1,000,000 Post Thread

Edgar Friendly

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If I had the cash, I'd buy the domain off Menty, then scotch the whole fucking thing that's still there, and rebuild Troll Kingdom AS Troll Kingdom. Return to form. No more of this soft old-lady shit. I get that the current staff has gotten old and soft and feeble, but Troll Kingdom ought to MEAN Troll Kingdom.

Edgar Friendly

Not Part Of Their Plan
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The Future
I also get Mentalist's worry about people posting things like 'Nigger' and 'Kike' and 'Washing machine' on the board, but seriously?! TK was NEVER a high-visibility board, and it sure as shit isn't one now. No UK regulator is going to ever stumble on the place.

Edgar Friendly

Not Part Of Their Plan
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The Future
And that happens. Guys get old, sometimes they get tired... soft... lose focus, lose drive. It happens. But keep the integrity. Sell off what you can't handle anymore. That's all I'm sayin'. Don't shit all over Troll Kingdom by turning a battlefield into a cozy hearthside 'ercule Poirot Mystery'. That's just ignominious.