Who wants to know what it's like to be a forum admin with fat Oak raging about tedious things

Who wants to Oak's rage DMs from SG ?

  • Yes I want to see them

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • No I do not want you to hold off on posting them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - I chose this option because Monster doesn't understand yes plus another option still means yes

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
People actually used the PM system at SG?

Troll board PM's are always bugged and should only be used to send cute cat or pizza pics to other members

I never understood, until just very recently, just how damaged people are online. Fuuuuuuuuuuuucked up!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And according to a third party who has authorized me to post their private messages from SG Admin doesn't really like Oak either

Something about him always having Lotusbud's back

Now we know why they were happy for Sideny to rid their cuckold palace of her


Did I ever call you a "gossipy hen"?
Not to my face

but more than likely behind my back like you did with everyone else including seamajor and admin

oh yeah, and flea

wait till I post those pms :LOL3:

Yes, I post it to your face.

Flea and I had our skirmishes, we're way beyond that. I don't recall complaining about seamajor or admin. But everyone is an adult and knows that people voice their frustrations, mostly with people that they can trust.

Sometimes we miss the mark though. You clearly are so vindictive and vengeful that you want to rehash old shit. It says everything about you and not about normal people that behave in normal human ways, yeah, even complaining about people that they most get along with.

But it's hilarious and something to join in on when Murd loses her shit because I cant support BLM, so she blocks me and then comes HERE to start blasting a ton of private shit she was trusted with about families and my daughter, right? And all twisted, to try to accuse me of PLEASE ASS BOX ME! crap. Not just blasting private shit(and me AND Big, btw) but lying about it with the intent of smearing me as much as possible.

How vindictive and vengeful is THAT? Getting that level hateful over political differences that you get THAT nasty? I've never flipped and attacked either of you because I didnt like your points. I would sometimes challange them, but you both get so shitty and condescending it's not even worth bothering. But look how YOU treat people when they express their own views.

You didnt mind rehashing old shit when Poofer comes here and you want to giggle at his posts and take shots at me. But yeah I'm sure THATS different as well.

I guess it's only a bad thing when it's done to you but when you do it to others and get hateful as fuck with other people, that's "justified". Because you are such a righteous being so far above everyone that you get to decide who the rules apply to.

No one even has to do anything to you to get your wrath and hate flung at them. All they have to do is disagree with you with confidence and you get abusive, nasty and hateful. But THATS okay because you are entitled, right? We are all here to cater to you.

You have some serious character defects you need to work through.

Anyway, no one is out to get you. Deport has never stalked you. You have all these completely insane ideas about people and often want them moderated or banned because you cant deal with people you cant control. And that's the truth. Lotus and I couldnt disagree more on a lot of issues....yet you dont see either of us going as low and as personal as you go with other people. You are all embarrassed and mad and being a hypocrite probably because you KNOW how irrational you get about other people. Shit I know you were harrassing the staff here about ME....and I didnt even do anything. You just cant stand people having views that dont align with yours.

There is something really wrong with you and considering how you turn on people so easily because they dont see the world like you do its laughable seeing you talk about trust. You are not someone to ever be trusted. Period. Make all the excuses you want.....they dont matter to anyone but you and whoever is on your "good" side today.

It's a joke now. You have no respect for anyones privacy so no one is obligated to respect yours. I certainly wont post anything, but I probably will laugh at it, like what you did to me when some vile nasty person was using my daughter to accuse me of fucking "PLEASE ASS BOX ME! pics" and trying to encourage a man who flat out attacked my family in real life to post shit about my family.

Lord knows you are big enough to survive a few hits from a karma bus.

I accused you of it in a post with zero screen shots… and then you turned around and admitted to it during one of your bouts of insanity posting. That was all you lol

But you have gossiped about me behind my back to any and everyone BEFORE i ever went balls deep and admitted what I actually think about you post Martini Weenie.

I’ve since learned that you enjoy the attention received from gossiping about ME.

All her drama to claw and scratch for a guy that would rather fuck his AA blow up doll than her.

