Open War of Words


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
All I see here is grown men yapping about whether other guys were GOOD and not so good in some back alley dirt holes only the funkiest perverts would find... Poofer is most certainly one of the culprits that think the glory days were online paradise full of winners and red hot flamers "Just you wait till I get him here, oooohhh you're gonna be in big fuckin trouble!" gets here "hello, where and who is everyone?" I call him a bitch and he ignores me from then on... The moral of the story is poofer needs to stop being every forums bitch...

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I never thought 'Flaming' or the person's it created were hard in any way.

People were just incredibly funny. The fact that some of it was done in an aggressive manner was irrelevant to most.

It was just like the difference between PG rated humour and Adult content.

The truly funny writers have gone and the best that one can hope for is a glimmer of a laugh from somebody harking back to those days and posting something sharp and witty.

Stomping round like a perverted troll (no names mentioned) isn't anything to do with what 'Flaming' was all about it's just the scent of the idea.

All those who deride 'Flaming' still post here aggressively and they try to be humorous (one would hope) which is actually the definition of 'Flaming so they're talking through their ass.
  • Agree!
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Poppy won't ghost write for me anymore, sorry.

Well I do miss Poppet, she was all the man that you never could be.

Oh, Blandscape, flame matches are for those without anything to say.

It's rather depressing that the highlight of your day is typing incomprehensible shit on this forum and reliving the imaginary glory days of flaming.

Are you being prescribed the proper medication to treat these delusions of yours?

And to think you don't have the fucking balls to come to my home website and say these things!

See that you write something worth my time the next time you mention my god dam name.

You may now return to playing with Fox and ask what the Fox says other than hatee-hatee-hatee-ho and ring-ding-ding-dingeringeding.

Oh Proxy me favourite ol'mucker, flame matches are indeed deader than a dodo doing a do-do, alas there are some among us who are tainted by their horrific experiences within that cold dead embrace. Where memory is confused by mere ego. No names no pack drill. The fact that they have been abused by me over multiple boards, does not escape me. I always appreciated your input, it serves to make us all look better.

You are to be respected for at least trying to be more or less less than you prove to be every day you exist here. Or indeed anywhere else for dat matter. You matter Proxy, even if you don't think you ever really have. If it wasn't for me, you would have vanished into an ethereal authorial cloud of who cares fucking eons ago.

As fur using and abusing yer name Proxy, you don't even know who you are until someone who probably doesn't care dat much aboot ye, slaps you about the face and neck with a wet fish, or you simply have yer Morning Joe. Weren't you Morning Joe at BC?

Ye are more tae be pitied dan laughed at I'm sure!
Whatever, you will always be welcome to tailgate's not as if you pose a threat.

You dance like a nice little puppet when I tug your strings, but then I grow bored and toss you into the fire. The stink of your failure rises in the smoke, as you cling to the illusion that your pointless flaming rubbish matters.

Consider it a kindness that I even read your nonsense today, please regard my response as charity.

It's always wonderful to assist the untalented trolls that wander about this community.

And you belong to the community, don't you? That term is both humorous and depressing.

You were incredibly simple to control, and you truly do seem to have lost it. I believe we may have poisoned your mind a little too much.

Dats the problem fur you old man, you never get bored wiff me. You totally red flag my "nonsense", that's the only reason you are viable here. Try to keep up... I can only support and protect you further if you keep begging for my attention. Let's face it, I have never really responded to you unless provoked, and you just cannae provoke very much now that your social network has collapsed and has been sealed up like a Pharaoh's tomb.

You and Dove's fuckholes should share that same metaphor.

Another verbal masturbation stains the screen, but Blandcapes' filthy sleeve brushes it aside. Play the funny music and hand out the participation emojis.

The masses in the cheap seats sit on their hands, disappointment hits their face like a sloppy money shot.

Yawns are muffled as a carnival of dull trolls is once again on display.

Puppet, tell us more about our social group that you don't belong to.

