SUV mows down people at Christmas Parade in Wisconsin


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
The leftists current favorite pedophile was already out on bail for.... Wait for it... Running a woman over with his car.

I haven't seen anyone in this thread express an iota of love or support for the accused guy, who seems (on short notice) to be a total maggot of a human being.

You are just trolling, and not very fucking artfully. Hope you won't mind when I ask the forum software to stop displaying your posts to me.

What a dick.

Normalize not responding to weak ass trolling and spam.

This ain't TV. The main part of TV practice I really miss is the simple TOS and the no spamming rule. I'll revisit the spam issue in my "meat head" thread eventually.

there were more rules than just spam…

“The Game” was better when we had a code. Now we have the newbies being schooled in the limp wrist shit slinging and bandwagon jumping antics of the bullies.

I have yet to see anyone dole out “karmic retribution” on this site in the form of a dragging. I have seen a bunch of disgruntled has beens spewing pure hatred all over this place in the form of a team sporting afflicted by political news mental retardation.

I suspect some are on the verge of snapping and going POSTAL in RL….

Scary shitz.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
If this political bullshit has you thinking it’s ok for children to become collateral damage, log off and find another hobby.
I dunno who you're talking to, but I live in a country where everybody from the president on down thinks it's okay to kill children and collateral damage is a normal part of its war practice. I realize it FEELZ different when it's on our own streets, but it's probably a little unsustainable to claim that the Syrians (for instance) don't love their children but we love ours.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And these people support Biden and the establishment. The war mongers.

And decide to play that war card because American children were just plowed down by radical terrorists. But hey it happens all the time we shouldnt be upset.

The politicains dems/progs vote for are war mongers so what's a little child murder on our streets?

Fuck these horrible people.

I voted against additional wars and to end existing ones.....but yeah. Sorry I don't give a fuck about any excuses. We dont do terrorists on our streets.

If we just got rid of all these psychotic hateful activists we wouldnt have any of these problems. Their entire movement is lies and bullshit and they have murdered too many innocent people. I hope they get slaughtered. I really do.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And these people support Biden and the establishment. The war mongers.

And decide to play that war card because American children were just plowed down by radical terrorists. But hey it happens all the time we shouldnt be upset.

The politicains dems/progs vote for are war mongers so what's a little child murder on our streets?

Fuck these horrible people.

^^^ proof we need state ran mental institutions to be reopened and the wards be medicated against their will if needed


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Yep. Because they cant just attack innocent people in riots and expect people to not be allowed to defend themselves.
They have answers for that to. You see, when law enforcement is strategically sidelined by filthy rotten democrats in power the innocent people caught in the middle shouldn't be in their shops trying to protect their livelihoods from thugs masquerading as human rights activists. They should be under a rock somewhere hiding nice and safe and let the insurance companies pick up the tab.

And because the insurance companies are like "look that's fucking crazy" they are blaming republicans for not forcing this type of ass backwards liability policy for companies who don't necessarily have to engage in any business including insuring businesses.

Great concept for business and you heard it here first by one of our more astute thinkers

and no I'm not making that up.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yep. Because they cant just attack innocent people in riots and expect people to not be allowed to defend themselves.
They have answers for that to. You see, when law enforcement is strategically sidelined by filthy rotten democrats in power the innocent people caught in the middle shouldn't be in their shops trying to protect their livelihoods from thugs masquerading as human rights activists. They should be under a rock somewhere hiding nice and safe and let the insurance companies pick up the tab.

And because the insurance companies are like "look that's fucking crazy" they are blaming republicans for not forcing this type of ass backwards liability policy for companies who don't necessarily have to engage in any business including insuring businesses.

Great concept for business and you heard it here first by one of our more astute thinkers

and no I'm not making that up.

Well we know this is a war on the working class masked as "socail justice".

And yeah no. They are not entitled and they dont get to terrorize people and demand no one can fight back.

At this point I hope to see them getting fucking bombed in their shitty hide outs.