I’ve never endured a jealous, petty, manipulative narcissist completely batshit crazy before this. It was P EYE opening.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
And according to a third party who has authorized me to post their private messages from SG Admin doesn't really like Oak either

Something about him always having Lotusbud's back

Now we know why they were happy for Sideny to rid their cuckold palace of her


Did I ever call you a "gossipy hen"?
Not to my face

but more than likely behind my back like you did with everyone else including seamajor and admin

oh yeah, and flea

wait till I post those pms :LOL3:

Yes, I post it to your face.

Flea and I had our skirmishes, we're way beyond that. I don't recall complaining about seamajor or admin. But everyone is an adult and knows that people voice their frustrations, mostly with people that they can trust.

Sometimes we miss the mark though. You clearly are so vindictive and vengeful that you want to rehash old shit. It says everything about you and not about normal people that behave in normal human ways, yeah, even complaining about people that they most get along with.

But it's hilarious and something to join in on when Murd loses her shit because I cant support BLM, so she blocks me and then comes HERE to start blasting a ton of private shit she was trusted with about families and my daughter, right? And all twisted, to try to accuse me of PLEASE ASS BOX ME! crap. Not just blasting private shit(and me AND Big, btw) but lying about it with the intent of smearing me as much as possible.

How vindictive and vengeful is THAT? Getting that level hateful over political differences that you get THAT nasty? I've never flipped and attacked either of you because I didnt like your points. I would sometimes challange them, but you both get so shitty and condescending it's not even worth bothering. But look how YOU treat people when they express their own views.

You didnt mind rehashing old shit when Poofer comes here and you want to giggle at his posts and take shots at me. But yeah I'm sure THATS different as well.

I guess it's only a bad thing when it's done to you but when you do it to others and get hateful as fuck with other people, that's "justified". Because you are such a righteous being so far above everyone that you get to decide who the rules apply to.

No one even has to do anything to you to get your wrath and hate flung at them. All they have to do is disagree with you with confidence and you get abusive, nasty and hateful. But THATS okay because you are entitled, right? We are all here to cater to you.

You have some serious character defects you need to work through.

Anyway, no one is out to get you. Deport has never stalked you. You have all these completely insane ideas about people and often want them moderated or banned because you cant deal with people you cant control. And that's the truth. Lotus and I couldnt disagree more on a lot of issues....yet you dont see either of us going as low and as personal as you go with other people. You are all embarrassed and mad and being a hypocrite probably because you KNOW how irrational you get about other people. Shit I know you were harrassing the staff here about ME....and I didnt even do anything. You just cant stand people having views that dont align with yours.

There is something really wrong with you and considering how you turn on people so easily because they dont see the world like you do its laughable seeing you talk about trust. You are not someone to ever be trusted. Period. Make all the excuses you want.....they dont matter to anyone but you and whoever is on your "good" side today.

It's a joke now. You have no respect for anyones privacy so no one is obligated to respect yours. I certainly wont post anything, but I probably will laugh at it, like what you did to me when some vile nasty person was using my daughter to accuse me of fucking "PLEASE ASS BOX ME! pics" and trying to encourage a man who flat out attacked my family in real life to post shit about my family.

Lord knows you are big enough to survive a few hits from a karma bus.

I accused you of it in a post with zero screen shots… and then you turned around and admitted to it during one of your bouts of insanity posting. That was all you lol

But you have gossiped about me behind my back to any and everyone BEFORE i ever went balls deep and admitted what I actually think about you post Martini Weenie.

I’ve since learned that you enjoy the attention received from gossiping about ME.

All her drama to claw and scratch for a guy that would rather fuck his AA blow up doll than her.

I’ve never endured a jealous, petty, manipulative narcissist completely batshit crazy before this. It was P EYE opening.

She thinks that any female that talks to him wants him and feels threatened. Bwaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahaha


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Do you still wanna beat me up with your tiny little fists of fragrance? Blandoscopy ?

Better hope he never meets you on the street. He will.....probably keep right on walking because he wouldnt even know if he did run into you in public lol.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Should I dig up MMP too where murdy is telling me to simply shut the site down cause she can’t take oaks crying anymore?

I remember you describing the attempted CW hostile takeover on my social site as “grabbing a beer bottle and smashing it over someone’s head before you stabbed someone with it in a bar fight”… but you also said my site was too ZEN :SmokeBreak3:
Should I dig up MMP too where murdy is telling me to simply shut the site down cause she can’t take oaks crying anymore?

