Radicalized Extremist SCOTUS Reinstates Mandatory School Prayer.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I want women who are victims of rape and incest to have access to abortions as well. Within a reasonable time-frame. 16 weeks after the crime is a more than adequate window of opportunity unless extraneous circumstances can be demonstrated

But to hinge your argument on rape in favor of abortion when 99.9% of the abortions in the US have nothing to do with rape or incest is disingenuous to put it mildly

Abortion is about personal convenience. it is a blanket demonstration of selfishness and an unwillingness to accept responsibility for ones actions and the transference of consequence unto another.



Domestically feral
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United states
Joe has this idea that rape survivors everywhere are running to abortion mills, given abortions and cured of rape and all their problems. And that if they do not do this somehow that enables rape.

When in reality abortion is used by rapists on a regular basis. Thousands of women talk about the socail pressure of abortion after rape and how it was another trauma.

This is not about helping rape survivors. This is about hatred of women masked as compassion. These people who say this just do not want to be confronted with anything that makes them uncomfortable. They use rape as an excuse to support abortion.

Because when you bring up Plan B they ignore it. I really am convinced these people would remove Plan B and emergency contraception to make sure their rape and abortion argument would stay valid.


Domestically feral
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United states
She lied to me about reading Jacob Blake's criminal record.

She was holding the media narrative that the police showed up over two women fighting ....arguing with me when I was telling her they went on a sexual assault warrant to arrest Jacob Blake and went there for him specifically.

So I asked her if she saw the reports and she lied. Blatantly lied and said she did.

And she has the audacity to turn on me because I didnt cosign this bullshit and she wanted to believe lies.

It's just mystifying. Their brains are rotted. They are statist zombies who hate people they dont even understand.

listen -- liberalism has become a stupidity fad that these morons think all the cool kids are doing

They're weak minded cowards who just want to belong to something -- anything -- and do not posses neither the intellectual nor testicular fortitude to stand on their own. the mob mentally is easy to adopt.

If Liberalism has gone amok, I can't say much for this new brand of virulent brand of Right wing extremism either Bigly.

Believe or not, there are conservative (as opposed to Right Wing) Republicans in your country who either support abortion or at very least - sensible family planning. These are not radicals. They are just people with common sense.
provide me some examples of this "new brand of virulent brand of Right wing extremism" you speak of

To overturn a 50 year old ruling without public discussion and referendums and no public input yes....seems very radical.

Btw I don't even support the redefinition of women by the trans community either. That's also very radical but coming from the left.
You have no clue how the judicial branch is supposed to work

sit down

I don't believe the role of a court is to define social policy and redefine society either. They've clearly overstepped their mandate.

So you are agreeing that Roe was a bad decision. They overstepped their mandate there and defined socail policy and redefined society.

And now that theyve overturned that weak and tyrannical ruling .....once again the PEOPLE can decide the laws that best reflect their society.

That's a good thing. You cannot have it both ways, Joe.

Well if that be the case I certainly don't support this Texas or Oklahoma versions which prevent young girls or women from aborting in cases of rape or incest.

That is a fundamental violation of their basic human rights. No woman should be forced to endure a pregnancy because of a criminal act.

Otherwise those states are enabling criminals and criminal behaviour.
I actually agree with you on that one.

So what's the democratic option here? Get out there and vote for candidates willing to change this law via the proper provisions.

Or, get the fuck outta Texas

that's what freedom is all about

And yet that is so flagrant a human rights violation that it should be flagged down 8n an International Court of Law.

Even Brazil recently allowed a 10 year girl an abortion after she was raped Bigly.

So instead of being drug into clinics by abusers and released back to them with no reports why cant they take emergency Plan B contraception?

Have you actually talked to women who lived this? Or are you speaking for them? Because there are entire groups of women who conceived a child from rape who would passionately challange your "fundamental human rights" claim.

And again I havent seen a tiny bit of concern or care for how abortion providers enable and assist rape and trafficking.

I think that rape survivors and their pregnancies make society uncomfortable so they wanna sweep it from their sight and not have to be faced with it. Js.

