The Gospel of Christopher Rufo: or How I learned to fear and hate The Homeless, CRT and Pedophiles! Groomed for Social Injustice!


An Claidheam Anam
Yep, even showering with her as a teenager which even she said was inappropriate. Notice how when she left her diary in a hotel room (she is also an alcoholic and drug addict like her brother Hunter) Joe Biden had the FBI go after the hotel owner who was the new legal owner of it based upon state abandoned property laws.

Biden uses the FBI to personally attack everyone he dislikes. It really should be a crime if it isn't already. Remember how Biden used the FBI against the ship owner who took ownership of Hunter's laptop after he abandoned it and didn't pay his bill? There is a pattern in this FBI abuse with Biden.

It's the two tiered system of Justice we now have that I may have spoken about in earlier threads. We have some people held for months on end for "illegally parading" and trespass in the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, while at the exact same time we have Leftist Registered Democrats "protesting" in front of the homes of Supreme Court Justices in direct violation of black and white Federal Statute Law ... but not a single one of them has been arrested except for a would-be Leftist assassin who wanted to take down Justice Kavanaugh (interesting how that's disappeared from the newsfeeds, eh?).

The social compact that has bonded us together as a nation is broken. It has been broken by Democrat Leftist shitbags and Deep State careerist bureaucrats and RINO filth who have too long sucked from the teat of Power.

Keep your powder dry, boys.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Very true. We are losing the rule of law because Democrats have decided rules do not apply to their side and are only weapons to use to wrongly abuse the other side.


Factory Bastard
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This homosexual law maker in California weakened punishments for pedophiles "if the child consented" (hint: Children can't legally consent) also decriminalized knowingly infecting people with AIDS without telling them. Now he wants to mandate drag shows for all K-12 classes as a state mandate.

These pedophiles are after your children and they definitely want to groom them.



Domestically feral
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United states
I'll take demonizing minorities for $2000 Alex.

Vt. Man Arrested For Threatening Daughter’s School Over Trans People

Christopher Wiggins
Fri, June 17, 2022, 8:13 AM

A Vermont father was arrested and charged with harassment in New Hampshire on Tuesday after allegedly threatening his daughter's school. The man said if his daughter were exposed to transgender students or drag queens he would commit a mass shooting, according to authorities.
A judge has now granted an extreme risk protection order, barring the man from purchasing or possessing dangerous weapons for at least six months.
Shane Gobeil, 36, of Canaan, Vt., was shopping in a grocery store in neighboring New Hampshire on Monday when he threatened The Canaan Schools — a campus that shares both an elementary and high school — to two students in the store, according to a police affidavit obtained by
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I hate to break this to you but this is the baseline socail temp when people hear about boys/men accessing their daughters and drag queens entertaining kindergarteners is pretty much this.

I've heard people say much worse.


Domestically feral
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This is going to be seen a lot. Get ready.

It's what happens when you start forcing your sexual beliefs onto the public and onto children.
and it can't come soon enough

They are making the country HATE them. With a fiery hatred.

The more they disregard the rights of others, shit on women and push sex on children.

It's not "far right extremists" and they are no fucking victims. They are antagonizers and thugs. And people should start pounding the fuck out of these people.


Domestically feral
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United states
You've got normal thinking gay people, legitimately transgender people, and drag queens who have been shouting about the damage being done. How public approval of LGB and T people has been dropping and why.

But these partisans dont listen. Dont give a fuck. So now they gonna pretend its "bigots".

It's people who dont want a cult forced on them. Period.

The way they spin it is vile and shows they mean war. Anything people do or say to protect the rights of women and to protect CHILDREN is spun as "anti trans". Its disgusting. I hope to see more and more people realize the score here and just accept being painted as whatever the hyper partisan establishment labels them. They try to bully people into silence while our rights are taken and children are groomed and medicalized.


Factory Bastard
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They bring it on themselves

Not to mention they claim simply acknowledging inappropriate PLEASE ASS BOX ME! of small children is an "attack". Total horse shit out of those lying cry bullies. "Let me sexually groom your child or else you are ATTACKING me!"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They bring it on themselves

"It ain't gonna lick itself"
what is with these people and their fascination with kids?

what is wrong with letting a child be a child and leaving all that sexuality stuff for when they are of appropriate age?

