Immigration. Have a look into the future

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
More Libtard its "climate refugees" lets mine more lithium using child slave labor to make batteries that burn families to death....that will fix things. You have to wonder where the chambers are that folks in the UN and NWO NGOs work to cook these panics up.

And the Lemmings eat it up and regurgitate it like some sort of canon doctrine or liturgy.



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More Libtard its "climate refugees" lets mine more lithium using child slave labor to make batteries that burn families to death....that will fix things. You have to wonder where the chambers are that folks in the UN and NWO NGOs work to cook these panics up.

And the Lemmings eat it up and regurgitate it like some sort of canon doctrine or liturgy.

Show us a significant period in human history where people never left their home towns or villages or counties or countries? As an English person migration is part of your DNA you utter know nothing.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
What ethnic group do the English belong to?

Most people of England ethnically identify as white, according to official census categories, and the vast majority of these are ethnically British. The British ethnicity is a compilation of Celtic, Germanic, Norman, and Roman influences, distributed pretty homogenously across the white population.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Show me the laws broken by the ones you are referencing.

Different times and different in every way.

The scale is different with regards to the numbers......7500 crossing over in a day vs settlers crossing in wooden boats


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Show me the laws broken by the ones you are referencing.

Different times and different in every way.

The scale is different with regards to the numbers......7500 crossing over in a day vs settlers crossing in wooden boats

So you believe only one wooden boat (false) crossed at a time? You forget the influx of those that crossed from Germany, Ireland, then a few decades later southern Europe, like Italy.

Get real. And the only immigration law around that time was the Chinese Exclusion Act.


Factory Bastard
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Show me the laws broken by the ones you are referencing.

Different times and different in every way.

The scale is different with regards to the numbers......7500 crossing over in a day vs settlers crossing in wooden boats
This may or not be true. The article is about climate change. To many of us, it’s real, and should be of concern to all of us. Didn’t you mention being an Engineer?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Show me the laws broken by the ones you are referencing.

Different times and different in every way.

The scale is different with regards to the numbers......7500 crossing over in a day vs settlers crossing in wooden boats
What immigrants came to America in the 1700s?

First Wave 1700-1775

Immigration to the 13 colonies increased after 1700. A wave of 450,000 immigrants came mostly from Germany, Ireland, and Scotland. The earliest records of my Family, has one of us arriving here in 1710 from England

Considering how small we were in those days, this was a massive influx of migrants

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
"wooden boats"

This may or not be true. The article is about climate change. To many of us, it’s real, and should be of concern to all of us. Didn’t you mention being an Engineer?

Yes, yes I am, and have enough sense that engineers should be dictating policy, not politicians, or kids writing their thesis for a Phd……..or the NWO dictating policy.

ICE by 2035?……..what a fucking joke…..can’t even keep them from spontaneously igniting into an inferno that can’t be extinguished.

Lets make sure ”zero“ carbon footprint captures every bit of manufacture and installation, not just what the alarmists wish to factor.

Yes, mankind can do better…..and has.
Look at the improvements in the environment in this country.

Force the same on Asia and you have my attention.
Other than that…..go sit at the children’s table

When all the Climate Activists value the environment so much that the next COP XX is attended via Zoom or Teams, rather then Gulfstream 1000, and give up feeding at the public trough…….once that happens…..I’ll figure it’s a real problem. Until then……you have been had.

Wake up you idiots.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
What immigrants came to America in the 1700s?

First Wave 1700-1775

Immigration to the 13 colonies increased after 1700. A wave of 450,000 immigrants came mostly from Germany, Ireland, and Scotland. The earliest records of my Family, has one of us arriving here in 1710 from England

Considering how small we were in those days, this was a massive influx of migrants
Half that amount arrive in August of 2023 you idiot.
Go sit at the children’s table

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Why don’t Libtards; squeaking and mimicking the climate Mantra, hold their hero’s to this type of behavior. ….They must revel in the fact that chumps like you cow-tow to their movement, while they enjoy what they say you cannot, or should not.

