Who wants to know what it's like to be a forum admin with fat Oak raging about tedious things

Who wants to Oak's rage DMs from SG ?

  • Yes I want to see them

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • No I do not want you to hold off on posting them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - I chose this option because Monster doesn't understand yes plus another option still means yes

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Who in their right mind invites oak to their wedding?

That’s gotta be a bad omen right there
And who got married the day after fornuncle pwned her.

Fornuncle pawned me this Sunday?! I did not know that was coming. Thanks for the warning.

He pawned himself, didn't get the e-fuck he wanted and went ballistic, incel. You people are out of control.
Hopefully no switch was used during all this pawning….

Hey, I'm getting pwnd in the future by someone who ran away because he was turned down.
Oh pwnd!!!

I thought another pawning episode was starting

Why can't some men handle a woman not being interested? I want to understand from the male point of view and from someone that has probably played bartender psychologist to all those sad sacks.
Idk about that one.

After pretty much showing limited interest I just said “fuck it” and went along for the ride.

No, I wasn't referring to Duhv. Frankly, I really don't give a shit about her.

No matter, it's not like you have any answers anyway.
Well then.

idk. I’ve never been uninteresting and the one time I wanted to get with a broad who found me uninteresting I got with her.

I just got that charisma thing.

But, when you get with a chick who doesn’t like you at first the break off is easier to deal with
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Your whole thread is a giant meltdown.

It's sad, having to check in here after a multi-thread Joo Melt, to watch him and the squad of ankle muppets trying to sweep up all the spilled popcorn.

Fuck, I'd rather watch people clean up a hockey stadium after a Stanley Cup game. It's nasty work for sure.

The funniest thing is that they think they're winning. I want you to do a favor for me, Levon if I may? I am going to a wedding and leaving town tomorrow. I won't be online because well, Real Life Matters (RLM). I will coin that starting today. I won't probably be on line until Sunday at the soonest, but probably not really until Monday.

When the chuckleheads start saying I ran away (Biggie, Aryan, Loktard, Duhv, Deport Liberals) please kindly remind them that some people enjoy real life. If you're also caught up in real life, I'll ask @Admin. to be my back up.

Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure of my plans, but it ain't likely I'll be on here sixteen hours a day to deal with those who DO think forum life is THAT important, the ones who act like YOU RAN unless you have a piss can under yer desk chair. They'll be the only ones perturbed by my absence, or by yours I suppose.

Don’t worry turds.

I’ll hold off posting oaks Dms until she gets back

I wouldn’t want to miss the screaming and crying in its pure form


So, I won't scream when I get back and they're there? Why would when they're posted make a difference to my emotional reaction?
Like I said, when the vote reaches 10 I'll first glance at the user list to make sure you are there

so there's no need to appoint little scouts to mine the fort while you figure out how to get your electricity turned back on
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Every time I post, you know I'm queer.

Come on, bruh.

That trope died when TwaP had a panel at FC
Dumb motherfcuker shouldnt leave low hanging fruit!
You read mad, bro
He's very sensitive about his physical stature, and high pitched feminine voice.
Who, Lokmar?

I think he has degenerative intelligence condition. He used to write funny shit at Turd Fail, like seriously, the guy carried the politics forum by himself in the waning days.

Then something happened.
Something did happen. I got tired of posting refuting evidence to libtard bullshit. Its a waste of time. Besides, clubbing baby seal libtards over the head is much more fun. Really, you can thank Biggie for that. He repeatedly showed me examples of how futile the efforts were. I'd now prefer to have a civil war.
That’s your first mistake.

Biggy is a failure at everything he touches on these forums and is a mini TwaP in that regard.

You need to go back to being that terror at TF. Better content

Almost 50 and rides the bus


The guy is literally the most broke fucker on here.

