Here are Some Interesting Articles


...for those who think that in a Liberal society that freedom means one can do as you please w/o regard for the rights of their countrymen. You know, if everyone was conscientious, and thoughtful, then I suppose we would not require so many, maybe any, laws. But since the selfish (conservatives) commonly disregard the rights that they themselves claim to hold dear -so long as it applies to them - they are necessary.
Can a person be criminally charged with spreading communicable diseases?

In that immortal werd of Sarah Pallin's....Eubetcha.

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No one has a right to say what I put into my body or what medical care i chose.

You have two very dem/prog bias bullshit sources that you are manipulating.

First off the bill in NY means you cannot intentionally and directly expose people to disease. You purposely coughing on them, or having sex without informing them about your HIV status.

It DOESNT mean that you can be forced to get a vaccine that DOESNT EVEN STOP YOU FROM SPREADING IT.

You have such an authoritarian boner that you dont even understand facts. You are so giddy over the idea of YOUR "side" being able to control people to coerce and force them to make the decisions YOU want them to make that you dont even realize your argument fails upon the FACT that vaccinated people can still spread Covid.

The only benefit to getting it is to the individual.

You look stupid AF trying to twist the meaning of liberal into something that is the OPPOSITE of liberal.

You should consider moving to China since their CCP is more to your liking than a Constitutional Republic that honors the rights and liberties of individuals. You think individual rights are so evil and you wanna live in some fucking collectivist crap hole.....leave Americans to being American and go ge a communist somewhere set up for that.

No one buys this Orwellian bullshit where you call slavery liberty.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
No one has a right to say what I put into my body or what medical care i chose.

You have two very dem/prog bias bullshit sources that you are manipulating.

First off the bill in NY means you cannot intentionally and directly expose people to disease. You purposely coughing on them, or having sex without informing them about your HIV status.

It DOESNT mean that you can be forced to get a vaccine that DOESNT EVEN STOP YOU FROM SPREADING IT.

You have such an authoritarian boner that you dont even understand facts. You are so giddy over the idea of YOUR "side" being able to control people to coerce and force them to make the decisions YOU want them to make that you dont even realize your argument fails upon the FACT that vaccinated people can still spread Covid.

The only benefit to getting it is to the individual.

You look stupid AF trying to twist the meaning of liberal into something that is the OPPOSITE of liberal.

You should consider moving to China since their CCP is more to your liking than a Constitutional Republic.
What are you wearing?


No one has a right to say what I put into my body or what medical care i chose.

You have two very dem/prog bias bullshit sources that you are manipulating.

First off the bill in NY means you cannot intentionally and directly expose people to disease. You purposely coughing on them, or having sex without informing them about your HIV status.

It DOESNT mean that you can be forced to get a vaccine that DOESNT EVEN STOP YOU FROM SPREADING IT.

You have such an authoritarian boner that you dont even understand facts. You are so giddy over the idea of YOUR "side" being able to control people to coerce and force them to make the decisions YOU want them to make that you dont even realize your argument fails upon the FACT that vaccinated people can still spread Covid.

The only benefit to getting it is to the individual.

You look stupid AF trying to twist the meaning of liberal into something that is the OPPOSITE of liberal.

You should consider moving to China since their CCP is more to your liking than a Constitutional Republic.
What are you wearing?
Got to change my sox - Kennel Dog #1 slobber. :LOL3:


No one has a right to say what I put into my body or what medical care i chose.

You have two very dem/prog bias bullshit sources that you are manipulating.

First off the bill in NY means you cannot intentionally and directly expose people to disease. You purposely coughing on them, or having sex without informing them about your HIV status.

It DOESNT mean that you can be forced to get a vaccine that DOESNT EVEN STOP YOU FROM SPREADING IT.

You have such an authoritarian boner that you dont even understand facts. You are so giddy over the idea of YOUR "side" being able to control people to coerce and force them to make the decisions YOU want them to make that you dont even realize your argument fails upon the FACT that vaccinated people can still spread Covid.

The only benefit to getting it is to the individual.

You look stupid AF trying to twist the meaning of liberal into something that is the OPPOSITE of liberal.

