Biden Withdrawing All Troops from Afganistan


Holliday Unchained

As a legal veteran i can safely say this is not a legal order, since it wasn't issued from the gold toilet in the middle of the night on Twitter.
Say, remember that FAKE bombing mission in Syria where Trump called up Vladimir and announce he was going to bomb an airstrip for show, and please move all equipment and personnel so nothing is hurt, then please subtract one blowjob from the agreed upon price of silence?
LoLz at Trump.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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As a legal veteran i can safely say this is not a legal order, since it wasn't issued from the gold toilet in the middle of the night on Twitter.
Say, remember that FAKE bombing mission in Syria where Trump called up Vladimir and announce he was going to bomb an airstrip for show, and please move all equipment and personnel so nothing is hurt, then please subtract one blowjob from the agreed upon price of silence?
LoLz at Trump.
Lol Trump is such a boonagarun.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As a legal veteran i can safely say this is not a legal order, since it wasn't issued from the gold toilet in the middle of the night on Twitter.
Say, remember that FAKE bombing mission in Syria where Trump called up Vladimir and announce he was going to bomb an airstrip for show, and please move all equipment and personnel so nothing is hurt, then please subtract one blowjob from the agreed upon price of silence?
LoLz at Trump.
I remember when Trump blew up like 230 of Putins mercs. You cucks were silent! PWN3D!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LMFAO! I was right! The Trump Doctrine had already reduced the troops to 1/4 of what they were previously and actually intended to pull the remaining troops by May 1st! Give credit to the bad orange and and biden who is somewhat following his lead, aidsmeme! PWN3D!

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why couldn't war mongering, mindless killing machine, Trump do that?
Why was Trump such a war monger?

I'm glad the USA is finally retreating ( or at least trying) to retreat from Afghanistan.
I hope Biden means it.
This Pax Americana business has been a complete failure.
It's an Empire the US can no longer afford.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why couldn't war mongering, mindless killing machine, Trump do that?
Why was Trump such a war monger?

I'm glad the USA is finally retreating ( or at least trying) to retreat from Afghanistan.
I hope Biden means it.
This Pax Americana business has been a complete failure.
It's an Empire the US can no longer afford.
Fuk off, ya llyin cunt. Trump started the troop reduction way the fuck before biden came along!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Why couldn't war mongering, mindless killing machine, Trump do that?
Why was Trump such a war monger?

I'm glad the USA is finally retreating ( or at least trying) to retreat from Afghanistan.
I hope Biden means it.
This Pax Americana business has been a complete failure.
It's an Empire the US can no longer afford.
Fuk off, ya llyin cunt. Trump started the troop reduction way the fuck before biden came along!
You kneejerks were squealing like stuck pigs when Obama started drawing down, but that's because you are all silly pinhead dupes.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why couldn't war mongering, mindless killing machine, Trump do that?
Why was Trump such a war monger?

I'm glad the USA is finally retreating ( or at least trying) to retreat from Afghanistan.
I hope Biden means it.
This Pax Americana business has been a complete failure.
It's an Empire the US can no longer afford.
Fuk off, ya llyin cunt. Trump started the troop reduction way the fuck before biden came along!

No. I never said/blamed Trump for Afghanistan.
He inherited a mess as did Obama from W Bush.
I hope you didn't vote for that turd Bush, Lokmeer.
Because he imposed so much suffering on the world.

For whatever people say about Trump, I don't think he was as bad as W. Bush.

W Bush/Cheney was the worst presidntial administration in US history. Ever.

Any party, any decade bar none.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why couldn't war mongering, mindless killing machine, Trump do that?
Why was Trump such a war monger?

He literally tried and Democrats in Congress passed a law forbidding him from doing it. You really never get out of your bubble, do you?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Just like in the Antifa thread I shall bury aidsman with facts until he realizes how stupid and wrong he is and runs away.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Isn't it funny how when Trump tries to do something Democrats claim it is the worst thing ever and block it yet when Biden goes to do the exact same thing suddenly he is brave and a visionary? Both Holliday and Aidsman eat that shit up to without even bothering to wipe the fecal matter from their lips. Some people are just born suckers, I guess.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why couldn't war mongering, mindless killing machine, Trump do that?
Why was Trump such a war monger?

