This economy is killing me!!!!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I don't care what people spend their money on. I really don't. It has no bearing on my life. I just disagreed with your premise that thinking about how one spends one's money is a bad idea.

I will take "Things I never said for $1000 Alex!"

Leaker, you cannot last more than a post or two without resorting to lies and deceit.

So, so dishonest...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I don't care what people spend their money on. I really don't. It has no bearing on my life. I just disagreed with your premise that thinking about how one spends one's money is a bad idea.

I will take "Things I never said for $1000 Alex!"

Leaker, you cannot last more than a post or two without resorting to lies and deceit.

So, so dishonest...

STFU, dog fucker. Investing is thinking about how one uses/spends one's money.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Investing is thinking about how one uses/spends one's money.

And I often talk about investing, you small-brained reject.

Now point out what I actually said that led you to believe that I meant investing is a bad idea. Because that sure as fuck is not what I said.

Quote, word-for-word, you useless twit. Show me what has you so confused.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Investing is thinking about how one uses/spends one's money.

And I often talk about investing, you small-brained reject.

Now point out what I actually said that led you to believe that I meant investing is a bad idea. Because that sure as fuck is not what I said.

Quote, word-for-word, you useless twit. Show me what has you so confused.

STFU dog fucker. Go fuck your dog if you want validation.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.
Yeah it's as if they just come on here to let off steam or something... CuNtS!!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I don't care what people spend their money on. I really don't. It has no bearing on my life. I just disagreed with your premise that thinking about how one spends one's money is a bad idea.

I will take "Things I never said for $1000 Alex!"

Leaker, you cannot last more than a post or two without resorting to lies and deceit.

So, so dishonest...

She really cant. Liars suck. And they are always so pissed off.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.
Yeah it's as if they just come on here to let off steam or something... CuNtS!!!

That's way TOO much "steam" for something that stupid, and that meaningless.

If I'm truly the unhinged liar and some slutty scammer (because I get accused of all the exact things they do)....youd think they'd just ignore me.

Nope! Lol. They really think they run me off the boards so they can control the narrative. A narrative no one even fucking cares about.

That's legit how that whole group of drama addicts are. That's why they are always accusing other people of "ruining forums" lol. It gets ruined for them because they want to lie and form cyber gangs against their targets. Its pathetic :D


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.
Yeah it's as if they just come on here to let off steam or something... CuNtS!!!

That's way TOO much "steam" for something that stupid, and that meaningless.

If I'm truly the unhinged liar and some slutty scammer (because I get accused of all the exact things they do)....youd think they'd just ignore me.

Nope! Lol. They really think they run me off the boards so they can control the narrative. A narrative no one even fucking cares about.

That's legit how that whole group of drama addicts are. That's why they are always accusing other people of "ruining forums" lol. It gets ruined for them because they want to lie and form cyber gangs against their targets. Its pathetic :D
Totally SPOT ON!! See the people on here that get on with them, it's all the retards like X... X as a mod lmao


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.
Yeah it's as if they just come on here to let off steam or something... CuNtS!!!

That's way TOO much "steam" for something that stupid, and that meaningless.

If I'm truly the unhinged liar and some slutty scammer (because I get accused of all the exact things they do)....youd think they'd just ignore me.

Nope! Lol. They really think they run me off the boards so they can control the narrative. A narrative no one even fucking cares about.

That's legit how that whole group of drama addicts are. That's why they are always accusing other people of "ruining forums" lol. It gets ruined for them because they want to lie and form cyber gangs against their targets. Its pathetic :D
Totally SPOT ON!! See the people on here that get on with them, it's all the retards like X... X as a mod lmao

Yep. All the drama addicts.

That's what his whole "start a new forum" thing is about. He sees enough people who are irritated by me and Big. Or me or Big. He sees opportunity to start another hate/stalk board.

That's all his last forum was. I was given screen shots of him ranting... like going off....about how he found me on a "government website" and read that I was being evicted :Crazy:

It was basically a secret "slam Dovey" board. So while I was off working on my marriage....that's what his bitter self was doing.

And I wouldnt even be posting about this now if these idiots didnt feel the need to constantly drag it up. Nonstop with that psycho retard Flynn.

A handful of people were really fucking worried and concerned because they were hearing that me and my kids were getting evicted. And this was during Covid lockdowns, so a lot of people were struggling. I showed a few people the Michigan eviction protection thing that showed even if I was not able to pay rent (we were....covid actually made our income go up)...I still would not have been evicted. Evictions were blocked at that time.