I remember you describing the attempted CW hostile takeover on my social site as “grabbing a beer bottle and smashing it over someone’s head before you stabbed someone with it in a bar fight”… but you also said my site was too ZEN :SmokeBreak3:
so you remember her raging pMs. They were awful

Don’t forget to vote
Every time i post, you shed a tear.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And according to a third party who has authorized me to post their private messages from SG Admin doesn't really like Oak either

Something about him always having Lotusbud's back

Now we know why they were happy for Sideny to rid their cuckold palace of her


Did I ever call you a "gossipy hen"?
Not to my face

but more than likely behind my back like you did with everyone else including seamajor and admin

oh yeah, and flea

wait till I post those pms :LOL3:

Yes, I post it to your face.

Flea and I had our skirmishes, we're way beyond that. I don't recall complaining about seamajor or admin. But everyone is an adult and knows that people voice their frustrations, mostly with people that they can trust.

Sometimes we miss the mark though. You clearly are so vindictive and vengeful that you want to rehash old shit. It says everything about you and not about normal people that behave in normal human ways, yeah, even complaining about people that they most get along with.

But it's hilarious and something to join in on when Murd loses her shit because I cant support BLM, so she blocks me and then comes HERE to start blasting a ton of private shit she was trusted with about families and my daughter, right? And all twisted, to try to accuse me of PLEASE ASS BOX ME! crap. Not just blasting private shit(and me AND Big, btw) but lying about it with the intent of smearing me as much as possible.

How vindictive and vengeful is THAT? Getting that level hateful over political differences that you get THAT nasty? I've never flipped and attacked either of you because I didnt like your points. I would sometimes challange them, but you both get so shitty and condescending it's not even worth bothering. But look how YOU treat people when they express their own views.

You didnt mind rehashing old shit when Poofer comes here and you want to giggle at his posts and take shots at me. But yeah I'm sure THATS different as well.

I guess it's only a bad thing when it's done to you but when you do it to others and get hateful as fuck with other people, that's "justified". Because you are such a righteous being so far above everyone that you get to decide who the rules apply to.

No one even has to do anything to you to get your wrath and hate flung at them. All they have to do is disagree with you with confidence and you get abusive, nasty and hateful. But THATS okay because you are entitled, right? We are all here to cater to you.

You have some serious character defects you need to work through.

Anyway, no one is out to get you. Deport has never stalked you. You have all these completely insane ideas about people and often want them moderated or banned because you cant deal with people you cant control. And that's the truth. Lotus and I couldnt disagree more on a lot of issues....yet you dont see either of us going as low and as personal as you go with other people. You are all embarrassed and mad and being a hypocrite probably because you KNOW how irrational you get about other people. Shit I know you were harrassing the staff here about ME....and I didnt even do anything. You just cant stand people having views that dont align with yours.

There is something really wrong with you and considering how you turn on people so easily because they dont see the world like you do its laughable seeing you talk about trust. You are not someone to ever be trusted. Period. Make all the excuses you want.....they dont matter to anyone but you and whoever is on your "good" side today.

It's a joke now. You have no respect for anyones privacy so no one is obligated to respect yours. I certainly wont post anything, but I probably will laugh at it, like what you did to me when some vile nasty person was using my daughter to accuse me of fucking "PLEASE ASS BOX ME! pics" and trying to encourage a man who flat out attacked my family in real life to post shit about my family.

Lord knows you are big enough to survive a few hits from a karma bus.

I accused you of it in a post with zero screen shots… and then you turned around and admitted to it during one of your bouts of insanity posting. That was all you lol

But you have gossiped about me behind my back to any and everyone BEFORE i ever went balls deep and admitted what I actually think about you post Martini Weenie.

I’ve since learned that you enjoy the attention received from gossiping about ME.

All her drama to claw and scratch for a guy that would rather fuck his AA blow up doll than her.

I’ve never endured a jealous, petty, manipulative narcissist completely batshit crazy before this. It was P EYE opening.

She thinks that any female that talks to him wants him and feels threatened. Bwaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahaha

Let me say with the greatest ONE HUNDO THOUSAND % certainty that IF there was the tiniest, minuscule shred of inclination that she had a second chance in HELL… she killed it when she went to Chicago.

