The Gospel of Christopher Rufo: or How I learned to fear and hate The Homeless, CRT and Pedophiles! Groomed for Social Injustice!



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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That poor kid is being groomed!


Domestically feral
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United states

This is a right wing meme, Admin. It's literally talking about California lawmakers reducing penalties for child molesters if the child "consented".

That's why the guy on the bottom is calling Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle shot and killed a convicted child rapist, Rosenbuam.

Get it?

No idea what you thought this was saying.


Domestically feral
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United states

That poor kid is being groomed!


Glad to see you finally admit your gender and gay bullshit is a religion.

Notice how no one is pushing Catholicism in schools? How they arent teaching it as facts? Are not putting on mass for kids at school without even getting parental consent?

Fucking get it now?


Factory Bastard
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See how they try to promote their indoctrination as a good thing?

This same school had previously lied and tried to claim this wasn't happening. Now that their lies have been exposed they have shifted to "of course we are doing this and it is such a good thing". Dishonest liars to the core.


Domestically feral
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United states

This one is disturbing as fuck. I mean they all are. But this childs mother is on the DID shit where a bunch of people on tik tok are literally pretending they have multiple personalities and the personalities are all aware of eachother, communicate with each other, each have jobs and call themselves the "system".

This is not real.

And this mother is playing this out in front of her child. Letting her child think this is a real thing mommy has.

I find that revolting. How sad is that? What kind of piece of shit actively fucks with their childs head like this? For what....internet validation?


Factory Bastard
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Can you in your wildest of dreams Dovey, that many many don’t buy into this type of hate?


Domestically feral
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United states
BTW.....I saw some whining about the Proud Boys storming some library. I just saw the video.

Basically this is the drag queen they had in there to read to children

So basically antifa harrasses and attacks families during outdoor church services and attacks and threatens women protesting to protect their rights (wispa) after a fucking predator was showing his erect dick to women and a child and left wingers ignore that or laugh at it

But Proud Boys go and chase off a sex offender drag queen from reading to children and that's supposed some outrage? Gtfo. What kind of ignorant fucking mutant thinks involving kids with drag queens is a good idea?

And I love how people who oppose sexualizing and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children are being called "white supremacists" as if black people are all cool with this. Such a fucking insult to black people.


Factory Bastard
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This one is disturbing as fuck. I mean they all are. But this childs mother is on the DID shit where a bunch of people on tik tok are literally pretending they have multiple personalities and the personalities are all aware of eachother, communicate with each other, each have jobs and call themselves the "system".

This is not real.

And this mother is playing this out in front of her child. Letting her child think this is a real thing mommy has.

I find that revolting. How sad is that? What kind of piece of shit actively fucks with their childs head like this? For what....internet validation?

This type of hate


Domestically feral
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United states

This one is disturbing as fuck. I mean they all are. But this childs mother is on the DID shit where a bunch of people on tik tok are literally pretending they have multiple personalities and the personalities are all aware of eachother, communicate with each other, each have jobs and call themselves the "system".

This is not real.

And this mother is playing this out in front of her child. Letting her child think this is a real thing mommy has.

I find that revolting. How sad is that? What kind of piece of shit actively fucks with their childs head like this? For what....internet validation?

This type of hate

So it requires hate to be disgusted that someone would fake having multiple personalities and involve their 5 year old in that?

I do not hate anyone. But that doesnt mean I dont find this behaviour repulsive and mentally abusive. This women needs help for whatever is causing her to pretend to be some "system" of different personalities and having her small child believe this.

Shes literally lying to her 5 year old. In a way that's probably kinda scary for the kid. And most definately confusing.

How is observing that hate?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
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This one is disturbing as fuck. I mean they all are. But this childs mother is on the DID shit where a bunch of people on tik tok are literally pretending they have multiple personalities and the personalities are all aware of eachother, communicate with each other, each have jobs and call themselves the "system".

This is not real.

And this mother is playing this out in front of her child. Letting her child think this is a real thing mommy has.

I find that revolting. How sad is that? What kind of piece of shit actively fucks with their childs head like this? For what....internet validation?

This type of hate

So it requires hate to be disgusted that someone would fake having multiple personalities and involve their 5 year old in that?

I do not hate anyone. But that doesnt mean I dont find this behaviour repulsive and mentally abusive. This women needs help for whatever is causing her to pretend to be some "system" of different personalities and having her small child believe this.

Shes literally lying to her 5 year old. In a way that's probably kinda scary for the kid. And most definately confusing.

How is observing that hate?

OK. Try not judging it.


Domestically feral
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United states
Can you in your wildest of dreams Dovey, that many many don’t buy into this type of hate?

What are you talking about?

You don’t know?

No I dont. Could you be specific here what you mean by hate?

This is the future Trumptards want.

