California's say NO to recall



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It’s Mexican Independence Day tomorrow… party at the border lol
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:


he is still recovering from getting dragged in that other thread… they sent in the rescue WHAH-ambulance lol

They do get so upset.
you mean like you get "irritated" ? lmao

Tell us moar about that

I do get irritated at stupidity. It's a common ailment among the intelligent. We really have a hard time understanding those that are not so smart.

It's a flaw.

my law mentor of 16+ years told me the older intellects get, the more frustrated we become…. *sighs*

Oh my guy is nasty AF when a stupid person gets in his way. He's so mild but he goes from mild to psycho in like 3 seconds. There was a guy that came around selling solar panels and he would tell him no over and over and over. After the 4th time, he slammed the door hard in the guy's face. It shook the house. lol. I said wtf is that all about? I've told him no, I wanted to make make sure understood this time. lol

Oh, and poor customer service people on phone calls that can't are retarded. He has zero mercy. He makes me look like a pussy cat.

The funny thing is when I get irritated he looks at me and says remember "Lily" the AVERAGE iq is 100.
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
It’s Mexican Independence Day tomorrow… party at the border lol
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:


he is still recovering from getting dragged in that other thread… they sent in the rescue WHAH-ambulance lol

They do get so upset.
you mean like you get "irritated" ? lmao

Tell us moar about that

I do get irritated at stupidity. It's a common ailment among the intelligent. We really have a hard time understanding those that are not so smart.

It's a flaw.

my law mentor of 16+ years told me the older intellects get, the more frustrated we become…. *sighs*

Oh my guy is nasty AF when a stupid person gets in his way. He's so mild but he goes from mild to psycho in like 3 seconds. There was a guy that came around selling solar panels and he would tell him no over and over and over. After the 4th time, he slammed the door hard in the guy's face. It shook the house. lol. I said wtf is that all about? I've told him no, I wanted to make make sure understood this time. lol

Oh, and poor customer service people on phone calls that can't are retarded. He has zero mercy. He makes me look like a pussy cat.

The funny this is when I get irritated he looks at me and says remember "Lily" the AVERAGE iq is 100.

El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It’s Mexican Independence Day tomorrow… party at the border lol
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:


he is still recovering from getting dragged in that other thread… they sent in the rescue WHAH-ambulance lol

They do get so upset.
you mean like you get "irritated" ? lmao

Tell us moar about that

I do get irritated at stupidity. It's a common ailment among the intelligent. We really have a hard time understanding those that are not so smart.

It's a flaw.

my law mentor of 16+ years told me the older intellects get, the more frustrated we become…. *sighs*

Oh my guy is nasty AF when a stupid person gets in his way. He's so mild but he goes from mild to psycho in like 3 seconds. There was a guy that came around selling solar panels and he would tell him no over and over and over. After the 4th time, he slammed the door hard in the guy's face. It shook the house. lol. I said wtf is that all about? I've told him no, I wanted to make make sure understood this time. lol

Oh, and poor customer service people on phone calls that can't are retarded. He has zero mercy. He makes me look like a pussy cat.

The funny this is when I get irritated he looks at me and says remember "Lily" the AVERAGE iq is 100.

El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

I like him already! We are short fused though. :(

Mine calls me "spicy" or "saucy". He's originally from Texas so "Mexicans" don't scare him.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

Too many Republicans still live in the 19th century.

Really? You say that about Republicans?

Have you noticed Democrats/Progs bringing back Weimar Germany 1943?

Didnt we already have the leftist revolution in 1966-1976?(Maos revolution)

Do you think communism/socialism are things of the future?

You cannot be serious. These people think they are the "future" because they dont KNOW we have already seen this same ideology destroy countries several times through out history and everytime they say "its dah future deeerrr!!"

The only difference is, this group is stupider because they dont even know they are repeating history. If only we had a way to know what thos ideology leads to?!