But at least Big is growing a set and stabbing you in the face with this PM bullsheit publicly. He could be a total petty gossip whoremonger like his trusted ball sack tic.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
And according to a third party who has authorized me to post their private messages from SG Admin doesn't really like Oak either

Something about him always having Lotusbud's back

Now we know why they were happy for Sideny to rid their cuckold palace of her


Did I ever call you a "gossipy hen"?
Not to my face

but more than likely behind my back like you did with everyone else including seamajor and admin

oh yeah, and flea

wait till I post those pms :LOL3:

Yes, I post it to your face.

Flea and I had our skirmishes, we're way beyond that. I don't recall complaining about seamajor or admin. But everyone is an adult and knows that people voice their frustrations, mostly with people that they can trust.

Sometimes we miss the mark though. You clearly are so vindictive and vengeful that you want to rehash old shit. It says everything about you and not about normal people that behave in normal human ways, yeah, even complaining about people that they most get along with.

But it's hilarious and something to join in on when Murd loses her shit because I cant support BLM, so she blocks me and then comes HERE to start blasting a ton of private shit she was trusted with about families and my daughter, right? And all twisted, to try to accuse me of PLEASE ASS BOX ME! crap. Not just blasting private shit(and me AND Big, btw) but lying about it with the intent of smearing me as much as possible.

How vindictive and vengeful is THAT? Getting that level hateful over political differences that you get THAT nasty? I've never flipped and attacked either of you because I didnt like your points. I would sometimes challange them, but you both get so shitty and condescending it's not even worth bothering. But look how YOU treat people when they express their own views.

You didnt mind rehashing old shit when Poofer comes here and you want to giggle at his posts and take shots at me. But yeah I'm sure THATS different as well.

I guess it's only a bad thing when it's done to you but when you do it to others and get hateful as fuck with other people, that's "justified". Because you are such a righteous being so far above everyone that you get to decide who the rules apply to.

No one even has to do anything to you to get your wrath and hate flung at them. All they have to do is disagree with you with confidence and you get abusive, nasty and hateful. But THATS okay because you are entitled, right? We are all here to cater to you.

You have some serious character defects you need to work through.

Anyway, no one is out to get you. Deport has never stalked you. You have all these completely insane ideas about people and often want them moderated or banned because you cant deal with people you cant control. And that's the truth. Lotus and I couldnt disagree more on a lot of issues....yet you dont see either of us going as low and as personal as you go with other people. You are all embarrassed and mad and being a hypocrite probably because you KNOW how irrational you get about other people. Shit I know you were harrassing the staff here about ME....and I didnt even do anything. You just cant stand people having views that dont align with yours.

There is something really wrong with you and considering how you turn on people so easily because they dont see the world like you do its laughable seeing you talk about trust. You are not someone to ever be trusted. Period. Make all the excuses you want.....they dont matter to anyone but you and whoever is on your "good" side today.

It's a joke now. You have no respect for anyones privacy so no one is obligated to respect yours. I certainly wont post anything, but I probably will laugh at it, like what you did to me when some vile nasty person was using my daughter to accuse me of fucking "PLEASE ASS BOX ME! pics" and trying to encourage a man who flat out attacked my family in real life to post shit about my family.

Lord knows you are big enough to survive a few hits from a karma bus.

I accused you of it in a post with zero screen shots… and then you turned around and admitted to it during one of your bouts of insanity posting. That was all you lol

But you have gossiped about me behind my back to any and everyone BEFORE i ever went balls deep and admitted what I actually think about you post Martini Weenie.

I’ve since learned that you enjoy the attention received from gossiping about ME.

All her drama to claw and scratch for a guy that would rather fuck his AA blow up doll than her.

I’ve never endured a jealous, petty, manipulative narcissist completely batshit crazy before this. It was P EYE opening.

She thinks that any female that talks to him wants him and feels threatened. Bwaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahaha

Let me say with the greatest ONE HUNDO THOUSAND % certainty that IF there was the tiniest, minuscule shred of inclination that she had a second chance in HELL… she killed it when she went to Chicago.

But at least Big is growing a set and stabbing you in the face with this PM bullsheit publicly . He could be a total petty gossip whoremonger like his trusted ball sack tic.

