#WhereIsJoe begins trending



Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
I'd like to thank @Garraty_47 for what I can only explain as unintended entertainment.

Or is it intended?

For days now I've witnessed the little spastic punk who calls himself admin follow Garraty around like a lost puppy looking to pick a fight with his trouser cuffs.

Admin haz them ankle OPS!!!!!!

But despite barking as much he does he remains unnoticed. And it is so entertaining how garraty doesn't acknowledge his might mewls on any level. :LOL3:

I've had that useless piece of forum flotsam on Ignore for quite a while now.

The reason(s) should be obvious.

I do however think it's hilarious that he's still wasting so much of his time and energy.

Look at you go, pal. Keep it up! lulz


My black son dindu nuthin wrong.
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All my mens are Florida mens!
Anyone else find it entertaining to watch some picture posting idiot conflate trolling with looking like a total jackass?
U mad fats? Maybe some fresh air and a walk, and then you'll be ready for couple more quarts of Ice Cream! Mmm Ice Cream, and then a shower to rinse off the fat oozed during your hard core driveway walkathon!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I've had that useless piece of forum flotsam on Ignore for quite a while now.

The reason(s) should be obvious.

I do however think it's hilarious that he's still wasting so much of his time and energy.

Look at you go, pal. Keep it up! lulz
Indeed it is obvious. He is utterly useless, unfunny and quite deranged. He is undeterred in his diligence though, to both garner your acknowledgement and obtain the lifetime achievement award for being the biggest dullard of a sperm stain to log into a forum at any time any where.

Reading his dull tripe in it's entirety makes watching grass grow seem like an tantalizing experience by comparison.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The Attic
U mad fats? Maybe some fresh air and a walk, and then you'll be ready for couple more quarts of Ice Cream! Mmm Ice Cream, and then a shower to rinse off the fat oozed during your hard core driveway walkathon!
Maybe you should be arrested and be Bubba's little bitch in prison for preying on children. You deserve far worse a punishment.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He's anti-duopology he thinks it makes more sense to have oodles of people on the ballot, which I always thought is what primaries were about, yanno just like on American Idol, you don't get enough votes you don't get to go to Hollywood for the next round, But then I'm not a bigshot podcaster.

He thinks everything is a conspiracy. Biden isn't seen for 5 days, that means he's dead for sure.



My black son dindu nuthin wrong.
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
All my mens are Florida mens!
Maybe you should be arrested and be Bubba's little bitch in prison for preying on children. You deserve far worse a punishment.
Hey Corky ask Piggly Wiggly when the next all men weekend is at his little hideaway in the Poconos, you manly men could take Gary along as the pivot man, if you wanted.


My black son dindu nuthin wrong.
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
All my mens are Florida mens!
Indeed it is obvious. He is utterly useless, unfunny and quite deranged. He is undeterred in his diligence though, to both garner your acknowledgement and obtain the lifetime achievement award for being the biggest dullard of a sperm stain to log into a forum at any time any where.

Reading his dull tripe in it's entirety makes watching grass grow seem like an tantalizing experience by comparison.



Apparatus Of Satan
☠️Private Forum Access
Your House
U mad fats? Maybe some fresh air and a walk, and then you'll be ready for couple more quarts of Ice Cream! Mmm Ice Cream, and then a shower to rinse off the fat oozed during your hard core driveway walkathon!
Chocolate chocolate chip icecream?

If so, can I join too? I'll bring my own spoon.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I don't want Kamala in any way shape or form. But if the president is incapacitated or otherwise unable to perform his/her duties the VP steps in to take over. That's what they're there for. It's just our rotten luck they made Kamala VP for whatever fucked up reason.

I don't make the rules; I only try to remind those assholes that there are some.
Kamala was picked as Biden's V.P. for exactly two reasons. 1) She is a quarter black female. 2) No one liked her or wanted her to be in charge so it made it harder for elites to remove Biden via the 25th amendment. That was literally why she was picked.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It seems he was insinuating Biden is incapacitated. If that were the case, and Harris became president, she'd be running for prez as the incumbent.
If he is incapacitated, then perhaps Biden should step down no later than after the Democratic convention.

That would allow Kamala to be officially nominated then choose a Vice President and gradually step into the role as President.

It might be good for her because then the American voters could see how she would govern.

But maybe that would make her vulnerable and less appealing as well. So perhaps it might be better Biden stayed on so she could just concentrate on running for President.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Kamala was picked as Biden's V.P. for exactly two reasons. 1) She is a quarter black female. 2) No one liked her or wanted her to be in charge so it made it harder for elites to remove Biden via the 25th amendment. That was literally why she was picked.
Insurance policy. She was the only person who could actually stay awake for 90 minutes capable of polling less than he did

Plus, The view and the breakfast club were behind her, which is nice.


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
It might be good for her because then the American voters could see how she would govern.

You act like she doesn't already have a record in state politics and congress as well as her time as VP.


She would "govern" no differently than Biden just with fewer cognitive meltdowns and more cackling.

It is known.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
You act like she doesn't already have a record in state politics and congress as well as her time as VP.


She would "govern" no differently than Biden just with fewer cognitive meltdowns and more cackling.

