this old man could still beat the fuck out of him. Naturally, my wife then became hysterical.

She feels bad because for four years she let him be raised by has grandparents and so she feels less of a mother while he doesn't think there are any boundaries. He started crying and called his aunt and grandmother to come get him. Qi am, on one hand disgusted at myself for getting baited, and at the other hand disgusted by the out of control and disrespectful teen. In the end I think Ibmade myself look worse by being baited.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My wife is extremely upset because she thinks her eldest son will return to Panama and thus never get an American greencard. I honestly don't give much of a shit about this. He can easily fix this be swallowing his pride and no longer being disrespectful. Will he do that? I don't know.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I let myself get baited by a teen and so became the bad guy. I tried to lay down the law on a very simple thing, you shall come to the dinner table when your mother says dinner is ready. He deliberately took 20 minutes to come to the table, just like yesterday he deliberately dragged his feet when his mother and I were going to buy the two boys new clothing. He took so long, over 20 minutes to put shoes on, that I just drove off in frustration, especially after his month told him to hurry up twice but he did not.

Today, after waiting 15-20 minutes for him to come eat after being told to come eat... He finally arrived and I told him I expect very little but when his mother cooks I expect him to be on time. He got confrontational and said "or what? What will you do old man?" So I told him if he disrespected me again I could break his bones to teach him a lesson. He again said "what will you do" so I, wrongly I admit, said if he didn't shut his mouth would break my dinner plate over his head and then show him this old man could still beat the fuck out of him. Naturally, my wife then became hysterical.

She feels bad because for four years she let him be raised by has grandparents and so she feels less of a mother while he doesn't think there are any boundaries. He started crying and called his aunt and grandmother to come get him. Qi am, on one hand disgusted at myself for getting baited, and at the other hand disgusted by the out of control and disrespectful teen. In the end I think Ibmade myself look worse by being baited.
You should go to a dive bar n get indian drunk, then fuck someone up real bad, unless you're not a real man.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I am a very forgiving man, the one thing I will not accept is intentional disrespect. My wife and I made very clear that dinner was at 5:30pm. The one thing which will get me upset as all get go is when I tell a child that dinner is served and they ignore me.. This is not an option, this is the lord of the manner has spoken and you had better obey, or else.

When the eldest, who is 17 year olds challenged me I asked him what he would do, when he said he would hit me, well, I kind of lost it, I told him him I had fought in two wars and would gladly break my plate across his face if he failed to listen to me... He got upset but didn't do anything as my wife protected him. Look, if you live in my house when I say your mother has cooked dinner and it is time to come eat that means the time is now. It does not mean 20 minutes later if you feel like it. It especially doesn't mean the day after you have a tantrum and refuse to come with us when we plan on going shopping to buy you clothes that you again disrespect me and disobey me in my own house.

Damn, right, I will cause a major stink. You will obey my minor commands, such as it is dinner time, or else I will cause a huge incident if you disrespect me. I pay for everything, you need me far more than I need you, and you shall obey.

So when’s the divorce party?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Your not a step dad your a fucking bully, you got them exactly where you want them, control freak, that kid will end up hating your guts, so will your mrs, miserable old coward sitting alone with no one to pick on, what then ? Guarding your lawn for the rest of your life ..maybe the boy don’t want to sit at the table and eat with someone like you...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why would you say that? How is it bullying to have basic ground rules and not to accept bad behavior? The 17 year old wanted to do what he did for the last three days namely play video games and ignore everyone else.


Cold as Ice
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East of the Rockies West of the rest
Hey Oerdin (what kinda name is that anyway) you are absolutely right.

Your house, your rules.. Don't like it then fuck off.

Don't let the little shit boss you around, ya gotta nip that shit in the bud.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Why would you say that? How is it bullying to have basic ground rules and not to accept bad behavior? The 17 year old wanted to do what he did for the last three days namely play video games and ignore everyone else.
Bro. This is an unwinnable situation. At the end of the day this kid could kick his mom in the teeth and if you go off on him she’ll side with him. Ultimately. Guaranteed

Obviously his mom has not raised him to the same standards you have so this is nothing but a lost cause.