I don't care, they might just deserve one another. He's still a petty gossiper. I have never been with a man that said "so and so says this and so and so says that". I'm sorry, where I was raised men just don't do that. It's for boys.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Should I dig up MMP too where murdy is telling me to simply shut the site down cause she can’t take oaks crying anymore?

I remember you describing the attempted CW hostile takeover on my social site as “grabbing a beer bottle and smashing it over someone’s head before you stabbed someone with it in a bar fight”… but you also said my site was too ZEN :SmokeBreak3:
Should I dig up MMP too where murdy is telling me to simply shut the site down cause she can’t take oaks crying anymore?

I remember you describing the attempted CW hostile takeover on my social site as “grabbing a beer bottle and smashing it over someone’s head before you stabbed someone with it in a bar fight”… but you also said my site was too ZEN :SmokeBreak3:
so you remember her raging pMs. They were awful

Don’t forget to vote
Every time i post, you shed a tear.

I mean....all I did was ask Blandscape for clarity on his accusations. He DID accuse Big of "stealing" SG.....and then said Flea gave it to him.

Why would me asking for the narrative to be clear earn me a "stfu"?

I don't think Big is the one crying here.....JS.

You guys show up shitty and endlessly bitch and moan about others. Always negging. Never able to have any normal exchanges. But then accuse others of having "tears".....smh.

No self awareness.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
There was that one time when Oak started deleting all her own posts at SG cause she was having a moment of emotional instability



There was that one time when Oak started deleting all her own posts at SG cause she was having a moment of emotional instability

One time? Poark does that once a year or so. It starts with demands for account deletion usually. It might be a proxy for weight loss, if you think about it.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
But it's hilarious and something to join in on when Murd loses her shit because I cant support BLM, so she blocks me and then comes HERE to start blasting a ton of private shit she was trusted with about families and my daughter, right?

Is that the reason why Turdy Murdy has a problem with you? Hahhaaaha fucking hell.

I'm sure the dumb bitch claimed she isn't a lefty, despite constantly parrotting SJW crap...

Not the brightest bulb in the box that one.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Take a look at your thread, remind us all how you even fucked Flea over that gave you your board and then come back and tell us how honourless you are.

Okay so.....did he STEAL it or did she give it to him?

It really cannot be both.

I'm just trying to follow.
Dove, don’t talk to that cunt, as it’s time on this planet is limited. I’m going to fuck it up and knock it’s block off with my Oxford Non-Concise Thesaurus good and fucking proper!



Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
^^^^ lol... the rage is real

Phony little dwarfs just aren’t entertaining
Listen...stop talking shit old man. You’re acting like a child of your vintage. Have you been getting surf? The fucking waves have been going off. I’m getting waves like you won’t believe. Get rid of that long board and get into performance surfing. I’ll give you all the dimensions you’ve ever need. You’re in my world now. I’ll save you, all you have to do is just listen for once to Uncle Breakfall aka Gallium. You missed out with Nias! Didn’t listen.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Why is that child rapist in my thread. Did someone tell him there were kids here


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Why is that child rapist in my thread. Did someone tell him there were kids here

As you know, they’re at the theme parks you raid every weekend. I bet the gay cheer leaders you fathered help you short self out. It’s always kids and sucking cock with you.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Hey Lily, why actually was TwaP so afraid of you?

All I remember is there were two boards at MMP and TwaP wouldn’t leave the free board for anything and was posting up cat pics and liking them.

@Bastard Factory if TwaP comes to your forum, be very afraid. The guys like 30 years behind the times and still uses webtv

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Hey Lily, why actually was TwaP so afraid of you?

All I remember is there were two boards at MMP and TwaP wouldn’t leave the free board for anything and was posting up cat pics and liking them.

@Bastard Factory if TwaP comes to your forum, be very afraid. The guys like 30 years behind the times and still uses webtv

The old Jew is already here


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
But it's hilarious and something to join in on when Murd loses her shit because I cant support BLM, so she blocks me and then comes HERE to start blasting a ton of private shit she was trusted with about families and my daughter, right?

Is that the reason why Turdy Murdy has a problem with you? Hahhaaaha fucking hell.

