Speaking of states decending into third world status


Factory Bastard
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Returning to the topic of homeless encampments in L.A.. You can see just how much trash and filth these disgusting drug vagrants create. It is so epically large they need bulldozers just to clear the filth which is a complete biohazard. Rats, mice, cockroaches, human feces, urine, used needles, crack pipes, and trash heaps over eight feet in height.

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BTW Brentwood is supposed to be one of the nice and expensive parts of Los Crapulos.

Brentwood is a very large area. Parts of it are nice, parts of it are more business oriented. That video is in the area near the Veterans Hospital, which has huge grounds and lots of peripheral areas where homeless camps can be set up. There were not any in that particular area when I left. I imagine this is the result of Covid problems.

It is a crime that is simply immeasurable that the richest country in the history of the world allows so many to become homeless and hopeless. I feel for those people, and I am appalled by how many there are who do not care.

As study after study and expert after expert has confirmed over and over this is a drug problem not a housing problem. Especially with the street homeless. The non-druggies and people down on their luck very quickly get into shelters, use those programs and resources, then get back on theor feet. The street homeless are mostly junkies who refuse shelter space because shelters don't let people drink or do drugs for obvious reasons.

Link to even one of those studies.

Start your education here where they list around a dozen sources. Continue your education using Google. At this point I have given up on bothering with you as you never actually read anything and so are a complete waste of time.

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Either you're a gaslighter, or you are really, really stupid. That's not a study. That's a short, very surface article that has the opinions of several people. Not even close to being a study.

"Study after study has shown" LMAO. Even in the article you linked to, the experts quoted disagree as to whether or not housing is a prime cause.

Notice how Odorin disappeared after that failed fake out.

You live in a rich fantasy world, you delusional old crone. Some of us have lives and don't spend every waking second on boards.


Factory Bastard
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This is so true. And these people who hate those who are less fortunate and don't care who suffers, those who bitch about housing subsidies and are against Medicare for all, hold onto what they have so tightly, they'd rather others die than that they give up even a tiny portion of what they have. It's stunning that people can be so greedy. Just tragically stunning.


Factory Bastard
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Returning to the topic of homeless encampments in L.A.. You can see just how much trash and filth these disgusting drug vagrants create. It is so epically large they need bulldozers just to clear the filth which is a complete biohazard. Rats, mice, cockroaches, human feces, urine, used needles, crack pipes, and trash heaps over eight feet in height.

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BTW Brentwood is supposed to be one of the nice and expensive parts of Los Crapulos.

Brentwood is a very large area. Parts of it are nice, parts of it are more business oriented. That video is in the area near the Veterans Hospital, which has huge grounds and lots of peripheral areas where homeless camps can be set up. There were not any in that particular area when I left. I imagine this is the result of Covid problems.

It is a crime that is simply immeasurable that the richest country in the history of the world allows so many to become homeless and hopeless. I feel for those people, and I am appalled by how many there are who do not care.

As study after study and expert after expert has confirmed over and over this is a drug problem not a housing problem. Especially with the street homeless. The non-druggies and people down on their luck very quickly get into shelters, use those programs and resources, then get back on theor feet. The street homeless are mostly junkies who refuse shelter space because shelters don't let people drink or do drugs for obvious reasons.

Link to even one of those studies.

Start your education here where they list around a dozen sources. Continue your education using Google. At this point I have given up on bothering with you as you never actually read anything and so are a complete waste of time.

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Either you're a gaslighter, or you are really, really stupid. That's not a study. That's a short, very surface article that has the opinions of several people. Not even close to being a study.

"Study after study has shown" LMAO. Even in the article you linked to, the experts quoted disagree as to whether or not housing is a prime cause.

Notice how Odorin disappeared after that failed fake out.

You live in a rich fantasy world, you delusional old crone. Some of us have lives and don't spend every waking second on boards.

Oh, of course. So I'll wait for links to some of those "study after study" docs you found.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Returning to the topic of homeless encampments in L.A.. You can see just how much trash and filth these disgusting drug vagrants create. It is so epically large they need bulldozers just to clear the filth which is a complete biohazard. Rats, mice, cockroaches, human feces, urine, used needles, crack pipes, and trash heaps over eight feet in height.