Figure out if you can deal with the situation as is and make your next move accordingly because it’s not going to get better from here


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
My wife is extremely upset because she thinks her eldest son will return to Panama and thus never get an American greencard. I honestly don't give much of a shit about this. He can easily fix this be swallowing his pride and no longer being disrespectful. Will he do that? I don't know.

You have to call a family circle, lock the doors, get your wife on board, and her children, then hash out the situation.

Children should never dictate their parent's or step parent's relationships.

They have some say though.

Thinking about it along the lines of Green cards probably isn't conducive to a family situation. But if you love their mother and want to spend the rest of your life with her, express that. Teenagers are cunts no matter what culture they're from.

But you have to give your wife a reason to stick up for you too...

Holliday Unchained

It is me facing a mouthy and disobedient teen stepson.
You can kick this punks ass right, why are you on here whining? Violence violence, it's the only thing that will make them see sense, violence.
.Sounds like he married an illegal. That makes it tough.
Probably the best thing to do is shoot and run at this stage.
. Or...maybe try to recall what a disrespectful fuck he was at 17.
. It's normal for a son to challenge the father in some way at that age.
. Maybe a game of basketball, or a fishing contest.
Of course it may be more complicated since not the biological father.
.Did the kid know the dad, or have no memory?
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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
It is me facing a mouthy and disobedient teen stepson.
You can kick this punks ass right, why are you on here whining? Violence violence, it's the only thing that will make them see sense, violence.
.Sounds like he married an illegal. That makes it tough.
Probably the best thing to do is shoot and run at this stage.
. Or...maybe try to recall what a disrespectful fuck he was at 17.
. It's normal for a son to challenge the father in some way at that age.
. Maybe a game of basketball, or a fishing contest.
Of course it may be more complicated since not the biological father.
.Did the kid know the dad, or have no memory?

I threatened to kick my son out at 18. I got his mother to agree when he was 19. He hadn't changed a lick in that time. It just took a year longer...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Ok, she didn't leave and we are not getting divorced. I am still left at a lose of what to do about a disobeatent teenager. I admit I over reacted to a17 year who challenged my authority when I shouldn't have done so. I am still new at this parenting teens shit. It is all so very frustrating to me.

It's easy to fall into a power struggle.....but once you do fall into that with a teen, you just find yourself grasping and doing/saying things you regret later. And none of it has any good impact.

Do you want him to just do this to appease you, or do you want him to do it because he respects his mother and sees the value of family sitting down to a meal together?

Have you tried talking to him human to human? This is a good opportunity to teach him how to effectively deal with conflict. Reasoning and compromise while still respecting boundaries are very important relationship skills.

The power struggle never works, honestly. They may behave the way you want....but resentments and self centeredness are breeding and they are not learning anything.

Think about the people you respect and why you respect them, and be respectable. Forced compliance doesnt foster genuine respect. Also....while you want some basic respect for the ways you support this kid, who is seemingly spitting on that support....you really dont want him to learn that if someone is providing a need he has, that he is obligated to follow through with what that person wants. It's totally valid for you to want respect and gratitude, and you do deserve that....but you dont want to lay a frame work for a sinister person to be able to manipulate and take advantage of him later on.

Sometimes what we mean to communicate and what actually gets communicated are very different things.

I know its hard.....I have two teenage girls. Trying to guide teenagers can really expose things about ourselves that we need to work on, for sure.

One thing I learned raising my own brood is that kids/teens are not bad and shitty for the pure fuck of it. There is always a reason. In them burns a very strong desire to please and be accepted. When they act out, there is always a reason and kids/teens dont really always have the insight or vocabulary to communicate it. So.....their behavior becomes preverse. Even if it's a stupid reason for us... they dont have the maturity to cope like we do. They learn how to do that from us.

