

Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.
Hmmmmmmm…I was there back in history too. Most of you forget that.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
And before I go and play CoD with my kids;

Dovid.Moron. Perpetual skid mark of this community;

You need to stop the act and being so overbearing with your nausea victim identifying bullshit. You do not know what that kids going thru nor are you anybody to talk about toxic people when you are the most toxic person you know.

Give that kid his space and let him figure out what’s best for him. Not your loopy diagnosis because your some second rate junkie who thinks fixing one problem is solved by starting another. That’s your endless loop.

The kid is binge drinking because there’s something wrong with his head. Did you even read what he posted? The part where he wants his space? He’s young. Many ppl his age feel the exact same way and do the exact same thing. That doesn’t make them some blubbering idiot who needs prescription pills, it means they’re finding out who they are.

See, that’s the problem with ppl like you. You think you know it all when the best thing somebody actually needs to do for him is one damn thing;


Anything I said is irrelevant to the fact I actually listened to the kid. And unlike you, I actually understand where he’s coming from. And because I understand where he’s coming from, I really don’t think he needs all this doctor and drugs bullshit. He just needs to find himself and start with a blank page. And in a couple months, he ain’t even gonna remember all this bullshit.

And to be completely honest with you, the only thing interesting about you were your heroin stories, only because I could never comprehend a mother putting herself out there like that so selfishly. At least when I was binge drinking, my kids were well taken care of and I still put them first. Can you say the same? Don’t answer that because I know the answer (wink wink)

So save your victim gatekeeping drivel for somebody who actually cares. I’m not willing to throw some confused kid into statisticsville or tell him drinking is worse then prescription pills when one of those evils he can control himself where as the other only works until a doctor stops writing a script for it. Suboxone is a nasty fucking drug to be dependent upon and chances are that shits gonna alter who he is as a human being more so then drinking ever will.

But then again, I don’t play a fucking nurse on a message board.

(Mic dropped)

P.S- you look like one of the Keebler elf’s in your AV pic.

That’s really not a burn, it’s just the truth.

The sad reality is more ppl are sick of Dovids narcissistic diatribes in this community then let on only because her fucking justifying why she’s right meltdowns pillage bandwidth like an army of drunken Vikings. The fact she hasn’t posted as many recently says this community might have some hope for a brighter tomorrow then forecasted.

She’s everything she accuses others of being. Why not ask Murdoch? You know, her friend for umpteen years who got sick of defending a stupid narcissist. Or Flea, who’s only on good terms because she knows Dovid will blabber all her personal shit online at a drop of a hat?

Oh wait, that’s what I do, right? The same guy who had access to everyone’s IP’s here and knows what to do with them yet hasn’t done fuck all with any of it. Whoops

Sorry, I don’t play a victim online for attention, nor do I spin narratives to pigeon hole somebody going thru a tough time and using alcohol to escape as some means to push some stupid agenda that suboxone, a drug known for its dependency, is somehow better then weening yourself off booze. Sorry. I’ll give a kid the benefit of the doubt that he’s a better person just going thru a tough time then telling him “no, you poor thing, just make it to Monday” like he has no self control and is just some animal because from her addiction experiences that was how low she was willing to go.

My gf is 27. Isn’t Shampain younger then her? She went thru her drinking phase and that shit stopped the second she got secure with herself as a person and let go of all the bullshit from her past and is now rather successful. Not once did I ever tell her “omg Airy you need an intervention and some shelp that’s going to damage my credit feeding you prescription pills because your fucked in the head”. I listened to what she had to say. I let her make her mistakes, and let her come to grips with the shit that was making her act like that instead of telling her she needs some fucking film to place under her tongue and only then will everything be ok. Fuck that. I stuck by her cuz that’s what friends do.

Suboxone is fucked up. It’s mind altering shit that changes a person. It fucks with your head, your hair, and your teeth. It should be a last resort type of thing and no offense, I don’t think some confused kid needs to all in himself when he’s just a kid. We were all like him at his age with the exception we didn’t have all the cop outs and excuses kids today have.