Well what if it was some demented inbred guy who escaped from a mental institution and he raped & impregnated your daughter?

Would you be comfortable allowing that child to call you 'Grandma' @Dove?

MY daughters can still shoot attackers.

And I would give them a few rounds of Plan B, Joe. My daughters hate abortion.

I dont subscribe to the "dump them in the clinic and have it dealt with so we dont have to see it" method.

Dont you think allowing law abiding women to carry for self defense and have access to emergency contraception is better? Why are you so determined to argue for rape survivors but not concerned about abortion coercion and enablment of rapists by failure to report and post abortion trauma?

I know a few women who said their after rape abortion was just as if not more traumatic than the rape.

Why cant these women speak for themselves?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
She lied to me about reading Jacob Blake's criminal record.

She was holding the media narrative that the police showed up over two women fighting ....arguing with me when I was telling her they went on a sexual assault warrant to arrest Jacob Blake and went there for him specifically.

So I asked her if she saw the reports and she lied. Blatantly lied and said she did.

And she has the audacity to turn on me because I didnt cosign this bullshit and she wanted to believe lies.

It's just mystifying. Their brains are rotted. They are statist zombies who hate people they dont even understand.

listen -- liberalism has become a stupidity fad that these morons think all the cool kids are doing

They're weak minded cowards who just want to belong to something -- anything -- and do not posses neither the intellectual nor testicular fortitude to stand on their own. the mob mentally is easy to adopt.

If Liberalism has gone amok, I can't say much for this new brand of virulent brand of Right wing extremism either Bigly.

Believe or not, there are conservative (as opposed to Right Wing) Republicans in your country who either support abortion or at very least - sensible family planning. These are not radicals. They are just people with common sense.
provide me some examples of this "new brand of virulent brand of Right wing extremism" you speak of

To overturn a 50 year old ruling without public discussion and referendums and no public input yes....seems very radical.

Btw I don't even support the redefinition of women by the trans community either. That's also very radical but coming from the left.
You have no clue how the judicial branch is supposed to work

sit down

I don't believe the role of a court is to define social policy and redefine society either. They've clearly overstepped their mandate.

So you are agreeing that Roe was a bad decision. They overstepped their mandate there and defined socail policy and redefined society.

And now that theyve overturned that weak and tyrannical ruling .....once again the PEOPLE can decide the laws that best reflect their society.

That's a good thing. You cannot have it both ways, Joe.

Well if that be the case I certainly don't support this Texas or Oklahoma versions which prevent young girls or women from aborting in cases of rape or incest.

That is a fundamental violation of their basic human rights. No woman should be forced to endure a pregnancy because of a criminal act.

Otherwise those states are enabling criminals and criminal behaviour.
I actually agree with you on that one.

So what's the democratic option here? Get out there and vote for candidates willing to change this law via the proper provisions.

Or, get the fuck outta Texas

that's what freedom is all about

And yet that is so flagrant a human rights violation that it should be flagged down un an International Court of Law.

Even Brazil recently allowed a 10 year girl an abortion after she was raped Bigly.
Now you're smoking crack

fuck an international court of law. You think I give the first fuck what some insect from the other side of the world thinks of our processes ?

Hey Bigly even the Left in your country is whacko as well. Imagine that plaintiffs in a recent USC case in California received more in damages ($1.1 million USD each) because some gyno touched them on the pussy even tho they are perfectly functionAL and they're holding down good paying jobs. But people whose relatives died in that Florida collapse actually received less. Ukrainian women are getting raped every day by Russian soldiers and their only reward is coming out alive in 1 piece.

I do think the left in America are full of whiney bitches as well.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am still waiting for examples of how the right is so "radical far right". Examples please.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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No, not that speech!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That picture is from the 1970's before the court case about organized prayer. The current court case only covers one person privately praying not on company time.

But you knew that. You just are a pathological liar.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am still waiting for examples of how the right is so "radical far right". Examples please.

I just did.

States which prohibit abortions for victims of rape and incest is very extreme when 3rd world nations such as Brazil & in Central America allow this exception in extreme circumstances.

