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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
@SirSuperSouthern Do you try to always have people wondering WTF you're talking about? At that nearby cemetery have the local PD ever gave you a warning for innapropriately grieving at a 120 year old grave of an old wise injun called featherlite acannydaeit??


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Everybody always misses my happy hour fs might as well call it and it took me and a few others days and days but with a woke modern feel Ukrainian influence was very tempting the latest and my fellow fems cuz Im a fem watch out exclusive<<< wanky cocktoigoy vocal representation of a nein binary probable son of Adolf Hitler My life sucks knowing that deep down I hate those innocent foreskin collectors but I cannot change my probable daddy in a neinbinary world I had NO CHANCE oN THIS PLANET NO CHANCE TO LOVEDS AND TOUCHED I LIKE THE TOUCHED Sometimes MY sexest NAZIhating peers Just don't get mein nein binary hitlers probable PeEERS (play deeply sad violin music with heavy rain in background)