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BTW Brentwood is supposed to be one of the nice and expensive parts of Los Crapulos.

Brentwood is a very large area. Parts of it are nice, parts of it are more business oriented. That video is in the area near the Veterans Hospital, which has huge grounds and lots of peripheral areas where homeless camps can be set up. There were not any in that particular area when I left. I imagine this is the result of Covid problems.

It is a crime that is simply immeasurable that the richest country in the history of the world allows so many to become homeless and hopeless. I feel for those people, and I am appalled by how many there are who do not care.

As study after study and expert after expert has confirmed over and over this is a drug problem not a housing problem. Especially with the street homeless. The non-druggies and people down on their luck very quickly get into shelters, use those programs and resources, then get back on theor feet. The street homeless are mostly junkies who refuse shelter space because shelters don't let people drink or do drugs for obvious reasons.

Link to even one of those studies.

Start your education here where they list around a dozen sources. Continue your education using Google. At this point I have given up on bothering with you as you never actually read anything and so are a complete waste of time.

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Either you're a gaslighter, or you are really, really stupid. That's not a study. That's a short, very surface article that has the opinions of several people. Not even close to being a study.

"Study after study has shown" LMAO. Even in the article you linked to, the experts quoted disagree as to whether or not housing is a prime cause.

Notice how Odorin disappeared after that failed fake out.

You live in a rich fantasy world, you delusional old crone. Some of us have lives and don't spend every waking second on boards.
Yet here you are.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
News flash, Joe Biden is not the CDC, he's the President.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Dumber than usual out of you. If you read the links, which I know you are chronicly unable to do, original reports said a presidential order but later reports said a CDC order. The Supreme Court literally already ruled both are unconstitutional.

You may now return to spamming stupid shit and making a fool of yourself, thank you.

He never reads anything any of us post. Lotus doesnt either.

They'll grab like one or two sentences, and twist it to fit into whatever pre existing bias they have against us.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Returning to the topic of homeless encampments in L.A.. You can see just how much trash and filth these disgusting drug vagrants create. It is so epically large they need bulldozers just to clear the filth which is a complete biohazard. Rats, mice, cockroaches, human feces, urine, used needles, crack pipes, and trash heaps over eight feet in height.

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BTW Brentwood is supposed to be one of the nice and expensive parts of Los Crapulos.

Brentwood is a very large area. Parts of it are nice, parts of it are more business oriented. That video is in the area near the Veterans Hospital, which has huge grounds and lots of peripheral areas where homeless camps can be set up. There were not any in that particular area when I left. I imagine this is the result of Covid problems.

It is a crime that is simply immeasurable that the richest country in the history of the world allows so many to become homeless and hopeless. I feel for those people, and I am appalled by how many there are who do not care.

As study after study and expert after expert has confirmed over and over this is a drug problem not a housing problem. Especially with the street homeless. The non-druggies and people down on their luck very quickly get into shelters, use those programs and resources, then get back on theor feet. The street homeless are mostly junkies who refuse shelter space because shelters don't let people drink or do drugs for obvious reasons.

Link to even one of those studies.

Start your education here where they list around a dozen sources. Continue your education using Google. At this point I have given up on bothering with you as you never actually read anything and so are a complete waste of time.

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Either you're a gaslighter, or you are really, really stupid. That's not a study. That's a short, very surface article that has the opinions of several people. Not even close to being a study.

"Study after study has shown" LMAO. Even in the article you linked to, the experts quoted disagree as to whether or not housing is a prime cause.

Notice how Odorin disappeared after that failed fake out.

You live in a rich fantasy world, you delusional old crone. Some of us have lives and don't spend every waking second on boards.

Oh, of course. So I'll wait for links to some of those "study after study" docs you found.

You need a study to tell you there is an opiate crisis?

Shiiieeet. You have a truly blessed life, Lotus lol.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
News flash, Joe Biden is not the CDC, he's the President.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Dumber than usual out of you. If you read the links, which I know you are chronicly unable to do, original reports said a presidential order but later reports said a CDC order. The Supreme Court literally already ruled both are unconstitutional.

You may now return to spamming stupid shit and making a fool of yourself, thank you.

He never reads anything any of us post. Lotus doesnt either.