States which spy on women and issue bounties on them for getting an abortion is also very extreme


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Jesus Christ. Please, for the love of God. Read! No one is a prisoner in one state as they can go to another one to get an abortion.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Jesus Christ. Please, for the love of God. Read! No one is a prisoner in one state as they can go to another one to get an abortion.

Why should these females be forced to go to another state?

And what if the person is a minor not in the age of consent? Or raped by a family member and can't easily get away?

It old someone they know such as an abusive spouse which prevents them.

It's not as simple as you think to do that.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Jesus Christ. Please, for the love of God. Read! No one is a prisoner in one state as they can go to another one to get an abortion.
Anti Regulation Conservatives looking to regulate private enterprise, again.

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Just think what will happen when they regain the Presidency & Control of Congress.
That could launch the Civil War they have been bleating about since Trump.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Jesus Christ. Please, for the love of God. Read! No one is a prisoner in one state as they can go to another one to get an abortion.
Anti Regulation Conservatives looking to regulate private enterprise, again.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Just think what will happen when they regain the Presidency & Control of Congress.
That could launch the Civil War they have been bleating about since Trump.

I'm actually starting to think it's all planned.

1. Antagonize the other side as much as they can with rulings like overturning R v Wade.

2. Introduce laws which allow easy access to guns so they'll flood the streets as much as possible.

So this will result in Civil War, the death of democracy and the Republic so it will lead to authoritarian rule like the fabled nation of Gilead.

3. Then blame the other side for it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Jesus Christ. Please, for the love of God. Read! No one is a prisoner in one state as they can go to another one to get an abortion.
Anti Regulation Conservatives looking to regulate private enterprise, again.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Just think what will happen when they regain the Presidency & Control of Congress.
That could launch the Civil War they have been bleating about since Trump.

Good. Get it over with. You guys only speak hate and violence so we may as well tear it down while we still have SOME rights left.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I am still waiting for examples of how the right is so "radical far right". Examples please.

I've asked that before. I have yet to get a coherent answer.

Basically the "far right" is literally everyone not extremist left.
Joe sez that states enacting laws consistent with the beliefs of the majority of their citizens is ""extreme""


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Jesus Christ. Please, for the love of God. Read! No one is a prisoner in one state as they can go to another one to get an abortion.
Anti Regulation Conservatives looking to regulate private enterprise, again.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Just think what will happen when they regain the Presidency & Control of Congress.
That could launch the Civil War they have been bleating about since Trump.

I'm actually starting to think it's all planned.

1. Antagonize the other side as much as they CA.

2. Introduce laws which allow easy access to guns so they'll flood the streets as much as possible.

So this will result in the death of democracy and the Republic so it will lead to authoritarian rule like the fabled nation of Gilead.

Yes because "democracy" really means the left can revoke any rights of ours they want and get to run everything and make all the decisions for all of us.

When you guys say democracy you mean "one party power".

Be honest about it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I am still waiting for examples of how the right is so "radical far right". Examples please.

I've asked that before. I have yet to get a coherent answer.

Basically the "far right" is literally everyone not extremist left.
Joe sez that states enacting laws consistent with the beliefs of the majority of their citizens is ""extreme""

I know. I saw :/

I think his views are extreme. Who is right? Me or him?

There you go. This is why we have a constitution and checks and balances.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Jesus Christ. Please, for the love of God. Read! No one is a prisoner in one state as they can go to another one to get an abortion.
Anti Regulation Conservatives looking to regulate private enterprise, again.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Just think what will happen when they regain the Presidency & Control of Congress.

Nothing bad. In fact, hopefully, they will repair some of the damage from the insane leftists.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
In tomorrows episode of kangaroo court for snowflakes we're going to hear testimony from a person who wishes only to be known as "the shadow" who once had and email exchange guy, that ate breakfast with a girl, who was actually a 4th cousin to someone they bumped into in a park that swears trump can fly and will blow up the moon if reelected

The irrefutable evidence is clear; we have to stop this madman!!!!!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Because, of course, making children push dollar bills down a transtesticle's g-thong is not "marketing" such sexual deviance in any way