1) They can't have kids so they want yours.

2) Communist ideology literally says that children's age of innocence" is a western plot which allows value to be passed on to the next generation thus stabilizing society and preventing a communist revolution from happening. Thus they literally had a policy to try to destabilize family structures, religious and cultural institutions, and to destabilize children (the exact term they use). They want children unhappy, poorly orientated, and mentally ill so that they are ripe for demonization and can become useful idiots for a revolution. That is literally what communists wrote.


Domestically feral
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Top academic behind fetish site hosting child sexual abuse fantasy, push to revise WPATH guidelines
The second part of Genevieve Gluck's investigation
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Jun 16
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A Professor Emeritus at California State University who has given academic talks on “
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” has for over two decades participated in a fetish forum that hosts and produces extreme sadomasochistic written pornography involving the castration and torture of children.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, a retired Professor at California State University in Chico (CSUC), is a formative member of the body modification fetish site
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, which was the subject of a months-long
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released on May 17. At the time, Johnson’s identity had not yet been confirmed as an anonymous user who goes by the handle “Jesus.”
But according to posts made to the forum in March and April, Johnson let his identity slip and invited site members to partake in an academic survey on “childhood experiences, castration desire and sexual history,” as well as watch him give a
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Wonder why people are "attacking" the LGBTQA. Poor victims. Just let them sexually groom your children while they pretend it's not happening and it's just RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS!!!

Dont believe what you see with your own eyes, people.

And getting laws that protect MINORS from mental, emotional and physical abuse of being "transitioned" is anti trans. So fucking be it, I guess.

Fuck all of these monsters.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Dis is the edukashin libs wont!


This is fake.

However the actual curriculums, books in the school library, actual homework assignments, teachers discussing their classroom activism, the laws in CA, OR and WA that allow children to be medically transitioned at 13 without parental knowledge, the drag queen events (that we have fucking SEEN) and all facts. Completely backed.

And outraged parents are not "far right extremists".


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Defending the PLEASE ASS BOX ME! again


Worse. He is pretending everything we are seeing js fake and he thinks some leftwing asshole who claimed a 2 year old handed them some made up schedule somehow proves everything is fake and lies.

Children were not really at a drag show. The pleasure centered sex ed curriculums arent real. The books that were found in school libraries? Not real.

It's all lies and these parents are just meany right wing extremists.


Factory Bastard
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Top academic behind fetish site hosting child sexual abuse fantasy, push to revise WPATH guidelines
The second part of Genevieve Gluck's investigation
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Jun 16
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A Professor Emeritus at California State University who has given academic talks on “
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
” has for over two decades participated in a fetish forum that hosts and produces extreme sadomasochistic written pornography involving the castration and torture of children.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, a retired Professor at California State University in Chico (CSUC), is a formative member of the body modification fetish site
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, which was the subject of a months-long
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
released on May 17. At the time, Johnson’s identity had not yet been confirmed as an anonymous user who goes by the handle “Jesus.”
But according to posts made to the forum in March and April, Johnson let his identity slip and invited site members to partake in an academic survey on “childhood experiences, castration desire and sexual history,” as well as watch him give a
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Wonder why people are "attacking" the LGBTQA. Poor victims. Just let them sexually groom your children while they pretend it's not happening and it's just RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS!!!

Dont believe what you see with your own eyes, people.

And getting laws that protect MINORS from mental, emotional and physical abuse of being "transitioned" is anti trans. So fucking be it, I guess.

Fuck all of these monsters.

Yep, physically and chemically castrating children is "gender affirming care" but telling confused five year old boys that they are actually a boy and not a girl is "abuse". It is clown world.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dis is the edukashin libs wont!


This is fake.

However the actual curriculums, books in the school library, actual homework assignments, teachers discussing their classroom activism, the laws in CA, OR and WA that allow children to be medically transitioned at 13 without parental knowledge, the drag queen events (that we have fucking SEEN) and all facts. Completely backed.

And outraged parents are not "far right extremists".

They love to lie. Look up that twitter account and you will find a brain addled prog spewing nonsense and lies just like aidsman. Yet aidsman is so dumb he thinks spam from his own side represents what other people actually said. These fools eat their own excrement so no wonder they are so deluded and clueless.