Plowing down kids after all those riots? I hope they fucking die. Terrorist pieces of shit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And ANY member of Congress who calls this terrorist attack... a fucking brutality on CHILDREN "karma" is a piece of fucking SHIT traitor who should be tarred and feathered.

No fucking shit people are calling for the head. That's a warped, deranged thing to say.

Anyone NOT outraged and upset about this is fucked in the head but hey....I've said a while ago, some have gone so deeply into their authoritarian fascist partisanship that they dont even see humanity anymore.

And I think they are aware of that and dont care anymore. Its fucking demonic.

When people start talking about civil war and fighting back dont let me catch some cowardly ass establishment simp whose "side" is terrorizing communities and running down babies even THINK about whining about it.

I hope to fuck to see these people dead.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
And these people support Biden and the establishment. The war mongers.

And decide to play that war card because American children were just plowed down by radical terrorists. But hey it happens all the time we shouldnt be upset.

The politicains dems/progs vote for are war mongers so what's a little child murder on our streets?

Fuck these horrible people.

^^^ proof we need state ran mental institutions to be reopened and the wards be medicated against their will if needed


WTF is Dove talking about? Is she not aware that the POTUS for the significant majority of the past 50 years has been a Republican? What wars has Biden started?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And these people support Biden and the establishment. The war mongers.

And decide to play that war card because American children were just plowed down by radical terrorists. But hey it happens all the time we shouldnt be upset.

The politicains dems/progs vote for are war mongers so what's a little child murder on our streets?

Fuck these horrible people.

^^^ proof we need state ran mental institutions to be reopened and the wards be medicated against their will if needed


WTF is Dove talking about? Is she not aware that the POTUS for the significant majority of the past 50 years has been a Republican? What wars has Biden started?

That barely employable wingnut has been blabbering political nonsense since 2018….

I’m convinced she actually believes the shit she spews.

Heroin is one hell of a drug second only to methamphatamine in the permanent mental psychosis dept.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Just remember one thing. Liberal scum will always try to tell you your own eyes are lying to you when the facts are right there in black and white

I ain't seen no facts in black & white just yet, but I drop in here and you tards, led by @Oerdin's [highly dubious as a matter of record] twitter feed, have already ID'd the driver and know what he had for supper the day before. How is this possible when the cops ain't charged anyone yet, and there are rumors that the driver was fleeing from a crime scene and took a wrong turn cause he was stupid?

He was fleeing from the crime scene where there was some sort of knife attack. Which is what the tweets said. Why are you claiming the reports were "highly dubious"? Are you claiming he was not a black supremacist and BLM supporter? Do those facts some how upset you? Why deny it unless that is true?

The tweets, you thick headed no reading simp, are not authoritative ways to learn FACTS. "Facts" as the term is used in courts are determined by juries or by judges. There are no facts until then, only allegations.

And if YOU ***ARE*** claiming he's a black supremacist and BLM supporter as though it actually has jack shit to do with his bloody drive downtown, you have a lot of PROVING to do. I'm not saying either way because as I've been telling you for months now, I do not have enough solid information ...and neither do you.

He spent months if not years posting black nationalist social media posts, constantly repeated and supported hate militia black nationalist groups like the New Black Panther Party and the NFAC, both violent hate groups according to the SPLC, so, yes, it is extremely fair to say he supports black nationalism and black supremacy. I understand you dislike those truths but there is far to much evidence to ignore even if it hurts your little feelings.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
See? It's all partisan bullshit. No recognition of humanity.

There are no "Republicans" and "democrats". Every monoparty politicains has wars. And started new conflicts. Obama was one of the worst I have seen in my lifetime and I voted for him.

But oh....if you disagree or criticize democrats/progs? You are a "right wing nut!" And support "Republicans!"

I swear if we got rid of LABELS.. these people wouldnt even know who or what to support.

Meanwhile a radicalized left wing terrorist just plowed down children,innocent people and we are supposed to not be "obsessed " with it.....not be outraged by it (hey happens elsewhere) just like we arent supposed to care about riots.