They'll grab like one or two sentences, and twist it to fit into whatever pre existing bias they have against us.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

You mean people that actually DO things that help other people and than you guys who use the government to completely fuck over one group to enable another group.

If I wanted to die with a needle in my arm? I'd have ran to bleeding heart leftists. Not an outreach ran by normal people.

I'd have done my 2 weeks residential through state insurance, took the 3/4 house benefits and probably relapsed using my food card.... which is typically what happens to those who rely on the state.

Perhaps if you guys TRULY care about what's best for other adults, you should start working with others rather than....this. You guys really do not know best.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
A really great interview by the guy who has spent the last 25 years providing services to the homeless in L.A.'s skid row and and runs the largest homeless shelter in our hemisphere now without most government funds because of bad state and local policies.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Notice how he mentions that Los Angeles is spending $1 million to build each one bedroom apartment? The politicians are getting arrested because they are all getting kickbacks off the bloated contracts (one currently in jail, another going to jail, others awaiting trial). The public sector builds one bedroom units for about $100,000 or 1/10th what the corrupt L.A. government spends.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The cunt that wrote this dumb bullshit is exactly the type thats causing America to fail! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA!

"The world is watching"

And the majority of other countries and people in them think our left is psychotic and ruining America. And they are right.

The world is watching them burn down cities, spew propaganda in mainstream corporate media(that no one trusts but our left), and fight against their own countrymen while we have actual real problems.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Washington state is going full retard with their disempower and defund the power. Just listen to this new anti-law enforcement law Democrats just passed.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Washington state is going full retard with their disempower and defund the power. Just listen to this new anti-law enforcement law Democrats just passed.

It's just sick and sad. Progressives dont listen to shit and unfortunately A LOT of people are going to suffer because of them. They'll suffer for a long time as well because these people never acknowledge any serious issues occurring because of their policies.

They will literally look the other way until it's so bad they cant. Or they'll just let it happen no matter how bad it is and call the backlash "right wing talking points"

We see how they ignore the gender laws that are causing women and girls to be sexually assaulted.

They are a really serious level of stupid and sociopathic.

They seem to understand or care that taking people into custody for things like mental health crisis, drug use, prostitution....its saves peoples lives and they can get help. They dont care. Im actually convinced they'd rather let people die or keep being trafficked because it's their version of "compassion".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Washington state is going full retard with their disempower and defund the power. Just listen to this new anti-law enforcement law Democrats just passed.

Downsize police actually means, = we're broke and can't afford more police.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No, not necessarily. It means the leftist want to raid police funds to spend on other pet projects. The problem is every where this defunding nonsense was tried violent crime skyrocketed. That is now back firing on the De.ocrats and they are slowly figuring that out. People want law and order especially in low income minority areas because they are the hardest hit by crime from theor own communities.

Thus why you recently saw a deep blue district in Ohio where 68% of black voters (it is a racist gerrymandered black majority district because the horribly racist voting rights act of 1965 legally requires racial gerrymandering) vote for a black law and order "lock the criminals up" candidate instead of a socialist BLM "defund the police" candidate. The law and order guy only raised 1/10th the cash the far leftist candidate did yet she still lied and claimed she lost because of "big money".

Nope, the guy with 1/10th as much money won because black voters were feed up with the far left's weak on crime policies.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No, not necessarily. It means the leftist want to raid police funds to spend on other pet projects. The problem is every where this defunding nonsense was tried violent crime skyrocketed. That is now back firing on the De.ocrats and they are slowly figuring that out. People want law and order especially in low income minority areas because they are the hardest hit by crime from theor own communities.

Thus why you recently saw a deep blue district in Ohio where 68% of black voters (it is a racist gerrymandered black majority district because the horribly racist voting rights act of 1965 legally requires racial gerrymandering) vote for a black law and order "lock the criminals up" candidate instead of a socialist BLM "defund the police" candidate. The law and order guy only raised 1/10th the cash the far leftist candidate did yet she still lied and claimed she lost because of "big money".

Nope, the guy with 1/10th as much money won because black voters were feed up with the far left's weak on crime policies.

Their crime policies get people killed and only serve to protect and enable criminals.

The stupid gun control regulations make it impossible for them to use their constitutional rights to defend themselves and then they push to remove policing. Like they want black people to die.