So, abortion was not enough uh? Now Dems wanna starve the babies that were born...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.
How many hollyweird A listers had shitloads of money and treatment but are still dead AF?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Fuck your taxes and fuck you, you scummy socialist cunt.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Are the lefties trying to say this is one of those “irs happening now but it’s all orange man bar’s fault”?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Marijuana in its present form is too potent & destructive.

I think it's helping to wreck our society.

More drugs isnt the solution.

Cutting back on their use would be beneficial.

Some could be OK but not too much.

Recreational drugs were never intended to be smoked 24/7 anymore than drinking whiskey is meant for consumption at work during office hours.

Of course we wouldn't get anything done.

Marijuana makes people stupid.

We have way too many drugs these days
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
There she is. Thought you burned the house down, smoking in bed. Sorry your post is inaccurate. Blame it on Joe. Your typical move


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
You continue to state lies because you're an ignorant old fool and a shitposting dick weasel.


Put your glasses on!
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Formula is made in Michigan.

We are required to feed prisoners… and Trump established these makeshift prisons at the border while he was in office.

This is not about pro-life, it’s about pro-CONTROL.

@Murdock If pro-life advocates were really serious about saving the unborn, they'd be lobbying for increased funding for birth control, family planning and preventing unwanted pregnancies. Providing more funding for rape victims and test free of charge. mean...if the girl/woman can't doesn't get pregnant, she won't need to get an abortion, right?

In such a scenario, no one gets hurt, no life is cut short or lost.

Its really sad, Joe.....that bullshit keeps getting repeated.

We already have free birth control and easy access to birth control in nearly every state. We also have programs like Medicaide, food stamps, section 8, child care, WIC. On top of all of that, we have thousands of pro life outreaches that network together to get the needs of pregnant mothers met all the way until the child is 5.

Everything from help with transportation, clothes for mom and baby, shelter for girls and women who need a safe place to live, covered medical expenses, money for classes, toys, baby gear, food, medicine.....literally fucking EVERYTHING someone could possibly need.

And somehow this gets completely dismissed. All this hard work and genuine care from thousands of regular lay people, counselors, nurses, doctors, ultrasound techs who are volunteering thier time, skills and resources to help women and children.

And you guys have no problem shitting on that. Like it doesnt even exist and isnt good enough for any of you because you think your politcal opinions are THAT awesome. So awesome that unless people get on board and support what you want the government yo do is the ONLY real help and compassion that matters and everything else is just the same as nothing.

Pro lifers have been working hard doing everything aside from carrying the baby in their own wombs in effort to support and help these women and save lives.

But that not good enough for you guys. You shouldnt even have to acknowledge everything we already have and do. Unless its politcs that align with yours it's just not cutting it.

Because women and children dont need individual support and personal care from other caring human beings. They need to be nothing but case files and funded with less by tax payers or it's just not REAL help.

I really dont understand why pro abortion people think they are some authority who can belittle and dismiss all the hard work done by people who actually care enough to get out there with their own time and resources to help and support women and children who regard them as human beings worthy of the effort.

And you guys sit on a high horse and preach about how your support of killing their offspring for them is the best most compassionate thing and all this other stuff people work to do doesnt even matter enough for you to acknowledge.

Repeating falsehoods because it's apparently inconvenient to your preferred narrative doesnt make your opinions solid ones. Rational people will accept new information when its factual and alter their view on the topic accordingly. And "pro choicers" show themselves irrational constantly when they completely reject reality and repeat the same factually false crap over and over.

WHY is it so hard for any of you to let go of the whole "oh well if we dont have abortion, we need to do xyz!" even though we literally already fucking do xyz? We even have all the government programs you guys constantly repeat we need to have.....the fuck do you think is gonna happen when you put intentional effort into just ignoring facts like this?

All these discussions are? Pro abortion supporters echoing bullshit to eachother. You guys cannot have any real discussion about this because you just will NOT accept any real facts about it. You guys are like broken records who cant go forward.

You support abortion because you just want to, because it's a major platform that the partisan side you prefer pushed it. Not because you actually care enough to learn about it and understand the issues and dynamics and what the need is. If you genuinely cared about women and babies you would already know what's available for them and you would be supporting all of that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Well there is a lot of white mothers on WIC. And this is because WIC can only be used in stores. WIC benefits only provide the months worth of formula.

When people were panick shopping, a bunch of people bought all the formula and there wasnt enough left for the WIC moms who have to wait until the first and buy it with WIC coupons. WIC cant be used to order online. My church was giving formula to moms who couldnt get formula due to panick shopping. It was a real problem. WIC usually gives 4 to 6 large cans of formula a month


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And yet...I never see pro Choice types advocate family planning or birth control @Dove.

That's why I get the impression they jus wanna see women get pregnant and make babies.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And yet...I never see pro Choice types advocate family planning or birth control @Dove.

That's why I get the impression they jus wanna see women get pregnant and make babies.

Because pro choice types typically only PUSH abortion. They arent genuinely interested in birth control.

This is obvious because even you demonstrate the lack of awareness on what is available to women.

If pro choicers cared about this....they would know you can get free birth control at every health dept. Oh and CPCs will hook women up with free or very low cost birth control.

You dont see it, Joe....because you dont look. You are content to make this argument over and over without going and finding out if it's even true.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well my impression of the pro life crowd is they only see sex as a means of procreation & that every act must result in a pregnancy. And sex should only be allowed in marriage not outside of it. Their idea of the perfect family are the Duggars.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well my impression of the pro life crowd is they only see sex as a means of procreation & that every act must result in a pregnancy. And sex should only be allowed in marriage not outside of it. Their idea of the perfect family are the Duggars.