I'm sure the dumb bitch claimed she isn't a lefty, despite constantly parrotting SJW crap...

Not the brightest bulb in the box that one.


We had a few political disagreements that she kinda pushed.

One night she was blaming the BLM riot violence on antifa. And I just pointed out, if that were true, and it was antifa starting violence and destroying communities and getting innocent black people killed......why isnt BLM going after antifa?

I pointed this out a couple times. And I was always nice and respectful about it.

Well the next day, she just blocked me. No talk or anything. Just blocked and started ranting in a debate group we are both in that I "follow a white supremacist". She ranted this to a cuban immigrant who supports Trump(in that group).

So its whatever, you know? It's a really shallow way to end a long friendship. So I was fine. I'm not going to change my values or change how I express those for someone else and no one close to me would expect that.

So it was pretty quiet and then she popped in here to announce she had me on ignore, but then started these incoherent rants about all this off board personal shit she only knows because she was trusted to know it....using it as some petty forum ammo when I couldnt have been less interested in having retarded board drama.

This is just how these people are. Unbelievably viscious and manipulative and they expect to be treated better than they treat other people. It's not enough to just end a friendship or leave an exchange, they are driven to try to punish a target for their offense of arguing against something they believe. They expect disagreement to be weak, apologetic and what they think is adequately "humble". So you can disagree with them.....as long as you very careful to stay "humble" and gentle.

Of course they dont have to be all "humble" and gentle or any of the shit they expect from others. They can be flat out rude and abrasive but you have to meet their expectations. They want people to alter themselves for their comfort levels, while they dont even make a tiny effort to even be kind.

Accountability is something for OTHER people, and something they decide applies to other people, but never applies to them.

They literally see themselves as righteous enlightened beings who get to decide everything at all times, and if people disagree with that, it's because they are faulty as a person. Notice the shit they bring up in an argument about politics? Shit about themselves they imagine makes them superior to you and thusly correct. Which ironically just demonstrates their low intelligence.

Intelligent people...."thinkers"....dont get angry during disagreements. They welcome any sort of challenge, it gives the opportunity to argue your cause and deal with oppositing arguments. And it brings the possibility to hear our other people and think about things you maybe didnt think about before. It can strengthen your position. Or lead you to a better informed position. And its good for the sake of readers to see more than one side of an issue.

What intelligent and thinking people do not do, is rely on sophistry and ad homs and personal attacks. They dont start foaming at the mouth and preaching about how much more intelligent they think they are. Smart people do not need to declare they are smart.

There was a study(or studies) done that show the average person always rates themselves above average....and people who were above average rated themselves as average. Pair that with the study that shows college students today are 41% LESS empathetic than they were 10 years ago. It shows rising levels of narcissism. People who think of themselves as above the average person who lack appropriate levels of empathy.

That's part of why these people think it's okay for them to use personal things they were trusted with....they give themselves all these passes and excuses based on their hatred and low view of another person, but if similar things are done to one of them(after they've been openly nasty to others), it's now some high offence and its "vindictive and vengeful" and a character defect of the one doing it to them. But when they do it....its righteous and okay to do.

Its impossible to have any positive or authentic relationship with people like this. Who expect you to alter yourself to accommodate them and who will flip and turn on you like that.

It has to be something in the water in CA. Like its contaminated with narcoplasm or some shit.

Maybe the CIA laced it some MK Ultra juice or something and only a handful of people are immune to it.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Hey Lily, why actually was TwaP so afraid of you?

All I remember is there were two boards at MMP and TwaP wouldn’t leave the free board for anything and was posting up cat pics and liking them.

@Bastard Factory if TwaP comes to your forum, be very afraid. The guys like 30 years behind the times and still uses webtv

The old Jew is already here

BH and SG to an extent had longevity because that walking bag of squishing geritol had no hand in either.

The moron is a mod at some flame forum that hadn’t had a post since 2015 and was ONLINE there when I gave it a mercy click a couple months ago.

It will be a fist pump moment the second that breathing ass hair croaks
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I’d just like to add two things here.

1. Oak’s melty in this thread has been Fabu

2. Admin sucks cock

Carry on


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Somebody said Dovid had a meltdown.

Good enough to unblock?

How many paragraphs?

If it’s under ten I’m not bothering