Yeah these people are trying to destroy the country and turn it into a violent socailist shit hole. 3rd worlding America. Even mad as fuck out human and constitutional rights to self defense exist.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just remember one thing. Liberal scum will always try to tell you your own eyes are lying to you when the facts are right there in black and white

I ain't seen no facts in black & white just yet, but I drop in here and you tards, led by @Oerdin's [highly dubious as a matter of record] twitter feed, have already ID'd the driver and know what he had for supper the day before. How is this possible when the cops ain't charged anyone yet, and there are rumors that the driver was fleeing from a crime scene and took a wrong turn cause he was stupid?

He was fleeing from the crime scene where there was some sort of knife attack. Which is what the tweets said. Why are you claiming the reports were "highly dubious"? Are you claiming he was not a black supremacist and BLM supporter? Do those facts some how upset you? Why deny it unless that is true?

The tweets, you thick headed no reading simp, are not authoritative ways to learn FACTS. "Facts" as the term is used in courts are determined by juries or by judges. There are no facts until then, only allegations.

And if YOU ***ARE*** claiming he's a black supremacist and BLM supporter as though it actually has jack shit to do with his bloody drive downtown, you have a lot of PROVING to do. I'm not saying either way because as I've been telling you for months now, I do not have enough solid information ...and neither do you.

He spent months if not years posting black nationalist social media posts, constantly repeated and supported hate militia black nationalist groups like the New Black Panther Party and the NFAC, both violent hate groups according to the SPLC, so, yes, it is extremely fair to say he supports black nationalism and black supremacy. I understand you dislike those truths but there is far to much evidence to ignore even if it hurts your little feelings.

Yeah but that's nothing. And it's not fact. But Jan 6th protesters are domestic terrorists and deserve 3rd level imprisonment.

These guys are just attacking innocent people and plowing down kids.....happens all the time in other countries.

The truth is they found some identity in their political leanings and it's more about how they feel about themselves than anything. Being left is enlightened and open and not closed minded and bigoted like CONS.

Regardless of reality, this is ingrained somehow.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.

Let's say this is true. What does it have to do with what happened in Waukesha?

It shows the perp supported racist black supremacist groups. I thought that would be obvious to any intelligent person.

But lily is not intelligent. She's fat, angry and incredibly stupid


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.

Let's say this is true. What does it have to do with what happened in Waukesha?

It shows the perp supported racist black supremacist groups. I thought that would be obvious to any intelligent person.

What he supports has, at this point in time, nothing to do with the parade. You don't know why he did what he did. Speculation is not fact.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.

Let's say this is true. What does it have to do with what happened in Waukesha?

It shows the perp supported racist black supremacist groups. I thought that would be obvious to any intelligent person.

What he supports has, at this point in time, nothing to do with the parade. You don't know why he did what he did. Speculation is not fact.

LOL try telling him the earth ain't flat.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.

Let's say this is true. What does it have to do with what happened in Waukesha?

It shows the perp supported racist black supremacist groups. I thought that would be obvious to any intelligent person.

What he supports has, at this point in time, nothing to do with the parade. You don't know why he did what he did. Speculation is not fact.

LOL try telling him the earth ain't flat.

I'm starting to believe he was grown on a graham cracker in a petri dish.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.

Let's say this is true. What does it have to do with what happened in Waukesha?

It shows the perp supported racist black supremacist groups. I thought that would be obvious to any intelligent person.

What he supports has, at this point in time, nothing to do with the parade. You don't know why he did what he did. Speculation is not fact.

LOL try telling him the earth ain't flat.

I'm starting to believe he was grown on a graham cracker in a petri dish.

He's a hard core OCD troll. Like Loktard, except not as good by a long shot.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.

Let's say this is true. What does it have to do with what happened in Waukesha?

It shows the perp supported racist black supremacist groups. I thought that would be obvious to any intelligent person.

What he supports has, at this point in time, nothing to do with the parade. You don't know why he did what he did. Speculation is not fact.

LOL try telling him the earth ain't flat.