It was nasty and stupid and put several people way off. All he has done is made himself look terrible to decent people and attract scum bags like himself.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

LMAO. You spent 30k on guns and ammo? Great investment, NRA tool.

Yeah that @Lokmar should put those weapons to good use and donate them to the Ukraine War Effort. Either that or sell them and contribute the proceeds to the ones fightin' the battle.

this American Ex-soldier came outta retirement ta fight for the cause, puttin' his life on the line.

They need those weapons more than Lokmeer does.

I care way more about myself and my supercar than the Ukrainians. Besides, WTF would they do with my Desert Eagle? I doubt 44 Mag is common over there.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.
That explains a lot. He wants to suck his own dick but cant so he runs over to his twins house for a slurp!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

LMAO. You spent 30k on guns and ammo? Great investment, NRA tool.

Yeah that @Lokmar should put those weapons to good use and donate them to the Ukraine War Effort. Either that or sell them and contribute the proceeds to the ones fightin' the battle.

this American Ex-soldier came outta retirement ta fight for the cause, puttin' his life on the line.

They need those weapons more than Lokmeer does.

I care way more about myself and my supercar than the Ukrainians. Besides, WTF would they do with my Desert Eagle? I doubt 44 Mag is common over there.

Ya gotta walk the walk.

Don't jes talk the talk...Lokmeer!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

LMAO. You spent 30k on guns and ammo? Great investment, NRA tool.

Yeah that @Lokmar should put those weapons to good use and donate them to the Ukraine War Effort. Either that or sell them and contribute the proceeds to the ones fightin' the battle.

this American Ex-soldier came outta retirement ta fight for the cause, puttin' his life on the line.

They need those weapons more than Lokmeer does.

I care way more about myself and my supercar than the Ukrainians. Besides, WTF would they do with my Desert Eagle? I doubt 44 Mag is common over there.

Ya gotta walk the walk.

Don't jes talk the talk...Lokmeer!

I'm walking the walk. I say I'm buying guns and ammo all the time and I do!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Investing is thinking about how one uses/spends one's money.

And I often talk about investing, you small-brained reject.

Now point out what I actually said that led you to believe that I meant investing is a bad idea. Because that sure as fuck is not what I said.

Quote, word-for-word, you useless twit. Show me what has you so confused.

STFU dog fucker. Go fuck your dog if you want validation.
Pwned you. You useless fat fuck :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a serious relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.

More "gas lighting" and more "poor Dovey" stories.

What an absolute attention whore. Everyone now knows it's Dovey that keeps this shit going full fucking circle.

What an idiot.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.

Oh. Look.

More "gas lighting" from the stupid bitch that never wants to talk about this subject EVER again.




Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.


Prove that this is a "shared account."

Even Bastard Factory got in on this and it was proven that this isn't a "shared account."

So. You're now calling Bastard Factory a liar? Which is weird because I also see you trying to kiss his funky ass as well.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.
Yeah it's as if they just come on here to let off steam or something... CuNtS!!!

That's way TOO much "steam" for something that stupid, and that meaningless.

If I'm truly the unhinged liar and some slutty scammer (because I get accused of all the exact things they do)....youd think they'd just ignore me.

Nope! Lol. They really think they run me off the boards so they can control the narrative. A narrative no one even fucking cares about.

That's legit how that whole group of drama addicts are. That's why they are always accusing other people of "ruining forums" lol. It gets ruined for them because they want to lie and form cyber gangs against their targets. Its pathetic :D

More "gas lightining" from you know who.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.
Yeah it's as if they just come on here to let off steam or something... CuNtS!!!

That's way TOO much "steam" for something that stupid, and that meaningless.

If I'm truly the unhinged liar and some slutty scammer (because I get accused of all the exact things they do)....youd think they'd just ignore me.

Nope! Lol. They really think they run me off the boards so they can control the narrative. A narrative no one even fucking cares about.

That's legit how that whole group of drama addicts are. That's why they are always accusing other people of "ruining forums" lol. It gets ruined for them because they want to lie and form cyber gangs against their targets. Its pathetic :D
Totally SPOT ON!! See the people on here that get on with them, it's all the retards like X... X as a mod lmao

Yep. All the drama addicts.

That's what his whole "start a new forum" thing is about. He sees enough people who are irritated by me and Big. Or me or Big. He sees opportunity to start another hate/stalk board.