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Are you fucking insane?

Do you realize how extreme and unhinged your thinking here is? There are a lot of gay people and drag queens who are opposing this being thrusted on children.

So let me get this straight.....people CANT just coexist peacefully. If other people have boundaries.....that makes us like fucking Islamists? So if I dont want me 5 year old exposed to heavy sexual topics and I dont want this gender nonsense taught to my kids...that means I just hate gay people and want them excuted.

This is just manipulation and extremist thinking on your behalf. We either gleefully sexualize our children or we are just like radical Islam.

You know if you believe this? There really is no reasoning with you.


Factory Bastard
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WTF is wrong with alternate lifestyles? Sounds to me you live within one. Why so judgemental? Cause Stubbys watching? Are you ever your own person?


Domestically feral
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United states

This one is disturbing as fuck. I mean they all are. But this childs mother is on the DID shit where a bunch of people on tik tok are literally pretending they have multiple personalities and the personalities are all aware of eachother, communicate with each other, each have jobs and call themselves the "system".

This is not real.

And this mother is playing this out in front of her child. Letting her child think this is a real thing mommy has.

I find that revolting. How sad is that? What kind of piece of shit actively fucks with their childs head like this? For what....internet validation?

This type of hate

So it requires hate to be disgusted that someone would fake having multiple personalities and involve their 5 year old in that?

I do not hate anyone. But that doesnt mean I dont find this behaviour repulsive and mentally abusive. This women needs help for whatever is causing her to pretend to be some "system" of different personalities and having her small child believe this.

Shes literally lying to her 5 year old. In a way that's probably kinda scary for the kid. And most definately confusing.

How is observing that hate?

OK. Try not judging it.

Can I just point out that while you think me making a judgement about a woman on tik tok who faking having multiple personalities and lying to her child is mentally/emotionally abusive.....the ruthless and extreme judgements who disagree politically is pretty intense hate.

I think accusing people of being radical Islam because we dont want sexual orientation and a narrative about gender pushed onto small children and do not think drag shows for children is in anyway appropriate isnt exactly the epitome of caring judgement.


Domestically feral
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United states
WTF is wrong with alternate lifestyles? Sounds to me you live within one. Why so judgemental? Cause Stubbys watching? Are you ever your own person?

Who said anything is wrong with it?

Why does it have to be taught in schools to small children? Why do schools feel the need to "socially transition" children behind parents backs?

I dont need the government and schools to force my lifestyle or beliefs on everyone or remove rights away from others. The problem isnt having alternative lifestyles. It's the attempts to force and coerce other people to participate in that alternative lifestyle. Why do me and daughters have to lose our sex based rights and protections to support someone elses alternative lifestyle? Why does everyone have to adopt these beliefs? Other people should still have the right to their life choices.

Especailly small children in elementary school. Where the focus should be on neutral and child appropriate topics.


Factory Bastard
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Can you in your wildest of dreams Dovey, that many many don’t buy into this type of hate?

The fact that you have to lie and pretend accepting reality is some how "hate" just shows how delusional you really are. Keep this shit up, everyone is turn against the Democrats because Democrats are now openly lying to people. They see through those lies and will not vote for those liars.


Domestically feral
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United states
Can you in your wildest of dreams Dovey, that many many don’t buy into this type of hate?
But a questionable tweet says it's on tiktok?

So to be straight with your stance here.....everything we are seeing happen, the curriculum materials (that I linked directly from the DOEs) the books with sexually graphic material, and actual video footage of children participating in drag shows and teachers discussing their classroom activism is all just made up bullshit because people are sharing it on Twitter?

So everything on Twitter is a lie unless its someones opinion you agree with?

Can you answer this?


Factory Bastard
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The goal of the radical left is to destroy families as an institution so they can replace it with the state. A state which leftists believe they will control. Thus every child can be indoctrinated to believe what ever the state wants them to believe.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Can you in your wildest of dreams Dovey, that many many don’t buy into this type of hate?
But a questionable tweet says it's on tiktok?

So to be straight with your stance here.....everything we are seeing happen, the curriculum materials (that I linked directly from the DOEs) the books with sexually graphic material, and actual video footage of children participating in drag shows and teachers discussing their classroom activism is all just made up bullshit because people are sharing it on Twitter?

So everything on Twitter is a lie unless its someones opinion you agree with?

Can you answer this?

This is the tactic he wants to use to handwave away all the evidence. That is why he has nothing but lies to tell in this thread. They will actively reject evidence which does not fit their ideological beliefs. They are no longer thinking people.

This is why the KGB simply executed all of their former useful idiots when the USSR conquered a new area or a communist revolution succeeded. The idiots are no longer needed and they are a danger to the new communist regime so the KGB had them all rounded up and killed.
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