“When all the Climate Activists value the environment so much that the next COP XX is attended via Zoom or Teams, rather then Gulfstream 1000, and give up feeding at the public trough”


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Why don’t Libtards; squeaking and mimicking the climate Mantra, hold their hero’s to this type of behavior. ….They must revel in the fact that chumps like you cow-tow to their movement, while they enjoy what they say you cannot, or should not.

“When all the Climate Activists value the environment so much that the next COP XX is attended via Zoom or Teams, rather then Gulfstream 1000, and give up feeding at the public trough”

I know how the Chinese kowtow. How do cows tow?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Half that amount arrive in August of 2023 you idiot.
Go sit at the children’s table
Is the world's population the same today, as when my Grandpa #circa 1710 set foot on this continent, or is it A, Somewhat Biglier, Or #2, Society should start thinking about how to allocate resources within a steady state world population, assuming world pop. growth can be managed to near zero. C, Brown People are conspiring to kill all the white people!!!! ?
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Is the world's population the same today, as when my Grandpa #circa 1710 set foot on this continent, or is it A, Somewhat Biglier, Or #2, Society should start thinking about how to allocate resources within a steady state world population, assuming pop. growth can be managed to near zero. C, Brown People are conspiring to kill all the white people!!!! ?

An engineer, huh? Probably one of those types that almost has a Master's degree...almost.

The inability to understand that both numerators and denominators matter when making these comparisons is, unfortunately, not shocking.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
An engineer, huh? Probably one of those types that almost has a Master's degree...almost.

The inability to understand that both numerators and denominators matter when making these comparisons is, unfortunately, not shocking.
I too feel like I have wasted a few too many enervating moments of my life should I blithely skim over one of his embarrassing spectacles.


The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
What immigrants came to America in the 1700s?

First Wave 1700-1775

Immigration to the 13 colonies increased after 1700. A wave of 450,000 immigrants came mostly from Germany, Ireland, and Scotland. The earliest records of my Family, has one of us arriving here in 1710 from England

Considering how small we were in those days, this was a massive influx of migrants
At what point were immigrants mentioned in my post?
And the fact @Lily gave your response a cute little PoW emojie is another example of their reading comprehension

A wave of 450,000?…….over what time period?
About half that amount were met at the border in August
Typical Leftist response to the issue “we are a nation if immigrants”……. true; but most like mine passed through with permission, as part of a planned activity………not a free for all like what we are experiencing today.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Half that amount arrive in August of 2023 you idiot.
Go sit at the children’s table

Sounds like another fool doing his own research. In reality this mass migration is already happening. Happened hundreds of years ago, right here in the Americas. Move or die for a multitude of reasons. Burning fossil fuel will soon be a thing of the past. The Punk is gonna have to put more accura information up. Personal opinions don’t mean shit to me.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
This may or not be true. The article is about climate change. To many of us, it’s real, and should be of concern to all of us. Didn’t you mention being an Engineer?
The article is another excuse or apology to accept mass / uncontrolled migration due to a perceived climate crisis.

It reads like every other bit of ESG pablum out there.

Again; yes I’m an Engineer, one that understands the fallacies of “green energy” it seems like some folk here just accept because they are told them and they wish them to be true. They will only listen to one side of the augment vs balancing the information that is out there.

An example of this is the move to ban ICEs by some nonsensical goal of 2035. It’s absolutely impossible with the rate of development that exists. Another is the climate activist that will turn a blind eye to the fossil fuel required to bring these “green technologies” into existence. Those include the mining, shipping, manufacturing and the transportation and delivery of those green energy forms.

Do you agree that that should be factored as paper of the zero carbon footprint equation?

Banning fossil fuel usage will exacerbate the issues with production and transportation of resources that will cause the climate crisis and resultant climate refugees. We need to solve their climate issues where they are today, but that doesn’t get votes for the politicians taking advantage of those smitten by the climate change movement, or donations for NGOs that feed off of the same folk.

Protecting the climate has more to do than just cutting carbon emissions, it involves a balanced approach to make sure the Earth is used wisely. That requires being honest and putting the power in the hands of those capable of making those changes. They are certainly not the politicians, pop stars and jet-setting elite that are dictating climate policy.

