You cannot be a Christian


Factory Bastard
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I think if I seriously was gonna consider following Christianity, it wouldn't be the American/North American variant @Dove.

More like the Ethiopian or coptic version from regions where Christians actually are persrcuted. That seems like a much purer form of Christianity truer to the orginal one thousands of years ago. When Christianity arrived in Europe from the Middle East it appears to become very corrupted & was transformed into a political ideology, destruction of other cultures and Empire building.

For that reaosn I would never consider converting to the Catholic religion.


Domestically feral
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United states
I think if I seriously was gonna consider following Christianity, it wouldn't be the American/North American variant @Dove.

More like the Ethiopian or coptic version from regions where Christians actually are persrcuted. That seems like a much purer form of Christianity truer to the orginal one thousands of years ago. When Christianity arrived in Europe from the Middle East it appears to become very corrupted & was transformed into a political ideology, destruction of other cultures and Empire building.

For that reaosn I would never consider converting to the Catholic religion.

There are no variants Joe.

There is truth and there are lies. And you cannot just pick it up.

You need to see yourself through the eyes of God. Feel that. And believe truly that Christ paid that price for you.

And your "good works" should be done out of love and gratitude. Because you will never win brownies points with God. It's a process of sanctification.

Just a few seconds in the prescence of God will change your entire world. When I experienced that I was so zealous people couldnt stand it. Blandy is STILL traumatized lol.


Factory Bastard
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There are no variants Joe.

There is truth and there are lies. And you cannot just pick it up.

You need to see yourself through the eyes of God. Feel that. And believe truly that Christ paid that price for you.

And your "good works" should be done out of love and gratitude. Because you will never win brownies points with God. It's a process of sanctification.

Just a few seconds in the prescence of God will change your entire world. When I experienced that I was so zealous people couldnt stand it. Blandy is STILL traumatized lol.
Yet I think there are some Americans on the Christian Right who worship the American Religion not Christianity @Dove.

Worship of the flag has become synonymous with Christian worship in America


Domestically feral
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United states
Yet I think there are some Americans on the Christian Right who worship the American Religion not Christianity @Dove.

Worship of the flag has become synonymous with Christian worship in America

Well if you knew scripture well and what's biblical would see many Americans who are in heresies and are apostates.

The Roman Catholic church is terrifying in their disobedience and anti biblical traditions and actions....and that's global. There was a whole reformation because of it.

As I said there is the truth and there are lies. The gospel is so so simple....anyone can understand it. And at the same time it's so deep you never reach the bottom.

Like how God first introduced Himself in scripture and He simply said "I AM". Such a simple statement ....and it's at the same time endlessly deep. He just is.

You have to have a correct view of God. If you were raised in a religious home, you almost have to forget all religion entirely and go at it clean. Because God is not some old man in the sky with a bunch of rules. In fact if you study art and why God is depicted as an old man it's pretty interesting. It helps to erase all the religion induced biases and study scripture with the proper hermeneutics. It's all ancient text from an ancient culture who didnt speak English. It was a completely different world.

But the message is timeless and crosses all boundaries. The stuff we focus on as humans is so small and insignificant.

The reason the right wing is usually the end of the spectrum Christian's fall on is because of freedom of speech. Constitutional and human rights that are founded on the principles of Christ. So when people say the US is a Christain nation....its true. And when people say it isnt a Christain nation....its also true lol. Its built upon Christain principles. That's the whole concept of liberty.

You cannot support things like abortion, big government, over taxing, et and claim to follow Christ. And illegal immigration makes human trafficking easy. So Christains are gonna be more on the right than left. Instead of wanting the government to tax the people to help the poor....Christains build outreaches and hospitals and such. You need to help others with the time and resources God gave you.

You cannot make Christianity a politcal world view. God has to bring people to Himself. But you cannot support unjust laws and policies that harm. Many Christains who were politically democrats a few decades ago have been shoved right. But the faith is global.

It's sad to me that we have far left progressives who actually believe Christainity is some "white" religion brought here by "white colonists". Christainity was in Africa for a very long time and there were African Christains brought here as well as Euro Christains. Jesus Himself wasnt white. It's so beyond skin color.
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Domestically feral
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United states
I'd like to know exactly what principles of nationalism (white nationalism isnt actually a real thing...its a fantasy. You COULD say that about nationalists in countries that are culturally and racially white ones but here in the US it doesnt exist. To be a US nationalist has nothing to do with skin color) Lotus thinks violates the principles of Christianity.