We just dealt with it.
Dude, I'm killing myself with painkillers because I need opiods not booze, I've took a shitload of tramadol, nurofen plus and nearly 60 pregabalin this week, I need intervention that's why I'm going to get on suboxone on Monday... It's benzos and nurofen plus I'm popping today, I'm totally dry from booze... Just thought I'd clear that up, dovey never mentioned suboxone to me, I told her I wanted on it... Can you and Dovey ever make peace?
Well, I was under the assumption it was an alcohol thing. I’m not a drug guy so I have no clue what you are going thru but here’s to your recovery. I would truly hope there’s a better alternative then suboxone out there for you as I’ve known somebody who was dependent on it at a time and they wernt the same person after they took it and once they stopped getting it their brain turned to mush. You just might be having a mid life crisis. Buy a corvette and date 20 year olds and see if that helps.

As for Dovid, I don’t have a problem with her. I think she’s an idiot but I thought she was an idiot way before the summer of Poofer. I hardly acknowledge her unless she pulls her over bearing victim bullshit. There’s better advice out there then anything she says.

I got no reason to lie, I’m not sticking around. (Shrugs)
I've never had a problem with drugs before either so we'll see what happens...
20 year olds are too young for me, far too yappy, maybe 25 yo olds lol
I just bought a two year old Jag SUV but it's hardly a pussy magnet lol
Why are you not sticking around and just join in with the shit posting and fights? There's no other boards that are better with decent members is there?
Kiwi and the CoD forum.

It’s just on both you have to understand what your getting into. The CoD forum your going to get doxxed over petty shit where as kiwi is more focused on pointing out internet cows for what they are. Both always have at least 100 ppl on it at all times (the CoD forum never dips under 500) but both are pretty much fine and dash for a quick laugh.

If this place had more members it would be fun. The same ppl saying the same shit every day isn’t fun.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You, me, Regan, Flynn, Blurt and I could throw in Flea... she's had her moments.
You’re delusional ol’ lady. Utterly insane! :LOL3:

Any so called "adult" male who posts poo pictures on the net is a complete retard... just so you know, as KM said, nobody cares about you... fuck off child.
I never uploaded those poo pics on the net? It came at a surprise to you and I both. Kevin is an idiot and doesn’t compare to me. I have achieved more in life than the both of you combined. And trust me…it was an easy feat!

You post pictures of poo on the net... you are nothing more than a fucked up infant who never grew up. If you were my son, I'd fucking die of embarrassment.
I post shitting gif for shitty posts. I’m sorry that you haven’t yet grasped that concept. Call it “flaming” if you will…

PS: have you worked out your smart TV yet?



Domestically feral
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United states
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

The only person that can call me their ex is Big.

If youd like to imagine that I'm a participant in the summer of Poofer forum saga feel free. I dont require outside opinions on a situation that took place three years ago off the internet.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

The only person that can call me their ex is Big.

If youd like to imagine that I'm a participant in the summer of Poofer forum saga feel free. I dont require outside opinions on a situation that took place three years ago off the internet.
I really need to sleep, but I had to have one last laugh. Poofer! Lolololololol…sounds like poofter!
:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:


Philosopher King
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West Coast
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

The only person that can call me their ex is Big.

If youd like to imagine that I'm a participant in the summer of Poofer forum saga feel free. I dont require outside opinions on a situation that took place three years ago off the internet.

Evidently you've read something into my post that I didn't say nor intend to say. That happens frequently.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.
So lemme get this straight….

You mean to say the girl hero’d herself after being with a noseless guy?

That’s some heavy shit. Da fuck you do to that poor thing? And I’m not talking about your nose.

I could imagine the depression that poor girl had to cope with going on blind dates and when the guy asked her to tell him about her last bf the first words out her mouth were “well, he had a concave face”.

Seriously, Peaches, how many times have you stuck a glob of wet clay into your face bussy and layed down on a merry go round like a life size pottery wheel where the artist would craft a nose little, spin, little more, spin, little more, spin, etc?


Domestically feral
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United states
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

The only person that can call me their ex is Big.

If youd like to imagine that I'm a participant in the summer of Poofer forum saga feel free. I dont require outside opinions on a situation that took place three years ago off the internet.
I really need to sleep, but I had to have one last laugh. Poofer! Lolololololol…sounds like poofter!
:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

It's funny how I've never actually even told this story at all and there are still people who dont "buy my *insert word here*".

All I did when I realized this was going to be a public internet fight whether I wanted it or not was TRY to insert humor into it. That's IT.

But I've never hopped up on here and shared the whole tale outside of comments I was pressed into making.

People are fucking weird and funny like that. Comments like his are exactly why I've never even bothered. People will believe what they want often based on how they feel about your forum presence.