If this is an ongoing problem between you and your step son locking horns in a power struggle, perhaps family counseling could help? At least to get both your horns unlocked and get you guys dealing productively with whatever conflict is behind this? Because this can interrupt the harmony in the home and drive a huge wedge into your relationship with your step son AND your marriage.

You know what helps? I've been having weekly family meetings for years. Since my girls were little. Every Sunday evening after the dinner mess gets cleaned. Basically we all go sit in the living room, start off with prayer(if your home prays)...then everyone shares something good that happened over the week(can be anything from an accomplishment to just something funny) and then sharing a goal they have for the new week(I think it's important to get them setting goals regularly) and thinking of ways to meet that goal.

Then we start discussing any conflicts or grievances within the household. This is good for many reasons, it helps get problems solved early on, teaches respectful communication and helps keep everyone expectations reasonable. Sometimes we need to involve an object and whoever has that object(we a use a owl figurine) gets to speak uninterrupted and passes it to the next person to speak. The important part here is resolving conflict and minding/setting healthy boundaries. It should be a safe time to connect and communicate and validate and encourage one another.(obviously if you and your wife are having serious marital conflict....the family circle is NOT the place for that.... you have to always be a United front. Express minor conflicts with eachother such as "I dont understand why you dont put your dirty clothes in the hamper and it makes me feel frustrated'.....teach the "I" and "me".....not so much "you you you".....that always puts people on a defensive. "I" "me" statements foster more thoughtful responses. Oh and the difference between "reacting/responding" is important here as well)

I know this all sounds cheesy as fuck, almost sitcomish.....but all of us swear by it. Once you've been doing it for a while it really starts to work. And you can see the results in how the home flows every week. It really fosters a lot of trust and peace in the home.

You HAVE to make expectations clear and reasonable and set the consequence ahead of time.....and know how to accept when the kid has CHOSEN the consequence. No power struggle. No fighting. Just a "you knew if you did this, this would happen. Now you have to face the consequence". How they respond to that is their choice, let them chose it. If they want to scream and cry and yell? Leave the situation. Punch a hole in the wall? Well....let them fix it when they cool down. But DONT enter into the meltdown with them. You have to stay cool, calm and rational.

When the situation calms down, use those "I" "me" statements to tell them how you feel about it, and point out good qualities that kid has and guide the conversation to get HIM to consider how he can make better decisions going forward.

Bleh.....that's a lot to address in an internet post lol. No matter what you do, dont expect immediate results...it takes time and consistency and no human is ever perfect.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It is me facing a mouthy and disobedient teen stepson.
You can kick this punks ass right, why are you on here whining? Violence violence, it's the only thing that will make them see sense, violence.
.Sounds like he married an illegal. That makes it tough.
Probably the best thing to do is shoot and run at this stage.
. Or...maybe try to recall what a disrespectful fuck he was at 17.
. It's normal for a son to challenge the father in some way at that age.
. Maybe a game of basketball, or a fishing contest.
Of course it may be more complicated since not the biological father.
.Did the kid know the dad, or have no memory?

I threatened to kick my son out at 18. I got his mother to agree when he was 19. He hadn't changed a lick in that time. It just took a year longer...

I bet you’re sti
I think I have had enough. I honestly think I will file for divorce.

Forgive me God. This is the exact scene, with my sisters first son. She went thru 2 divorces related to my out of control nephew, defending him. It got way worse as he got older. As a result. No job, no job skills, no life. Ended up being murdered in a drug deal gone bad in Mendocino county. My son warned my sister of his out of control lifestyle. 3 days later it happened. Way too late.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Occasionally, my wife undermines me with the kids but never when I'm pissed. Whenever I'm disrespected, someones ass is in a sling, especially when I cook dinner. Thankfully, I dont have step kids. Thats real tough.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My wife is extremely upset because she thinks her eldest son will return to Panama and thus never get an American greencard. I honestly don't give much of a shit about this. He can easily fix this be swallowing his pride and no longer being disrespectful. Will he do that? I don't know.

You have to call a family circle, lock the doors, get your wife on board, and her children, then hash out the situation.

