Not sure where to put this thred


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Bitch, what? back off and leave me out of your obsession with this man. He is hot and all but damn you got it so bad for him and rather sick twisted kinda love. I don't want or need your drama. Also too I posted pics of myself and I am hotter than you ever have been even though you an ugly ass ho. I make more money than you and your man combined has ever made. Over 300 subscribers now BITCH. I could have your man any time and dump his ass even quicker after I got all his money off him. Don't start your shit with me or I will fuck you up more than I did Godzilla

Oh did I say.. I'm hotter than you? well know you BITCH.

You look mad. I hope that cat is far away.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
So, what part of ppls looks like baldness or ginourmousness or other references to users looks have to do with forums? Perhaps you shouldn't throw stones?

I'll answer for me. I give back the energy I get.

Second, who are you to talk? You posted my picture, without my consent, after having said that you wouldn't. Weren't you doing the same thing?

You were just talking about Martini's gut, ffs.

Put the pipe down, dizzy.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
'twas a quote from another gutless wonder, try to keep up.

Anyway, the point is fuck off with all the personal looks insult crap if you are afraid of your own picture.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So, what part of ppls looks like baldness or ginourmousness or other references to users looks have to do with forums? Perhaps you shouldn't throw stones?

I like baldness and thickness with men.

Just not easy to railed over a sink when you are middle aged and can just pay for a hotel. You know?

The worst thing about Poofers dick's attached to Poofer.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
'twas a quote from another gutless wonder, try to keep up.

Anyway, the point is fuck off with all the personal looks insult crap if you are afraid of your own picture.

I'm not afraid of my own picture. But it's my choice to post or not post, not some random asshole from the internet.

I don't know you, asshole. You did what you did out of spite, you ugly ass cunt. Now go vacuum up some cat hairs and glue them to the other 14 on your head.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I was 23, a year out of college and getting married.

By the time I was 25, I had two....TWO divorces and two children.

And I know this is "frowned upon" but those two girls are adults now....and they are my best fucking friends.

Like they are cool. They are good fucking people. I raised people that I like hanging out with and I LOVE that.

My girls are awesome. My oldest was over here last night until like midnight (that's late for her....she's been "getting to bed" by 9pm since she was 7 years old lol.

This transition from to friend (specail super friend because im still mom you know?) Was hard HARD for me at first but it's nice. They were my biggest supporters during my divorce. Again I know that's "frowned upon" but they really came to me like the most supportive and loving people.

And they take me to breakfast and shit. Having adult kids is awesome lol.

They try to include me in their young adult events. I say no because I'm all 43 and I'm not gonna hang out with people on their 20s but it really tickles me that they want me to LOL


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My boyfriend was telling me the other day that seeing me be a mom was so much fun lol.

And when my girls try to drag me out for shenanigans he steps in and yells "hey leave that old lady alone! She hurt her knee sleeping weird she can't handle you girls!" And I laugh because....he is right lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
By the time I was 25, I had two....TWO divorces and two children.

And I know this is "frowned upon" but those two girls are adults now....and they are my best fucking friends.

Like they are cool. They are good fucking people. I raised people that I like hanging out with and I LOVE that.

My girls are awesome. My oldest was over here last night until like midnight (that's late for her....she's been "getting to bed" by 9pm since she was 7 years old lol.

This transition from to friend (specail super friend because im still mom you know?) Was hard HARD for me at first but it's nice. They were my biggest supporters during my divorce. Again I know that's "frowned upon" but they really came to me like the most supportive and loving people.

And they take me to breakfast and shit. Having adult kids is awesome lol.

They try to include me in their young adult events. I say no because I'm all 43 and I'm not gonna hang out with people on their 20s but it really tickles me that they want me to LOL

I went over to my girl's house to cut the lawn in preparation for a gathering this weekend. She wasn't home and told me she wasn't happy with the idea, I could hurt my back (in text).

I said it's a small yard and the lawn mower is power driven. It's like 10 min job.

Still not happy she said.

I replied LOL

She said "Don't you LOL at me!"

I responded with "Stop me". "You CANNOT. I AM THE BOSS OF MY LOLOLs"

I got "OMFG" "You are too much hahaha"

I cut the lawn, pull some weeds and trimmed some plants, finally planted a lily of the nile for her.

She was pleased.

But that's how we get on.

Then other times we're dead serious when she needs to talk. She's 29 years old and I can't believe it.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
In 1990 I was 10 lol

I'm surrounded by puppies.

In 1990 I'd already graduated from high school, done a 4-year enlistment with the USAF, and spent two more years back in the real world.

Now get off my lawn and stop all this ruckus.
I'm trying to have a nap while I wait for the geritol to kick in.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Shut the front door, I'm knocking on 60...fucking hell.

my little beaner and her perfect skin looks 35ish

some perspective when you’re white:

It’s eerie they gave their ages at death… but I’m like damn they preserved well.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I went over to my girl's house to cut the lawn in preparation for a gathering this weekend. She wasn't home and told me she wasn't happy with the idea, I could hurt my back (in text).

I said it's a small yard and the lawn mower is power driven. It's like 10 min job.

Still not happy she said.

I replied LOL

She said "Don't you LOL at me!"

I responded with "Stop me". "You CANNOT. I AM THE BOSS OF MY LOLOLs"

I got "OMFG" "You are too much hahaha"

I cut the lawn, pull some weeds and trimmed some plants, finally planted a lily of the nile for her.

She was pleased.

But that's how we get on.

Then other times we're dead serious when she needs to talk. She's 29 years old and I can't believe it.

I went over to my girl's house to cut the lawn in preparation for a gathering this weekend. She wasn't home and told me she wasn't happy with the idea, I could hurt my back (in text).

I said it's a small yard and the lawn mower is power driven. It's like 10 min job.

Still not happy she said.

I replied LOL

She said "Don't you LOL at me!"

I responded with "Stop me". "You CANNOT. I AM THE BOSS OF MY LOLOLs"

I got "OMFG" "You are too much hahaha"

I cut the lawn, pull some weeds and trimmed some plants, finally planted a lily of the nile for her.

She was pleased.

But that's how we get on.

Then other times we're dead serious when she needs to talk. She's 29 years old and I can't believe it.

Yep! Mine try to mother me sometimes! Mt oldest is in school to be a CRNA. She works at the hospital. So she calls upon her education to nag me.

They have gotten on me about eating and my water intake. My boyfriend will threaten to tell my daughters if I'm not eating well.

But yes they always come and talk about things and want guidance. I love it.

I love that they are seeing me more as a woman....not so much as the all powerful mom.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
my little beaner and her perfect skin looks 35ish

some perspective when you’re white:

It’s eerie they gave their ages at death… but I’m like damn they preserved well.

Thanks! Moisturize and spf 30 at minimum. This beaner has no love of the hot sun. I guess it's being from the Bay Area. We don't do heat or cold.