Is DilpF a retard or just a really dedicated foreigner acting like a rEtard .



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Hey you sick freak. Not this clown mayor. Rigor meant a real Mayor with power! You always must destroy good ideas, you piss sipper.

.. lol the power to do whut ?? raid the showers at the homeless men's shelter ?
.. more crust then a pizza shop, more cheese as well I guess .. a great MaYor indeed, I'd vote for you (:
What would be the first order of business for Mr.Mayor Dilpder ?
What law would you pass you Turkey ..


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Hey you sick freak. Not this clown mayor. Rigor meant a real Mayor with power! You always must destroy good ideas, you piss sipper.

.. lol the power to do whut ?? raid the showers at the homeless men's shelter ?
.. more crust then a pizza shop, more cheese as well I guess .. a great MaYor indeed, I'd vote for you (:
What would be the first order of business for Mr.Mayor Dilpder ?
What law would you pass you Turkey ..
That every Male on here gets circumcision probably lmao

Train Wreck

Factory Bastard
The States
My name is UncleDiLF. Not dilp
your name is buttfuck mc faggot.

I feel bitterness in your post!

I have an own Wikipedioa article. Was invited in a podcast! I crushed many legends! I trolled a LIVELEAK veteran! And he made a video!!!

What are you known for besides kissing male foreskins, you unhonorable swine?

not bitter, i think you area badassed cunt but i'm still gonna call you a faggot cuz it obviouslymakes you cry.
ok ,a mumbling grandpa made a crytube video about you. big deal.
me? it's not really about me but since you asked: i'm known for my hard dick, brains and money.

you haven’t seen the video or misunderstood it, due to high intake of refugee cocks and their shots of semen.

say: wait, Babak! take your meAT of my filthy mouth, will ya Boyo? I need to see the epic Crush video of legend UncleDilf.

watch and understand. This was a troll masterpiece to a war veteran you bug chasing , child fisting, in high debt being, no friends, fat and old, pond scum, fart inhaling, unhonorable swine.
you will never be famous as me or Scouse Nazi.

we and many e Friends of this mega alliance, caused a heil Hitler on many forums.
what the fuck have you done in your e career? What? Beside posting pics of fur and anime?

rot in piss. Hope we see you on the ync frontpage where a mexican cartel behead you in prison and play football with your fat, weak and liberal sKULL And their scream aye aye ayyyyeeee in the background.

let me spit on your face: PPPPFFFFFOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!=

you can take your hope and shove it right up your ass if there is any room next to scouse's and your head.
I ain't looking for internet fame, you dork. i don't even post pics of fur and anime.
i'm just here to own you. and all you can do is bend over and beg me for more rape.



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
UncleDilf is literally one of the most famous users on these forums.

Love him or hate him, the bottom line is he receives lots of attention, creates traffic and gets people posting. He’s also fucking hilarious and knows exactly how to rile people up.

Dilf is my boi and partner in e-crime. Back in the glory days we caused chaos wherever we went and had lots of loyal followers and comrades who were part of our infamous group. Literally the entire board from the YNC followed Dilf and myself over here when we first registered. The clinically obese, power hungry piece of dog excrement known as ‘Badger’ who was at the time and still is the admin on the YNC chose to ban us both for trolling the fuck out of him and subsequently caused an influx of fresh blood to arrive on this site. I recall even getting a PM from BF basically thanking us for creating traffic.

The fact is users like myself and Dilf are famous on these boards and whatever your opinion is of us, it’s undeniable that any forum we settle on is extremely lucky to have us.
The YNC “A-Team” didn’t follow you two here at all... We laughed at the fact you few sought out pastures new because you were refused access to the young news channel because of constant aids postings ffs tell the truth...


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
As a major i would POWER CRUSH you with my bare hands, and all Americans would find it okay. YOu souses of filth destroy the entire internet!! Go away!


missing siamese eyes.
Site Supporter
in my radio ..
cum cum in what world do you live? in my planet we smoke weed, tobacco? :)
weird it translates as cum .. :Perfecto: but each his thing pendeho ... :ROFL3:


missing siamese eyes.
Site Supporter
in my radio ..