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All my mens are Florida mens!
I don't know about all that but I am disappointed that so many people who are comfortable calling Trump/republicans authoritarian or dictators always seem to forget #GenocideJoe's record from decades in congress where he unfailingly backed and called for more wars, helped write the crime bill that turbo-charged 'Murica's mass incarceration, worked with segregationists and white supremacists one of which was such a close friend Joe gave him a eulogy when he passed away, helped ridicule and minimize Anita Hill so Clarence Thomas could be confirmed to the supreme court, tried multiple times to cap/cut social security and medicare, etc.

And as president #GenocideJoe tried to set up a 'ministry of truth' to monitor social media platforms and censor people who didn't conform to the establishment's narratives, he provoked a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine then blew up the Nordstream pipelines which is considered one of the largest ecological catastrophes ever recorded, is busy provoking new wars with China and Iran, not to mention is facilitating a genocide in Gaza and the occupied territories while providing diplomatic cover on the international stage for the genocidal zionists in Israel, and is trying to ban TikTok because its users are too sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians.

For starters.

Apparently being an authoritarian blood-soaked psychopath is only a problem if your last name is Trump?

Don't get me started on the Obamas.
Just don't.
Promise-breaking drone murder program having wall street bailout giving habeas corpus suspending piece of fucking shit.

<deep breath>

Anyway, don't get me started.
Have you considered a career in writing dystopian rapture comedies?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Sit your washed up drunk ass down...what is this, your 10th forum mental health meltdown, I am sure CW has the records on file somewhere. Listen post like a 4chan leftist nutjob spamming audio that gets people visits from the FBI. All you have done is bend over and squat out loads of dead vocaroo links filled with rambling left wing diatribes that rival any right wing diatribes you constantly bitch about. Are you wearing a lampshade on your fucking head now?

Get the fuck out of here.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

What G47 completely misses is that he is as American as apple pie - and all of what that entails. He absolutely embraces, even crows, the average American's "good vs evil" intellectual framework we all inherit, through our literature, the history as we are taught, and our movies, etc. He's simply flipped it to "America is the be all and end all of evil."

In his framework, Israel and Russia can't both be bad for invading countries. For example, Russia is our "enemy", therefore he embraces it, because the USA is BAD. He cannot comprehend that both Israel and Russia can be bad actors, led by megalomaniacal men. Nope, Russia is innocent because USA is bad. It's always the USA's fault.

China has been seeking to expand it's influence all over the world, Africa, Latin America and in the East as well. It is an imperialist power. He blames the US for China's stance in the world. What China is doing is for the benefit of China. China, like many countries/cultures has always been China first, China second, and China third.

Does America have horrible foreign and domestic policies? Absolutely, but that doesn't mean that other world leaders don't.

Nuance is not an American value...yeehaw! Simple, violent, and rash, that's the American way.

Now, I know he won't read this...he's put me on ignore because I don't countenance his simple-mindedness and push back. That's also an American value...ignore females that don't cater to the ego.

I applaud you for recognizing his innate intelligence and trying to break through the garbage in his head. You are a far better person than I.