Remember his poor cat and shit-stained mattress?
how could anyone forget



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And according to a third party who has authorized me to post their private messages from SG Admin doesn't really like Oak either

Something about him always having Lotusbud's back

Now we know why they were happy for Sideny to rid their cuckold palace of her


Did I ever call you a "gossipy hen"?
Not to my face

but more than likely behind my back like you did with everyone else including seamajor and admin

oh yeah, and flea

wait till I post those pms :LOL3:

Yes, I post it to your face.

Flea and I had our skirmishes, we're way beyond that. I don't recall complaining about seamajor or admin. But everyone is an adult and knows that people voice their frustrations, mostly with people that they can trust.

Sometimes we miss the mark though. You clearly are so vindictive and vengeful that you want to rehash old shit. It says everything about you and not about normal people that behave in normal human ways, yeah, even complaining about people that they most get along with.

But it's hilarious and something to join in on when Murd loses her shit because I cant support BLM, so she blocks me and then comes HERE to start blasting a ton of private shit she was trusted with about families and my daughter, right? And all twisted, to try to accuse me of PLEASE ASS BOX ME! crap. Not just blasting private shit(and me AND Big, btw) but lying about it with the intent of smearing me as much as possible.

How vindictive and vengeful is THAT? Getting that level hateful over political differences that you get THAT nasty? I've never flipped and attacked either of you because I didnt like your points. I would sometimes challange them, but you both get so shitty and condescending it's not even worth bothering. But look how YOU treat people when they express their own views.

You didnt mind rehashing old shit when Poofer comes here and you want to giggle at his posts and take shots at me. But yeah I'm sure THATS different as well.

I guess it's only a bad thing when it's done to you but when you do it to others and get hateful as fuck with other people, that's "justified". Because you are such a righteous being so far above everyone that you get to decide who the rules apply to.

No one even has to do anything to you to get your wrath and hate flung at them. All they have to do is disagree with you with confidence and you get abusive, nasty and hateful. But THATS okay because you are entitled, right? We are all here to cater to you.

You have some serious character defects you need to work through.

Anyway, no one is out to get you. Deport has never stalked you. You have all these completely insane ideas about people and often want them moderated or banned because you cant deal with people you cant control. And that's the truth. Lotus and I couldnt disagree more on a lot of issues....yet you dont see either of us going as low and as personal as you go with other people. You are all embarrassed and mad and being a hypocrite probably because you KNOW how irrational you get about other people. Shit I know you were harrassing the staff here about ME....and I didnt even do anything. You just cant stand people having views that dont align with yours.

There is something really wrong with you and considering how you turn on people so easily because they dont see the world like you do its laughable seeing you talk about trust. You are not someone to ever be trusted. Period. Make all the excuses you want.....they dont matter to anyone but you and whoever is on your "good" side today.

It's a joke now. You have no respect for anyones privacy so no one is obligated to respect yours. I certainly wont post anything, but I probably will laugh at it, like what you did to me when some vile nasty person was using my daughter to accuse me of fucking "PLEASE ASS BOX ME! pics" and trying to encourage a man who flat out attacked my family in real life to post shit about my family.

Lord knows you are big enough to survive a few hits from a karma bus.

I accused you of it in a post with zero screen shots… and then you turned around and admitted to it during one of your bouts of insanity posting. That was all you lol

But you have gossiped about me behind my back to any and everyone BEFORE i ever went balls deep and admitted what I actually think about you post Martini Weenie.

I’ve since learned that you enjoy the attention received from gossiping about ME.

All her drama to claw and scratch for a guy that would rather fuck his AA blow up doll than her.

I’ve never endured a jealous, petty, manipulative narcissist completely batshit crazy before this. It was P EYE opening.

She thinks that any female that talks to him wants him and feels threatened. Bwaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahaha

Let me say with the greatest ONE HUNDO THOUSAND % certainty that IF there was the tiniest, minuscule shred of inclination that she had a second chance in HELL… she killed it when she went to Chicago.