I would have a conversation about this but I dont think anyone who makes claims like this wants one.

It's just another way to shit fling at people who have different views and stances. Leftists mostly never want to have any real or productive discussions about anything. They know all and everyone else is stupid.


Factory Bastard
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MMM.. the Gatekeeping.
What qualifies as Christian?

Monotheists like to gate keep who joins their club, Christians, Muslims, Jews... all worshiping the same desert god out of the middle east.
If someone wants to worship an Undead Jew as their Master and grand redeemer, have at it. Just keep it to yourselves.
Next thing you know you'll be getting your dicks cut up to prove your fealty, or some such.

Do you hold the same views for other neo-religious or religious belief systems? That they should just shut up? Or is you advise to "just shut up" one way?


Domestically feral
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United states
I kind have to believe in Jesus in order to be a Christain. So yeah there is some gatekeeping there. Why would a nonChristain claim Christ?

Also He isnt undead or a zombie. He resurrected. The point is that He is the source of life itself and death cannot even defeat Him.

Under the sacrificial system the Hebrews were given they had to be circumcised in order to be set apart. That's been replaced with baptism.

Life came from that whole it makes sense to see Abrahamic religions come from there. A lot of people think Muslims are the cursed heresy of Ishmael....the son of the flesh and sin, and Judaism/Christianity (the completion of the old Covenant) comes from Isaac....the child of promise.


Domestically feral
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United states
How can Christians today accept faggots when according to the bible, God destroyed 2 cities because they were full of homosexuals?

Do they believe that God has seen the error of his bigoted ways and turned woke?

No. They dont accept homosexuality but they dont push out gay people. Just like anyone in adultry or fornication.

"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
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nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
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And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God" - 1 Corinthians 6

If you notice....this list is every single human being. Gods laws were never anything we can keep. God gave His law as a mirror to show humans how broken we truly are. And it's only through Him anyone is redeemed. No one is better than anyone else. Let me put it this way.
....we can all try to jump across the ocean, and none of us are gonna make it. Even some of us may jump farther....we still didnt make it. Make sense?

This doesnt mean we continue to willfully sin. A redeemed person grieves their sin. And they turn from it.

God destroyed Sodom because of homosexual rape and rape of children. It was intensely "progressive". They were raping people in the ass (Sodom). There is something satanic about anal and butt rape. It's literally done in satanic rituals....they believe the life force is absorbed into you if you penetrate the person in the asshole. No...I'm not joking. It's a real thing lol.

If you study the'll actually see the same sins leading to destruction over and over and over. Even down to the transgender thing. There is no neutrality. You are either with Christ or the enemy of Christ and you will naturally buck nature itself...since its laws are from God.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Luke 18

Also He spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
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"Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.

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The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, 'God, I thank You that I am not like other men--extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector.
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I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.'

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And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!'
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I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Which edition/editions of the bible have you studied? They've been edited and revised so many times that I question the legitimacy of the ones available today. A lot of stuff which was deemed "problematic" has been removed. The uncensored versions are tucked away in vaults underneath the Vatican.


Domestically feral
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United states
Which edition/editions of the bible have you studied? They've been edited and revised so many times that I question the legitimacy of the ones available today. A lot of stuff which was deemed "problematic" has been removed. The uncensored versions are tucked away in vaults underneath the Vatican.

Yeah when people say it's been revised or editted....that's not the truth at all. I will explain.

My favorite to study from was the Hebrew/Kione Greek ASV. My favorite translation is NKJV. I have several translations though.

Ancient Hebrew has words for things we do not. So we used the closest English word. It has been translated a lot. There are like 4 words for 'love"(as an example) depending on who you love. Agape is the word used for Gods love. Then family love has its own...lover love....parent child love...see what I'm saying?

The word used in Genisis for "serpent" was just a close translation. The Hebrew word meant "upright and shining one"....obviously I cannot type Hebrew words on my phone lol. It wasnt a snake though OR an apple and it was Adam who commited the sin that broke humanity.

There are two different Hebrew words for "rape" and in english we just have "rape". But the "rape" that was penalized is just fornication. Since women didn't work and couldnt survive without a husband...her FATHER had to consent. If they didnt have the fathers consent...that was a form of "rape" and then penalty was to pay a fine or marry the daughter.

Rape where the woman didnt consent was a different word in Hebrew and that was what we think of "rape" is....and that was a death penalty crime.

