Much as though it's funny as fuck watching the retards that run or want to run your country it's also a bit scary. I grew up with the Iron Curtain in place. Nuclear proliferation and a cold war threatening to turn hot at any moment. In today's supposedly more peaceful world we have so many ongoing wars that they don't even get reported on. A maniac in the Kremlin, China with an arsenal that nobody really knows about, North Korea with an almost religious zealousness liable to start throwing nukes just for a laugh, various NATO members (including us Brits) with atomic weapons. Pakistan and India might just lob a few missiles at each other if the Pakistani Muslims become more aggressive if they run out of women to stone to death. All in all it's a shitshow and you guys really aren't helping by having a bad actor with no political nouse and a walking corpse as your preferred candidates. Can't the UN just smoke a big spliff and neck some shrooms and work shit out? I live within 50 miles of 3 nuclear power stations so if bombs land on the UK at least we'll go fast. Seems a shame after all humanity has achieved but hey. The earth will survive and in a couple of billion years a new animal at the top of the food chain might figure out something better.