MaM- KM VS Succubus? Fortnite, melties, RIP BC


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This nigga right here.....roflmmfao. I never said I was a flamer. I said I like to flame flamers. Dude you sound like Daffy Duck done tore off and raped you in the mouth. Missing a few front teeth? Quite the talented person you are. You wanna talk shit because I posted my vagina pic??? I'm proud of that shit, baby. Bet you don't have the balls to post your microscopic penis on here. Oh wait, you need some type of professional equipment to zoom in on that shit, huh? Duuuudddeeee.....I need to talk to my girl, Dove. I have GOT to find out wtf she was drinking or smoking when she got with you. That must've been some damn good shit. Like that black market type shit. No wonder she tries to keep what you two had under wraps. Must've been the most shameful thing she has ever done in her life. I couldn't imagine being with a little man bitch like you. That's what you sound like. A fucking little bitch. Fuck you and your flame match. Throw on some gloves and meet me at my house. I'll show you a REAL match. You can bring Flynn and anyone else you want....Flynn can pull up a chair and wait it's turn. I'll throw some popcorn in the microwave and we can sell tickets. Little no dick having pussy boy. Dovey shoulda owned that shit is what she should've done. She should've fucked you in the ass. Now bend over and spell "run".

I've told him many times I'm not a flamer.

These people are stuck in Bawl Hall and cannot mentally move on. They dont understand how stupid it is to everyone else.

Most of us were around in the Bawl hall period.....we didnt even really bother much then. These people take it way too seriously. It's all rage and hate....not humor and wit.

They cannot handle getting roasted either. A bunch of pussies.

You really want to know what I was thinking?

So do I lmaoooo

He knows how to fake normal privately for a bit. It slipped quick though.

Where's your stash??? You had to have been one high or extremely belligerent crazy ass woman to get with a pussy boy like that. He damn sure is a city boy. He fucking reeks of city....just in his voice. I hang out with them hard core country boys.....flame my ass. Words ain't shit. Pussy's flame. Pussy pussy pussy. Blazor woulda been better off putting my vagina as Chad's avi. Roflol.

I was honestly in a pretty bad place. I was just recovery from 4 back to back kidney stone procedures and I had been taking suboxone for pain rather than norco....big mistake.

I have had issues with opiate drugs and I 7 years clean from addiction.

I cold turkey stopped taking that shit, against my doctors advice ..and I detoxed from it. I was also filing divorce.

So I wasnt high. But I was fresh off a heavy med that doesnt mesh well with my brain. I really wasnt "right" for several months.

Believe me.....I'm not the one you wanna party with. Getting into any stash I would have'll end up waking up in jail or in an ambulance needing at least 90 days of rehab and questioning your sexuality. Assuming you dont die.

I would have fucked him in the ass if he wasnt such a spazzing prudish pussy. Have you noticed how much shame and hate these people have about sex? Repressed motherfuckers.


I never "denied" anything and who the fuck are YOU again?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

You see how this entitled psycho loses her shit because she/he/it thinks its entitled to explanations and information?

Lmaooo what a fucking wackjob. Certifiable.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters.

Nope that's you, nutnut.

Now go all cap nuclear melt because no one tells you shit on the internet because no one gives a fuck to bother. Yanno?
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
This nigga right here.....roflmmfao. I never said I was a flamer. I said I like to flame flamers. Dude you sound like Daffy Duck done tore off and raped you in the mouth. Missing a few front teeth? Quite the talented person you are. You wanna talk shit because I posted my vagina pic??? I'm proud of that shit, baby. Bet you don't have the balls to post your microscopic penis on here. Oh wait, you need some type of professional equipment to zoom in on that shit, huh? Duuuudddeeee.....I need to talk to my girl, Dove. I have GOT to find out wtf she was drinking or smoking when she got with you. That must've been some damn good shit. Like that black market type shit. No wonder she tries to keep what you two had under wraps. Must've been the most shameful thing she has ever done in her life. I couldn't imagine being with a little man bitch like you. That's what you sound like. A fucking little bitch. Fuck you and your flame match. Throw on some gloves and meet me at my house. I'll show you a REAL match. You can bring Flynn and anyone else you want....Flynn can pull up a chair and wait it's turn. I'll throw some popcorn in the microwave and we can sell tickets. Little no dick having pussy boy. Dovey shoulda owned that shit is what she should've done. She should've fucked you in the ass. Now bend over and spell "run".