The Hebrew AND Greek word for "slave" covered chattle slavery to indentured servitude and the servitude is what was mostly addressed. They entered into contracts.

The name of God given in Hebrew is called the Tetragrammaton....that's just the 4 letters. Hebrew. We translate that to Yahweh OR Jehova. It means "He is".....when God called Himself "I AM". And there are SO many layers of study in JUST that.

So it's not that it was "editted"....the cannon we have is inspired text. Other books like Enoch (just the first Enoch) and Jubilee and such are still part of the bible but not inspired cannon. And we are putting an ancient and complex language into modern English....that's gonna be a huge undertaking.

My study NKJ has tons of notes on the bottom that explains all this. All the words that could mean an English word CLOSEST to the Hebrew are marked and have commentary. You need to take the time to understand the place and time and context everything was written in.

There is actually a gospel message tucked into the names in Gensis that's really cool.

You could study the bible your whole life and never finish. Believe me anything coming out of the Vatican is gonna be bad news. The Vatican cannot thwart God. The Bible we have with the inspired cannon already causes trouble globally.....its not censored at all. There really is nothing more. It wouldn't even make sense if there was. All we need to know is definately there.

The bible as it is CONDEMNS the Vatican....they cannot withstand the scrunity of Gods word. They violate a lot of it. If I didnt know scripture like I do? I'd likely be Catholic and they dont like people reading it "unassisted" and the Catholics have books in their bible that shouldnt even be canonized lol.
. Some of the best people to learn from are Messianic Jews (Jews who recognize and follow Christ)

You know we get Jesus from the Greek translation of Yeshua....which was His name when He walked the earth. The English would be Joshua.
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Domestically feral
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United states
People also like to point out "contradictions" in the gospel accounts.

The reason each are a different take of the same events. Its eyewitness accounts.....the Hebrews were serious about eyewitness accounts.

If we both saw a car accident we are gonna give slightly different takes of the same wreck....its like that.

And some focus on certain aspects. The gospel of John focuses on the divinity of Christ while Mark focuses on His works....while Matthew and Luke are about His teachings and life.

And its WORTH it Aryan to learn. There is nothing deeper and timeless and comforting and convicting than Gods word. You would be amazed how much applies even today and how nothing is new. Humanity is the same sinful and brutal mess it's always been. The bible itself is a sort of miracle and I do believe it's the living word of God. Absolutely. The more I studied the more convinced I became.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Yeah when people say it's been revised or editted....that's not the truth at all.

My favorite to study from was the Hebrew/Kione Greek ASV. My favorite translation is NKJV.

Ancient Hebrew has words for things we do not. So we used the closest English word. It has been translated a lot. There are like 4 words for 'love"(as an example) depending on who you love. Agape is the word used for Gods love. Then family love has its own...lover love....parent child love...see what I'm saying?

The word used in Genisis for "serpent" was just a close translation. The Hebrew word meant "upright and shining one"....obviously I cannot type Hebrew words on my phone lol. It wasnt a snake though OR an apple and it was Adam who commited the sin that broke humanity.

There are two different Hebrew words for "rape" and in english we just have "rape". But the "rape" that was penalized is just fornication. Since women didn't work and couldnt survive without a husband...her FATHER had to consent. If they didnt have the fathers consent...that was a form of "rape" and then penalty was to pay a fine or marry the daughter.

Rape where the woman didnt consent was a different word in Hebrew and that was what we think of "rape" is....and that was a death penalty crime.

The Hebrew AND Greek word for "slave" covered chattle slavery to indentured servitude and the servitude is what was mostly addressed. They entered into contracts.

The name of God given in Hebrew is called the Tetragrammaton....that's just the 4 letters. Hebrew. We translate that to Yahweh OR Jehova. It means "He is".....when God called Himself "I AM". And there are SO many layers of study in JUST that.

So it's not that it was "editted"....the cannon we have is inspired text. Other books like Enoch (just the first Enoch) and Jubilee and such are still part of the bible but not inspired cannon. And we are putting an ancient and complex language into modern English....that's gonna be a huge undertaking.

My study NKJ has tons of notes on the bottom that explains all this. All the words that could mean an English word CLOSEST to the Hebrew are marked and have commentary. You need to take the time to understand the place and time and context everything was written in.

There is actually a gospel message tucked into the names in Gensis that's really cool.