That's all his last forum was. I was given screen shots of him ranting... like going off....about how he found me on a "government website" and read that I was being evicted :Crazy:

It was basically a secret "slam Dovey" board. So while I was off working on my marriage....that's what his bitter self was doing.

And I wouldnt even be posting about this now if these idiots didnt feel the need to constantly drag it up. Nonstop with that psycho retard Flynn.

A handful of people were really fucking worried and concerned because they were hearing that me and my kids were getting evicted. And this was during Covid lockdowns, so a lot of people were struggling. I showed a few people the Michigan eviction protection thing that showed even if I was not able to pay rent (we were....covid actually made our income go up)...I still would not have been evicted. Evictions were blocked at that time.

It was nasty and stupid and put several people way off. All he has done is made himself look terrible to decent people and attract scum bags like himself.

Could it be? More "gas lighting?"

Not surprised.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

:Crazy: :LOL3:

So there is a lot to unpack here that really doesnt deserve to he unpacked Flynn while you are here obsessing, could you perhaps give YOUR perspective on exactly what "bull shit" and "manipulation" I did to "get to the spot"(the eviction i supposedly had) i was in?

Like how do you bullshit and manipulate yourself into an eviction? You either pay your rent or you dont. There is literally no room for extra steps or any personal interactions of which bullshitting and manipulating can occur. You either pay it or you dont. Shit Poofer knows all about this....doesnt he? Bahahaha.

I swear you wackjobs dont even make sense with your crazy ass blather lol. All anyone has to do is watch you morons spew and they can see how fucking unhinged you people are.

You done did it to yourselves.

Retarded fucking idiots. Lulz.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

:Crazy: :LOL3:

So there is a lot to unpack here that really doesnt deserve to he unpacked Flynn while you are here obsessing, could you perhaps give YOUR perspective on exactly what "bull shit" and "manipulation" I did to "get to the spot"(the eviction i supposedly had) i was in?

Like how do you bullshit and manipulate yourself into an eviction?

I swear you wackjobs dont even make sense with your crazy ass blather lol. All anyone has to do is watch you morons spew and they can see how fucking unhinged you people are.

You done did it to yourselves.

Retarded fucking idiots. Lulz.

More "gas lightining."




Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.
That explains a lot. He wants to suck his own dick but cant so he runs over to his twins house for a slurp!

Why is it always about "dicks" with you and UncleMiLF?

What a fag.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
End of Q1 and I've only made $25K. What a crock of shit! I was nearly at $50K at the end of Q1 last year. Ugh!!!!!

Oh you poor baby Lokmeer!


Its sad. Lucky I spend $30K on guns and ammo last year! I sure as fuck cant afford it the next 2 years! Trump 2024!!!

But, you can "afford" to keep on butt fucking your daughter?

Go lick Kevins taint, ya boring, monotonous faggit!

I guess you'll be "licking your daughter's taint," you incest loving hillbilly?
From 1000 miles away? I bet your dumb ass would drive 1000 miles for Kevin tho! PWN3D!

I though you already admitted your "clit" was a million miles long, Daughter fucker?
I thought we all agreed that you blow Kevin?....or yourself....or whatever.

Was that after fucking your own daughter?
Never happened. We keep seeing you go after Dovey over Kevin tho. PWN3D!

Keep on bringing up Kevin daughter fucker.

No one cares about your downs syndrome brother.

Except for Lokmar and Dovey and you.

Except for YOU, retard.

All you have done for years is wail and cry about how victimized that stupid Scrot was lol.

Such a sad attempt to gaslight that no one buys. Awwwwe. Poor Flynn.

Mongoloid motherfucker. :LOL3:

Did you see him at SG having a total psycho meltdown and telling people he was WARNING THEM about me?

Like warning the men that I was gonna try to fuck them and give them 40 bucks :LOL3: :Crazy:

People were laughing him and he just kept right on melting lol.

A total retarded fucking psycho.

I mean the ONLY other man who had real life romantic experience with me? Big. We are still friends to this day and that was IT. I havent had any sort of sexual or romantic exchanges with anyone else in like 15 one can claim I "played" them. But this fucktard is obsessed lol
The guy's not right in the head for real! He's fucking and shiting on our board, consequences... :EvilOne:

He really isnt. He is often hysterical and unreasonable.

Like he was "normal" the first week but then the typical love bombing started. And with that, the fights. Abusers pick a lot of fights and "dump" their target as a form of manipulation to form a sort of trauma bond. With this he "negged" me a lot. Meaning he was actively trying to lower my self esteem and make me believe only HE saw something "specail" with me and others just saw a "junkie stripper blah blah". It was obvious what he is about.

