Christian Hypocrisy: How To Pluck An Angry Goose


Factory Bastard
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Must be a bitch to wipe with those short arms
Mother Knows

Mother Knows

.:je veux du taco Belle:.
Le La Les
You lefties ...

Wow! I'm a leftie!? I had no idea.

Anyhow, I appreciate the effort you made to put all of that together, however, I have to ask: if, as you rightly point out, Marx was mainly concerned with economic topics, how did his name get attached to something which is, well ... cultural?

I took a look at what Wiki had to say about the term Cultural Marxism: "Scholarly analysis of the conspiracy theory has concluded that it has no basis in fact." Hmmm...

You know what's also weird, I know a lot of people called adrian who talk about Cultural Marxism and Gender Ideology. Isn't that a strange coincidence?


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
I just find it interesting when people think you can bring communism in a nonviolent manner. You cant.

People want change now, yes. But what that change is is very different.
You ignore ME? NO ANSWWR OF SCAT??



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Wow! I'm a leftie!? I had no idea.

Anyhow, I appreciate the effort you made to put all of that together, however, I have to ask: if, as you rightly point out, Marx was mainly concerned with economic topics, how did his name get attached to something which is, well ... cultural?

I took a look at what Wiki had to say about the term Cultural Marxism: "Scholarly analysis of the conspiracy theory has concluded that it has no basis in fact." Hmmm...

You know what's also weird, I know a lot of people called adrian who talk about Cultural Marxism and Gender Ideology. Isn't that a strange coincidence?

Labels are paramount here


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Classic pic. I remember the first time I saw it back in 2006, I was traumatised...

Somewhere in a Profil post of THE YNC???


Imgaine! We were young. And we see an adult with a plate of shit!!! WTF MAN???


Domestically feral
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United states
Wow! I'm a leftie!? I had no idea.

Anyhow, I appreciate the effort you made to put all of that together, however, I have to ask: if, as you rightly point out, Marx was mainly concerned with economic topics, how did his name get attached to something which is, well ... cultural?

I took a look at what Wiki had to say about the term Cultural Marxism: "Scholarly analysis of the conspiracy theory has concluded that it has no basis in fact." Hmmm...

You know what's also weird, I know a lot of people called adrian who talk about Cultural Marxism and Gender Ideology. Isn't that a strange coincidence?

That's because wiki is heavily left wing bias.

This guy Ryan Chapmen actually does a really good job breaking it down and all his sources are cited. He just explains what things are.

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You know authoritarian regimes almost always harness media to push their biases and propaganda as the standard. You are posting like you think if something is in opposition to a left wing/establishment stance must be wrong or conspiracy. That's not the case. Cultural marxism is what BLM is, antifa, Gender ideology is a belief system that we can be born into wrong bodies and that gender is some fluid thing and biological sex shouldnt be any basis for how we organize society but rather this concept of "gender" should be. It starts with a warped child abuser named John Money.

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Domestically feral
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United states
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I dont agree with this article at all but it does own cultural marxism pretty well.

Marx was a philosopher. Culture is shaped by philosophy and politics are shaped by culture.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Wow! I'm a leftie!? I had no idea.
Anyhow, I appreciate the effort you made to put all of that together, however, I have to ask: if, as you rightly point out, Marx was mainly concerned with economic topics, how did his name get attached to something which is, well ... cultural?

I took a look at what Wiki had to say about the term Cultural Marxism: "Scholarly analysis of the conspiracy theory has concluded that it has no basis in fact." Hmmm...

You know what's also weird, I know a lot of people called adrian who talk about Cultural Marxism and Gender Ideology. Isn't that a strange coincidence?

You do realise that Wiki is compromised due to being infiltrated by leftists? The page about Cultural Marxism has been edited and heavily censored over the years. Have a guess which group of people are behind this censorship?



Domestically feral
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United states
Here is another really good one. Again just explaining what these issues are and citing the sources

He has some good ones explaining what critical race theory is and how it is applied. Right from the book written by Kimberely Crenshaw and other CRT writers.

All his sources are always cited under the video. It's worth it to check them out. He also has pinned comments he makes under his videos that expand a bit on his content.

Here he brings it home to show how marxism becomes a culture movement. He also points out the tactic of smearing people who criticize their causes as oppressors or hateful bigots. Like how all my criticisms of the gender ideology movement has been called "hatred of marginalized people". Even though my criticisms are solid and based on things that are happening as a result of allowing biological males self identify as women and enter womens spaces and the erasure of women.

For context MY politcal views land me classical liberal. Which by today's standards makes me a far right extremist.
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Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

Somewhere in a Profil post of THE YNC???


Imgaine! We were young. And we see an adult with a plate of shit!!! WTF MAN???
Exactly! I wasn't desensitised to shock pics and videos like I am now, I was basically an internet virgin and that pic ruined me haha.

There used to be some crazy images people used for avatars on the Y Lol.


> you
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. o O
That doesn't wash either. More than one copy is not only possible, it's standard.
Bra1n wasn't the brightest bulb on the xmas tree. TRF was set up by 'a person' who left soon after it changed from a discussion forum to a 'flame forum'. I helped him with correcting a cloud fare prob (which was set up by 'a person') and even something as simple as giving Obi admin permissions. I see no evidence he had access to FC's backend or knew how to create a backup.
Mother Knows

Mother Knows

.:je veux du taco Belle:.
Le La Les
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I dont agree with this article at all but it does own cultural marxism pretty well.

