MaM-KM=Flynn? Dovid Nuked, RIP Brent


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Where to begin? If you haven't been a model citizen of the flame community since 04-06, scroll on by.

I'll quickly start with Poofer, who I defeated in the last official callout match at flaming's Mecca: Brawl-Hall. IMO, his funniest moment (he has many) was the fantasy football league he was setting up - consisting of teams of flamers. It was going nowhere until he told Fat Danny that some woman dropped him from her team before the season began! The resulting meltdown makes me LOL when I think about it, it was hilarious to watch.

brentv. I'm going on record here.

Firstly, brentv's meltdown isn't the most famous of all. That shameful fly-covered shitpost belongs to Evil Blood, posted at SS/F4C. It is well documented and referred to as Emo Blood's "Swan song". I also caused that fat, short, bald failure to go silent about my song flame to him which contained some of his PI that BunnyBunBun found. Casandra (his then-bitch) LOL'd and complimented my sterling voice. cun'T has purposely made it too crassly censored to be listened to by anyone, which accidentally smears Himalayan salt into all of Herman's infected wounds.

I rank brentv higher than many due to his troll of F$S where he became a mod there and gave HC Trouble his panel to abuse the place. I'd say that was textbook, but there wasn't one written yet that I was privy to and that, IMO, was colossal pro BH sportsmanship displayed for everyone to know about - by brentv, of all posters. HC was/is too nice to do any real damage with it, but he was BH's authority on software at the time.

brentv then did something I've wanted to do for decades: Wind up on the front page of the Drudge Report!!! That trumped my somewhat famous accomplishment of being the first recorded poster, as SirSuperSouthern, at profootballtalk. Thousands listened to me be a civil, informed, humble regular there in search of a solid answer about a great question I asked about Jammal Charles. brentv on the other hand pulled a Brent and melted down live on phonecam about some douche walking into the petty vape shop he worked at for wearing a "racist" Trump shirt. That cannot be topped. If someone ups something I consider to be a great accomplishment of mine, I'm not bitter. The opposite, nodding my head like Bobba Fet did when Leah pulled out a grenade demanding more money from Jabba the Brent.

brentv has done other notable things, like getting me banned from FlameTruth. That's not saying too much, but it shows that cw_ actually wanted him there more than she wanted me, which is actually another bright feather in Brent's war-headdress. Not too shabby on flabby's part...

So, who here will actually help the cemetery's staff lug Brent's casket to some unmarked shallow grave?