The hilarious part about that is he actually believed someone like him has that level of power over someone like me.... I saw through it pretty quick. And that's what this 3 year campaign is truly about.

When nearly 50 fucking year old man says things like "I've never been in love like this before" its beyond stupid and obvious manipulation. They like "younger" women because younger and less experienced women fall for that bullshit.

The minute I realized I was dealing with a narcissist the games began. I figured I'd have fun with it until it got too psycho. And that's what I did.

He turned out to be even fucking more unhinged then I first thought.....but there was really no getting out of that "entanglement" without heaps of lunatic drama either way.

You know he lives 5 hours away from me and has no resources. And I have guns and bigger balls. So....really no harm done. Except for stalking me at my job and making me have to quit....but that turned out to be a blessing for my family.
Man, he's lost the plot! All these things you've seen it's crazy!! If he EVER turns up at your door, blast him!! You'll have evidence he was there to cause shit, lots and lots of evidence proving he's a lunatic, BYE SPAZ!!

At this point he is still wanting to make people think I'm the crazy.

He would get no NPD supply from showing up over here and getting pumped full of bullets.

He is a pathological lying coward who hides and tries to go through police and employers to harrass and "punish" those who he imagines "wronged" him. He didnt just do it to me. He has done it to his exs.

And regardless of forum gossip....I'm not his ex. I had filed divorce, yes. But I was still married and literally said....not just to him but others....that I couldn't get into a seriously relationship but if things were going good LATER DOWN THE ROAD that may be a possibility.

3 years of hurt feels, anger and drama over something that was a brief nothing to me.
I can imagine how you were feeling during a divorce and you just wanted a bit of fun, it's really nobody's business yet he's plastered a brief "fling" all over the internet like a deranged maniac! Yeah, he's a coward I can guarantee he'd back out of an arranged roll about or if he did he'd call the cops when he's lying like a burst couch... Wee weasel!!!


First it went from him yammering in Podcasts. And I asked him very nicely to keep things kinda off the board.

And that was one of the first things that threw up a red flag.

I did say to him that regardless of how things went, this wasnt gonna be some big "flame town" drama like we have seen with other posters from flame forums who met. He agreed.

But he is a pathological liar who is so inauthentic all he looks for is ways to control and lie.

He probably took my boundary for privacy as some "weak point" on my behalf that he could use to drive me off the forums so he could damage control and control the narrative since he bragged and blathered all over the damn forum and humiliated himself when things didnt go his way.

I just cant believe here we are over 3 years later and these wack jobs still bring it up and Flynn is still mad as fuck about it. And anyone who believes these scumbags and joins in is just as fucked up and stupid as they are. That's why I dont bother arguing about it with them. Its completely meaningless.

Get fucking help already lol.
Yeah, WTF is Flynn all about? Who is he?

It's a shared account. Sometimes its Poofer. I'm sure sometimes it's his brother. And a few others i wont name have used it but not recently at all.

You can tell by how intense he gets about that shit that's it's either him or his brother. They are twins.

No normal people who were not involved would be that angry and passionate about defending Scrotes twisted narrative about it.....still to this day.


Prove that this is a "shared account."

Even Bastard Factory got in on this and it was proven that this isn't a "shared account."

So. You're now calling Bastard Factory a liar? Which is weird because I also see you trying to kiss his funky ass as well.

You're a fuckin useless RAT! Nothing was "Proved" we just wanted to kill the IP talk but I KNOW! You fuckin fahget!! You fly in here to take a shit then fuck off, what is the point of you?

Go on, hit me with the usual manure you fire out... POINTLESS RAT!! lol fuckin hell man... :facepalm:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

:Crazy: :LOL3:

So there is a lot to unpack here that really doesnt deserve to he unpacked Flynn while you are here obsessing, could you perhaps give YOUR perspective on exactly what "bull shit" and "manipulation" I did to "get to the spot"(the eviction i supposedly had) i was in?

Like how do you bullshit and manipulate yourself into an eviction?

I swear you wackjobs dont even make sense with your crazy ass blather lol. All anyone has to do is watch you morons spew and they can see how fucking unhinged you people are.

You done did it to yourselves.

Retarded fucking idiots. Lulz.

More "gas lightining."



Sure thing retard. A melty like this?

"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini


In the future, fuckface... just go right to screaming "MeLtDoWn" and save you and Scrote the mental anguish.

And dont forget to stab yourself in the neck with a fork.