But at least Big is growing a set and stabbing you in the face with this PM bullsheit publicly . He could be a total petty gossip whoremonger like his trusted ball sack tic.

I don't care, they might just deserve one another. He's still a petty gossiper. I have never been with a man that said "so and so says this and so and so says that". I'm sorry, where I was raised men just don't do that. It's for boys.

It’s well known that intellects despise gossip… I’m one of them.

I was also raised with manners, but sometimes people just really need to hear about themselves… and they NEVER like it :GiggleBitch:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Somebody said Dovid had a meltdown.

Good enough to unblock?

How many paragraphs?

If it’s under ten I’m not bothering

Not anything significant…. Just more of her perpetuating the public delusion of trying to save face after all the years of being the biggest toxic shit show in the forum community… she is actually pretending to have integrity this time around lol

I personally prefer the intuitively rabid hissing and scratching right before her ass is handed to her tho.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Somebody said Dovid had a meltdown.

Good enough to unblock?

How many paragraphs?

If it’s under ten I’m not bothering

Not anything significant…. Just more of her perpetuating the public delusion of trying to save face after all the years of being the biggest toxic shit show in the forum community… she is actually pretending to have integrity this time around lol

I personally prefer the intuitively rabid hissing and scratching right before her ass is handed to her tho.
I read it.

It’s like watching The Brady Bunch- The heroin version


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Every time I post, you know I'm queer.

Come on, bruh.

That trope died when TwaP had a panel at FC
Dumb motherfcuker shouldnt leave low hanging fruit!
You read mad, bro
I'm mad cause aidsman posted some low hanging fruit? You like him or something?

You're mad because Poof doesnt like you.

Everyone he doesnt like is butthurt and melty and mad :D


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Every time I post, you know I'm queer.

Come on, bruh.

That trope died when TwaP had a panel at FC
Dumb motherfcuker shouldnt leave low hanging fruit!
You read mad, bro
I'm mad cause aidsman posted some low hanging fruit? You like him or something?

You're mad because Poof doesnt like you.

Everyone he doesnt like is butthurt and melty and mad :D
Where the fuck have I ever stated I don’t like LokTard?

Projection Much?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Every time I post, you know I'm queer.

Come on, bruh.

That trope died when TwaP had a panel at FC
Dumb motherfcuker shouldnt leave low hanging fruit!
You read mad, bro
I'm mad cause aidsman posted some low hanging fruit? You like him or something?

You're mad because Poof doesnt like you.

Everyone he doesnt like is butthurt and melty and mad :D
Where the fuck have I ever stated I don’t like LokTard?

Projection Much?

Oh well I guess the hissy fits over "racist" content and saying he has a degenerative brain thing would led one to think you just dont like Lok much.

And he mad brah so that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
oh damn.. there's that child rapist again

He's a BF reg tho


Stubby do you use your gay sons as kid bait, or does you short stature do it?
Biggys kid is gay?

lol wat

Why would that be funny if he did?

I think it’s a scream.

Why though?

You know I'm the one with the gay kid?

Hey what is the term they use for someone who doesn’t want a partner? My kid said it a while back and I was busting up.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
oh damn.. there's that child rapist again

He's a BF reg tho


Stubby do you use your gay sons as kid bait, or does you short stature do it?
Biggys kid is gay?

lol wat

Why would that be funny if he did?

I think it’s a scream.

Why though?

You know I'm the one with the gay kid?

Hey what is the term they use for someone who doesn’t want a partner? My kid said it a while back and I was busting up.

OMG I know this and I cant think of it! Bahaha....I'm gonna text my daughter lol


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Every time I post, you know I'm queer.

Come on, bruh.

That trope died when TwaP had a panel at FC
Dumb motherfcuker shouldnt leave low hanging fruit!
You read mad, bro
I'm mad cause aidsman posted some low hanging fruit? You like him or something?

You're mad because Poof doesnt like you.