You should consider moving to China since their CCP is more to your liking than a Constitutional Republic.
What are you wearing?
You think I should, in the context of this thread, point out that anarchy is not Liberalism, and that there was a good reason why the nations of Europe hunted down all-a-those "freedumb" loving anarchists in the 19th century?



Post something stupid and ignorant, get told, and go full dumbass.
Have you considered posting less stupid and ignorant things?
Of course I suppose in light of the Covid19 issue it could be pointed out that no one has been forced to accept a vaccine (anyone in jail for not being vaxxed?). Even the recent efforts in congress were either/or proposals, the exception being in the medical arena where vax mandates already exist as they do in schools for several other transmissible diseases.
...and so private businesses have instituted their own mandates as businesses have in all the history of business - You want to work for me you follow these rule, and/or
You want to patronize my business, you follow my rules.

PS: but don't try to explain that to a conservative because they are WEEEE-TODD-ED.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

Post something stupid and ignorant, get told, and go full dumbass.
Have you considered posting less stupid and ignorant things?
Of course I suppose in light of the Covid19 issue it could be pointed out that no one has been forced to accept a vaccine (anyone in jail for not being vaxxed?). Even the recent efforts in congress were either/or proposals, the exception being in the medical arena where vax mandates already exist as they do in schools for several other transmissible diseases.
...and so private businesses have instituted their own mandates as business have in all the history of business - You want to work for me you follow these rule, and/or
You want to patronize my business, you follow my rules.

PS: but don't try to explain that to a conservative because they are WEEEE-TODD-ED.
Jamie Dimon The CEO of the Largest Bank* In American is ready to fire unvaxxed employees

*Banks are one of Adam Smiths 3 corners of Capitalism.

As is Nike, and scores of other large corporations. Healthy Employees are not a partisan issue for Corporate America.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Post something stupid and ignorant, get told, and go full dumbass.
Have you considered posting less stupid and ignorant things?

Have you consider that it's actually you who are the stupid and ignorant one?

Grow a set, address what I said that you think os wrong and correct it.

We both know you cant and this is the TYPICAL doubling down on bullshit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Post something stupid and ignorant, get told, and go full dumbass.
Have you considered posting less stupid and ignorant things?
Of course I suppose in light of the Covid19 issue it could be pointed out that no one has been forced to accept a vaccine (anyone in jail for not being vaxxed?). Even the recent efforts in congress were either/or proposals, the exception being in the medical arena where vax mandates already exist as they do in schools for several other transmissible diseases.
...and so private businesses have instituted their own mandates as business have in all the history of business - You want to work for me you follow these rule, and/or
You want to patronize my business, you follow my rules.

PS: but don't try to explain that to a conservative because they are WEEEE-TODD-ED.
Jamie Dimon The CEO of the Largest Bank* In American is ready to fire unvaxxed employees

*Banks are one of Adam Smiths 3 corners of Capitalism.

As is Nike, and scores of other large corporations. Healthy Employees are not a partisan issue for Corporate America.

So you are saying corporatists are on your side?

***gasp*** you DONT SAY?!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Post something stupid and ignorant, get told, and go full dumbass.
Have you considered posting less stupid and ignorant things?
Of course I suppose in light of the Covid19 issue it could be pointed out that no one has been forced to accept a vaccine (anyone in jail for not being vaxxed?). Even the recent efforts in congress were either/or proposals, the exception being in the medical arena where vax mandates already exist as they do in schools for several other transmissible diseases.
...and so private businesses have instituted their own mandates as businesses have in all the history of business - You want to work for me you follow these rule, and/or
You want to patronize my business, you follow my rules.

PS: but don't try to explain that to a conservative because they are WEEEE-TODD-ED.

Well you also dont understand what it looks like or what coercion is.

So there is that.

The GOVERNMENT trying to force business to force employees at the threat of being fired is called "coercion"

A business owner making a decision to require vaccines is perfectly fine. No one argues that. With a NEW vaccine? It ethically should only apply to new hires like every other policy.

And again, the vaccine doesnt stop you from spreading it so your whole premise is false.