I've told him many times I'm not a flamer.

These people are stuck in Bawl Hall and cannot mentally move on. They dont understand how stupid it is to everyone else.

Most of us were around in the Bawl hall period.....we didnt even really bother much then. These people take it way too seriously. It's all rage and hate....not humor and wit.

They cannot handle getting roasted either. A bunch of pussies.

You really want to know what I was thinking?

So do I lmaoooo

He knows how to fake normal privately for a bit. It slipped quick though.

Where's your stash??? You had to have been one high or extremely belligerent crazy ass woman to get with a pussy boy like that. He damn sure is a city boy. He fucking reeks of city....just in his voice. I hang out with them hard core country boys.....flame my ass. Words ain't shit. Pussy's flame. Pussy pussy pussy. Blazor woulda been better off putting my vagina as Chad's avi. Roflol.

I was honestly in a pretty bad place. I was just recovery from 4 back to back kidney stone procedures and I had been taking suboxone for pain rather than norco....big mistake.

I have had issues with opiate drugs and I 7 years clean from addiction.

I cold turkey stopped taking that shit, against my doctors advice ..and I detoxed from it. I was also filing divorce.

So I wasnt high. But I was fresh off a heavy med that doesnt mesh well with my brain. I really wasnt "right" for several months.

Believe me.....I'm not the one you wanna party with. Getting into any stash I would have'll end up waking up in jail or in an ambulance needing at least 90 days of rehab and questioning your sexuality. Assuming you dont die.

I would have fucked him in the ass if he wasnt such a spazzing prudish pussy. Have you noticed how much shame and hate these people have about sex? Repressed motherfuckers.


I never "denied" anything and who the fuck are YOU again?

According to you I'm King Martni you fucking lying cunt.

You denied fucking both nerds.
You denied being an addict.
You denied being evicted.

Next, you'll be saying you have custody of your children. Daft cunt.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

You see how this entitled psycho loses her shit because she/he/it thinks its entitled to explanations and information?

Lmaooo what a fucking wackjob. Certifiable.

At least I have my kids, "tho."


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters.

Nope that's you, nutnut.

Now go all cap nuclear melt because no one tells you shit on the internet because no one gives a fuck to bother. Yanno?

Well. At least I have my children, "tho."

I think I'll be a horrible mother and let my children watch a PG-13 movie. Only if you had your kids, then you could do that too.



ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Is this for real?"...hahaha



Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.
Last edited:


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......

Same thing can be said of you and the word, "buffet."

Just sayin...


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......

Same thing can be said of you and the word, "buffet."

Just sayin...

At the end of the day I will ask myself this: would you rather be a fat cow that eats endless buffets or a psychotic bitch that rapes animals with her blow job giving, side kick, man bitch for a living???

I shall be the cow.

Oh and BTW, I will make sure I wear my oversized chastity belt to assure my safety from you and acorn nuts Chad.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......

Same thing can be said of you and the word, "buffet."

Just sayin...

At the end of the day I will ask myself this: would you rather be a fat cow that eats endless buffets or a psychotic bitch that rapes animals with her blow job giving, side kick, man bitch for a living???

I shall be the cow.

Oh and BTW, I will make sure I wear my oversized chastity belt to assure my safety from you and acorn nuts Chad.

First off, you didn't "choose" shit. I "chose" for you. You only admit to being a fucking disgusting bovine, because you know that I'll fucking kill your aquatic ass everytime I remind you of how utterly fucking fat and nasty you really are.

Secondly, I can deal with an overweight person, because I'm perfect and that's what I do, is deal with jealousy on a daily basis. So I'm accustomed to it. But, what I can't deal with is an ugly, ignorant, bitch that looks like a full grown elephant with a bad attitude.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......

Same thing can be said of you and the word, "buffet."

Just sayin...

At the end of the day I will ask myself this: would you rather be a fat cow that eats endless buffets or a psychotic bitch that rapes animals with her blow job giving, side kick, man bitch for a living???

I shall be the cow.

Oh and BTW, I will make sure I wear my oversized chastity belt to assure my safety from you and acorn nuts Chad.

First off, you didn't "choose" shit. I "chose" for you. You only admit to being a fucking disgusting bovine, because you know that I'll fucking kill your aquatic ass everytime I remind you of how utterly fucking fat and nasty you really are.