Everyone he doesnt like is butthurt and melty and mad :D
Where the fuck have I ever stated I don’t like LokTard?

Projection Much?

Oh well I guess the hissy fits over "racist" content and saying he has a degenerative brain thing would led one to think you just dont like Lok much.

And he mad brah so that.
So your gaslighting?

Par for the fucking course.

Just say your stupid already


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
oh damn.. there's that child rapist again

He's a BF reg tho


Stubby do you use your gay sons as kid bait, or does you short stature do it?
Biggys kid is gay?

lol wat

Why would that be funny if he did?
Maybe he can help Aryan with coming out?

You know, man to ma…. Uh, whatever to whatever?

Its 2021.. . We all live in leftardia....no one has issues coming out gay.

Today, we "come out" as straight. And "come out" as conservative.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Every time I post, you know I'm queer.

Come on, bruh.

That trope died when TwaP had a panel at FC
Dumb motherfcuker shouldnt leave low hanging fruit!
You read mad, bro
I'm mad cause aidsman posted some low hanging fruit? You like him or something?

You're mad because Poof doesnt like you.

Everyone he doesnt like is butthurt and melty and mad :D
Where the fuck have I ever stated I don’t like LokTard?

Projection Much?

Oh well I guess the hissy fits over "racist" content and saying he has a degenerative brain thing would led one to think you just dont like Lok much.

And he mad brah so that.
So your gaslighting?

Par for the fucking course.

Just say your stupid already

No, that would be you gaslighting.

Do you know what gaslighting is?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
oh damn.. there's that child rapist again

He's a BF reg tho


Stubby do you use your gay sons as kid bait, or does you short stature do it?
Biggys kid is gay?

lol wat

Why would that be funny if he did?
Maybe he can help Aryan with coming out?

You know, man to ma…. Uh, whatever to whatever?

Its 2021.. . We all live in leftardia....no one has issues coming out gay.

Today, we "come out" as straight. And "come out" as conservative.
And if you came out as “stupid”?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
oh damn.. there's that child rapist again

He's a BF reg tho


Stubby do you use your gay sons as kid bait, or does you short stature do it?
Biggys kid is gay?

lol wat

Why would that be funny if he did?
Maybe he can help Aryan with coming out?

You know, man to ma…. Uh, whatever to whatever?

Its 2021.. . We all live in leftardia....no one has issues coming out gay.

Today, we "come out" as straight. And "come out" as conservative.
And if you came out as “stupid”?

Now why would I do that?

Come on, do it again :D
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
oh damn.. there's that child rapist again

He's a BF reg tho


Stubby do you use your gay sons as kid bait, or does you short stature do it?
Biggys kid is gay?

lol wat

Why would that be funny if he did?
Maybe he can help Aryan with coming out?

You know, man to ma…. Uh, whatever to whatever?

Its 2021.. . We all live in leftardia....no one has issues coming out gay.

Today, we "come out" as straight. And "come out" as conservative.
And if you came out as “stupid”?

And if you came out as a ward of the state? Would you get 10 additional rides on your bus pass with handicap access, you trivial fucking imbecile?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Every time I post, you know I'm queer.

Come on, bruh.

That trope died when TwaP had a panel at FC
Dumb motherfcuker shouldnt leave low hanging fruit!
You read mad, bro
I'm mad cause aidsman posted some low hanging fruit? You like him or something?

You're mad because Poof doesnt like you.

Everyone he doesnt like is butthurt and melty and mad :D
Where the fuck have I ever stated I don’t like LokTard?

Projection Much?

Oh well I guess the hissy fits over "racist" content and saying he has a degenerative brain thing would led one to think you just dont like Lok much.

And he mad brah so that.
So your gaslighting?

Par for the fucking course.

Just say your stupid already

No, that would be you gaslighting.

Do you know what gaslighting is?

Don’t tell him unless you are sure the cat is dead already