Make it interesting, open your fucking mind and leave your self-imposed prison of dullness.
  • Creative
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> you
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. o O
All I see here is grown men yapping about whether other guys were GOOD and not so good in some back alley dirt holes only the funkiest perverts would find... Poofer is most certainly one of the culprits that think the glory days were online paradise full of winners and red hot flamers "Just you wait till I get him here, oooohhh you're gonna be in big fuckin trouble!" gets here "hello, where and who is everyone?" I call him a bitch and he ignores me from then on... The moral of the story is poofer needs to stop being every forums bitch...

Look at shamp getting all fiesty with a story flame in da thread.



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I never thought 'Flaming' or the person's it created were hard in any way.

People were just incredibly funny. The fact that some of it was done in an aggressive manner was irrelevant to most.

It was just like the difference between PG rated humour and Adult content.

The truly funny writers have gone and the best that one can hope for is a glimmer of a laugh from somebody harking back to those days and posting something sharp and witty.

Stomping round like a perverted troll (no names mentioned) isn't anything to do with what 'Flaming' was all about it's just the scent of the idea.

All those who deride 'Flaming' still post here aggressively and they try to be humorous (one would hope) which is actually the definition of 'Flaming so they're talking through their ass.
Yes, but BF isn't made for that audience, we're a media posting, fuck you place! You call some of the old one "writers" which would mean they took days at a time to deliver one big fuck off post basically calling a fahget and bitch and their house sucked!! I'd have fucked all the women on the board, no dead cats or piss-stained mattresses


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
So is Nozz

How, and more importantly - why? - do you remember that goink? He was let into the Regs because was Australian. Days after, he told the open board that he wasn't ready to fuck with Buzzsaw, or any of the other heavy hitters anywhere. Weeks later, he left BH forever once he found out that Regs didn't even like each other in the Regs room. It was a graveyard back there, not some sorta Welcome to the Club where we all party and get along like nobody really knows!" Whaaaat a fuckin' pussy and example of how Australians are in RL.

I TK on any multiplayer game I'm playing unless I feel like pushing for pointless wins. The funnest part is causing mayhem and getting banned from one of the serves, only to bounce right back on another one to be even nastier. If Nozzer, unfortunately, shows up here thinking that it was a get-together for genuine old BH Regs, which he was the one genuine embarrassment to, he won't stick around for more than a few miserable days. I'm sure the know that by now though...

- I want the others to return to show the posters here how it was and should always be like
I never said Nozz was good, I just said he was here.

I know that moron from when he was fainting castration over at FC for a panel until they gave him one, then watched him cry in the ass cave when ppl used his carcass for tard flambé lessons. He was a shit posting crybaby who I called the dingo Rodney King then watched his pink leg warmer wearing ass do spazzersize gymnastics with his “I has teh panel I don’t need to take that, Poofer “ and tried to get moi, that sites fucking heavy, banned.

Yeah, like Bra1n or Rubeflog we’re gonna listen to that noise.

But honestly, he’d fit right in with all the over pumped fart bags on this forum.

just sayin
You're such a fuckin cry baby, here's a pic that'll bring some joy into that scrambler brain of yours...

It would make a more of a difference if she was your GF. We know she’s not.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
So is Nozz

How, and more importantly - why? - do you remember that goink? He was let into the Regs because was Australian. Days after, he told the open board that he wasn't ready to fuck with Buzzsaw, or any of the other heavy hitters anywhere. Weeks later, he left BH forever once he found out that Regs didn't even like each other in the Regs room. It was a graveyard back there, not some sorta Welcome to the Club where we all party and get along like nobody really knows!" Whaaaat a fuckin' pussy and example of how Australians are in RL.

I TK on any multiplayer game I'm playing unless I feel like pushing for pointless wins. The funnest part is causing mayhem and getting banned from one of the serves, only to bounce right back on another one to be even nastier. If Nozzer, unfortunately, shows up here thinking that it was a get-together for genuine old BH Regs, which he was the one genuine embarrassment to, he won't stick around for more than a few miserable days. I'm sure the know that by now though...

