They'd tried everything else they could think of at that point. Lawfare wasn't working, the media narrative wasn't working. JFKing the guy was simply not off the table. And they fucked that up, too. Twice.
Plausible deniability. "It wasn't us! It was this trigger-happy lunatic! That we, uh... knew was there... saw what he was doing... people were reporting him to us repeatedly..." lol
I have a theory that the media just discredits everything as 'conspiracy theory' until the evidence of it is so undeniable that they have no choice but to flip the card and go with, "Well, *duh!* *Everybody* knew it was true the whole time! It's old news, so shut up about it!"
Of course, now we can't even verify that the guy they killed on that roof is the person they say it was since they cremated the remains and power washed that roof with Lysol.