Will Mitch MoConnell cost Republicans control of the US Senate?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...if so, one wonders what he was doing opposed to $2000 stimulus cheques which could decide who would win the Georgia runoff elections & control the US Senate. Especially if his job as Senate Majority Leader was on the line.

Political elections are always about bribing the voter.

Even Trump understood that much.

That shoulda been a no brainer.

So if the Repubs are stuck in the wilderness for no less than 4 more years with no power in all chambers, they'll know who to blame.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...are the knives in the GOP out yet for Mitch McConnell?

As this video explains, his unwillingness to support a $2000 stimulus may have cost the Republicans control of the Senate

McConnell went the wrong way. Instead of cutting back the promised amount, he shoulda said "$3000...or $4000...or 5!"

Seems somewhat incredulous that a seasoned politician like McConnell couldn't see that coming.

Was he so indebted to or bought by corporate interests that he couldn't budge on this issue?