- I want the others to return to show the posters here how it was and should always be like
I never said Nozz was good, I just said he was here.

I know that moron from when he was fainting castration over at FC for a panel until they gave him one, then watched him cry in the ass cave when ppl used his carcass for tard flambé lessons. He was a shit posting crybaby who I called the dingo Rodney King then watched his pink leg warmer wearing ass do spazzersize gymnastics with his “I has teh panel I don’t need to take that, Poofer “ and tried to get moi, that sites fucking heavy, banned.

Yeah, like Bra1n or Rubeflog we’re gonna listen to that noise.

But honestly, he’d fit right in with all the over pumped fart bags on this forum.

just sayin
You're such a fuckin cry baby, here's a pic that'll bring some joy into that scrambler brain of yours...

It would make a more of a difference if she was your GF. We know she’s not.
Why would it make a difference?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Yes, but BF isn't made for that audience, we're a media posting, fuck you place! You call some of the old one "writers" which would mean they took days at a time to deliver one big fuck off post basically calling a fahget and bitch and their house sucked!! I'd have fucked all the women on the board, no dead cats or piss-stained mattresses

I'll have to have a look on the Wayback Machine or ask one of the people who stored some of this material.

Showing may be easier than explaining.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
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Because it’s some photo you pinched. It would make way more diff. if she was your gal. Makes me wonder what the gal in the photo would think if she knew?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Because it’s some photo you pinched. It would make way more diff. if she was your gal. Makes me wonder what the gal in the photo would think if she knew?
She'd learn to stop posting pics of herself on the net for starters, I got that pic from a pervy part of the internet I go to once in a while... Don't you go trying to make out that she posted that in private while I was watching or something... lol I Have posted girls that were mine and got told to take it down, I did but some remember it... I've posted my own porn before and the guys of the YNC hated it... shhhh jealousy


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Look at shamp getting all fiesty with a story flame in da thread.

Don't go confusing the lad by labelling his post in a manner he won't understand.
Oh I understand it alright, the great flamers have all died, some literally some by choice but my sentiments remain the same "who the fuck cares?" not about the real deaths just the style... I've lost posting styles too, 12 years I've been doing similar to this except it was gore then mainly typing and posting pics, I miss shit too...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yes, but BF isn't made for that audience, we're a media posting, fuck you place! You call some of the old one "writers" which would mean they took days at a time to deliver one big fuck off post basically calling a fahget and bitch and their house sucked!! I'd have fucked all the women on the board, no dead cats or piss-stained mattresses

I'll have to have a look on the Wayback Machine or ask one of the people who stored some of this material.

Showing may be easier than explaining.

WTF you going to find in the wayback machine?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Noob at what? I've been here since just after BF2.0 started and I've been bossing gore hounds since2010!! I'm defo new to what poofter does this will always be the case, he should run to his own little forums that ban me before I set foot in the place, would've started smelling like expensive cologne instead of pooftards faxe Fafrica!!! Banning me n the things Im doing for you... I'm off to bed to join the get a great sleep crew! maybe I'll be back on after a couple of ice-lollies and some scary ghostie shit!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
the BH archives at the wayback machine is the only one that has lots of readable threads.
All those tranny gifs that bozo spammed at TRF must have caused the wayback machine to view TRF as some shitty porn site and thus they did not archive much of that shit


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
rage for many of these old geezers is straining for 30 minutes on the toilet as they grunt out a bowel movement.

you have people spamming youtube videos or the cunt wrangler rejects like bozo spitting out useless fag lames.

a dog taking a shit gif looks like quality content at this point


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
I never thought 'Flaming' or the person's it created were hard in any way.

People were just incredibly funny. The fact that some of it was done in an aggressive manner was irrelevant to most.

It was just like the difference between PG rated humour and Adult content.