Which is a false impression you didnt get from your own experience understanding the pro life movement. That's stereotypes spouted by abortion activists.

You should look into it if you genuinely care about women and get factual information on the pro life movement. Who occupies the pro life movement and what they do and stand for.

Pro life is vastly female and stretched across a variety of world views. It's not exclusively religious and not exclusively catholic.


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The belief that sex is JUST reproduction is a fringe and not at all what most people believe. The Duggars are a fringe group.

That's your bias.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
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This lazy slander is as common as it is untrue. Of course, there is much more that needs to be done, but in the decades since Roe v. Wade, pro-lifers have taken the lead in offering vital services to mothers and infants in need. Operating with little support—and often actual opposition—from agencies, foundations, and local governments, pro-lifers have relied upon a network of committed donors and volunteers to make great strides in supporting mothers and their infants. It’s time the media takes notice.

In the United States there are some 2,300 affiliates of the three largest
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, Heartbeat International, CareNet, and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA). Over 1.9 million American women take advantage of these services each year. Many stay at one of the 350 residential facilities for women and children operated by pro-life groups. In New York City alone, there are twenty-two centers serving 12,000 women a year. These centers provide services including pre-natal care, STI testing, STI treatment, ultrasound, childbirth classes, labor coaching, midwife services, lactation consultation, nutrition consulting, social work, abstinence education, parenting classes, material assistance, and post-abortion counseling."


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Fuck your taxes and fuck you, you scummy socialist cunt.

yeah… fuck me for being from a state that actually contributes to this Union.

Fuck you too for being a misogamist sellout who left.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Marijuana in its present form is too potent & destructive.

I think it's helping to wreck our society.

More drugs isnt the solution.

Cutting back on their use would be beneficial.

Some could be OK but not too much.

Recreational drugs were never intended to be smoked 24/7 anymore than drinking whiskey is meant for consumption at work during office hours.

Of course we wouldn't get anything done.

Marijuana makes people stupid.

We have way too many drugs these days

I know a lot of people who are anti dope… and for good reason. It can and will be abused like another other substance.

But marijuana, just like an organic diet, isn’t something that big Pharm, or the FDA is gonna back because they don’t make any money off it. I’m sure the government has enjoyed the tax laws that govern this product and the absolute havoc they wreaked on the industry while implementing them post legalization

We are living on a slave diet here and it’s impeding our ability to think, act and find our way out of this mess.

But let’s elected another Republican… *shoots self in face at point blank range*


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.
How many hollyweird A listers had shitloads of money and treatment but are still dead AF?

ironically… all of the A listers who have overdosed more recently were all attributed to prescription drug abuse. Suicide is also at an all time high.

Belushi and Joplin scored while in town and received a higher dose than what they were accustomed to when they shot up. Just another solid reason to stay of hard drugs tbh.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Fuck your taxes and fuck you, you scummy socialist cunt.

yeah… fuck me for being from a state that actually contributes to this Union.

Fuck you too for being a misogamist sellout who left.

Your state is a train wreck and shit hole.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Fuck your taxes and fuck you, you scummy socialist cunt.

yeah… fuck me for being from a state that actually contributes to this Union.

Fuck you too for being a misogamist sellout who left.

Your state is a train wreck and shit hole.

so is the entire globe… what’s you’re point?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Fuck your taxes and fuck you, you scummy socialist cunt.

yeah… fuck me for being from a state that actually contributes to this Union.

Fuck you too for being a misogamist sellout who left.

Your state is a train wreck and shit hole.

so is the entire globe… what’s you’re point?

California has been the role model of shit holes for the globe to aspire to.... the Don of train wrecks.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Fuck your taxes and fuck you, you scummy socialist cunt.

yeah… fuck me for being from a state that actually contributes to this Union.

Fuck you too for being a misogamist sellout who left.

Your state is a train wreck and shit hole.

so is the entire globe… what’s you’re point?

California has been the role model of shit holes for the globe to aspire to.... the Don of train wrecks.

we are notoriously progressive… and we don’t convolute our politics with religious extremes…

Of course you hate us. But you believe women are beneath you and we will never see eye to eye… mostly because I’m a shawty and you’re tall, dark and clammy.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.
I lived in California when they started the needle handout program. It was sold to the public on the assurance that junkies would be required to exchange the dirty needles for clean ones. The reason that was given for the need for this program was to stop the spread of AIDS. All outright lies as they knew it wouldnt work as promised.

It is a drug crisis and we have been behind the ball the entire time…

We recently tried legalizing marijuana in an attempt to curb the opioid fatalities. This country needs to start taxing the rich and dealing with the mental health needs of these people.

Fuck your taxes and fuck you, you scummy socialist cunt.

yeah… fuck me for being from a state that actually contributes to this Union.

Fuck you too for being a misogamist sellout who left.

Your state is a train wreck and shit hole.

so is the entire globe… what’s you’re point?

California has been the role model of shit holes for the globe to aspire to.... the Don of train wrecks.

we are notoriously progressive… and we don’t convolute our politics with religious extremes…

Of course you hate us. But you believe women are beneath you and we will never see eye to eye… mostly because I’m a shawty and you’re tall, dark and clammy.

I can't hate something or somewhere so beneath me....but your progressiveness is quite revolting.