Look at this....


Factory Bastard
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You forgot to also include:


Only you would try to make this a popularity contest. The truth really has nothing to do with how "popular" someone allegedly is.

There's more of your blatant ass kissing. Who even brought up how long you knew Fred Flintstone? I mean you actually think I'm trying to steal or sway the opinion of your 3 loyal rectum cleaners? So. Okay. The Marlboro man isn't afraid to tell you that you're a proven imbecile? Uhhhhh....yes....he....is. You see, Garrity has gotten soft in his Century of being alive. Let's leave Garrity out of this.

All I gotta say is..."Auto Error" on your face!
It's what it's all about to those morons.They have there own little click which as they just admitted is a popularity contest between them all.They stick together in numbers and attack anyone that dares to say something that's not the status quo.And when all else fails they will start to use the worn out tactic of `your stalking me` etc etc.It's really quite sad to watch.And this tactic of theres has destroyed EVERY BOARD they have posted on.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Dumb ass Plynn thinks people want his dumb ass to "feel bad" because that's exactly what he is trying SO hard to do.

Make people who dont give a single rip shit what he thinks "feel bad".

This retarded racist psycho has spent YEARS and has had multiple nuclear meltdowns because he thinks IM supposed to care about the idiotic crap he says. And when I dont....he fucking melts lol. One time at SG this birth defect was calling me....get ready....a hooker. So I was like, okay. I'm a hooker. Who cares? If its consensual and two adults agree to engage in transactional sex....so fucking what? And he was like...."but ur a WHORE!! A WHORE I SAY!" and literally no one cared.

And Plynn went into a VERY cringey and second hand embarrassing freak out and started warning the male posters on the board that I was gonna try to fuck them for money. Like sincerely warning them. All in this complete fucking panick mode like the world depended on Plynn rescuing the men from possible solicitation of prostitution from me.

Of course we were all laughing and knocking his spazzy and mentally retarded hysterical ass around like a ping pong ball and he then went into a 3 day long posting bender that resulted in him getting banned (by his own actions, Flea actually was so sick of it she said the next person to bring up Poofer would be banned....and right away Plynn did it and got banned).

Plynn is too stupid and too angry to be funny and is coming here to bleed on people. Nothing more.
You're definitely right about him desperately trying to upset people and make them feel bad. That's his entire schtick, a nasty, buttsore, vindictive troll, that hisses venom at anyone in close vicinity and doesn't have a single endearing characteristic.

Absolutely worthless and just about the worst kind of life-draining forum cancer a board can be lumbered with. It's a good job us forum veterans know how to handle such a specimen and regularly BTFO him and his nonsense. Lulz


Domestically feral
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United states
You're definitely right about him desperately trying to upset people and make them feel bad. That's his entire schtick, a nasty, buttsore, vindictive troll, that hisses venom at anyone in close vicinity and doesn't have a single endearing characteristic.

Absolutely worthless and just about the worst kind of life-draining forum cancer a forum can be lumbered with. It's a good job us forum veterans know how to handle such a specimen and regularly BTFO him and his nonsense. Lulz

Sound familiar? LOL

I dont just toss shit out there. The Cluster of Cluster Bs are literally textbook narcs.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Sound familiar? LOL

I dont just toss shit out there. The Cluster of Cluster Bs are literally textbook narcs.

And they roll out the same tired shit over and over again.

Murds a narcissist.

Poofers a narcissist.

Flynns a narcissist.

Rinse and repeat.

Everyone is basically a narcissist that doesn't agree with them.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Garraty and I have been friends for years but I'll tell you this.....he isnt scared to tell me when IM being an idiot.

That's because at the first sign of constructive criticism or a light-hearted joke you don't freak out and start accusing me of being on someone else's "team" or stupid shit like that.

What's not to like about that?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That's because at the first sign of constructive criticism or a light-hearted joke you don't freak out and start accusing me of being on someone else's "team" or stupid shit like that.

What's not to like about that?
You're on my team though,right? (jk):Awesome:


Domestically feral
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United states
That's because at the first sign of constructive criticism or a light-hearted joke you don't freak out and start accusing me of being on someone else's "team" or stupid shit like that.

What's not to like about that?

And I never will.

I love receiving constructive criticism from intelligent people. That's how you grow as a person.

Unlike a certain cluster club here, I dont have any driving need whatsoever to assert myself as more intelligent or superior than others and I dont particularly care how I look on a forum.

And being invested in that nonsense looks humorless, joyless and exhausting.

And Plynn is a drooling ass retard.


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It's what it's all about to those morons.They have there own little click which as they just admitted is a popularity contest between them all.They stick together in numbers and attack anyone that dares to say something that's not the status quo.And when all else fails they will start to use the worn out tactic of `your stalking me` etc etc.It's really quite sad to watch.And this tactic of theres has destroyed EVERY BOARD they have posted on.
they are a disease ..I watched it happen here, this was a fun light place to shoot the shit than came short man and his cawk talk and that fucking imbecile dove omg what a fruit loop :LOL3: they gang up like retarded thugs only thing I couldn't give af ...


Domestically feral
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United states
So the only people who ever accuse people of stalking is Oak and Murd. And when they continue to do it, I'll make sure to highlight it.

When they use family members and peoples kids, yep. I'll highlight it.

When they attempt to dogpile, yep. Highlight it. Dogpiling as a retard group who pretends to like eachother because they hate the same people. Then cry and whine when they get it served back.

Literally the only ones who do that shit always accuse other people of the shit only they do.

The constantly complaining is retarded. Scroll through Xs posts. Literally ALL he does is bitch and whine. Stupid sink shitter claims I'm boring and dull....so he legit follows EVER post I post. He is in every thread I start. Saying the SAME 4 things over and over and he has doing this for over a YEAR. You HAVE to be brain damaged to do that.

Is there a trained professional in that park bathroom he lives in that changes his drool cup at least or did system just toss him in a crack? Arent they euthanizing these people in Canada?


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I can't tell through the haze of werds, can someone tell me if that fucking shit dipped retard just ignore / mentioned me AGAIN ?? :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:

I'm impervious to your rays of mundane Dovey .. mostly because I don't read your dribble LOL not like an actual superpower or anything, dig ?

may I offer a bit of advice ? when on discord chat yeah, you'll find people generally like to finish what they're saying before you jump in with a shitty story you'er welcome hon :ThumbsUp1:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I can't tell through the haze of werds, can someone tell me if that fucking shit dipped retard just ignore / mentioned me AGAIN ?? :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:

I'm impervious to your rays of mundane Dovey .. mostly because I don't read your dribble LOL not like an actual superpower or anything, dig ?

may I offer a bit of advice ? when on discord chat yeah, you'll find people generally like to finish what they're saying before you jump in with a shitty story you'er welcome hon :ThumbsUp1:
You're such a narcissist Mr.X :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You know it!
As I've always said: you're like the brain-damaged younger brother I never had.
Lurve ya, bro!
Awesome,this will be a great team.The bestest eva !

We wlll have to bring in Emperor Dilf too but you gunna have to promise to stop punching kitties !
  • LMAO
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