I'm starting to believe he was grown on a graham cracker in a petri dish.

He's a hard core OCD troll. Like Loktard, except not as good by a long shot.

I sincerely wonder if he's on the spectrum.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.

Let's say this is true. What does it have to do with what happened in Waukesha?

It shows the perp supported racist black supremacist groups. I thought that would be obvious to any intelligent person.

What he supports has, at this point in time, nothing to do with the parade. You don't know why he did what he did. Speculation is not fact.

LOL try telling him the earth ain't flat.

I'm starting to believe he was grown on a graham cracker in a petri dish.

He's a hard core OCD troll. Like Loktard, except not as good by a long shot.

I sincerely wonder if he's on the spectrum.

I wouldn't be surprised, but prolly not too high.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
About the racist hate group (as classified by SPLC) The New Black Panther Party, which the mass killer loved so much.

Let's say this is true. What does it have to do with what happened in Waukesha?

It shows the perp supported racist black supremacist groups. I thought that would be obvious to any intelligent person.

What he supports has, at this point in time, nothing to do with the parade. You don't know why he did what he did. Speculation is not fact.

EXCLUSIVE: Darrell Brooks Belongs to Black Supremacist Sect of Islam Called ‘The Five Percent Nation’, He Committed Vehicular Jihad


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Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

I think you relish these types of tragedies. You clearly use it as porn.

He's clearly got some sort of unhealthy obsession with this shit.

I don't know how he can perform all the jobs he claims to have when he spends 18 hours a day "researching" these insane incidents and "covering" them here for us. I hope BF is paying him well for all his hard work.

The more you qhine the more I am posting. It is nice to see you foaming at the mouth upset that truthful on topic information is being shared. Suck it up, snowflake.

You are the most boring person at this forum. You make Joe look exciting. Do you know how hard that is?

This coming from the most hated person ever.

I've logged in this morning to over 40 notifications, mostly all neg reps from you.

LMAO, has your seething butthurt settled down yet or are you still causing tremors in your ghetto hood by furiously hopping up and down on the spot?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Sigh.. I'm going to try to give Lilly the benefit of the doubt here. It's hard, because she pretty much spelled it out :( Maybe there is an explanation?.. She does have a grandchild and just doesn't seem that she would wish harm on children in the name of politics.. I don't know her well enough. I'm truly curious?
Just remember one thing. Liberal scum will always try to tell you your own eyes are lying to you when the facts are right there in black and white

you saw what you saw and that's the real her. It's why she's so universally hated

Once upon a time Dovey and I tried to defend her too until the sickening stench of her foulness became too much for us to bear.

Never forget, she also won "Most Racist" at SG, even outdoing Lokmar!

She'd also win the "Most Hated" award too, I'm sure...

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
@Lily , did you really mean what you said? That it was karma?

This was a family parade. Children should never be at protests so I don’t see how the two even compute?

What don't you understand about my explanations in other posts? We should never celebrate death and violence, it begets death and violence. It's all evil.

Did I say it in a trollish way to piss off the people that have been jizzing all over the place because of the Rittenhouse verdict? Well, yes.

So the reason for your melty last night is because you've been fully exposed as a hateful slob.

Seethe and cope, Chubzilla.
Last edited:

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I too would have given you a gold medal for this if you hadn't cut down someone's occupation.. Kind of cheapened everything else you said :/ sigh.

I agree. It probably did. And, believe it or not, I thought of editing out that paragraph before clicking the Post Reply button.

But here's some context, Rave: Scouse and I have been razzing each other for years now. Him about my crossdressing and my airs of intellectual superiority, me about his fascism and his work as a bouncer. It's nothing new and we're both adult enough to recognize it for the sometimes mean-spirited but usually light-hearted banter it is. He'll survive the prod. Just as I'll survive his.

And I'll let you in on a secret: I don't actually own any wigs.

Just don't tell Scouse.

I also notice that only left leaners get called out for our behavior. Aryan is one of the most vile posters at this forum next to Joo.

Any moar hilarious chapped ass to display?