Secondly, I can deal with an overweight person, because I'm perfect and that's what I do, is deal with jealousy on a daily basis. So I'm accustomed to it. But, what I can't deal with is an ugly, ignorant, bitch that looks like a full grown elephant with a bad attitude.

Awwww.....I may have taken that as a compliment if I didn't know your endless erratic bantering so well. Bad attitude??? haven't seen SHIT. I will leave you to your pathological lies and beastiality. It suits you. You just wouldn't be Flynn without it. I will never be jealous of you. Who could possibly in their right mind be jealous of YOU??!!! ROFLMMFAO. I have better competition in the pastures. :rightON: :rightON:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......

Same thing can be said of you and the word, "buffet."

Just sayin...

At the end of the day I will ask myself this: would you rather be a fat cow that eats endless buffets or a psychotic bitch that rapes animals with her blow job giving, side kick, man bitch for a living???

I shall be the cow.

Oh and BTW, I will make sure I wear my oversized chastity belt to assure my safety from you and acorn nuts Chad.

First off, you didn't "choose" shit. I "chose" for you. You only admit to being a fucking disgusting bovine, because you know that I'll fucking kill your aquatic ass everytime I remind you of how utterly fucking fat and nasty you really are.

Secondly, I can deal with an overweight person, because I'm perfect and that's what I do, is deal with jealousy on a daily basis. So I'm accustomed to it. But, what I can't deal with is an ugly, ignorant, bitch that looks like a full grown elephant with a bad attitude.

Awwww.....I may have taken that as a compliment if I didn't know your endless erratic bantering so well. Bad attitude??? haven't seen SHIT. I will leave you to your pathological lies and beastiality. It suits you. You just wouldn't be Flynn without it. I will never be jealous of you. Who could possibly in their right mind be jealous of YOU??!!! ROFLMMFAO. I have better competition in the pastures. :rightON: :rightON:

Just like you knew the difference between "Pure Grade A beef" and "filet monnow?"

Lose some weight then come back and talk to me.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......

Same thing can be said of you and the word, "buffet."

Just sayin...

At the end of the day I will ask myself this: would you rather be a fat cow that eats endless buffets or a psychotic bitch that rapes animals with her blow job giving, side kick, man bitch for a living???

I shall be the cow.

Oh and BTW, I will make sure I wear my oversized chastity belt to assure my safety from you and acorn nuts Chad.

First off, you didn't "choose" shit. I "chose" for you. You only admit to being a fucking disgusting bovine, because you know that I'll fucking kill your aquatic ass everytime I remind you of how utterly fucking fat and nasty you really are.

Secondly, I can deal with an overweight person, because I'm perfect and that's what I do, is deal with jealousy on a daily basis. So I'm accustomed to it. But, what I can't deal with is an ugly, ignorant, bitch that looks like a full grown elephant with a bad attitude.

Awwww.....I may have taken that as a compliment if I didn't know your endless erratic bantering so well. Bad attitude??? haven't seen SHIT. I will leave you to your pathological lies and beastiality. It suits you. You just wouldn't be Flynn without it. I will never be jealous of you. Who could possibly in their right mind be jealous of YOU??!!! ROFLMMFAO. I have better competition in the pastures. :rightON: :rightON:

Just like you knew the difference between "Pure Grade A beef" and "filet monnow?"

Lose some weight then come back and talk to me.

Filet mignon is grade A beef but as I stated, there's something better......speaking does my beef taste? Better than Grade A huh?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......

Same thing can be said of you and the word, "buffet."

Just sayin...

At the end of the day I will ask myself this: would you rather be a fat cow that eats endless buffets or a psychotic bitch that rapes animals with her blow job giving, side kick, man bitch for a living???

I shall be the cow.

Oh and BTW, I will make sure I wear my oversized chastity belt to assure my safety from you and acorn nuts Chad.

First off, you didn't "choose" shit. I "chose" for you. You only admit to being a fucking disgusting bovine, because you know that I'll fucking kill your aquatic ass everytime I remind you of how utterly fucking fat and nasty you really are.

Secondly, I can deal with an overweight person, because I'm perfect and that's what I do, is deal with jealousy on a daily basis. So I'm accustomed to it. But, what I can't deal with is an ugly, ignorant, bitch that looks like a full grown elephant with a bad attitude.