The truly funny writers have gone and the best that one can hope for is a glimmer of a laugh from somebody harking back to those days and posting something sharp and witty.

Stomping round like a perverted troll (no names mentioned) isn't anything to do with what 'Flaming' was all about it's just the scent of the idea.

All those who deride 'Flaming' still post here aggressively and they try to be humorous (one would hope) which is actually the definition of 'Flaming so they're talking through their ass.
“Flaming “ is dead.

What you are left with are complete imbeciles who use grammar school insults that have been told millions of times, and framed better, and they consider that “flaming”. And that’s the problem.

This is why this forum is dead. Flynn did everything in her power to bring the definition of this sub up to speed and the idiots here didn’t know how to handle it.

When I had a panel here, all the BH guys who are here reached out to me. I told them to not even bother because this place was unfixable.

This place will die a slow death from the shitposters and there’s nothing anybody can do but let it die.

And honestly, I’m the last of that era of heavy hitters and have come to the conclusion that the link from the BH years dies with me in this community once I stop posting for good. And because of that, I’m retiring for good.

I don’t want to be associated with a bunch of shit posting garbage, which I’m sure was the motive all the greats before me had when they decided to log out.

Oh well. There’s better avenues out there now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I never thought 'Flaming' or the person's it created were hard in any way.

People were just incredibly funny. The fact that some of it was done in an aggressive manner was irrelevant to most.

It was just like the difference between PG rated humour and Adult content.

The truly funny writers have gone and the best that one can hope for is a glimmer of a laugh from somebody harking back to those days and posting something sharp and witty.

Stomping round like a perverted troll (no names mentioned) isn't anything to do with what 'Flaming' was all about it's just the scent of the idea.

All those who deride 'Flaming' still post here aggressively and they try to be humorous (one would hope) which is actually the definition of 'Flaming so they're talking through their ass.
“Flaming “ is dead.

What you are left with are complete imbeciles who use grammar school insults that have been told millions of times, and framed better, and they consider that “flaming”. And that’s the problem.

This is why this forum is dead. Flynn did everything in her power to bring the definition of this sub up to speed and the idiots here didn’t know how to handle it.

When I had a panel here, all the BH guys who are here reached out to me. I told them to not even bother because this place was unfixable.

This place will die a slow death from the shitposters and there’s nothing anybody can do but let it die.

And honestly, I’m the last of that era of heavy hitters and have come to the conclusion that the link from the BH years dies with me in this community once I stop posting for good. And because of that, I’m retiring for good.

I don’t want to be associated with a bunch of shit posting garbage, which I’m sure was the motive all the greats before me had when they decided to log out.

Oh well. There’s better avenues out there now.

at least the cuphead DLC got released, the summer is not a total waste. maybe ironmouse will play the DLC on twitch, she makes any game she plays hilarious.

remember cunty said he bought the game and was going to try it eventually, a video of him playing it would be pay per view material, yano

otherwise, reading the human centipede of admin, bozo et all is not worth logging in for

hey, maybe CW will fix her site.

maybe vitriol will post a fractal and all hell will break lose

maybe flea will post a new big lip selfie



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
and that is all folks...the other one is too talented to waste time posting here...

Cos nothing’s ever what it seems
The tiniest of cuts still bleeds
And it tastes so bittersweet


Factory Bastard
Poppy won't ghost write for me anymore, sorry.

Well I do miss Poppet, she was all the man that you never could be.

Oh, Blandscape, flame matches are for those without anything to say.

It's rather depressing that the highlight of your day is typing incomprehensible shit on this forum and reliving the imaginary glory days of flaming.

Are you being prescribed the proper medication to treat these delusions of yours?

And to think you don't have the fucking balls to come to my home website and say these things!

See that you write something worth my time the next time you mention my god dam name.

You may now return to playing with Fox and ask what the Fox says other than hatee-hatee-hatee-ho and ring-ding-ding-dingeringeding.

