California's say NO to recall



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It fucking stinks over there. If you have to drive by, roll your windows up.

That is fuckin' disgusting.

Why do all the liberal douchebags in CA not help these poor people? They talk a good game, but turn their backs when faced with a real challenge.

There are shelters and all sorts of wrap around services. The major rule is "no drugs". They don't want to be sober.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

LA has to be 50%+

Although the westside is losing the richly infused culture I was accustomed to when I was a kid.

Yes, LA is 50% and CA as a whole is 40%.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.

Mercy? No, the trend has been an INCREASE in the population of those with Mexican heritage.

Mercy that they are still alive. Why do I have to explain this?

White men warred with hispanics. White men beat hispanics. White man allowed the remaining hispanics to live. That was merciful.

You claiming that hispanics being able to reproduce is an indication of some sort of win over white people is ridiculous.

Like an infestation of cockroaches means cockroaches are superior. What a stupid thought.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Sure, live generations and generation with hate and resentment in your heart. Generations of miserable fucktards.

And multiply. Live in misery and multiply.

That is the plan so far....



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.

Mercy? No, the trend has been an INCREASE in the population of those with Mexican heritage.

Mercy that they are still alive. Why do I have to explain this?

White men warred with hispanics. White men beat hispanics. White man allowed the remaining hispanics to live. That was merciful.

You claiming that hispanics being able to reproduce is an indication of some sort of win over white people is ridiculous.

Like an infestation of cockroaches means cockroaches are superior. What a stupid thought.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Sure, live generations and generation with hate and resentment in your heart. Generations of miserable fucktards.

And multiply. Live in misery and multiply.

That is the plan so far....


Who says I'm miserable? Or that most Hispanic people are miserable?

We're not the ones running people down in the streets or shooting up people in churches, schools, movie theaters, night clubs...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

LOL! You could prolly trade that dirty mattress in down here:


I live 6 blocks from the shoreline…. This is like 12 miles east of me, dipshit


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
It fucking stinks over there. If you have to drive by, roll your windows up.

That is fuckin' disgusting.

Why do all the liberal douchebags in CA not help these poor people? They talk a good game, but turn their backs when faced with a real challenge.

you can’t force a drug addict into rehabilitation… they have numerous resources available to them to get them off the streets

It’s a drug epidemic at this stage


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It fucking stinks over there. If you have to drive by, roll your windows up.

That is fuckin' disgusting.

Why do all the liberal douchebags in CA not help these poor people? They talk a good game, but turn their backs when faced with a real challenge.

you can’t force a drug addict into rehabilitation… they have numerous resources available to them to get them off the streets

It’s a drug epidemic at this stage

And they are helped regardless


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.

Mercy? No, the trend has been an INCREASE in the population of those with Mexican heritage.

Mercy that they are still alive. Why do I have to explain this?

White men warred with hispanics. White men beat hispanics. White man allowed the remaining hispanics to live. That was merciful.

You claiming that hispanics being able to reproduce is an indication of some sort of win over white people is ridiculous.

Like an infestation of cockroaches means cockroaches are superior. What a stupid thought.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Sure, live generations and generation with hate and resentment in your heart. Generations of miserable fucktards.

And multiply. Live in misery and multiply.

That is the plan so far....


Who says I'm miserable? Or that most Hispanic people are miserable?

We're not the ones running people down in the streets or shooting up people in churches, schools, movie theaters, night clubs...

I say you are miserable. Clinging on to some hope that "your people" will somehow overthrow white people. Deep hatred like that must really suck.

And cherry-picking some incidents of violence is not proving anything. A fuckin' hispanic's idea of a brilliant plan is a drive-by shooting into a crowd of innocents.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

LOL! You could prolly trade that dirty mattress in down here:


I live 6 blocks from the shoreline…. This is like 12 miles east of me, dipshit

Hey dummy, if it keeps getting worse, as it has for the last 40 years, what makes you think your privileged ass is safe from the street shitters? You are one dumb bimbo! Just look at the other beaches over run with bums!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.

Mercy? No, the trend has been an INCREASE in the population of those with Mexican heritage.

Mercy that they are still alive. Why do I have to explain this?

White men warred with hispanics. White men beat hispanics. White man allowed the remaining hispanics to live. That was merciful.

You claiming that hispanics being able to reproduce is an indication of some sort of win over white people is ridiculous.

Like an infestation of cockroaches means cockroaches are superior. What a stupid thought.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Sure, live generations and generation with hate and resentment in your heart. Generations of miserable fucktards.

And multiply. Live in misery and multiply.

That is the plan so far....


Who says I'm miserable? Or that most Hispanic people are miserable?

We're not the ones running people down in the streets or shooting up people in churches, schools, movie theaters, night clubs...

I say you are miserable. Clinging on to some hope that "your people" will somehow overthrow white people. Deep hatred like that must really suck.

And cherry-picking some incidents of violence is not proving anything. A fuckin' hispanic's idea of a brilliant plan is a drive-by shooting into a crowd of innocents.


I'm not clinging to anything. I'm not miserable. I'm shitposting.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hub is talking about moving to Texas or Florida now. Too many paisa’s overcrowding here anyway. I pray he’s serious

OMG. The two worst states in the country.
Why, because they arent burdened with fires, drought, corruption, overtaxation, business shutdowns, and as many covid deaths or more than cali?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
There are shelters and all sorts of wrap around services. The major rule is "no drugs". They don't want to be sober.

