Enough with the Blue Cashew threads


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's are the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
You fucking kidding?
That you Sum Bum?

No. I'm not kidding you waste of human skin.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's are the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
You fucking kidding?
That you Sum Bum?

No. I'm not kidding you waste of human skin.
Whatever, brah.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously.
Well, she did soft delete your post at BC, which could be restored, but isn't. And which you give as one reason not to post there. JS
Is this true @The Countess


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's are the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
You fucking kidding?
That you Sum Bum?

No. I'm not kidding you waste of human skin.
Whatever, brah.

I just nailed DEadzo with a....


Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's are the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
You fucking kidding?
That you Sum Bum?

No. I'm not kidding you waste of human skin.
Whatever, brah.

I just nailed DEadzo with a....

Not a boom.
Scroll bombs are powerful weapons however. How long did it take you?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's are the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
You fucking kidding?
That you Sum Bum?

No. I'm not kidding you waste of human skin.
Whatever, brah.

I just nailed DEadzo with a....

Not a boom.
Scroll bombs are powerful weapons however. How long did it take you?

7.5 minutes.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously.
Well, she did soft delete your post at BC, which could be restored, but isn't. And which you give as one reason not to post there. JS
Is this true @The Countess

Yeah I did. I’m gonna pm you instead of giving all these idiots something to Kiki about. Deleting a post shouldn’t determine whether someone is loyal or not. I think you know better than to let cw dictate our friendship.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
Not dictating anything. Just stating the truth. Something friends do for each other. The air is always better cleared.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's are the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
You fucking kidding?
That you Sum Bum?

No. I'm not kidding you waste of human skin.
Whatever, brah.

I just nailed DEadzo with a....

Not a boom.
Scroll bombs are powerful weapons however. How long did it take you?

7.5 minutes.
Took me only a second to scroll past it.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously.
Well, she did soft delete your post at BC, which could be restored, but isn't. And which you give as one reason not to post there. JS
Is this true @The Countess

Yeah I did. I’m gonna pm you instead of giving all these idiots something to Kiki about. Deleting a post shouldn’t determine whether someone is loyal or not. I think you know better than to let cw dictate our friendship.
Well I did throw a cup full of venom at Cdub for deleting a harmless post and left BC on account of censorship over something that shouldn’t have been censored.

For that, @cw_ I apologize.

Saying Bonesaw goes to a mall to coldcock a child in the face when he’s upset, coldcock, a term used in fighting, isn’t some sexual act.

And if Bonehead cried for delete like a little girl over being flamed in what I thought was a flame forum, i mean it says it’s a flame forum, then he’s nothing but a balding middle aged bitch and needs to stick to threads about periods so he keeps his blood trail in one happy little place.

What a fucking bitch. That place loses the main draw but gains possibly one of the biggest wimps this community has ever seen.

Tell him to make another podcast that was so muffled it sounded like he was strangling children and didn’t want to wake anybody up while he was doing it, the fucking crybaby.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a
Take this tiff to PM's you boring faggots.

It's an act he puts on. Everytime people start pointing out Poof uses the Flynn account.....him fighting with the Flynn account happens. He thinks people will be like "hur der if they are fighting its gotta be different people!".

Its total shit lol

Sure...just like how you have a paying job but are out on the forums all day, every day.

Tell more lies because Aryan is the only one that believes them.

I thought I needed to GET a job?

Now I have one?

Did I post that I had a job? Maybe when I posted my own PI and complained about my PI being posted? Yeah?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Jesus...... can you imagine actually bothering to write a post that long?

Doesnt even provide an alert before that schizophrenic deluge of werd salad lol.

Not even a TLDR.

What a rude fucking twunt lol.

Imagine feeling this shit that deeply :LOL3:


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's is the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
No. Just no.

This place needs an enema, Flynn.

The shit posters are the main posters. That’s why this forum is failing. You need to get rid of the shit posters and start over. If that hurts the idiots minds here and makes them upset, oh well. I would get rid of all the spaz tards here with the exception of those who have made good content in the past and build a strong foundation instead of the broken toilet this place is filled with shit.

The problem is, I’m the only one willing to say yes, this place has potential, it has an owner who wants this place to thrive, but it’s filled with the gutter trash nobody else wants. Gutter trash who just can’t figure out nobody wants them here and think just because they gave this forum money that they somehow have some sort of stroke or entitlement.

Pickles, remember him? My fucking shadow? He won’t come here because of all the trash that posts here. Same with Toe and Jiggy. That’s three quality posters who want no part of this place or want to be associated with trash.

There’s BH’ers already here who won’t post here. NA is here, OJ, DumbCrud, Brent, all of them. Nobody wants to scroll thru pages of shit to get to a good post.

Who would you rather have? The names above? Or keeping the shit posters?