I was taught at an early age the Earth is a gift……don’t squander it.


Factory Bastard
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Am I supposed to buy into what you post? As I said. Personal opinions and conspiracy theories are meaningless to me. Renewables are the Earths future.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
An engineer, huh? Probably one of those types that almost has a Master's degree...almost.

The inability to understand that both numerators and denominators matter when making these comparisons is, unfortunately, not shocking.
Lily…….are you part of the group with the mindset to ignore all carbon based energy requires to produce EVs, solar panels and wind turbines……..just so you can call them environmentally friendly and green energy sources?

Figuring that out takes numerators and denominators….you know thinking type stuff.

Do you put value in zero emissions, or net zero carbon footprint? Do you understand the difference? I can explain it to you if you don’t.

I actually signed up to help folk like you here. It’s seems there a few that need help.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
I know how the Chinese kowtow. How do cows tow?
Oops, my bad.

Now can you answer the question why you don’t speak out about the celebrities and politicians pushing the climate crisis argument…..all the while each of them contributing the carbon trail it would take thousands of people to match?

Can you do that?……that would be great.

And can you explain all the gay and homo BS spread around here?
It does not seem like this place is very inclusive.
I have not seen climate change folk act in such an antI-inclusive manner.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
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Solar is not the answer.
Imagine if we developed sustainable ways to farm and create resources rather than fund green energy start ups that fail at the cost of the public.

We will cook this planet to be well-done. Will you be happy then?

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Why shouldn’t these scientists be believed?
We will destroy the Earth trying to save it

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Sounds like another fool doing his own research. In reality this mass migration is already happening. Happened hundreds of years ago, right here in the Americas. Move or die for a multitude of reasons. Burning fossil fuel will soon be a thing of the past. The Punk is gonna have to put more accura information up. Personal opinions don’t mean shit to me.
Not a personal opinion at all……just hard cold fact….you know using numerators and denominators like @Lily thinks are real important. The statistic provided by @Admin noter 450,000 over a 75 year period no?

That turns out to be 6000 per year if the rate stayed linear which it may not have. Do you really mean to compare the immigration crisis at the southern border to what is described above?

You are right…..personal opinions don’t mean shit.
The personal opinion that burning fossil fuel will soon be a thing of the past does not mean shit…….but if you can describe the technology as to how that will be achieved …….that would be great.

As I noted above, please include all fossil fuel expended to get to the net zero utopia you believe we will achieve soon.


Factory Bastard
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Oops, my bad.

Now can you answer the question why you don’t speak out about the celebrities and politicians pushing the climate crisis argument…..all the while each of them contributing the carbon trail it would take thousands of people to match?

Can you do that?……that would be great.

And can you explain all the gay and homo BS spread around here?
It does not seem like this place is very inclusive.
I have not seen climate change folk act in such an antI-inclusive manner.

Gay and homo BS? Way off base amigo. Try staying on topic. So far, you’re not making sense.


Factory Bastard
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Not a personal opinion at all……just hard cold fact….you know using numerators and denominators like @Lily thinks are real important. The statistic provided by @Admin noter 450,000 over a 75 year period no?

That turns out to be 6000 per year if the rate stayed linear which it may not have. Do you really mean to compare the immigration crisis at the southern border to what is described above?

You are right…..personal opinions don’t mean shit.
The personal opinion that burning fossil fuel will soon be a thing of the past does not mean shit…….but if you can describe the technology as to how that will be achieved …….that would be great.

As I noted above, please include all fossil fuel expended to get to the net zero utopia you believe we will achieve soon.
Happy to have a peek of your cold hard facts.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
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Why do knuckle draggers oppose the moving into the evolved future?
Why do you not question this type of propaganda in your reference.

Not a single solution or technical application was noted……just all the right keywords and heartstring pulling phrases. Throw in some artwork and banners created by kids who have been having this crap crammed into their heads from an early age……I can see how it moves folk.

it would be nice to see how we triumphed over the Ice Age predicted back in the 70s mentioned……you know the scientific advances that were used to save the planet back then?