Oh Proxy me favourite ol'mucker, flame matches are indeed deader than a dodo doing a do-do, alas there are some among us who are tainted by their horrific experiences within that cold dead embrace. Where memory is confused by mere ego. No names no pack drill. The fact that they have been abused by me over multiple boards, does not escape me. I always appreciated your input, it serves to make us all look better.

You are to be respected for at least trying to be more or less less than you prove to be every day you exist here. Or indeed anywhere else for dat matter. You matter Proxy, even if you don't think you ever really have. If it wasn't for me, you would have vanished into an ethereal authorial cloud of who cares fucking eons ago.

As fur using and abusing yer name Proxy, you don't even know who you are until someone who probably doesn't care dat much aboot ye, slaps you about the face and neck with a wet fish, or you simply have yer Morning Joe. Weren't you Morning Joe at BC?

Ye are more tae be pitied dan laughed at I'm sure!
Whatever, you will always be welcome to tailgate's not as if you pose a threat.

You dance like a nice little puppet when I tug your strings, but then I grow bored and toss you into the fire. The stink of your failure rises in the smoke, as you cling to the illusion that your pointless flaming rubbish matters.

Consider it a kindness that I even read your nonsense today, please regard my response as charity.

It's always wonderful to assist the untalented trolls that wander about this community.

And you belong to the community, don't you? That term is both humorous and depressing.

You were incredibly simple to control, and you truly do seem to have lost it. I believe we may have poisoned your mind a little too much.

Dats the problem fur you old man, you never get bored wiff me. You totally red flag my "nonsense", that's the only reason you are viable here. Try to keep up... I can only support and protect you further if you keep begging for my attention. Let's face it, I have never really responded to you unless provoked, and you just cannae provoke very much now that your social network has collapsed and has been sealed up like a Pharaoh's tomb.

You and Dove's fuckholes should share that same metaphor.

Another verbal masturbation stains the screen, but Blandcapes' filthy sleeve brushes it aside. Play the funny music and hand out the participation emojis.

The masses in the cheap seats sit on their hands, disappointment hits their face like a sloppy money shot.

Yawns are muffled as a carnival of dull trolls is once again on display.

Puppet, tell us more about our social group that you don't belong to.

Make it interesting, open your fucking mind and leave your self-imposed prison of dullness.

Another verbal altercation based on the prevarication that you someone seem to have re-invented your own spiel. And let's face it Proxy, how many times huv ye confused that wiff your own worth and its reality in the past? Let me spell that reality out for you.

Agghh, Eguhh. I. Owe. You.

And your continued survival owes plenty to too many.

Making the same fucking post to me (and others), via multiple accounts of yerself over recent years while adding nothing of worth to it, does not give you an insight into anything but why you GoFund yerself; to be constantly blindsided by your need to be here or there, while fraudulently feeling respected and needed.

You shid never have been either. I however, have always accepted you for what you are, the very thing you claim to never have evolved into.

An ol'flamer, with no-where else left to go.


Factory Bastard
I never thought 'Flaming' or the person's it created were hard in any way.

People were just incredibly funny. The fact that some of it was done in an aggressive manner was irrelevant to most.

It was just like the difference between PG rated humour and Adult content.

The truly funny writers have gone and the best that one can hope for is a glimmer of a laugh from somebody harking back to those days and posting something sharp and witty.

Stomping round like a perverted troll (no names mentioned) isn't anything to do with what 'Flaming' was all about it's just the scent of the idea.

All those who deride 'Flaming' still post here aggressively and they try to be humorous (one would hope) which is actually the definition of 'Flaming so they're talking through their ass.

I don’t want to be associated with a bunch of shit posting garbage, which I’m sure was the motive all the greats before me had when they decided to log out.

Oh well. There’s better avenues out there now.

Our avenues of cavalcade KM are lined with the same fucking cheering, leering crowds as they always were. I refuse to see why that is a problem fur our Secret Service's?

Indeed, shouldn't that make it easier?