Getting rid of one shit poster is a good start. Now finding good writers is the next step. And if I do, then what? They have to deal with idiots calling them pedos like it’s 1998 in an AOL chat room?

Bitch plz.

As for you giving up your panel. the fact is, you did a great job. So did Oak. I was 100% behind you both while you were running this commode because for this place to change, it needs a new face. I’m not going to be that guy any more nor do I want a panel and if you feel the same way good for you. I built a forum at SG from nothing and turned it into the biggest forum this community has seen since BH only to watch the shit posters kill the place dead the second I left. YOU had that opportunity to do it here, and that’s dissapoint.

Like I said, I’m willing to move the needle but finding quality takes time.

Get rid of the rest of the shit posters, and that time cuts in half.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

I remember this same routine at SG only he wanted Seamajor banned because "shit posters ruin the forum".

Hahahaha he just shifts it around based on who he doesnt like. What a fucking tool.

And no one outside of Flynn(LOL) takes these sorts of diatribes seriously at all. It's kinda like watching the Biden administration lol.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously.
Well, she did soft delete your post at BC, which could be restored, but isn't. And which you give as one reason not to post there. JS
Is this true @The Countess

Yeah I did. I’m gonna pm you instead of giving all these idiots something to Kiki about. Deleting a post shouldn’t determine whether someone is loyal or not. I think you know better than to let cw dictate our friendship.
Well I did throw a cup full of venom at Cdub for deleting a harmless post and left BC on account of censorship over something that shouldn’t have been censored.

For that, @cw_ I apologize.

Saying Bonesaw goes to a mall to coldcock a child in the face when he’s upset, coldcock, a term used in fighting, isn’t some sexual act.

And if Bonehead cried for delete like a little girl over being flamed in what I thought was a flame forum, i mean it says it’s a flame forum, then he’s nothing but a balding middle aged bitch and needs to stick to threads about periods so he keeps his blood trail in one happy little place.

What a fucking bitch. That place loses the main draw but gains possibly one of the biggest wimps this community has ever seen.

Tell him to make another podcast that was so muffled it sounded like he was strangling children and didn’t want to wake anybody up while he was doing it, the fucking crybaby.

Bone didn’t say anything. I should have moved it to Rejected instead of deleting.

I deleted the personal stuff said about you, even tho you didn’t complain. I didn’t want a bunch of grimy fighting, that’s all.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously.
Well, she did soft delete your post at BC, which could be restored, but isn't. And which you give as one reason not to post there. JS
Is this true @The Countess

Yeah I did. I’m gonna pm you instead of giving all these idiots something to Kiki about. Deleting a post shouldn’t determine whether someone is loyal or not. I think you know better than to let cw dictate our friendship.
Well I did throw a cup full of venom at Cdub for deleting a harmless post and left BC on account of censorship over something that shouldn’t have been censored.

For that, @cw_ I apologize.

Saying Bonesaw goes to a mall to coldcock a child in the face when he’s upset, coldcock, a term used in fighting, isn’t some sexual act.

And if Bonehead cried for delete like a little girl over being flamed in what I thought was a flame forum, i mean it says it’s a flame forum, then he’s nothing but a balding middle aged bitch and needs to stick to threads about periods so he keeps his blood trail in one happy little place.

What a fucking bitch. That place loses the main draw but gains possibly one of the biggest wimps this community has ever seen.

Tell him to make another podcast that was so muffled it sounded like he was strangling children and didn’t want to wake anybody up while he was doing it, the fucking crybaby.

Bone didn’t say anything. I should have moved it to Rejected instead of deleting.

I deleted the personal stuff said about you, even tho you didn’t complain. I didn’t want a bunch of grimy fighting, that’s all.
Who’s fighting tho?

Me and Bonesaw? Pfft, come on Flea. Bonesaws seen worse by better and I highly doubt that bald head of his loses any more hair from things I post that nature doesn’t do a better job at destroying. The guys just a punching bag and doesn’t mind being one. The shit was funny with nothing personal attached to it.

As for personal shit being posted about me, I give zero fucks. I’ve had my old address posted how many times and get doxxed at least twice a year. Twat left pictures of my kids up at turd rail. Who fucking cares? My kids are beautiful. Even when Caskur dropped the bomb Bra1n was shocked that the shit had zero effect on me and didn’t get the reaction everyone thought it would. Thing is, I’d been doxxed well before I came into this shit by a “posse” on a old official mlb board then doxxed the living shit out of each and every one of them to the point they all left the forum. Posted pictures of their families, job info, all of it and gave zero fucks about it. Me making fun of Bonesaw isn’t ever going to reach that level no matter what rumplestilskin bullshit he spews about shit I supposedly did to him in the past that I didn’t do. He’s a crying little bitch and personally I think he begged you with tears to delete the mean things I said. Fuck him. If he’s that uncomfortable being around an alpha male you should have said something before hand and I would have been nice.