It is known.
Poor guy has lost touch with reality. Biden could or could not be dead right now. It does not even matter. They will not commit with such an appointment unless left with no alternative or means to misinform the American people.

Democrats will spend the time between now and the convention attempting to read the tea leaves, consulting the spirits, watching the stars etc etc. If Kamala doesn't poll well there will be a major tectonic shift and she will find herself quickly shuttled into the dept of nuclear waste or some other equally irreverent area of government.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
You act like she doesn't already have a record in state politics and congress as well as her time as VP.


She would "govern" no differently than Biden just with fewer cognitive meltdowns and more cackling.

It is known.
But she isn't officially in charge.

However I suppose if she was instsaled as President perhaps her vulnerabilities and flaws would become more self evident.

So they wouldn't want her to suffer the same fate as the previous Prime Minister of Britain, Sunak. A caretaker incumbent.

Better at least to allow Biden to officially remain in charge because it would fit her narrative that she wants to 'earn' the Presidency eh @Garraty_47 ?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Democrats will spend the time between now and the convention attempting to read the tea leaves, consulting the spirits, watching the stars etc etc. If Kamala doesn't poll well there will be a major tectonic shift and she will find herself quickly shuttled into the dept of nuclear waste or some other equally irreverent area of government.

Might be too late for that around convention time @Benny420 since Harris has already locked up most of the delegates.

Plus she has access to all that campaign money in their political war chest.

So it would be pretty hard to remove her by then


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
Better at least to allow Biden to officially remain in charge because it would fit her narrative that she wants to 'earn' the Presidency eh @Garraty_47 ?

Biden is still our titular president because his ego and sense of entitlement is more important to him than whatever effect his loitering near the levers of power might have.

Kopmala is the presumptive heir because only she can inherit the Biden campaign's money and infrastructure.

Pretty sure I've already said this before.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Biden is still our titular president because his ego and sense of entitlement is more important to him than whatever effect his loitering near the levers of power might have.

Kopmala is the presumptive heir because only she can inherit the Biden campaign's money and infrastructure.

Pretty sure I've already said this before.
Watching the last three years play out it's almost as if Old racist Joe was like "shut up and dance when I tell you to dance. Or just stand there and be a black woman when it's most convenient to do so, darkie".

She never had any real say or sway in anything that happens within the Biden crime syndicate which should be comforting to her as a mule as nothing will change in that department even if she is officially nominated or becomes the 47th.

She will be a stooge reciting speeches. Nothing more.


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
She never had any real say or sway in anything that happens within the Biden crime syndicate which should be comforting to her as a mule as nothing will change in that department even if she is officially nominated or becomes the 47th.

I think they tried.
They gave her the border situation but between her "do not come" tour and that disastrous interview wherein the infotainment bobblehead had to remind her that she hadn't actually visited the border yet, both of which landed like lead balloons, I think they decided the less people saw and heard from her the better.

Possibly the only intelligent decision the Biden regime has ever made.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I think they tried.
They gave her the border situation but between her "do not come" tour and that disastrous interview wherein the infotainment bobblehead had to remind her that she hadn't actually visited the border yet, both of which landed like lead balloons, I think they decided the less people saw and heard from her the better.

Possibly the only intelligent decision the Biden regime has ever made.
Surely you jest.

She did a fine job pointing to the southern border and declaring "that's the southern border over there"

What, did you actually expect her to waste tax payer dollars on jet fuel, in addition to harming the precious environment any further by flying over there herself?

When she could just as easily open X/Twitter on her phone and review Alexandria Cortezs' performative stunt for a full and thorough briefing?

Efficiency my man. The mark of a truly great leader.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Biden is still our titular president because his ego and sense of entitlement is more important to him than whatever effect his loitering near the levers of power might have.

Kopmala is the presumptive heir because only she can inherit the Biden campaign's money and infrastructure.

Pretty sure I've already said this before.
Oh. I just given what happened to Sunak in Britain after he took over and then lost in a landslide, its actually better that Biden doesn't step down.

Caretaker type presidents rarely last long in office


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard

Anyone else notice how Obama is the only hold out when it comes to ant farm assembling for a march?

You really have to wonder how much protein powder and young male companionship they are offering to Ole Mike to get him to run?

Times are indeed desperate.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Find it very humorous myself that @Garraty_47 makes a rather astute observation that any sane and competent individual might make and the mosquitos go completely hysterical like someone just poured bleach into their hive.

It's almost as if despite being terribly handicap they know somewhere deep down in their yellow bellies that something is awfully strange with the whole narrative being shoveled on the American people, but are simply too jellyfish in their composition to step off the plantation and ask the pertinent questions of their puppet masters.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
@Garraty_47 I can see the wisdom in your ways. The spazzoid gets becomes even angrier and is more apt to self immolation when you ignore him as opposed to when you decide to call out his redundant rhetoric as being the musings of an imbecile.

I think I'm going to run with this angle for a while as he continues to circle the drain.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I would also avoid allegations of child rape fantasies if I were you too, psychopath.
Child rape fantasy? That is a strong accusation to make against someone. Do you have a link to where such fantasies can be reviewed in detail?