You guys are scary AF. You really are.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

I have to remind him we were owned by Spain for much longer than Mexico and it was their own government that made zero accommodations for the landowners on this side when they sold it to us….

he isn’t trying to hear any of that tho… he just throws me over his shoulder and carries me to the bedroom so he can get his…. Errrr em… *cough*… reparations :GiggleBitch:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

I have to remind him we were owned by Spain for much longer than Mexico and it was their own government that made zero accommodations for the landowners on this side when they sold it to us….

he isn’t trying to hear any of that tho… he just throws me over his shoulder and carries me to the bedroom so he can get his…. Errrr em… *cough*… reparations :GiggleBitch:

Wait, "Spain" was actually Mexicans Murdock. There weren't many actual Spanish people in the California, it was just the colonial power at the time. The actual people were the mix of Spanish and Indians.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.

Mercy? No, the trend has been an INCREASE in the population of those with Mexican heritage.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

I have to remind him we were owned by Spain for much longer than Mexico and it was their own government that made zero accommodations for the landowners on this side when they sold it to us….

he isn’t trying to hear any of that tho… he just throws me over his shoulder and carries me to the bedroom so he can get his…. Errrr em… *cough*… reparations :GiggleBitch:

Wait, "Spain" was actually Mexicans Murdock. There weren't many actual Spanish people in the California, it was just the colonial power at the time. The actual people were the mix of Spanish and Indians.

I thought Mexico only owned California for 20~ish years…

But you’re right that it was the wealthy Mexicans who were the landowners here…. The entire coast through Santa Barbara was owned by them and the state took their families to court and removed their land from them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

I have to remind him we were owned by Spain for much longer than Mexico and it was their own government that made zero accommodations for the landowners on this side when they sold it to us….

he isn’t trying to hear any of that tho… he just throws me over his shoulder and carries me to the bedroom so he can get his…. Errrr em… *cough*… reparations :GiggleBitch:

Wait, "Spain" was actually Mexicans Murdock. There weren't many actual Spanish people in the California, it was just the colonial power at the time. The actual people were the mix of Spanish and Indians.

I thought Mexico only owned California for 20~ish years…

But you’re right that it was the wealthy Mexicans who were the landowners here…. The entire coast through Santa Barbara was owned by them and the state took their families to court and removed their land from them.

No, what I'm saying is that the "Spanish" were actually most Mexicans. Not many Spanish people actually made it over to the Americas anywhere.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

He says he was born in CA, but his soul is 100% Cornfuckistan.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

LOL! You could prolly trade that dirty mattress in down here:


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

LOL! You could prolly trade that dirty mattress in down here:


It fucking stinks over there. If you have to drive by, roll your windows up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

He says he was born in CA, but his soul is 100% Cornfuckistan.

Aww, did I betray your precious liberalism? Its ok, my parents were both libs too. I turned out better.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.

Mercy? No, the trend has been an INCREASE in the population of those with Mexican heritage.

Mercy that they are still alive. Why do I have to explain this?

White men warred with hispanics. White men beat hispanics. White man allowed the remaining hispanics to live. That was merciful.

You claiming that hispanics being able to reproduce is an indication of some sort of win over white people is ridiculous.

Like an infestation of cockroaches means cockroaches are superior. What a stupid thought.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!


stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

He says he was born in CA, but his soul is 100% Cornfuckistan.

Aww, did I betray your precious liberalism? Its ok, my parents were both libs too. I turned out better.

You aren't betraying anything. No one here wants a Xtian Taliban in their ranks.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.

Mercy? No, the trend has been an INCREASE in the population of those with Mexican heritage.

Mercy that they are still alive. Why do I have to explain this?

White men warred with hispanics. White men beat hispanics. White man allowed the remaining hispanics to live. That was merciful.

You claiming that hispanics being able to reproduce is an indication of some sort of win over white people is ridiculous.

Like an infestation of cockroaches means cockroaches are superior. What a stupid thought.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

LA has to be 50%+

Although the westside is losing the richly infused culture I was accustomed to when I was a kid.