Children should never dictate their parent's or step parent's relationships.

They have some say though.

Thinking about it along the lines of Green cards probably isn't conducive to a family situation. But if you love their mother and want to spend the rest of your life with her, express that. Teenagers are cunts no matter what culture they're from.

But you have to give your wife a reason to stick up for you too...

This seems like good advice. I shall try it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I think single parents.....especailly moms, are too soft out of misplaced sense of guilt.

When I was single I was pretty tough, i had to be both mom and dad and I cried in bed at the end of the day a lot.

But my daughters are not going to be a statistic. They are going to benefit from the wisdom I've gained fucking up most of my life. Like I went down that road and I can tell them what's at the end of it.

And I've somehow raised total fucking squares who go to bed at 9pm because "If i dont get enough sleep, I'll have head aches by lunch" or "well I have a test tomorrow so I better hit the sack" lmao.

Then if you are a single parent you are constantly side eyeing anyone you remotely connect with because of all the cases of abuse from mom or dads new significant other.

Sadly everyone here knows how I roll with that. I WILL pay for back ground checks. I WILL ask questions. I'm absolutely observing behavior and lie detecting and the very minute I catch a whiff of anything that doesnt add up and doesnt have a rational explanation.....that hammer comes down quick and that's a wrap. And no fucks are given. None.

Dealing with step parent/step child is never an easy thing. Your partner will align with their child whether you are right or not.....most of the time.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Occasionally, my wife undermines me with the kids but never when I'm pissed. Whenever I'm disrespected, someones ass is in a sling, especially when I cook dinner. Thankfully, I dont have step kids. Thats real tough.

The younger one is great. I mean it. I could ask for a better kid. He has been here since my wife and I got married 2.5 years ago. His older brother did not want to move here then as he wanted to stay with his elderly grandparents (father's parents) as they had a big house and basically let him do what ever he wanted. My wife and her ex got divorced after she found out he was cheating on her with the nanny; her ex then married the nanny and had two more kids but, for what ever reasons, just left the eldest with his parents. My wife repeatedly asked for her eldest son to come live with her but she lived in a rather small town called David where as the grandparents had a huge house near Panama City.

It was his choice to live there but it upset my wife not to have her eldest also live with her. At the end of January he moved in with us in America because both of his grandparents needed full time care (they are in their 90's) and that is more than a teen can provide. So he has only been here a little over three months. I have been trying to make the adjustment smooth but yesterday was the first large argument.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is me facing a mouthy and disobedient teen stepson.
You can kick this punks ass right, why are you on here whining? Violence violence, it's the only thing that will make them see sense, violence.
.Sounds like he married an illegal. That makes it tough.
Probably the best thing to do is shoot and run at this stage.
. Or...maybe try to recall what a disrespectful fuck he was at 17.
. It's normal for a son to challenge the father in some way at that age.
. Maybe a game of basketball, or a fishing contest.
Of course it may be more complicated since not the biological father.
.Did the kid know the dad, or have no memory?

My wife was never an illegal. When we got married she lived in Panama and we started the legal immigration process. I explained the situation with the bio dad after your post but just above this post.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My wife is extremely upset because she thinks her eldest son will return to Panama and thus never get an American greencard. I honestly don't give much of a shit about this. He can easily fix this be swallowing his pride and no longer being disrespectful. Will he do that? I don't know.

You have to call a family circle, lock the doors, get your wife on board, and her children, then hash out the situation.

Children should never dictate their parent's or step parent's relationships.

They have some say though.

Thinking about it along the lines of Green cards probably isn't conducive to a family situation. But if you love their mother and want to spend the rest of your life with her, express that. Teenagers are cunts no matter what culture they're from.

But you have to give your wife a reason to stick up for you too...

This seems like good advice. I shall try it.

Just FYI, I did not say anything about a greencard to him at all. I just thought about it and typed it here afterwards when I was fuming here. I am thankful I did not as, like you said, that just isn't conducive to anything good.