Im not mad Flea, just dissapoint. I won’t post there because I’m allowed freedom of speech and refuse to be censored for something as trivial as a well written insult that a bunch of grown ass adults might find upsetting. Fuck them.

Enjoy your forum. It pains me that two good forum owners are stuck selling out to a infernal dump like BC, but that’s just moi.


> you
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. o O
It's the symbol in the save menu of Silent Hill 3. The Halo of the Sun acts as a save point for the player.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's are the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
You fucking kidding?
That you Sum Bum?

No. I'm not kidding you waste of human skin.
Whatever, brah.

I just nailed DEadzo with a....

Not a boom.
Scroll bombs are powerful weapons however. How long did it take you?

7.5 minutes.
Took me only a second to scroll past it.

That's because you can't read.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a
Take this tiff to PM's you boring faggots.

It's an act he puts on. Everytime people start pointing out Poof uses the Flynn account.....him fighting with the Flynn account happens. He thinks people will be like "hur der if they are fighting its gotta be different people!".

Its total shit lol

Sure...just like how you have a paying job but are out on the forums all day, every day.

Tell more lies because Aryan is the only one that believes them.

I thought I needed to GET a job?

Now I have one?

Did I post that I had a job? Maybe when I posted my own PI and complained about my PI being posted? Yeah?

Anyone make sense of The Small Business Oligarchy?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a
Take this tiff to PM's you boring faggots.

It's an act he puts on. Everytime people start pointing out Poof uses the Flynn account.....him fighting with the Flynn account happens. He thinks people will be like "hur der if they are fighting its gotta be different people!".

Its total shit lol

Sure...just like how you have a paying job but are out on the forums all day, every day.

Tell more lies because Aryan is the only one that believes them.

I thought I needed to GET a job?

Now I have one?

Did I post that I had a job? Maybe when I posted my own PI and complained about my PI being posted? Yeah?

Get a job you welfare collecting sponge.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I would like to point out there’s been more activity here in this sub then at the entire BC site so far today.

BF= winning

@Bastard Factory
When Flea asks for a sub forum here, please title it La Cucaracha

Why the fuck would he give that forum leech a sub?
Because there’s no way BC with all the polished anvils there will be a functional forum in short order.

When there’s that many morons there saying the same shit that place is going to drop faster then seven o clock dinner into Benzos bloomer diapers.

The only thing that’s going to salvage that place is when they all turn on each other and lines are drawn in the sand.

Flea is the smartest one of the bunch. She will be the first to go.

Just watch.

She already aligned herself with TBC a long time ago. Even trying to suck posters from here to there with her new sub that has failed big time.

Look, I got nothing against Flea but she's a fucking doormat ala SG. You on the other hand jump from ship to ship depending on the hue of the brown stain on your well worn underoos.

Both you and lard ass Flea have no business dictating or commenting on things about loyalty to boards or being in charge of anything. Just keep doing your 3-day song and dance and then disappear for one month, then come back rehashing how you're going to turn whatever forum around. We've seen this from you before and it always ends with yoy high tailing it out of the forums after you make these delusional promises that never ever materialize.
Yes, moron. Because real life is far more important than trying to build a healthy forum that I’m not getting paid to do.

I am loyal to ppl I respect. Flea being one of them. Flea has never done me wrong thru out the years and is an excellent punching bag because she don’t take this shit seriously. She’s also the only person I would go old school Poofer for if anybody tried fucking with her the wrong way. I’ve known that dumb snapperhead longer then everyone else here has outside of Caskur and that’s another old minx I’d do dirty work for too. So ppl need to understand don’t fuck with either of them because nobody in this community of late knows just how low I’m willing to go and still sleep like a baby at night giving zero fucks.

As for this place, I’ve apologized to BF in private and even when bumping heads we were both on the same page. Not unlike the friction I had with Goonsgay or RubeFlog for that matter. If I am on board with making somebody else’s site better, Da fuck are they gonna stop me? Not on your miserable life. You, as a mod, did more for this place but you dropped that panel. So you really don’t have any room to talk about loyalty when you dropped shit the second you started getting heat from a bunch of shit posters. Shit posters you could maul with your eyes closed.

Shit takes time. Especially in a dying environment like message boards.

Since when has "real life" ever stopped you from frequenting the forums? How are you building up this forum or any other forum for that matter by running in and out of the forums for 72 hours straight then disappearing for 30 days? Is that what you call the building blocks or the genesis of good forum building? Regardless if you're being paid or not, if you really mean what you say about making a forum great again you wouldn't be participating in this hit-and-run approach.