The article suggests that we ought to re-appropriate the term "Cultural Marxism" from the lunatic fringe because it can still usefully describe certain concepts. I disagree. I believe if a term becomes so muddled that one isn't sure what it means, then it becomes effectively useless - especially when it comes to talking about cultural issues.

Marx was a philosopher. Culture is shaped by philosophy and politics are shaped by culture.
Did ... Did you just "bahhh ... Marx Shmarx" *handwave* your way out of 200 years worth of world history?

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Domestically feral
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United states
The article suggests that we ought to re-appropriate the term "Cultural Marxism" from the lunatic fringe because it can still usefully describe certain concepts. I disagree. I believe if a term becomes so muddled that one isn't sure what it means, then it becomes effectively useless - especially when it comes to talking about cultural issues.

Did ... Did you just "bahhh ... Marx Shmarx" *handwave* your way out of 200 years worth of world history?


I would agree with that however it's not confusing and a lot of people know exactly what it is. There are people from all politcal sides who know what it is.

It's an intentional labeling it some fringe term by THAT source... however the video I posted of Ryan Chapmen explains where it comes from academically and what it means and how it came about. And cites all his sources.

And he even addressed the link you posted and demonstrated why its false by countering with a citation. Cultural marxism is an academic term and you can read a lot about it from Google scholar

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And I didnt wave anything away. I oversimplified as if I was addressing a 5 year old because that's what YOU tend to request from us. If you would prefer the adult versions from here on out...let me know. You did a good job oversimplifying Marx, Engles being philosophers and Lenin being a politcain and you didnt dive into all that why would I meet that with a scroll bomb going deeper into it than is nessesary for the point?

Watch what I posted and check all the sources. It's a pretty deep topic, but Chapmen does a great job breaking it down.
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Mother Knows

Mother Knows

.:je veux du taco Belle:.
Le La Les
That's because wiki is heavily left wing bias.

What would you say of the website for the
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? I searched for both "cultural marxism" and "gender ideology" and nothing came up. Does that mean that the concepts are essentially meaningless? ** hint: yes, it does

This guy Ryan Chapmen actually does a really good job breaking it down and all his sources are cited. He just explains what things are.

It's alright for a 30 minute intro, but he certainly wants the viewer to draw the conclusion that Marxism is badbadbad.

On the other hand, Encyclopaedia Britannica has an interesting section in its
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article called
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. Here's an excerpt:

"After Engels’s death in 1895, Marx’s followers split into two main camps: “revisionist” Marxists, who favoured a gradual and peaceful transition to socialism, and revolutionary Marxists, among them the leaders of the communist
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. The foremost revisionist was
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... Bernstein revised Marxian theory in four interrelated respects. First, he added an
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dimension that had been largely lacking in Marx’s thought; specifically, he held, following the German philosopher
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, that human beings should be treated as ends in themselves and never as means or instruments, whether by capitalists (who used workers as human machines) or by communists (who were prepared to use them as cannon fodder in the future revolution)."

Interesting stuff, no?

You are posting like you think if something is in opposition to a left wing/establishment stance must be wrong or conspiracy.
Errr... the establishment isn't left wing. The USA is nothing like what Karl Marx describes.

Cultural marxism is what BLM is, antifa, Gender ideology is a belief system that we can be born into wrong bodies and that gender is some fluid thing and biological sex shouldnt be any basis for how we organize society but rather this concept of "gender" should be. It starts with a warped child abuser named John Money.

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Mother Knows

Mother Knows

.:je veux du taco Belle:.
Le La Les
Wasn't he "homophobic"? I'm pretty sure by today's standards, even Karl Marx would be considered a far right neo-nazi.

Shiiiit, wait till you hear what Fidel Castro got up to. He really hated homosexuals. Later in life, he did say he was sorry though.


Domestically feral
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United states

He does NOT put a bent on it that marxism is bad

Marxism makes marxism look bad. This gets lost on people who have bought marxist propaganda. It's an entire word battle and making things sound good or bad with emotional language.

So then when someone comes along and just says what it is, that is "making it sound bad".

It should tell you something that when you take away the emotional pretty language and just describe marxism for what it think it sounds bad.

Manipulation tactics are very transparent. Kinda like smearing the right wing as racist conspiracy wackos an applying that label to anyone who criticizes the establishment's favorite tools and narratives. Even established leftists are branded "right wing" today if they say anything against the woke or the democrat party. Or the bias corporate media.

What gets me ....people who oppose the "system" and wealthy big corps are literally right in line with the narratives and policies preferred by establishment and their corpos.

It sounds bad when Chapmen explains it because it IS bad. Simple as that.

You seem to be enamored with these ideas of marxism and not really down to have them criticized or challenged. That's part of the cult of Marx. They have no tolerance of opposing views and they shut down in favor of personal attacks and labels. It's a silencing tactic. They have always been very flippant and dismissive of the suffering of the working class they directly cause. Like destroying communities here in the US and destroying the lives of regular working people by doing it.

You know how good all those big corpos did when it was the peasent small business owners forced to shut down while corps were permitted to stay open? And the riots that left innocent peopke DEAD or brutalized and many without their livelihood? Its sociopathy.
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