Christian Hypocrisy: How To Pluck An Angry Goose


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In the last few days, forum regular and usually mild-mannered Dove was unmasked as a smug and prideful harridan, chastising all who challenge her Christian world view. Like an angered goose, she will hiss, honk, and lunge at you until you either meekly acquiesce to her demands, or you vacate the premises post-haste lest your legs be covered in large, painful bruises. Fluffed up by her erstwhile companions Biggie Stupid and the Frood, she has driven away more than one hapless individual who fell afoul of her.

All of that changed one pleasant afternoon. Although I thought it an innocent question at the time, little did I know that my second post on this messageboard would be a catalyst: transforming the peaceful Dove into a beastly grump of a Goose, it would also be the key to her eventual public plucking:

Are you religious? You sound religious.

After that, her demeanor changed instantly. Her talk of always looking for opportunities to "spread genuine warmth and kindness" gave way to an unexpected defensiveness. Dove's transformation was underway. Biggie Stupid and the Frood, sensitive to her honks and hisses of disapproval, sprang into action. "Mother Knows where this is going", I said to myself, so I took the discussion to the aptly-named Meltdown board.

That's where I deftly grabbed the Angry Goose by the neck, put my knee into its side and started tearing fistful after painful fistful of feathers from it.


The Angry Goose was unperturbed that her home state of Michigan was the site of many ecological disasters caused by unfettered industry. What bothered her the most was that it was "caused by Democratic politicians". I asked what she thought about the
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. Anyone in the US who is at all concerned about the environment would have something to say about it. The Angry Goose however had nothing to say. Was she not aware of it? Perhaps she was so consumed by partisan politics that she didn't want to embarrass the Ohio governor who happens to be Republican. Okay, I'll throw her a softball: did she think that Donald Trump would be president in 2028? For someone so gabby, not a squawk was heard.

Very interesting.

I happened to notice an old thread about transphobia and started reading out of idle curiosity. What a colossal shitshow. For easily two months the wonderful and peaceable Dove forgot all about her Lord's teachings, spamming that thread with alt-right memes making fun of transgendered people. So much for taking every opportunity to spread genuine warmth and kindness. The hypocrisy was staggering. If you're going to sit there and pontificate to others about how they ought to show more empathy to those around them however, you had best be ready to so the same - even if Tucker Carlson says it's ok.

After pointing this out to the Angry Goose, she went on and on about something called "Gender Ideology".

My first reaction: "WTF is "gender ideology"? Sounds like a made-up term by a Fox news ditto-head (i.e., you)."​

She had no idea what Gender Ideology meant - and of course she didn't! It's an absolutely meaningless term. It's something the talking heads on Fox news use to rile up rural folks. The smug and prideful Christian wouldn't have any of it, of course. This is my favourite part...

Smug and full of self-confidence, Goose provided a link to an excerpt from
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done in 2001. It wasn't even the entire thing, however the egotistical loudmouth was convinced of its meaningfulness. That's when Mother Knew she had the blithering hypocrite. I let her dig herself deeply into her ideological trench. No way she could deny how truly full of hate she was. And when the moment was right...

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Now ... what to do with all of these goose pluckings? Why, help out society's marginalised people with a comfortable winter coat made of fresh goose down.




Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Sorry, but I'm not willing to have my loved ones die because a revolutionary is impatient for change. Right or left, that's why there's a revolution in the first place: because people want shit to change NOW.

Started the week off (and Superbowl Sunday) off with a good poo. And this one is a good'n. Big, fat, beefy, brown turd. And a big chunk of it fell to the bottom of the bowl (you can just barely see it in the background). Guys effort. This is what usually happens after cheat days (yesterday was cheat day)--solid, beefy poos.




Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Has a cup of coffee this morning and immediately had to poo. The poo just never stops. And this is a pretty good looking poo. And a good poo pic. This is after yesterday when I really carbed it up. Hopefully this week won't be mostly liquid like last week's poo was. Cross your fingers.




Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Ok, finally I shit a LOGG! It's been a long time coming. I woke up, ate a quick breakfast (the slow-carb way) and went updatirs to do my morning necessaries. I brushed my teeth and felt the familiar surge in my bowels. I took the dump and was happy to see a nice solid poo log. It wss greesnish anad a little soft, but certainly more pooagenic that what I've been crapping lately.



Domestically feral
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United states
Sorry, but I'm not willing to have my loved ones die because a revolutionary is impatient for change. Right or left, that's why there's a revolution in the first place: because people want shit to change NOW.

That isnt what I was asking. Most people (those who are not radicalized psychopaths) are not down for some violent communist revolution. That's the purpose of subversion ....make people hate eachother so deeply that we resort to violence against eachother.

What I'm asking is why do you disagree with Marx that a violent revolution ISNT nessesary to get a communist government going?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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In other news. Seamajor is still a registered sex offender who likes tranny cock

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
What do you understand by the term "Cultural Marxist"? Can you explain it to me?
You lefties love to be deliberately obtuse about this topic and dismiss any arguments about it's existence and influence on society.

Unlike Marxism, which primarily focuses on economic inequalities and economic classes, Cultural Marxism sees culture as a main cause for many different kinds of inequalities:

  • Race (Whites/non-Whites)
  • Culture (Western/non-Western)
  • Family (nuclear family/non-nuclear family)
  • Religion (Christianity/atheism and religious minorities)
  • Gender (men/women)
  • Sexual orientation (heterosexual/LGBT)
Cultural Marxism places great emphasis on analyzing, controlling, and changing the popular culture, the popular discourse, the mass media, and the language itself. Seeing culture as often having more or less subconscious influences on people which create and sustain inequalities, Cultural Marxists themselves often try to remove these inequalities by more or less subtle manipulation and censorship of culture.

A term describing such censorship is political correctness where all views on equality that disagree with the Cultural Marxist view are avoided, censored, and punished.
Mother Knows

Mother Knows

.:je veux du taco Belle:.
Le La Les
That isnt what I was asking. Most people (those who are not radicalized psychopaths) are not down for some violent communist revolution. That's the purpose of subversion ....make people hate eachother so deeply that we resort to violence against eachother.

What I'm asking is why do you disagree with Marx that a violent revolution ISNT nessesary to get a communist government going?

I'm no expert on Marx, but from what I understand his concept of communism was something that was to form naturally out of some sort of socialism. That is to say, he thought capitalism will inevitably lead to socialism which will, in turn, inevitably lead to communism. Come to think of it, I may have misinterpreted Marx's initial quote. Context is everything in philosophy.

Lenin, however, most definitely believed in violent revolutions, which is why the term "Marxist-Leninist" is used to describe not only the Russian revolution but the Chinese revolution (among many others) as well.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm no expert on Marx, but from what I understand his concept of communism was something that was to form naturally out of some sort of socialism. That is to say, he thought capitalism will inevitably lead to socialism which will, in turn, inevitably lead to communism. Come to think of it, I may have misinterpreted Marx's initial quote. Context is everything in philosophy.

Lenin, however, most definitely believed in violent revolutions, which is why the term "Marxist-Leninist" is used to describe not only the Russian revolution but the Chinese revolution (among many others) as well.

I just find it interesting when people think you can bring communism in a nonviolent manner. You cant.

People want change now, yes. But what that change is is very different.