I'm glad the USA is finally retreating ( or at least trying) to retreat from Afghanistan.
I hope Biden means it.
This Pax Americana business has been a complete failure.
It's an Empire the US can no longer afford.
Fuk off, ya llyin cunt. Trump started the troop reduction way the fuck before biden came along!
You kneejerks were squealing like stuck pigs when Obama started drawing down, but that's because you are all silly pinhead dupes.
Really faggit? There was a lot of crying about Trump removing troops from ALL OVER the M.E. He didnt back down from his own party though. Then there's the PWN3D! that Oerdin just delivered to you above...PWN3D!


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
There ain't any glory in bringing the troops home from Afghanistan. Not from Iraq. Not from Viet Nam. Not from any place where they were only put there to further rich bastards and their interests.

What about all the Afghanis whose burning question now is "WTF is gonna happen to ME when these bastards leave?"

Just as it ever was.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There ain't any glory in bringing the troops home from Afghanistan. Not from Iraq. Not from Viet Nam. Not from any place where they were only put there to further rich bastards and their interests.

What about all the Afghanis whose burning question now is "WTF is gonna happen to ME when these bastards leave?"

Just as it ever was.

Well, the only way to help them is to exterminate islam. I'm for it, but their population will be reduced 80% at least. But hey, they wont be wondering anymore if the shitgod allah is real!


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
There ain't any glory in bringing the troops home from Afghanistan. Not from Iraq. Not from Viet Nam. Not from any place where they were only put there to further rich bastards and their interests.

What about all the Afghanis whose burning question now is "WTF is gonna happen to ME when these bastards leave?"

Just as it ever was.

Well, the only way to help them is to exterminate islam. I'm for it, but their population will be reduced 80% at least. But hey, they wont be wondering anymore if the shitgod allah is real!

They don't wonder now, why would they change their minds based on what Biden does? That shitgod Allah is just as real as that shitgod YHVH that you masturbate with.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why couldn't war mongering, mindless killing machine, Trump do that?
Why was Trump such a war monger?

I already posted about this so that on Sept 12th those of us who know better can go laugh at it.

Trump couldn't do it because he was being blocked. All you guys did was complain how he was firing people in the Pentagon and replacing them with "Trump loyalists" who were on board with getting troops out of Afghanistan.

You are only now pretending to give a shit because the corporate media is now using this to praise Biden.

They were using the same topic to slam Trump just a short few months ago. It was Orange Man Bad when HE wanted to pull out troops.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why couldn't war mongering, mindless killing machine, Trump do that?
Why was Trump such a war monger?

I'm glad the USA is finally retreating ( or at least trying) to retreat from Afghanistan.
I hope Biden means it.
This Pax Americana business has been a complete failure.
It's an Empire the US can no longer afford.
Fuk off, ya llyin cunt. Trump started the troop reduction way the fuck before biden came along!

They dont give a shit.

If it's a left president war mongering they completely ignore it. Biden voted for the Iraq war. He was vice during Obama's grotesque war mongering and most of his cabinet are corporate elites and war mongers.

And when they good manufactured reason to stay over there or bomb another country......these guys will ignore it entirely.


Factory Bastard
Trump listened to his Generals. Now inco cho is going against the Generals and the left whang press is twisting and spinning that into an opposite narrative. They claim he is telling the top brass to shut up and sit down like it's a good thing.
If Trump hadda done that the huffmyshorts etal fuking left whang press would went nuts.
And wonder why we call it fake news?
I send the editors a gift:
~lifts up.. *braaaap


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trump couldn't do it
See - there's a difference between those who can get things done and those who can't, Duhv.

Trump just couldn't git 'er dun.

And the fact that you think this is a smart response on any level.

They are not getting pulled out, H. You just swallow bullshit and think it makes you more correct than those of us who actually pay attention.

And I would bet its gonna be another game of good cop/bad cop partisan pandering that people like you will buy right into hook line and sinker while all your precious establishment overlords basically all do the same old shit no matter who is calling the shots.

The only thing getting done is what will benefit the shitbags in office. Period.

Lap up your crumbs and the thought of crumbs that may not even happen. You've already been neutered and paper trained. Curl up at the feet of our abusers everytime they pat your head after kicking you.

"Omg the war mongers decided to maybe bring home troops! They really care!" Smh.