Awwww.....I may have taken that as a compliment if I didn't know your endless erratic bantering so well. Bad attitude??? haven't seen SHIT. I will leave you to your pathological lies and beastiality. It suits you. You just wouldn't be Flynn without it. I will never be jealous of you. Who could possibly in their right mind be jealous of YOU??!!! ROFLMMFAO. I have better competition in the pastures. :rightON: :rightON:

Just like you knew the difference between "Pure Grade A beef" and "filet monnow?"

Lose some weight then come back and talk to me.
Didn't you say this like 50 times in the last three days? fuckhead?


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Boo hoo. Fat jokes again? Who let this clown out of the circus???!!! Let me guess....they actually put the diaper on the monkeys, huh??? No access to the monkey ass for Flynn??? Shoulda called animal allies on your ass.....tell the Discovery Channel to prohibit all access of you from watching it. Next time Moby dick comes through I'll be sure to tell him to give you a call. His dick is about the closest thing on earth that'll stretch your mouth far enough to where you can no longer speak......besides my pretty vagina you continue to munch on. :rightON: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Is Flynn an ultra competitive jealous lesbian? Or a transsexual jealous of biological women? Hermaphrodite?

I've never been able to figure this individual out or what their gender identity is.

I think that question remains unanswered. Hahaha. We're all trying to figure it out. It claims to be a female but could be trolling.

For 13 years, huh?


Well, if you're as good as you claim to be, there are endless possibilities.

Bitch. YOU are the last one whose opinion matters. Go take your "opinions" and go blog about Taco Bell taking their mexican pizza off the menu.

Was the dog in that pic with you your latest victim???? :LMAO2:

Why? Are you jealous?

Ummmm no. Not into animals. It's cruel and unusual punishment.....for the animal. You and Chad run a secret rescue/shelter somewhere?? You know, where you hoard all the animals that you sexually abuse???

Why stop there with your idiot narrative? Why not also fucking claim we kidnap children and drink their blood out of their skulls while praying to Satan?

I mean why stop with your fairy tales? You also could claim you're height/weight proportionate and a member of the Mensa Club.

Why stop with fat, cow or shamu with YOURS???? Bwahahaha. I will tell you why. You are SHALLOW minded. You have an extensive vocabulary but when you put your words together they just don't make sense. Kinda like being a life guard with no water to work with. Feel me?

Shut up you fat cow. You're starting to sound like Shamu throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get extra chum at dinner.

I'll tell you something else fat cow. You're lucky I love animals of all kinds, even killer whales with tree trunk legs like yourself, ya hear me Shamu? Or I would have already tranquilized your Alaska sized ass with a battleship sized dart, and relocated you to The Bronx Zoo.

You shouldn't even have ACCESS to a zoo. Just saying......

Same thing can be said of you and the word, "buffet."

Just sayin...

At the end of the day I will ask myself this: would you rather be a fat cow that eats endless buffets or a psychotic bitch that rapes animals with her blow job giving, side kick, man bitch for a living???

I shall be the cow.

Oh and BTW, I will make sure I wear my oversized chastity belt to assure my safety from you and acorn nuts Chad.

First off, you didn't "choose" shit. I "chose" for you. You only admit to being a fucking disgusting bovine, because you know that I'll fucking kill your aquatic ass everytime I remind you of how utterly fucking fat and nasty you really are.

Secondly, I can deal with an overweight person, because I'm perfect and that's what I do, is deal with jealousy on a daily basis. So I'm accustomed to it. But, what I can't deal with is an ugly, ignorant, bitch that looks like a full grown elephant with a bad attitude.

Awwww.....I may have taken that as a compliment if I didn't know your endless erratic bantering so well. Bad attitude??? haven't seen SHIT. I will leave you to your pathological lies and beastiality. It suits you. You just wouldn't be Flynn without it. I will never be jealous of you. Who could possibly in their right mind be jealous of YOU??!!! ROFLMMFAO. I have better competition in the pastures. :rightON: :rightON:

Just like you knew the difference between "Pure Grade A beef" and "filet monnow?"

Lose some weight then come back and talk to me.
Didn't you say this like 50 times in the last three days? fuckhead?

You know what's funny? They come to BF talking shit about how everyone repeats the same shit over and over again. Yet, they can't contribute "new" content, themselves. Fucking hypocrites the lot of them!