I never wanted anyone to feel compelled or convinced to "believe my side" or not. Anyone who wants to believe hateful shit will and who needs those people in their "corner"? I dont. People worth any of my effort are able to see things clearly for what they are without any help from me.

I'll never stand in anyones way on this one lol. Some love the dramas.


Domestically feral
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United states
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

The only person that can call me their ex is Big.

If youd like to imagine that I'm a participant in the summer of Poofer forum saga feel free. I dont require outside opinions on a situation that took place three years ago off the internet.

Evidently you've read something into my post that I didn't say nor intend to say. That happens frequently.



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Oh save your “hateful comments sniff, sniff” bullshit, Dovid. Nobody hates you.

I was flaming you way before you slid into my DM’s at SG, so don’t act like just because I stuck my dick in you I can’t flame you now.

Just because I don’t want to associate with you irl doesnt mean you have some immunity on a message board. And just because your an idiot doesn’t mean pointing it out is off limits- you were an idiot day one in this community.

Merry Christmas Dovey.



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
And Joo and Reggie Essent can flame too.
No they can’t

Well, I beg to differ. They have their style, you have yours. I am talking about an ability to match. Joo has contested many matches in bygone years although these days he is a just common spammer.
90% of the drivel on this forum is spam.

And btw, I have this great idea for the match that I’m going to need some chops for;

“Blandscape goes to the proctologist for a Covid test”


Factory Bastard
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Nah, that isn't FLAMING... insulting and flaming are two different things.

Because the elite left or died, real flaming took a hit.

Don't mix flaming with insulting or trolling.

But there are at least 5 good flamers here... BF has lucked out.

The whole flaming "community" thang has become creepy. Flaming is not a really a viable internet career, it's like spending all day posting snarky Youtube comments hoping it leads to a writing gig on SNL.

The only one who still takes that shit as serious as a heart attack is Blandscape.

And look what he's become, a forum buffoon who was sporting a huge boner at the thought of having a 5 on 5 "match".

He was obviously sniffing magic markers these last few days with all his talk about "content" and "flaming prowess". Yet, when was the last time he has written anything more than pages and pages of hyperactive texting. That gay erotica 2 part story at Turd Fail about Bra1in and Sinister that made you gag like years ago. Exactly.

This guy supposedly got a invite direct from Bastard factory, by way of telegram, to post at this forum, but he has yet to deliver anything but mindless post count.

Geeze, enough with the word soup and post up some audio or draw a potato with some crayons and post that, anything would be better than bragging about his vainglorious non achievements on the "troll" boards.


Domestically feral
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United states
You, me, Regan, Flynn, Blurt and I could throw in Flea... she's had her moments.

Delusional..... you're basically just listing people who you like.

There really isnt much objective standards or clear "rules" or expectations or anything. It is whatever an individual expects...I guess.

I just like to amuse my own self and occasionally chuckle at the whole notion that it's some textual sport. Clearly the flamers shared something very specail to them and the least we could do is be sensitive towards it lol.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
You, me, Regan, Flynn, Blurt and I could throw in Flea... she's had her moments.

Delusional..... you're basically just listing people who you like.

Most of them at one time I wanted them dead, not Blurt but most of them tho.

You're not part of it. You have no history with us.

Nor do I want any, the vast majority of you BH/FT mongs are relics who think "flaming" online is some kind of noble activity.

I mean organised flaming contests ffs, it's doesn't get any more tragic than that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Regan it is indeed sad flame contests finished when 3rd Rail finished. Too bad the regs here are talentless. We could have dusted off and resumed where we left off.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You, me, Regan, Flynn, Blurt and I could throw in Flea... she's had her moments.

Delusional..... you're basically just listing people who you like.

There really isnt much objective standards or clear "rules" or expectations or anything. It is whatever an individual expects...I guess.

I just like to amuse my own self and occasionally chuckle at the whole notion that it's some textual sport. Clearly the flamers shared something very specail to them and the least we could do is be sensitive towards it lol.

They can suck my Aryan plums as far as I'm concerned!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Drinking water fixes a hangover.
Are you actually trying to be nice for a change?
I’m nice all the time.

I have no clue wtf you were drinking, but 8oz of water to every 2oz of alcohol will keep you from getting hung over.