You could study the bible your whole life and never finish.
Well, my knowledge of the bible is close to zero Lol... so you're definitely going to be more informed about it than I am.

However, given the fact that the definition of certain words have been quietly altered recently for political reasons, I don't believe that allegations saying parts of the bible have been censored or completely removed is too far fetched and could well be true.


Domestically feral
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United states
Well, my knowledge of the bible is close to zero Lol... so you're definitely going to be more informed about it than I am.

However, given the fact that the definition of certain words have been quietly altered recently for political reasons, I don't believe that allegations saying parts of the bible have been censored or completely removed is too far fetched and could well be true.

It's not far fetched to think that, no. But if you study it and learn about the process and understand the message would see there is no way it was changed. Just translated and canonized.

There are topics that people dont like addressing. Like the reasons for the flood where fallen angels were creating human/angel hybrids by taking human wives...called nephilum. That they were worshipped as gods in many cultures. That the Tower of Bable probably wasnt a tower they were building. I think the ancient world was far more advanced and in ways we cannot even understand today.

So is a lot to discuss but the canonized Bible we have today is solid. It's not censored but it is banned in many countries. It's a collection of books written by several authors over the course of 3k years and flows perfectly. Its integrity is attacked. Its twisted. Its dismissed. Its fought against. People reject it and mock it and try to discredit it. In some denominations reading it is discouraged.

If it was censored ot edited for the benefit of being used to would be pushed and revered by those who run society. Not shit on and attacked.

See what I'm saying? If you want to control people you dont want them to follow Christ instead of the world.


Factory Bastard
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How can Christians today accept faggots when according to the bible, God destroyed 2 cities because they were full of homosexuals?

Do they believe that God has seen the error of his bigoted ways and turned woke?

Apparently God loves homosexuals but NOT THEIR HOMOSEXUAL ACTS, so to have Gods approval, they must stop their bad acts....1 Corinthians chapter 6 v 9-10.


Factory Bastard
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Well, my knowledge of the bible is close to zero Lol... so you're definitely going to be more informed about it than I am.

However, given the fact that the definition of certain words have been quietly altered recently for political reasons, I don't believe that allegations saying parts of the bible have been censored or completely removed is too far fetched and could well be true.

Yeah, they're changing the Bible and I am really ticked off about it and fortunately I have old copies of the New World Translation AND the King James version....

It has thrown me off because I spent hundreds of hours memorising scripture.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Yeah, they're changing the Bible and I am really ticked off about it and fortunately I have old copies of the New World Translation AND the King James version....

It has thrown me off because I spent hundreds of hours memorising scripture.
New world translation. Hmmmm.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
New world translation. Hmmmm.

its the best one because it is really the King James version in modern English. I have The King James Version also. I always cross reference because people say, "oh, you changed the Bible." However they have change the New World Translation and really ticked me off because they changed my favourite scripture which as far as I am concerned, stinks.... I will hand write them later and you will see what I mean.


Factory Bastard
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It is funny though because no where do I see WHITE NATIONALISTS....

BUT I think the last one fits Lotus types - one who sows discord amongst brothers...
Right, because you righties don't sow discord. No, not at all. You are so loving toward people you disagree with.


Factory Bastard
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It's interesting to me how Christainity is the faith of societies garbage since it was established.

Since this day when the entire human time line was altered and God broke the temple and split the veil from the holy of holies (where the ark was kept). That was so significant because God made the way for humans to come to Him directly. Before that....there was a whole tedious and fearful sacrificial system in place.

(Side note....if Turdock looks, that roman soldier falling to his knees was the actual beginning of the Roman church. The first roman converts who saw it with their own known as Catholism, as wrong as they are dogmatically they definately worship God and Jesus is God in moron. They were literally present at the crucifixion and the resurrection)

It's been the faith of thieves, the poor, the outcast. It was always associated with rebels and cast aways. Its banned in many countries because Christians do not obey tyranny and unjust laws. They reject the authority of humans.

And in the western world that was flipped on its head somewhat and a certain stereotype was formed based on the American prosperity heresy. I think people HIDE behind that to reject what they know deep inside themselves.

All you have to do to be a Christain is believe this. God gives faith and belief. And from there is a messy process. God draws near to all who draw near to Him. It's simple as that. You'll start seeing how broken we all really are and if anything it makes you a more humble person. None of us deserve the grace of God and we all have abused it. When you see through the lense of the holy standard of understand why people are praising Him even as they pull bodies out of rubble.