What percentage of those rejects are hispanic?

most of them are black and white tbh…

the poor immigrants sell oranges and flowers by the side of the road

Yes, they are here to make a living

Do you think the fruit sellers are in on your plan to overthrow whitey?

Or are the flower sellers hiding their intentions behind the planters and bouquets?


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
El Big Sexy has a short fuse on his Mexican temper. He calls me “reparations” because white people stole their land, which I find hilarious.

Sounds like the indigenous in Canada.

Sore fuckin' losers.

Only 40% of California is Hispanic. What is that about losing again?

That is called "mercy".

Do you think next time white victors should kill off the entire population of the indigenous of the Americas? That seems a tad cruel.

Mercy? No, the trend has been an INCREASE in the population of those with Mexican heritage.

Mercy that they are still alive. Why do I have to explain this?

White men warred with hispanics. White men beat hispanics. White man allowed the remaining hispanics to live. That was merciful.

You claiming that hispanics being able to reproduce is an indication of some sort of win over white people is ridiculous.

Like an infestation of cockroaches means cockroaches are superior. What a stupid thought.

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Sure, live generations and generation with hate and resentment in your heart. Generations of miserable fucktards.

And multiply. Live in misery and multiply.

That is the plan so far....


Who says I'm miserable? Or that most Hispanic people are miserable?

We're not the ones running people down in the streets or shooting up people in churches, schools, movie theaters, night clubs...

I say you are miserable. Clinging on to some hope that "your people" will somehow overthrow white people. Deep hatred like that must really suck.

And cherry-picking some incidents of violence is not proving anything. A fuckin' hispanic's idea of a brilliant plan is a drive-by shooting into a crowd of innocents.


I'm not clinging to anything. I'm not miserable. I'm shitposting.

You are miserable.

The only question is: Do you realize it?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Hub is talking about moving to Texas or Florida now. Too many paisa’s overcrowding here anyway. I pray he’s serious

OMG. The two worst states in the country.
Why, because they arent burdened with fires, drought, corruption, overtaxation, business shutdowns, and as many covid deaths or more than cali?

Yet we can’t keep people from moving here… and we remain the richest and largest state in the union lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

LOL! You could prolly trade that dirty mattress in down here:


I live 6 blocks from the shoreline…. This is like 12 miles east of me, dipshit

Hey dummy, if it keeps getting worse, as it has for the last 40 years, what makes you think your privileged ass is safe from the street shitters? You are one dumb bimbo! Just look at the other beaches over run with bums!

hey dipshit… my house that has been paid off since the 1960s is worth over 3 mil and I’m grandfathered in on property tax… do you think I have a fuck to give about homeless scattered way outside of my neighborhood who will be killed by Covid before they die from a drug overdose… I’m quoting your own theory here bwa!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Hub is talking about moving to Texas or Florida now. Too many paisa’s overcrowding here anyway. I pray he’s serious

OMG. The two worst states in the country.

I guess that is why so many Canadians head to those states every winter.



That does not make any sense at all.

Plenty of Canadians head to California, too. Does that make it a good state?

people who move from Washington to Arizona are called snowbirds… it seems like a ridiculous pain in the ass tbh… but I can’t blame them. Washington summers are PHENOMENAL.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

Speaking of sidewalks

Do they still shit randomly anywhere they want out there in LA?

Or is that still Fache NOOs


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
There are shelters and all sorts of wrap around services. The major rule is "no drugs". They don't want to be sober.

What percentage of those rejects are hispanic?

most of them are black and white tbh…

the poor immigrants sell oranges and flowers by the side of the road

Yes, they are here to make a living

Do you think the fruit sellers are in on your plan to overthrow whitey?

Or are the flower sellers hiding their intentions behind the planters and bouquets?


Who is overthrowing anyone? Paranoid much? Especially for someone that didn't even have the smarts to be born in the USA, the best country on Earth.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Hub is talking about moving to Texas or Florida now. Too many paisa’s overcrowding here anyway. I pray he’s serious

OMG. The two worst states in the country.
Why, because they arent burdened with fires, drought, corruption, overtaxation, business shutdowns, and as many covid deaths or more than cali?

Yet we can’t keep people from moving here… and we remain the richest and largest state in the union lol

Still the world's 5th largest economy.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

Speaking of sidewalks

Do they still shit randomly anywhere they want out there in LA?

Or is that still Fache NOOs

I haven’t seen a homeless person anywhere near my neighborhood tbh. I saw one in the market near the MTV headquarters and an armed security guard was following him. He stuck out like a sore thumb.

Seattle was sooooo much crazier.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

Speaking of sidewalks

Do they still shit randomly anywhere they want out there in LA?

Or is that still Fache NOOs

I haven’t seen a homeless person anywhere near my neighborhood tbh. I saw one in the market near the MTV headquarters and an armed security guard was following him. He stuck out like a sore thumb.

Seattle was sooooo much crazier.

How would you feel if someone came along and shitted right there, there in front of your ivory tower? Would you be upset?


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Hub is talking about moving to Texas or Florida now. Too many paisa’s overcrowding here anyway. I pray he’s serious

OMG. The two worst states in the country.
Why, because they arent burdened with fires, drought, corruption, overtaxation, business shutdowns, and as many covid deaths or more than cali?

Yet we can’t keep people from moving here… and we remain the richest and largest state in the union lol

Still the world's 5th largest economy.

They hate us because we have the best weather, nicest beaches, richest agriculture and best Mexican food.

Fuck that crap tex mex lol