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Factory Bastard
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WOW!! WOO HOO!! 40 bucks!!.. Pizza and beer for yoo!!! :D but, Nah.. just got a light dusting of snow here :)


Put your glasses on!
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@Blazor, I had the best butter I have ever tasted in my life in Switzerland. I asked the waitress why it was so good, and she said "Happy cows." It's true, the cows in Switzerland look very, very happy.

Cool! I have heard, that the quality of the animal's life, will vary the flavor of whatever comes from the animal. I believe that to be true.

Kerrygold is the best butter I've tasted so far. Its Irish made. It tastes REAL, like butter use to taste.

For some odd reason, most butter lately is like plastic. Brands I used forever, suck now. They dont melt properly either. So Im strictly Kerrygold now lol.