You know, Dove, I have never called you vermin, nor have I ever rec'd anyone who did. You rec Smallie's disgusting insults of me consistently. How terribly Christian of you.


Factory Bastard
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Right, because you righties don't sow discord. No, not at all. You are so loving toward people you disagree with.

I am not right.... I am in the centre and lean left on some issues...

I am kind to everyone exceptions are any troll disparaging my deceased son. ..... then I'll e-rip their e-heads off and won't apologize for it either

Anyone who harms an innocent born child will bear the brunt of my wrath as well.....

Just because I'm not an idiot who thinks left extremism is the correct course, doesn't make me a right winger.

Left wingers fight for workers rights. That is their job. It isn't their job to push for Paul to become Paula


Domestically feral
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United states
Yeah, they're changing the Bible and I am really ticked off about it and fortunately I have old copies of the New World Translation AND the King James version....

It has thrown me off because I spent hundreds of hours memorising scripture.

I have both of those.

I have them so I can effectively debate Jehovah Witness...which I've become very sharp at...*ducking*

I actually grew up with the KJV. Which I why I was never able to connect with scripture. I would actually advise a new reader to have the most simplified translation possible. Like the Recovery Bible. I'm not about translations that are focused on some life battle with devotions about sobriety or strong marriages or anything.....I actually hate devotionals. BUT the gospel is very easy to grasp.

People get really guilty of trying to read themselves into scripture or take verses out of context as if its answering a life question. Eisegesis I think it's called. You gotta be Jesus centered in the Word.

My pastor at the mission used to always say the Bible is a "Hymn" book spelled H.I.M.

Every attempt to change the scriptures has fallen flat. We know the gnostics are false and a cult. We know the extra 2 Enochs are total crap. It just has not work. The RC has all sorts of bad bad problems. It's literally as if all who have tried ARE cursed. I just wouldnt ever agree that we COULD do it even if humans wanted to, God is gonna have His word preserved and nothing can stop that.

We need to allow for translational issues and differences because we have this collection of books written thousands of years ago....over a span of thousands of an ancient middle eastern culture. Hebrew is so wildly different from English. I actually think Hebrew is more sophisticated than modern English.


Domestically feral
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United states
Right, because you righties don't sow discord. No, not at all. You are so loving toward people you disagree with.

Shes not a "righty" Lotus. Shes not even American.

And yeah when you attack people they typically jab back. We admit when you guys get nasty we slap back. You guys cannot just own the fact that you're mean and divisive. This is always what you say whenever someone points it out.

I have friends that lean left that I disagree with that I'm never hateful towards and I AM loving towards them. Theyve never attacked me because of my views either. And one of them is on this board.

I was never shitty to you, but I do respond when you are nasty to me.


Domestically feral
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United states
You know, Dove, I have never called you vermin, nor have I ever rec'd anyone who did. You rec Smallie's disgusting insults of me consistently. How terribly Christian of you.

You have responded to my thought out posts and genuine disagreements by quoting it a d saying "bullshit" several times. You've called me a partisan hack several times. In this thread you took a personal jab at me as if I'm just a terrible person.

You've "liked" many nasty posts directed at me.

Many many times you've pulled the "how Christain of you" card. But you dont like Christains anyway, right? And you dont like people discussing it because you've also attacked me for "bible thumping".

It's like you are completely blind to how you treat other people.

If any of us were attacked by some leftwing activist mob you literally would rather we died. You oppose our human rights. How do you think people should respond to such a sentiment? You literally never engage in civil discourse. You respond with anger as if there is something wrong with us because we disagree with you.

You know I'm a rape survivor and you not only want me to be disarmed but you also minimize the issue of female erasure and ignore the abuse of women due to legislation that allows males to self identify as women and enter womens spaces. And you are mean about it. You wont discuss things.

You have some extreme personal anger or issue towards people who dont support whatever the party you like pushes. I dont know what that is but you are not gonna talk about it or give others any opportunity to meaningfully defend their stance without your harsh judgements we are. Shit flinging. The preferred method of most lefties.

Right here I asked you what you think "white nationalism even means" and what principles of Christianity do you think it violates. We cannot even have white nationalism in the US because the US was never a white homogeneous country. We have fringe white supremacists here, sure. Their numbers are small and they have absolutely no politcal or cultural pull. US nationalism is people of all skin colors who are not I'm asking what principles of Christianity you think this violates. Deeply enough for someone to be kicked out of the flock of Christ even.