Hell, slam a gallon of water with a handful of ibuprofen before you sleep will stop a hangover. You might still be drunk when you wake up depending on how much you drank, but it beats being hung over.

wtf were you drinking?
I can't remember, anything I could get, vodka, beer, whiskey, wine... I was fucking killing myself quick...
You wernt “killing” yourself, you were just binge drinking the hard way.

I don’t think you are an alcoholic, if you were, you wouldn’t be here, you’d be drinking. As somebody who has bartended over 20 years, I can tell you first hand an alcoholic doesn’t care about anything but drinking. To ppl who talk about how their parents were alcoholics, congrats, your parents didn’t give a fuck about you.

From my experience, alcoholics sit at the end of the bar and drink. They’re not looking at their phones, and they might chit chat here and there,
Weird? seems to me that I could actually get along with martini??

Uh, no.

Recovery test 1. Learn who the toxic people are and do not be "friends" with them.

(Anyone trying to tell you to consume a substance you know is problematic to you, and telling you that you DONT have a problem with it when you know you do).

Martini just said literally everything an addicts inner voice tells them when they are justifying using anything. Alcohol is a terrible addiction. One that he himself had an issue with.....and kinda sounds relapsey here.

Here is your test. Replace alcohol with heroin and pretend he is talking to me. If that sounds bad.....well, that's because it is. Terrible advice. Dont take it seriously

Just get to Monday so you can talk to that nurse and get started on your medical detox.
Ok, Karen.

Im sorry, I have a little more faith in the guy then a fucking basket case like you.

You, are a junkie. He, is binge drinking. There’s a complete difference. Don’t try and couple yourself with the shit you did with a kid who’s young enough to learn from what he’s done.

As somebody who knows the difference between binge drinking and alcoholism, no offense, your pea brained junkie mind has little to offer in this situation.

You, used heroin. I was a binge drinker. One is not like the other. Somebody binge drinking is doing it for a reason other then to get high. YOU, we’re chasing dragons because you were selfish enough to say fuck it to everything else to get your fix.

We are not the same

Shamp is 40 fucking years old....ffs lol

And did I say you and I were the SAME somewhere? Did you read that somehow?

IM not the one saying stupid shit "der there is a difference between binge eating pain killers and being a junkie" .....because there isn't. I've heard this same "logic" from my alcoholic....oh sorry...."binge drinking" mother for decades who was just a "binge drinker" not a real "alcoholic" lol.

We are never gonna be the same, P. I dont think it's cute that you are telling someone who is at the point where they are openly admitting they have a problem(on the internet, where it's probably worse irl than what they chose to share btw) that they dont.....and calling upon some authority you imagine you have as a bartender who legit makes money off people drinking. I wouldnt feel some sense of pride if I convinced a struggling person to do something harmful like you would.

So no we ain't the same.

And look at Lily digging your maliscious posts because she dislikes me so much she will legit respond positively to your very obvious attempts to drag someone into a gutter by telling them alcohol isnt actually hurting them. Fucking sad. Hence why I wont associate privately with either of you.

That's fine I got all the "you arent a real addict" circular logic from some people too. If Shamp is smart and dead set to get healthy he will disregard this dry drunk idiocy.
See, dumbass, this is where you have a hard time not blurring the lines.

Your mother is an alcoholic. She didn’t give a fuck about you. You’ve basically said as much countless times. You are trying to correlate your experience with your mom to the shit Shampain is going thru because that’s what you know.

I, on the other hand, was a binge drinker who was drinking to forget the shit that was going on at the time. Which sounds a lot more similar to the shit he’s going thru. And now with the revelation he’s 40 instead of the assumption he was a kid, that further makes my point more logical.

The guy needs a reset, not an intervention. He can do more for himself by himself then having some doctor throw some shit at him and telling him to swallow it. He clearly stated he wanted his own space, that in itself is healing. He sees he has a problem, and I also said if it took suboxone for him to be a better person, good luck. So again, you jumping to conclusions like the communities house of pain is just more victim breeding on your behalf.

Pack it up and pack it in, Dovid.
Your biggest mistake here, is making it so public. You carry on like a man-child! Grow the fuck up idiot!

He has so much to say about me and I have no interest in any of it. Same repetitive and bitter garbage.

It's just sad. Every few months he pops in and repeats himself for a few days and dips out.

Narcissists never stop holding grudges and never reach any points of indifference and they always assume their "target" has the same energy over it as they do. Such a sensitive trigger. They never just let it go and act normal, they dont know how.