I never said you weren't loyal to bubble-butt Flea and that gapped tooth senior citizen Caskur. I was referring to the many forums you claim to be able to fix in the short time you reside at them. Your loyalty to your online friends has never been in question. Now, I really don't know what "old school Poofer" means or entails but I would have to assume it would mean The Poofer on speed. I can just picture it now, you running around to 19 forums in one day and laying down 300 posts on each board proclaiming how you're going to save that particular forum along with the 18 others, if that's what "old school Poofer" means then I don't want to ever see that. Relax Rambo, both Flea and Caskur can take care of themselves, what do you think they do when you take your month long sabbaticals?

Whatever interaction you had with BF on your own time is your own asskissing business. It's good to read that you two yoyos are on the same page for once. Myself as a "mod" is a story all on its own and you don't know the full story of what went on behind the scenes. The only people privy to that information is BF, Lily and RealGrimm. So your idea or hypothesis on why I stepped down couldn't be further from the truth, so unless you know exactly what happened you can stop yapping about it before pull out your purple tongue with a plastic fork. I seem to remember you being a mod here and also dropping the panel, but you don't see me bringing that up do you? See, this is what you don't get Martini and you'll never get it if you keep your eyes and mind wide shut. The mods are here to facilitate the imagination and ideas of the posters. Mods are to make sure that each and every poster's thought process isn't hindered by outside or inside sources hellbent on causing disruptions to the creative content being put forth by posters. Furthermore, the forums comes before any one poster, every mod should know that they are a cog in the bigger wheel of things and are the most unimportant part of the forums. This is what you lack, the true understanding of how to build up a forum from the inside out and not from the outside in. Until you get this, all your attempts to build up any forum including this one will fail. Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves for the greater good of the forum, sometimes we have to walk away. Are you willing to do any of those things for the greater good of the forum even if it means a bump in the road for your ego?

"Shit posters?" You mean the "shit posters" you could also dismember with a few keystrokes? Let's do talk about these "shit posters" for a New York minute. Even the posters you label as "shit" mostly have a place on the forums. Without the posters there is no forum. The poster's are the single most important thing for a forum's survival. You haven't gotten this wrapped around that tin can you call a brain yet. Mods and the forum owner's aren't looking to drive poster's away. Their job is keep the existing poster's and bring in new ones. You're with the mindset that if you kick enough e-ass then that will drive up forum membership, you're absolutely wrong. What draws poster's are the creative content and the overall ambiance of a forum. This shit going on in Meltdown is driving people away. My fighting, your fighting...etc...There's no quick fix all in regard to building back up this forum but what I do know is that some things need to change here. If that means getting rid of politics and Meltdown then I'm all for it because the way this ship is sailing, it's headed straight for a gigantic iceberg. I don't have the answers to help make this place better but I do know that this infighting and cross-forum fighting needs to stop. I take full responsibility in taking part in all of that. I really don't know if banning poster's is the answer either as the poster's are the lifeblood of a forum. I do know this. What you're doing isn't going to work, what I tried to do wasn't going to work. It's not even about the mods, it's all dependent on which direction the poster's here want the forum to go.

Like I've stated in previous threads and posts, any forum would be lucky to have you Martini, now if you could just take that enthusiasm and use it to better the forums in a more positive way, then I think you'd be on the right track.
You fucking kidding?
That you Sum Bum?

No. I'm not kidding you waste of human skin.
Whatever, brah.

I just nailed DEadzo with a....

Not a boom.
Scroll bombs are powerful weapons however. How long did it take you?

7.5 minutes.
Took me only a second to scroll past it.

You must have been emptying out your colostomy bag.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Christ you FT mongs are painful. All you do is whine about the membership on here and bitch about how bad the forum is.

None of you have been here longer than 5 mins, yet you've got the cheek to try hijacking the board and turning it into FT 2.0.

GTFO with this shit. You tards need YOUR OWN FUCKING FORUM. You can't coexist with posters from other groups and so try to drive them out and gradually replace them with your own cronies.

Well sorry faggots, it ain't happening. This place isn't going to turn into a BH nostalgia forum or somewhere for Mutantini to bore everyine to death with his wannabe internet celebrity routine. You cunts need to go, because you're toxic as fuck and do nothing except stir up trouble.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Christ you FT mongs are painful. All you do is whine about the membership on here and bitch about how bad the forum is.

None of you have been here longer than 5 mins, yet you've got the cheek to try hijacking the board and turning it into FT 2.0.

GTFO with this shit. You tards need YOUR OWN FUCKING FORUM. You can't coexist with posters from other groups and so try to drive them out and gradually replace them with your own cronies.

Well sorry faggots, it ain't happening. This place isn't going to turn into a BH nostalgia forum or somewhere for Mutantini to bore everyine to death with his wannabe internet celebrity routine. You cunts need to go, because you're toxic as fuck and do nothing except stir up trouble.
They'll burn out soon enough.
Always do..