You are the fucking retard here. A manipulative retard.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No one has a right to say what I put into my body or what medical care i chose.

You have two very dem/prog bias bullshit sources that you are manipulating.

First off the bill in NY means you cannot intentionally and directly expose people to disease. You purposely coughing on them, or having sex without informing them about your HIV status.

It DOESNT mean that you can be forced to get a vaccine that DOESNT EVEN STOP YOU FROM SPREADING IT.

You have such an authoritarian boner that you dont even understand facts. You are so giddy over the idea of YOUR "side" being able to control people to coerce and force them to make the decisions YOU want them to make that you dont even realize your argument fails upon the FACT that vaccinated people can still spread Covid.

The only benefit to getting it is to the individual.

You look stupid AF trying to twist the meaning of liberal into something that is the OPPOSITE of liberal.

You should consider moving to China since their CCP is more to your liking than a Constitutional Republic.
What are you wearing?

A MAGA jumpsuit and a Karen name tag.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
No one has a right to say what I put into my body or what medical care i chose.

You have two very dem/prog bias bullshit sources that you are manipulating.

First off the bill in NY means you cannot intentionally and directly expose people to disease. You purposely coughing on them, or having sex without informing them about your HIV status.

It DOESNT mean that you can be forced to get a vaccine that DOESNT EVEN STOP YOU FROM SPREADING IT.

You have such an authoritarian boner that you dont even understand facts. You are so giddy over the idea of YOUR "side" being able to control people to coerce and force them to make the decisions YOU want them to make that you dont even realize your argument fails upon the FACT that vaccinated people can still spread Covid.

The only benefit to getting it is to the individual.

You look stupid AF trying to twist the meaning of liberal into something that is the OPPOSITE of liberal.

You should consider moving to China since their CCP is more to your liking than a Constitutional Republic.
What are you wearing?

A MAGA jumpsuit and a Karen name tag.
You posted more than twice in a row. Admong tends to shit in his adult diapers when people do that


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No one has a right to say what I put into my body or what medical care i chose.

You have two very dem/prog bias bullshit sources that you are manipulating.

First off the bill in NY means you cannot intentionally and directly expose people to disease. You purposely coughing on them, or having sex without informing them about your HIV status.

It DOESNT mean that you can be forced to get a vaccine that DOESNT EVEN STOP YOU FROM SPREADING IT.

You have such an authoritarian boner that you dont even understand facts. You are so giddy over the idea of YOUR "side" being able to control people to coerce and force them to make the decisions YOU want them to make that you dont even realize your argument fails upon the FACT that vaccinated people can still spread Covid.

The only benefit to getting it is to the individual.

You look stupid AF trying to twist the meaning of liberal into something that is the OPPOSITE of liberal.

You should consider moving to China since their CCP is more to your liking than a Constitutional Republic.
What are you wearing?

A MAGA jumpsuit and a Karen name tag.
You posted more than twice in a row. Admong tends to shit in his adult diapers when people do that

I know they dont actually listen to fuck all I'm saying either. So I really dont know why I bother.

They decided a long time ago what negative opinions to plaster to me since I dont agree with them, I'm a dumb evil peice of bigot shit and they dont hear a thing.

It's so foreign to me dealing with this. Could you imagine treating people like that? Like just because they have a stance you dont like and clearly dont even understand?

I need to accept they just view us like an actual legit racist views a black person and not even bother. The country is completely fucked anyway and it's not as if getting them to understand fuck all is gonna stop the fact the country is fucked. It's not like this is socail media where readers are watching.

Usually people like this just send me rape and death threats on socail media and I block them as I encounter them.

Left wing anti theists especially are psychotic. They are the only ones who ever genuinely scared me. They are always the ones with the most violence in their minds. I had one literally tell me I should be raped until I'm half dead and then burnt too death.

I should post some of the messages.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I know they dont actually listen to fuck all I'm saying either. So I really dont know why I bother.

I don't know why you bother either. they're fucking maggots swirling around in toilet and here you are trying to reason with them like they're capable of suddenly transforming into bright human beings