So textual tantrums aside my stance and advice stands and it's a good learning moment. Recovery is more and deeper than simple abstinence. And disregard anyone who would try to tell you that your problem isnt real - they dont have your best interest in mind AND odds are good they have a heap of their own issues that you dont want to inflict on yourself.
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

How did "Hey.....Martinis advice here is terrible. Here is a better way to think about this" turn into "hey Martini....I'd like to see another several paragraphs worth of your angry opinions about me as a person that youve already shared unsolicited at least 100 times" ?

Because I sure the fuck didnt express an interest in any of that lmao.

Fucking hell. I mean thanks for demonstrating why the source of that bad advice isnt credible. Lol.
Anyone who "takes" advice of any kind from a 50 year old tard who rides a bus, doesn't pay child support and plays video games all day needs to have their own heads examined and probably should be taking his advice to their own peril anyway

I wouldn't let that imbecile tell me what time of day it is

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
@Regan it is indeed sad flame contests finished when 3rd Rail finished. Too bad the regs here are talentless. We could have dusted off and resumed where we left off.

I think it’s hilarious how Blandscape prances around here like he’s some flame God :LOL3: He’s nothing but a corny old Jew like Twap
He's the amazingsting of the current era

it's sad

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
@Regan it is indeed sad flame contests finished when 3rd Rail finished. Too bad the regs here are talentless. We could have dusted off and resumed where we left off.

I think it’s hilarious how Blandscape prances around here like he’s some flame God :LOL3: He’s nothing but a corny old Jew like Twap
He's the amazingsting of the current era

it's sad

Fucked up part is, Sting is more entertaining :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh save your “hateful comments sniff, sniff” bullshit, Dovid. Nobody hates you.

I was flaming you way before you slid into my DM’s at SG, so don’t act like just because I stuck my dick in you I can’t flame you now.

Just because I don’t want to associate with you irl doesnt mean you have some immunity on a message board. And just because your an idiot doesn’t mean pointing it out is off limits- you were an idiot day one in this community.

Merry Christmas Dovey.


"Sniff sniff"?

Poofer.... observing your vile comments as hateful and ridiculous doesnt require emotional investment.

Please stop seeing feelings that are not there. That's been your biggest error from the beginning.

And while I'm pleased to see that your angry diatribes will finally be confined to the internet where they've always belonged.....I'll decide what I'm "immune to" and respond when/if I feel like it.

I'm not going to be entertaining any of this nonsense or "flaming" from you that you hope will suck me into some redundant personal shit flinging fest that I'm not interested in reading or participating in.

Hopefully you can find some "immunity" against taking every exchange as some green light to rehash all the reasons why blah blah fucking blah. If you had an appropriate level of empathy youd understand how fucking creepy you continue to make it.

Merry Christmas. We will all be waiting on the edge of our seats for the inevitable list of all the ways you wasted thousands of imaginary dollars on gifts for your kids because materialism fills your throbbing void. Better known as man pussy. Slam that bussy.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
@Regan it is indeed sad flame contests finished when 3rd Rail finished. Too bad the regs here are talentless. We could have dusted off and resumed where we left off.

I think it’s hilarious how Blandscape prances around here like he’s some flame God :LOL3: He’s nothing but a corny old Jew like Twap
He's the amazingsting of the current era

it's sad

Fucked up part is, Sting is more entertaining :LOL3:
and more concise ...

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I mean organised flaming contests ffs, it's doesn't get any more tragic than that.

Says Simple Simon who has never contested in're a nobody skeered of Jews of all

See this is exactly what I'm talking about, you faggots genuinely care about your e-rep and want others to recognise your supposed "flaming prowess".

It's sad as fuck, to be perfectly honest.

Especially in your case, when you get your fat ass verbally pummelled around the board on a daily basis and still hilariously regard yourself as some witty wordsmith who slays everyone with cutting retorts.

Like I said, utterly delusional.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I mean organised flaming contests ffs, it's doesn't get any more tragic than that.

Says Simple Simon who has never contested in're a nobody skeered of Jews of all

See this is exactly what I'm talking about, you faggots genuinely care about your e-rep and want others to recognise your supposed "flaming prowess".

It's sad as fuck, to be perfectly honest.

Especially in your case, when you get your fat ass verbally pummelled around the board on a daily basis and still hilariously regard yourself as some witty wordsmith who slays everyone with cutting retorts.

Like I said, utterly delusional.

^^^^^^ :Crazy:^^^^^^