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LOL ... Oredin got kicked in his old poosy and strikes with the kid talk BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA


Put your glasses on!
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My birthday last year was on a Taco Tuesday as well. You gonna feast on tacos?


Factory Bastard
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Politcal Exile is where we are putting members that cant stop w the politcal talk here.
There is and never was any political talk here. (okay, maybe there was a little) It was mostly trolling brought from other forums and nefarious individuals going at each other. Jokers to the left and clowns to the right ... I'm in the middle. And I don't give a fuck.

Posting copypasta, memes and twitters as political discussion? How fucking stupid are you? Acting like you have a mind of your own and posting other people's bullshit is exactly that - bullshit and complete garbage. As lax(ative)/sped would say - 'fuck you'.

* that's how i feel about these motherfuckers
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Lion Heart Diva
Factory Bastard
Far from yup!
There is and never was any political talk here. (okay, maybe there was a little) It was mostly trolling brought from other forums and nefarious individuals going at each other. Jokers to the left and clowns to the right ... I'm in the middle. And I don't give a fuck.

Posting copypasta, memes and twitters as political discussion? How fucking stupid are you? Acting like you have a mind of your own and posting other people's bullshit is exactly that - bullshit and complete garbage. As lax(ative)/sped would say - 'fuck you'.

* that's how i feel about these motherfuckers

I can understand what you are saying.

In my humble opinion, I think their does need to be an outlet for current events. The only problem is these "political discussions" turn into mudslinging and eventually straight up flaming/laying to the point where the promising thread is now derailed off the tracks for good.

Again, I don't want to speak for Bastard Factory but I do think he was hoping that the politics forum would stay insult free and that any arguments arising would be taken to Meltdown. That obviously will never happen because of certain posters and their need for attention which leads to thread jacking.

As far as posting whatever, it's on par with how these political radicals operate, that's never been the real issue. Is constantly seeing idiotic political memes and Twitter feeds annoying? Yes, but all that's part of the idiocy that goes with these armchair politicians.

So, in the end I think everyone loses because a few rotten apples can't control themselves. I myself never really even cared for the politics forum, but that doesn't mean others may feel the same way.

In the end, if politics is causing an issue...get rid of it or put it on a very high shelf.